Western Oregon University I. Introduction Fraternity and Sorority Life Mission Statement Fraternity and Sorority Life falls under the direction of Student Leadership and Activities at Western Oregon University. Student Leadership and Activities (SLA) staff promote the relationships between fraternities and sororities on campus. SLA staff will create and integrate programs and activities focused on leadership, academic achievement, and service to campus and the community. Fraternity and Sorority Life will promote civic and personal responsibility and create meaningful and lifelong relationships. SLA will develop and provide support for individuals and the fraternities and sororities that partner with Western Oregon University. Active Member-a fully initiated member of a fraternity or sorority. Active Recruitment-recruiting members through tabling, posters, events, invitations to meetings, and solicitation. Advisor-a Western Oregon University Faculty or staff member who will challenge and support the organizations in their philanthropies and development. Alumni Member-a sorority or fraternity member who belongs to a Graduate Chapter and/or has left an undergraduate chapter while remaining in good standing. Charter-documentation that an individual chapter is recognized and operates according to the national organization. Chapter-a campus-based organization of a national or international sorority or fraternity. Colony-a newly formed affiliate of a national organization that has not yet received its charter; the organizing members of a colony are often referred to as founders. Exploratory Group-is a group of students who are interested in starting a new chapter of a fraternity or sorority on campus, but have not yet selected a National Affiliate. Fraternity/Sorority Council (FSC)-The governing body to all Fraternity and Sororities at Western Oregon University. Fraternity/Sorority-a group of men or women who are bound together by ritual ties, beliefs, common goals, and values. Hazing-any act of forcing or requiring someone to partake in humiliating or abusive treatment whether it accepted or not. Honor Society-a student society that admits members on the basis of academic merit. 1 Western Oregon University Interfraternity Council (IFC)-the representative governing body of all men’s North-American Interfraternity Conference fraternities. Initiation-a traditional ritual that brings an associate/new member into full membership of the fraternity or sorority. Intake-another name for a fraternity or sorority new member initiation. Interest Group-is a group of students interested in forming a specific chapter of a National fraternity or sorority. Line-term sometimes used by various culturally based Greek organizations to refer to the members who join during the same semester. Multicultural Organization-multicultural and special-interest fraternities and sororities. National Pan-Hellinic Council (NPHC)-the representative governing body for the nine traditionally African-American fraternities and sororities. National Panhellenic Conference (NPC)-the conference composed of 26 national women’s sorority. Partner Organization-a student organization who maintains a relationship with, but is not considered a part of, Western Oregon University. (Colonies and Chapters are considered partner organizations). Passive Recruitment-recruitment of new members through advertisements and tabling only. Philanthropy-charitable projects connected with local or national causes. Recruitment-process of recruiting new members. Register-process of checking in and updating information with Student Leadership and Activities. Ritual- the beliefs and standards of an organization, which governs its purpose; some ritual activities may be closed to non-initiated members. Social Organization- An organization that exist to promote and create friendships through social events such as dances, parties, etc. 2 Western Oregon University II. Classification of Fraternities and Sororities Fraternity and Sorority Relationship with Western Oregon University All fraternity and sorority organizations go through a recognition process as noted below. It is important for prospective fraternities and sororities to have access to WOU resources as other student organizations. Once an organization or group becomes a colony or chapter, the University considers the group a “Partner Organization”. Below marks the terms and relationships each stage in recognition has with WOU: 1. Exploratory Group – An Exploratory Group will submit a new chapter request form to WOU’s Fraternity and Sorority Council (FSC) with an action plan on how the group will research fraternities or sororities to select one that meets the group’s needs. An Exploratory Group will have three months to select a National Affiliate and become an Interest Group. If the group does not choose a National affiliate within this time frame, the group will not be able to continue to use campus resources in a no-cost manner to research organizations. 2. Interest Group – An Interest Group has interest in forming a specific chapter of a national fraternity or sorority at WOU. An Interest Group will be granted the same rights on campus as other ASWOU student clubs and organizations and must follow all such guidelines (Each National Organization has their own timeline for becoming a Colony and WOU will support those individual timelines). The following pertains to interest groups: a. Access to WOU facilities and rooms at no cost (per WOU reservations policy). b. An Interest group is required to send a representative to the Fraternity and Sorority Council (FSC), but will not have voting privileges. c. An interest Group will have an on-campus activity code for fundraising purposes through Student Leadership and Activities. d. An Interest Group may freely advertise and solicit members throughout the academic year. e. An Interest Group must register with Student Leadership and Activities at the beginning of each term. f. An Interest group must meet with staff from Student Leadership and Activities to go over the policies and procedures related to leading a fraternity or sorority on WOU’s campus. 