EPSRC AMASE Project: Final report (Summary) of the Advanced Multi-Agency Service Environments (AMASE) project An EPRSC Systems Integration Initiative project Produced by: Ian McLoughlin, Mike Martin, Roger Vaughan, Rob Wilson, Sarah Bell, James Cornford and Sarah Skerratt University of Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK Tel. +44(0)191 222 8016 Fax. +44 (0)191 232 9259 http://www.campus.ncl.ac.uk/unbs/sbi/ Executive Summary The need to provide more joined up public services is now recognised by Government as a major objective. The EPSRC AMASE project has explored the problems and issues faced by public agencies as they try to design services and information systems to enable joint working and information sharing across organisational and professional boundaries and within the requirements of law. The major findings suggest that these issues need to be considered at a level above individual agencies or examples of joint agency working. They also require new ways of thinking and understanding on the part of public managers and system suppliers which embrace the opportunities offered by internet and related digital technologies but at that same time recognise the distinctive needs and obligations involved in public service delivery. The research provides a framework for making sense of these issues and detailed examples of attempts to develop multi-agency working from studies conducted in the North East of England. Introduction This summary report is based on the EPRSC AMASE Final report. The AMASE project was part of the EPSRC Systems Integration Initiative (http://www.ideo.co.uk/epsrc/sii/). The programme included 30 projects seeking to explore the challenges of system integration in various contexts in the UK. Aim of the project The aim of the AMASE project was to: To establish whether an approach to service architecture based on brokerage can alleviate some of the severe difficulties of integrating the information and communication systems needed to support the delivery of public services. To deliver a framework and a set of tools for planning, deploying and managing telematics infrastructures on a regional scale. Report structure This summary report is structured as follows: Summary Introduction Background and context Methodology and reports of fieldwork Findings: Key Advances Conclusions and Recommendations Appendix A Publications and conference proceedings so far arising from the research Appendix B Dissemination and Events Dissemination and Events A series of academic material has been produced reporting the findings of the project (For a full list see Appendix A). Two events, one focused primarily on the public agencies, policy makers and private sector suppliers who provided the substantive focus of the research and the second on the multi-disciplinary academic community and audience for the scientific output from the project. Event 1 took place in May 2004 and was co-organised with Newcastle City Council omn 25th May (see Conference schedules and Press Release in Appendix B). It attracted an invited audience of over 100 participants drawn both regionally and nationally. The keynote speaker was Geoff Tierney Divisional Manager, Local Government Capacity and Modernisation, of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Further information Further information about the AMASE project can be obtained from the Principal Investigator: Professor Ian McLoughlin, University of Newcastle Business School, University of Newcastle. E-mail: i.p.mcloughlin@ncl.ac.uk Acknowledgements The AMASE project team would like to thank the various pilots who participated in the project. Without their commitment and participation the project would not have been such a success. The team would also like to thank those who at various stages were members of the project team: John Dobson, Ros Strens, Elaine Adam, Neil Pollock, Bridgette Wessels and Claire Smith. The team would also like to acknowledge the support of the EPSRC and the programme manager Bob Malcolm of IDEO. Background and Context Providers of public services are under increasing pressure to integrate their organisational and information systems so as to provide integrated or ‘joinedup services’. This objective is increasingly seen as driving the agenda of ‘egovernment’. Approaching this issue from the perspective of information systems integration presents many novel problems. In particular, public agencies interpret national policy and make decisions on matters such as architecture, data structures, and details of their own services in the context of a variety of institutional, professional and organisational boundaries and constraints, whilst trying to achieve the compatibility and interoperability required for information sharing to enable ‘multi-agency working’. At the same time, public agencies are under pressure from potential suppliers to accept specific ‘solutions’ which have embedded within them working practices, business models and assumed systems of governance that may run counter to, or are inappropriate for, the needs public service. However, integration is still frequently seen in public policy as a problem best addressed by leveraging information systems to provide data bases which, when linked together, enable public agencies to access and share information that will then allow them to more effectively ‘join-up’ their activities. Our initial hypothesis was to question such notions of integration by seeking to develop architectural solutions based on concepts of ‘intermediation’ and 'brokerage' which, we proposed, are better suited to the issues of information sharing confronted in multi-service environments that are dynamic, flexible and subject to constant change. We sought to operationalise these concepts by embedding them in real world attempts to integrate services by public agencies within a regional context. We undertook this through a series of ‘pilots’ embarked upon in the first stage of this research. The pilots involve a number of multi-agency consortia accessed through our various project collaborators in the North East of England. Through our work over the entire period of the research we have been able to develop a deep and long-term engagement with problem owners in the pilots. From the outset, we have seen system integration as both a technical, organisational and managerial problem – a problem of socio-technical integration – which requires a multidisciplinary research methodology to investigate it. Accordingly, we have deployed a range of techniques, embracing both architectural modelling and approaches drawn from social science such as ethnography (essentially anthropologically derived methods of observation of a community’s practices and culture) and action-research (a well established method of intervention in organisational settings to generate research data). Our use of the original concepts of ‘intermediation’ and ‘brokerage’ as the basis for understanding the nature of integration has evolved significantly. We now position these concepts in a broader context of integration that distinguishes between its structural and infrastructural aspects. That is (i) integration as the (structural) process of forming and reforming partnerships and networks of trust and (ii) integration as the characteristic of reusable and reconfigurable information, communication and transactional resources and services (infrastructure) deployed to support this process. This is the primary scientific output from the project. It also underpins