The inspection framework ‘What clerks need to know’ Paula Heaney Her Majesty’s Inspector

The inspection framework
‘What clerks need to know’
Paula Heaney
Her Majesty’s Inspector
Senior HMI – East of England
17 October 2013
Update on:
How we select colleges for inspection
Preparing for an inspection
State of the region
What our inspections tell us about
How we select colleges for
See handbook – paragraphs 17-23
Risk-proportionate approach but also to include colleges
across the grade range
 G3 – within two years
 RI – within 12-18 months
 G4 – within 12-15 months
State of the region
GFE college inspection grades
Data to 30 June 2013 for all GFEs in the region
SFC college inspection grades
Data to 30 June 2013 for all SFC
Data View and inspection outcomes
Background and video clip on our website
Link to Data View site
Link to learning and skills inspection outcomes
(quarterly, ie September-December and January-March)
Key findings – teaching, learning and
Most common issues:
Planning and delivery to match learners’ abilities in order to
improve progress
Lack of systematic development of English and mathematics
skills in learning and training.
Effectiveness of progress monitoring and target setting for
Effective teaching and learning strategies
Use of e-learning to enhance learning
Promotion of equality and diversity in lessons
Assessment including the quality of feedback
Key findings – leadership and
Most common issues:
Lack of rigour in self-assessment
Actions taken by managers to bring about improvement not
raising standards in all areas
Insufficient training for staff
Underdeveloped quality improvement plans and activities
Observations of lessons/training do not focus sufficiently well
on learning
Focus on governance
Reporting on the quality of governance
Activity (10 mins):
1. Using the extracts from the most recently published reports
provided, identify the key themes of focus (at least 10).
2. Think about how you would support governors in preparing to
respond to the themes you identify.
The quality of governance – key themes
Strategy and vision linked to localism
Involvement and rigour of selfassessment and in action planning
Impact on improvement
Use of skills and expertise in curriculum
Challenging leaders, managers and
Promoting equality and diversity
Monitoring KPIs including quality of
Training and induction for governors
Quality of reporting to governors
Reviewing policies and procedures
Effectiveness of corporation and
committees in focusing on learners
Judging the performance of senior post
Preparing for inspection
One meeting with the chair and other key governors - the
clerk is not usually in attendance – about an hour
Leads and L&M inspector will view website to access minutes
and note how recent
Attendance and training records
Likely to be asked about succession planning if relevant
Composition and skills of governors - links
Access to minutes (on-line or on data stick)
Governors should be prepared to respond to questions on the
key themes
Governors should:
Know the college and the learners it serves
Give examples of how they challenge leaders and managers and how
they use the information they receive to do this
Demonstrate how they strengthen leadership and strategic direction
Know the data, including how different groups of learners perform
Know about the quality of teaching and learning
Know the key strengths and areas for improvement
Know about differences in performance and why
Be able to demonstrate their impact in improving quality and
Demonstrate how they systematically fulfil their statutory duties
Supporting improvement
Conference and seminar programme
National conferences held:
 Teaching and learning
 Self-assessment
Regional seminars held:
Teaching and learning
English and mathematics
Support from G1/G2 providers
Next seminar – Wednesday 18 December
‘Governance for college governors’
HMI support
All providers judged to require improvement or are G3 have a
nominated HMI to help drive improvement
The HMI visits, attends college meetings (eg governors),
conducts learning walks, reviews plans and progress based on
improvement actions, and signposts good practice
Reviews impact at subsequent visits
Letter confirming action, impact and next steps (unpublished)
No progress judgements
The support HMI will not be on the next inspection team
The inspection framework
‘What clerks need to know’
Paula Heaney
Her Majesty’s Inspector
Senior HMI – East of England
17 October 2013