3. Colony – A Colony has pledged a commitment to a national fraternity or sorority organization and is verified through the organization’s national office and has a minimum of five members. A Colony is no longer considered part of Western Oregon University but is a “Partner Organizations” (see below). The following pertains to a colony: a. Access to WOU facilities and rooms at a reduced rate (per WOU reservations policy). b. One vote on the Fraternity and Sorority Council (FSC) and eligibility for officer status on the FSC. c. Access to a Foundation account for funding if they so choose. Remaining money in any SLA account will transfer to the FSC general index. d. Student Leadership and Activities will recognize and support any rituals and ceremonies for full colonization to happen. 3 Western Oregon University e. A Colony is responsible for its own process to proceed to becoming a full chapter. Any issues in this process will be discussed with the SLA office. f. A Colony must find a faculty or staff member of Western Oregon University to act as their on-campus advisor (The advisor must have a Bachelors degree, but does not have to be a member of their National Organization). g. If a Colony is unsuccessful in becoming a chapter, SLA reserves the right to reject an Interest Group for the same national organization for one year after a Colony is rejected. h. A Colony may advertise and solicit members within the confines and agreements of the WOU Greek Life Recruitment guidelines as well as guidelines set up by its corresponding national organization. i. A Colony must register with SLA at the beginning of each term in order to verify continuing interest and membership. This also confirms efforts to move towards Chapter status. j. A Colony president is required to meet once a term with the Coordinator for Campus Life and Student Activities to provide updates, answer questions, receive guidance and other areas that mutually support a productive relationship at WOU. 4. Chapter – A Chapter is an organization officially recognized by a national fraternity or sorority. Full chapter status is only granted upon written declaration by the Coordinator for Campus Life and Student Activities or the Assistant Director of Student Leadership and Activities. A Chapter is defined by Western Oregon University as a Partner Organization as noted below. The following pertains to chapters: a. Access to WOU facilities and rooms at a reduced rate (per WOU reservations policy). b. Two votes on the Fraternity and Sorority Council (FSC) One member gets two votes or two members can attend and get one vote each. c. A Chapter may maintain a Foundation account for funding if they so choose. d. A Chapter may advertise and solicit members within the confines and agreements of the WOU Greek Life Recruitment guidelines as well as guidelines set up by their corresponding national organization. e. A Chapter must register with Student Leadership and Activities at the beginning of each academic year in order to verify continuing interest and membership. f. A chapter president or delegate is required to meet once a term with the Coordinator for Campus Life and Student Activities to provide updates, answer questions, receive guidance and other areas that mutually support a productive relationship at WOU. 4 Western Oregon University III. Partner Organizations Partner Organization– A student organization who maintains a relationship with, but is not considered a part of, Western Oregon University. 1. A WOU Partner Organization is composed of 100% Western Oregon University students that contributes to the mission and culture of the University. A Partner Organization is governed by the Office of Student Leadership and Activities. The activities, events and operations of a Partner Organizations are not considered official Western Oregon University business and do not represent the University. A Partner organization may have access to Western Oregon University-controlled facilities, benefits and resources on a free or fee basis. A Partner Organization is accountable to the University for legal compliance, fiscal responsibility, risk management and adherence to established community standards of behavior and the Student Code of Conduct. 2. A Partner Organization does not maintain the same rights an ASWOU Student Organizations. Western Oregon University has the right to change and manage the Partner Organization’s relationships with the University. This could include sanctioning or limiting rights on campus independently of the campus Judicial Affairs’ process, pending any hearing 5 Western Oregon University IV. Membership, Policy and Procedure Requirements Each Interest Group, Colony and Chapter has requirements and responsibilities it must adhere to in order to maintain a relationship with Western Oregon University. A fraternity or sorority may be suspended if it is not in compliance with the requirements listed below. In addition to the listed requirements and responsibilities, the national affiliate of a fraternity or sorority may have additional requirements and responsibilities which must be met. Any additional requirements and responsibilities and the meeting of those is the responsibility of the respective fraternity or sorority. The list below is established as a minimum standard. In the event of a conflict between the rules, Western Oregon University policies and rules will prevail. A. General Compliance Requirements: 1. Compliance with all federal, state, and local laws. 2. Compliance with Western Oregon University’s Code of Student Responsibility and applicable policies and procedures. 3. Compliance with all policies and procedures of the Office of Student Leadership and Activities, and the Fraternity and Sorority Council (FSC). 4. Maintain a full-time WOU staff or faculty advisor (must have a bachelor’s degree). 