Management 2700A: Research Methods Sampling and Statistics Assignment – Summer 2005 Learning Objectives: There are two major learning objectives for the assignment. One is to gain experience in determining the appropriate sample design and size for a research project, and two, is to gain experience in interpreting and presenting descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Another objective is to gain some basic experience using SPSS. Be sure to review Chapter 16 & 17, in the course textbook before starting this assignment. Please note that this is an individual, not a group exercise so please work individually. Due: June 20, 2005 Part A – The scenario is that you want to estimate the attitudes of management students at the U of L toward the value of their undergraduate education. In your literature search, you find psychometrically-sound (reliable) and valid questionnaire, comprising 15 items, that was developed in the USA. You contact the U of L Registrar’s Office to get a list of 100 randomly-selected management students for your questionnaire survey. Question: Is this sample design and size adequate? Please present your rationale. If you don’t think that this sample design and size is adequate, what sample design and size would you recommend? Please present your detailed rationale. 1) Please include the following concepts in your discussion: error associated with sample design, response rates, inferential statistics, sample size determining factors (Zikmund, p. 424), and practical and ethical issues. 2) Your discussion should be 2 – 3 pages. Part B – Determine the sample size for the each of the following problems. Please show your work. 1. In a Canada-wide mail survey of senior managers in 1,000 small organizations, a researcher expects that only 4 out of 10 managers will agree with an attitude statement about the burnout levels of Canadian employees. The research wants to be confident 19 times out of 20 about the survey result and is willing to tolerate a 3% error. What sample size is needed to meet these requirements? 1 2. There is some concern about grade escalation in the University because the “average” does not seem to be a “C” or mean GPA around 2.00 but the average seems to be around B- or GPA of 2.80 with a standard deviation of 0.35. What sample size is required to be 95% confident with a .15 GPA error tolerance that the mean GPA in the Faculty of Management mirrors the University mean of 2.80 with a standard deviation of 0.35? Part C – At the beginning of the semester, the class participated in a questionnaire which included demographic questions and attitude questions. The data have been input into an SPSS file along with data from previous classes. Some variables have been removed from the data to maintain the confidentiality of the respondents (country, marital status, and dependents). For this data to be of any value, it needs to be summarized and presented as information. You will have access to SPSS in the computer labs – Go to Start → Class Software → SPSS for Windows → SPSS 12.0.1 for Windows. The data will be emailed to the class list and available on the website. Please briefly review Ch. 20, Ch. 21 (especially pgs. 504 – 506), & Ch. 22. (pgs. 520-1). Note: you can cut and paste the tables and the graphs from the SPSS output into your document. This part of your assignment consists of the following: 1) Please create a frequency table for each of the following variables: gender, age, year of program (progyear), major, grade expectation (gradex), employed. For each variable include the statistics for mean, median, mode, and standard deviation. On your print-out (Output) indicate the scale of the variable (nominal, ordinal, or interval) and which statistics are appropriate for the scale. Procedure – In SPSS, at the top of the screen, click Analyze → Descriptive Statistics → Frequencies. Move the variables you want to analyze into the “Variable(s)” box. Check the box “Display frequency tables”. Click the “Statistics” button and select Mode, Median, Mean, and Std. Deviation. Close the screen. Click the button “Charts” and select the chart you think would be most appropriate. Write a short interpretation of your findings from the six frequency tables and charts. 2) Please create a cross-tab table for two variables (one demographic variable and grade expectations or employed) Procedure – In SPSS, at the top of the screen, click Analyze → Descriptive Statistics → Crosstabs. Move the variable you select into the “Row(s)” box and then “gradexp” or “employed” into the “Column(s)” box. Click ok. 2 Redo this procedure but click the “Cells” button and then check the Percentages boxes. This will create a cross-tab table with percentages. Add another variable to your cross-tab by adding it to the “Layer 1 of 1” box. Click ok. This will create a cross-tab table with sub-groups. (An example can be seen on page 488 of your text.) Write a short interpretation of your findings from your cross-tab tables. Include the tables in your assignment. 