Strategy Responsible Resource Development Cleaner and Low Emissions Energy Technology Community Safety Sub Strategies Maintaining Australia’s share of global resource markets Geothermal Effective Emergency Response Developin g our gas resources GA’s Strategy — Attract and influence Priority 1 successful exploration Coal seam gas water issues National Geoscience Infrastructure Spatial Infrastructure Geophysical Observatory Network National Geoscience Capability Laboratories Provision and maintenance of nationally important geoscience infrastructure Support the nation to plan for an energy secure future GA’s Strategy — Priority 3 Key Deliverables Mitigate Impact of Natural Marine bioregional Hazards planning and management Maximise longterm benefits from Australia’s resources GA’s Strategy — Priority 2 GA’s Role Carbon Capture and Storage Improving Marine Planning and Protection Support Australia Reduce the threat that to react to natural hazards pose to emergencies the national interest effectively Maximise long term benefits of Australia’s resources Information Stewardship Spatial Data Framework Increase the uptake of geoscience information Provision and maintenance of nationally important geoscience infrastructure Link information to location Support Governments to develop and implement policy Identify areas likely to deliver successful exploration outcomes Characterise and Integrated monitor water assessment of resources the energy sources available to Australia Promote Australia as an attractive destination for exploration Support for management of the mineral and energy resource industries Support for the Notification of management of the events that may mineral and energy require response resource industries Assessment of potential natural hazard impacts Projection of Assessment of natural future developme hazard probability and nt and likely severity impact of events Improve information available to support exploration Maps and images Identification of assets to support exposed to natural response actions hazards Integrated assessment of the energy sources available to Australia Assessment of Facilitate natural hazard disaster impact to avoidance and mitigation support response Increase understanding of the fundamental geology of Australia Support international efforts Support for acreage release process Groundwater data, models and maps Geothermal energy estimates, models and maps CO2 Infrastructure Plan Support for Australia’s claims to territories and resources Maintain the Maintain seismic Geodetic stations and Reference Frame related communications infrastructure Characterisation of seafloor and coastal habitats and biodiversity Maintain fit for purpose Earth obser-vation groundstations and communications infrastructure Provision of analysis on precompetitive collection samples Maintain our data Provision of and collections frameworks for consistent determination of position Maintain geoProvision of magnetic analysis on palaeo stations and samples related communications infrastructure Improve accessibility of the data, information and assets we hold Enable legal traceability of position in Australia Maintain Provision of geodetic analysis on water stations and samples related communications infrastructure Promote adoption of standards for data and information interoperability Enable access to fundamental public good geographic information Enable high performance computing Provision of analysis on sediment samples Delivery of high performance geoscience data Assets, equipment and infrastructure are fit for purpose to ensure capture and acquisition of essential GA spatial data Assets, equipment and infrastructure are fit for purpose to complete analysis of samples to support key GA deliverables Pre-competitive resources collections and data (Repository) Build others capability to manage natural hazard impact Support for Natural hazard models tsunami warnings [ATWS] Coastal and marine data and maps Assets, equipment and infrastructure are fit for purpose to ensure capture and acquisition of essential GA geophysical National Foundation Spatial Data Framework Strategy Responsible Resource Development Cleaner and Low Emissions Energy Technology Community Safety Improving Marine Planning and Protection National Geoscience Infrastructure National Geoscience Capability data Promotion of minerals and petroleum prospectivity Technical advice on minerals and petroleum exploration and exploitation New pre-competitive minerals and petroleum data and information Advice on environmental (groundwater) impact of resource development Advice on potential geothermal resources, technologies and scientific analysis National low emissions coal initiative Nuclear \Monitoring Vulnerability models and information Advice on environmental marine and coastal impact from resource development Advice on CCS Remote fire warnings [Sentinel] Natural hazard impact and risk analysis and advice Advice on Australia’s Maritime Limits Maps and imagery for agencies responding to emergencies Post-disaster advice, analysis, models and reports Local earthquake Flood mapping notifications and information advice ICT and Corporate Services Assets, tools and infrastructure can support high performance computing Access to, and use of geoscience information Geodetic reference system Exposure and natural hazard data Advice on external territories Maps and imagery for Defence Strategy Externally Funded Initiatives Sub Strategies Restoring long-term health of the MurrayDarling Basin Promotion and Presence Tackling climate change Overseas development assistance Awareness and use of geoscience GA’s Strategy — Priority 1 GA’s Strategy — Priority 2 Build the geoscience capability of the Nation GA’s Strategy — Priority 3 Maximise long-term benefits from Australia’s resources GA’s Role Acquisition, analysis and modelling of groundwater data Support for AusAID in regional response and capability development Promote geoscience activities Acquisition of topographical and remote sensed Acquisition, analysis and modelling of remote sensed landcover data data Build others capability to manage natural hazard impact Increase presence of geoscience in education and training Characterisation and monitoring of groundwater Acquisition of climate related data resources Participation in regional risk and natural hazard programs Improve community awareness of geoscience and it’s benefits Reduce the threat that hazards pose to the national interest Supports overseas development assistance programs Analysis of effects of climate change on existing natural hazard and risk Acquisition, analysis and modelling of international natural maps and models hazard related data Key Deliverables Groundwater data, models and maps Sea level monitoring and cyclone impact and groundwater modelling Geoscience promotion and education Landcover data, models and maps Natural hazard risk assessments and hazard monitoring Engagement with research community Advice on methods for managing water resources Climate related risk and natural hazard data, models and maps Remote sensed data to support national and international climate change initiatives Topographic Data ICT and Corporate Services Costs fully recovered if no direct benefits accrue to GA Mining for development