5. Maintain liability insurance coverage in an amount of no less than $1,000,000 with the State of Oregon, Western Oregon University and its officers, and the WOU Foundation as “named insured.” 6. Maintain official tax-exempt status through the federal and state governments 501 (a) of Title 26. This is a requirement of the Title IX Amendment that permits fraternities and sororities to be single-sex organizations. 7. Submission of a current roster no later than the first Friday of each term to the Student Leadership and Activities office. Colonies or Chapters with less than 5 members must also submit official notification of active status at Western Oregon University. 8. Maintain updated constitutions or bylaws with the office of Student Leadership and Activities detailing chapter officer responsibilities and procedures for handling incidents of misconduct by individual members. 9. Signature on file of each member in which he / she acknowledges, understands, and complies with Western Oregon University’s Anti-Hazing policy. 10. Maintain registration and recognition by an official National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inner-Fraternity Council, Multicultural Greek Council or another national organization. 11. Maintain current contact information of the national affiliate’s liaisons information with Student Leadership and Activities. 12. Activity reports listing programming and community service events must be submitted monthly to the Office of Student Leadership and Activities. 13. Elections must be in accordance with Student Leadership and Activities and FSC guidelines. Newly elected officers must be educated on fraternity and sorority leadership training. 14. Uphold the values of brotherhood/sisterhood, academic excellence, civility, cooperation and respect. 15. Other responsibilities as determined by Western Oregon University, Student Leadership and Activities or the Fraternity and Sorority Council. 6 Western Oregon University B. Restrictions/Limitations: 1. Fraternities and sororities must not associate with any auxiliary (i.e. Little Brothers, Little Sisters) or sweetheart groups since they cannot be registered nor recognized by WOU. Such organizations open up the University to increased legal liability, and imperil the organizations with whom they are associated. 2. Chapters or Colonies may not participate in pledging or unauthorized activities with an interest or exploratory group. 3. Honorary memberships for undergraduate students are not allowed. 4. Singing, chanting, marching or saluting is not permitted in academic and administrative areas at any time unless there is written permission by Student Leadership and Activities. 5. Any activities inside the residence halls or Valsetz Dining Hall must be registered through FSC and the Office of University Housing two weeks prior to the set date. University Housing has the right to refuse to programming within the residential facilities. 6. There shall be no affiliation or organizational structure formed deriving from a “Local” sorority or fraternity. C. Required Submissions for Chapters: 1. Proof of excess liability insurance in an amount no less than $1,000,000 naming the State, Western Oregon University, the WOU Foundation and University Officers "named insured". Any group without current insurance on file in Student Leadership and Activities will be considered temporarily suspended until the requirement is met. 2. Dues and fees required by FSC and the executive governing body of the organization Due Date: Every term by the second Friday by 5:00pm The FSC fee is currently $15.00 per member/per term for each organization and will be reevaluated every year. Executive governing body dues for national chapters are paid according to their schedule. 3. Submission of an all member information Chapter roster to the SLA office Due Date: Second Friday of every term by 5:00pm 4. Timely submission of all forms to the Office of Student Leadership and Activities including: a. Pledge/New Member applications Due Date: Filled out at mandatory anti-hazing workshop b. Bill of Rights Form with pledge/new member signatures Due Date: Within 48 hours of new member intake c. Acknowledgment of Fraternity/Sorority Initiation Form Due Date: Within 48 hours of completion of new member intake 5. Distribution and signatures of chapter membership of the National body’s anti-hazing policy and membership intake program. Due date: Second Friday of every term by 5:00pm 7 Western Oregon University 6. Copy of Membership Education/Intake Program Due date: One (1) week before the start of membership education program. Be sure to include the anticipated week of initiation and please update the Coordinator/AD of any changes, as they occur. Failure to meet any submission dates may result in penalties through FSC or Student Leadership and Activities. D. Financial Reporting Guidelines: Every fraternity and sorority is expected to use sound business practices with respect to finance and business relations between themselves and the University. Fraternities and sororities are solely responsible for their own financial obligations and are not in any way tied to Western Oregon University. Each fraternity and sorority must explain any and all fees, dues or charges associated with membership in the organization to potential members. FSC or SLA will collect all financial records at the conclusion of every term of all member fraternity and sorority organizations. A fraternity or sorority must provide any and all financial records in a timely fashion when requested by FSC or the University. Any member who is aware of financial impropriety is expected to report the impropriety to the University. Any fraternity or sorority found to be out of compliance with this policy will be subject to suspension and/or removal as an organization. E. Conditionally Active/Defunct Chapters: A fraternity or sorority which has fallen below five active members as required for recognition will be considered conditionally chartered for one academic year or until they have met the required minimum amount of members, whichever comes first. In the event that the chapter does not meet the minimum member requirement within one year, the chapter will become inactive. Once a chapter has become inactive, it must re-apply for recognition status with the office of Student Leadership and Activities. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS The Office of Student Leadership and Activities reserves the right and responsibility to take action against any chapter not in compliance with WOU-related requirements. FSC shall reserve the right and responsibility to levy sanctions as a result of non-compliance with requests for submission of FSC required paperwork and violations of fraternal practices that are not otherwise violations of WOU’s Code of Student Responsibility. FSC sanctions will be limited to fines, workshops, activities, and/or social probation. 8 Western Oregon University V. Recruitment Guidelines Fall Term Chapters and colonies will be allowed to do passive recruitment (posters and tabling), but not active recruitment any of kind during New Student Week or the first two weeks of classes. The remaining part of fall term they may create interest lists, but not send out bids or invite potential members to meetings. Interest Groups may be more aggressive, but must submit their recruitment plan to their advisor and the Student Leadership and Activities office. The Fraternity and Sorority Council (FSC) will be allowed to sponsor recruitment events during New Student Week, but individual chapters and colonies will not. Winter Term Official recruitment will take place winter term. Colonies and chapters may actively recruit members through events, tabling, soliciting and posters (all concurrent with WOU policies). All chapters and colonies will offer bids to potential members at the same time, the date set in advance by the FSC at a prior meeting. Fraternity and sorority chapters may offer competing bids to the same student, but students are only permitted to pledge one fraternity or sorority for each recruitment period. There will be the same deadline to express interest for all chapters and colonies. Spring Term Passive recruitment is allowed during the first two weeks of the term. On a case-by-case basis, chapters and colonies will be permitted to offer bids if their winter term recruitment was not successful. These requests will be brought to the FSC by the end of February and approved by that body as well as Student Leadership and Activities. Recruitment chairs and chapter/colony Presidents are strongly encouraged to review WOU’s anti-hazing guidelines during each recruitment period. It is the responsibility of each chapter or colony to ensure that no current members violate these policies in any way during the duration of the recruitment, bidding and pledging process. All incidents of perceived hazing will be sent to WOU’s office of Judicial Affairs for further review and investigating, leading to sanctions for individuals or chapters as appropriate. Incidents will also be reported to the colony or chapter’s national office. 9 Western Oregon University VI. General Requirements Students involved with a fraternity or sorority must be enrolled in a minimum of six academic credits at WOU, have a cumulative 2.25 GPA, and be in good academic. Students are allowed one term of probation per year in which they can maintain their membership. 1. Hold an average chapter GPA of no less than 2.5. 2. Provide for at least one person-hour of community service to WOU for each registered member, each term on campus. For example, a colony or chapter with 12 registered members must provide 12 hours of community service (12 people x 1 hour each) 3. Provide proof of alcohol and sexual assault programming held each year to chapter members. 4. Sponsor at least one leadership session for the chapter (or at-large to campus) per term. 5. Be in good judicial standing with the University (Exceptions will be made by the Coordinator for Campus Life and Student Activities on a case by case basis). 6. If any of the above requirements are violated members or organizations will face a warning, probation, removal from organization, or loss of charter through Western Oregon University. 10 Western Oregon University VII. Standards of Excellence Western Oregon University values fraternity and sorority organizations as a component of the higher education experience. These groups directly compliment the academic aspect of a university and allow for leadership and service within the college and surrounding community. Fraternity and Sorority Life at Western Oregon University offers brotherhood, sisterhood, service, socialization, networking, and scholastic opportunities for students. The Fraternity and Sorority Community has been founded upon five standards in which each member and organization is required to adhere by and upheld by the Fraternity and Sorority Council (FSC): Academic Development, Campus/Community Involvement, New Member Education and Recruitment, Student Retention, and Chapter Leadership and Transition. Student Leadership and Activities is committed to supporting fraternities and sororities that accomplish aspects of each standard. Standard I: Academic Development Each fraternity and sorority is a member of the FSC (who is advise by Student Leadership and Activities) and will be required to work with each member of their respective organization in achieving academic success. The following responsibilities will be given to each Fraternity and Sorority: The combined grade point average (GPA) for each chapter, including pledging members, must be 2.5 each term Organizations that fail to meet this academic standard for one term will be required to work with the FSC for an academic enrichment plan and will be placed on a probationary status. Failure to meet this standard for two consecutive terms, or two terms out of any one academic year will result in a suspension of that fraternity or sorority organization pending completion of the academic plan and satisfactory academic performance (as determined by SLA) Each active member (defined as any student