3) Bi-variate statistics: T-test and ANOVA. T-tests help the researcher to determine if there is any statistically significant difference in a variable (interval scale) between two groups (nominal scale variable); ANOVAs help the researcher to determine if there is any statistically significant difference in a variable (interval scale) between three or more groups (nominal scale variable). Please run a T-test using these variables: gender and overload (This variable corresponding with the question “Do you feel overwhelmed by the required workload?”) Procedure – In SPSS, at the top of the screen, click Analyze → Compare Means → Independent Samples T Test. Move the “overload” variable into the “Test Variable(s)” box and then “gender” into the “Grouping Variable” box. Click “Define Groups”; in the “Group 1” box type 1 (meaning that you have labelled females 1 in your data), in the “Group 2” box type 2 (meaning that you have labelled males 2 in your data). Click continue, then click ok. You should see two tables: one labelled Group Statistics and the other Independent Samples Test. Include these T-Test tables in your assignment. Can you tell if there is a significant difference (at 95% confidence) between the genders with respect to being overwhelmed by their required workload? Look at the significance figure “Sig.(2-tailed) = “.287”. Is it lower than 0.05? No. Then we can assume that there is no significant difference between the attitudes of male and females with respect to their workload. I would also like you to create an Error Bar graph using these variables. Procedure - In SPSS, at the top of the screen, click Graphs → Error Bar. Click the “Simple” graph box, click “Summaries for groups of cases” and then click the “Define” button. Move the variable ‘overload’ the “Variable” box and the variable ‘gender’ into the “Category Axis” box. Click ok. What do you see? The confidence intervals for the two groups overlap considerably. This indicates that there is no significant difference between the groups with respect to feeling overwhelmed with respect to workload. 3 Run another T-Test. Change the interval variable to another one. Is there any significant difference between the genders using this variable? Include the TTest table in your assignment. Can you find one that has a significant difference with respect to gender and any of the other interval variables? If yes, create an Error Bar Graph of that variable. ANOVA - Please run an ANOVA using these variables: employment (employed) and “oblig” (This variable corresponds with the question “Do you meet your obligations and responsibilities outside the program?”) Procedure – In SPSS, at the top of the screen, click Analyze → Compare Means → One-Way ANOVA. Move the “oblig” variable into the “Dependent List” box and then “employed” into the “Factor” box. Click ok. Is there a significant difference between employment status and whether people felt they meet their obligations? Look at the “Sig.” figure. Is it lower than .05? Include this table in your assignment. Try running the employment variable against “gradexp”, “goals”, or any of the other interval variables. Do you see any significant findings? Include these tables in your assignment. Please write a short interpretation of your findings. 4 Management 2700 Questionnaire Please indicate one answer for each of the following questions: Demographic Information: Gender _____ Female _____ Male Year of Program ______ Age ______ Major_________________ Prerequisite Course ______________________(mgt 2030, psych 2030 or stats 1770) Country of Origin ________________________________ Marital Status____________________________________ Dependents ______yes____ no; if yes, how many_______ Grade expectation for this course (circle one) A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- less than C- Are you or will you be employed while attending university?__________ The following questions refer to your experience with your Undergraduate program at the U of L. Please read each question and circle only one number per question that most accurately describes your attitude or situation. Is your program interesting and stimulating? Do you feel overwhelmed by the required workload? Do you meet your obligations and responsibilities outside the program? Do you feel like you are receiving adequate support from your Faculty? Do you feel like you are meeting your own expectations? Do you feel like you have been evaluated fairly? Do you feel like you are moving closer to your goals? Of the stresses in your life, how much would you attribute to the program? Never Seldom Occasion ally Often Always 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 All Most Some Little None 1 2 3 4 5 5