that is recognized by the organization as a committed member of the organization and on the official member roster turned into the Coordinator for Campus Life and Student Activities) must have a cumulative 2.25 GPA and be in good academic standing. Each student is allowed one term of probationary status to improve his/her GPA to meet academic requirements During the pledge period, every fraternity and sorority will be required to host an academic support program for all new pledge classes All fraternity and sororities are required to attend all academic-focused programs held by FSC If organizations fail to meet the minimal requirement, they will be subject to a hearing in front of the FSC for disciplinary action. Standard II: Campus/Community Involvement All fraternities and sororities are expected to become involved, not only within the student-life aspect of Western Oregon University, but also network with the surrounding Monmouth and Independence community area. This standard also includes the following: 11 Western Oregon University Work with other fraternities and sororities in various capacities during the year via cosponsorship, service, and leadership Fulfill any and all fundraising requirements of the National Organization and FSC during the academic year Complete an additional WOU-focused community service requirement outside of the philanthropic foundation of a respective national fraternity or sorority organization. This amounts to one hour per term per registered member of the colony or chapter. If an organization fails to meet the minimal requirements, they will be placed on probation until they have a hearing in front of the FSC. Standard III: New Member Education and Recruitment Fraternities and sororities on WOU’s campus will recruit and educate pledges and new members in a thoughtful and engaging manner in accordance with WOU and national chapter provisions. Full guidelines are listed in the section below titled “Fraternity and Sorority Recruitment Guidelines”. Highlights of the policy are as follows: Organizations will not rush and/or pledge students who are entering their first term at the University All organizations must be in strict compliance with all FSC and national affiliationoutlined policies Each organization shall devote a position specifically focused on new member education regarding philosophical and philanthropic values of its respective organization Complete participation in events required by FSC (Homecoming, Family Weekend, Holiday Tree Lighting, WOUmania, Leadershop, retreats, trainings, etc.) Each of the chapter’s potential new members shall attend an anti-hazing educational workshop sponsored by Student Leadership and Activities and the FSC, prior to beginning the new member education/intake program Standard IV: Student Retention Fraternities and sororities have a positive track record to retain students. Fraternity and Sorority organizations at Western will help students meet the challenge of academic excellence while gaining the most from their collegiate experience through the following ways: Work with national offices to provide scholarship programs Enforce study hall for all new members, requiring a certain number of hours per week of designated study time Design a mentorship program from upperclassmen toward all underclassmen with regards toward tutoring hours, Writing Center, WOU Learning Center as well as other campus resources Retention for each Chapter at Western Oregon University should be representative of WOU’s overall retention rate and support WOU’s mission of helping students graduate Standard V: Chapter Leadership and Transition Housed under the Office of Student Leadership and Activities, the Fraternity and Sorority community will be expected to function under the assumption of participating, hosting, and being involved with the following areas: Each chapter is expected to host and/or co-sponsor one leadership education event per academic year for the WOU student population as well as their own membership 12 Western Oregon University Require that at least two active and current officers of their respective organization attend the “Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Transition” program held each year sponsored by Student Leadership and Activities. Each chapter president meets with the Coordinator for Campus Life and Student Activities at least one per term. 90% of the chapter must attend at least one alcohol/drug awareness workshop, as well as any and all anti-hazing programs sponsored by FSC and/or Student Leadership and Activities Each organization must fulfill any and all representation requirements outlined by FSC for programs, trainings or events In all cases regarding rules governing Western Oregon University chapters, University policies will prevail. In cases where national/umbrella organizations or executive governing bodies impose stricter guidelines (e.g. grades, number of members, etc.), the stricter of the two will prevail as long as WOU policy is not violated or compromised. Each chapter must maintain an advisor who is a baccalaureate-degree holding full-time faculty or staff member. He/she will be the primary advisor for the individual fraternity or sorority. Chapters may also have outside advisors from regional or national offices of their individual organizations. These advisors should meet periodically with the chapter president and Coordinator for Campus Life and Student Activities to discuss individual chapter progress. Additional advisor resources will be provided by Student Leadership and Activities and/or FSC. Each organization is held accountable for meeting the standards set forth by Student Leadership and Activities. Those chapters that exceed the standards have the opportunity to be recognized through Leadership Recognition Night as well as other means. Those chapters that fall below the standards will be given the opportunity to improve. Those chapters that do not improve and fail to meet the standards may be subject to loss of recognition. 13 Western Oregon University 14