our second conclusion that, if structural integration is to be delivered in practice, then we need an infrastructurally oriented language to support procurement of the tools and resources required for policy-makers, public managers, suppliers and others to create and recreate partnerships and networks for integrated delivery and governance. Key elements of this language are provided by our conceptualisation of what we term ‘the new middle’. This informs our third conclusion, the need for a development of generic frameworks to support infrastructural integration, governance and sustainability which will enable such knowledge to be transferred across different domains of multi-agency working and potentially beyond. The fieldwork undertaken within our pilots has led us to these conclusions and enabled us to develop a process through which integration can be defined and better understood by practitioners in real world situations. The outcomes of the pilots themselves, have and are having significant benefits for the public agencies concerned. Methodology and Reports of fieldwork Our pilots are drawn from arenas in which the technology of e-government is currently being ‘enacted’ (Jane Fountain, Building the Virtual State, 2001). From this fieldwork we have derived our understanding of (i) the infrastructure/structure relationship, (ii) the need for a language of infrastructuralisation and (iii) our observations concerning generic frameworks, techniques and guidelines to support the development of infrastructural resources. Our use of action-research and ethnographic techniques to facilitate and influence the framing and re-framing of how integration is understood were important elements in assisting public managers, professionals and suppliers in the pilots in viewing integration as an outcome of decisions to do with commissioning, policy interpretation, governance and procurement – and not just as ‘technological decisions’. Pilot 1 Developing Service Architecture and Governance for Children’s Services in Newcastle The outcome of this pilot was the development of a service strategy, and its governance and information architecture, for children and young people. This has now been launched as a strategic partnership between health, social services, education and voluntary sector agencies concerned with providing services for children in Newcastle. It was achieved in a context where multiagency working and information sharing had to be enabled in organisations which were technologically under resourced and where decisions in relation to technological and information architectures had in the past been outsourced to applications suppliers (the resultant systems were not seen as particularly effective by professionals in the agencies concerned). Fieldwork for this pilot involved (i) mapping the complex contextual landscape of agencies and the different layers of care and (ii) exploring the impact of the different perspectives of system users on the overall configuration of information architecture. As a result proposals for the architecture of governance and practice which placed agencies in a better position to formulate a service architecture were proposed and adopted. Other field work, involved (i) evaluating the provision of information to service users/parents of a new ‘Children with Disabilities’ multi-agency service, (ii) exploring the roles and responsibilities of senior practitioners and managers, and (iii) an in depth ethnographic study of the struggle to achieve multi agency practice in the ‘Children with Disabilities’ service itself. This led to our understanding of the importance of recognising the different perspectives of system users. The results of this work informed the development of governance structures at the corporate commissioning level in collaboration with all the agencies concerned Pilot 2: Developing a governance framework and federation architecture for the North East Regional Smart Card Consortium (NERSC) As a result of this pilot, a ‘regional architecture’ based on infrastructural language and concepts has been accepted by the sponsoring agencies in the consortium. This has occurred despite political and commercial pressures to move prematurely to developing discrete smart card applications in the region. This pilot focused on (i) the management of federation across agency boundaries, (ii) the removal of boundaries through integration, (iii) developing safe and appropriate mechanisms for the management of identity and the support of mobility across communities, partnerships and agencies, and (iv) the development of architectural models to engage the various public and private sector constituencies. Initially this pilot was dominated by technical issues and an understanding of integration in terms of the problematic of joining together different smart card applications. Business case development, procurement and the management of complex value chains emerged as additional concerns. This broader focus highlighted the significance of service commissioning and policy and the dangers of decisions to outsource technical architectures and thereby by default outsourcing governance and policy as well. The consortium then became interested in understanding approaches to procurement and value chains, recognising that key infrastructural decisions would shape the nature of subsequent system development and choices in relation to smart card applications. Service user perspectives were also considered through a field study of the implications of smart cards in rural areas and the risk of ‘public interest’ being equated purely with urban requirements. The result of our work is an inclusive architecture in which public agencies can establish and defend the distinctive features of ‘the public sector brand’ and the dangers of public policy being outsourced along with technical architectures avoided. Pilot 3: Procuring an Information Systems Service for Newcastle City Council This pilot explored the way in which the differing perspectives of private sector suppliers and public sector agencies affect procurement processes. The outcome of this pilot was the construction and use of an evaluation and decision making process and lessons concerning how such strategic procurement processes might be better managed in future. In this pilot a growing disenchantment on the part of senior council officers concerning the cost and performance of the internal IT service led to a desire to explore and understand alternative relationships, such as private sector partnerships, to deliver these functions. The context was the roll out of new customer contact centres and a consequent problem of ‘back office/front office’ integration under the imperative of the Government’s Implementing Electronic Governance programme. Throughout the course of this pilot, control of the technical discourse tended to remain with an ‘under threat’ IT service. This had the consequence of disempowering senior decision makers and frustrating private sector bidders’ attempts to propose solutions. Action research work focused on facilitating an interpretive and inquisitorial role among all the parties to support better communication of technical issues between bidders and decision makers and developing the evaluation process to take account of the different ‘user’ perspectives.. Pilot 4: Developing a ‘Virtual’ Electronic Social Care Records system (ESCR) for Newcastle Children’s Social Services This pilot has delivered a successful prototype system which has been used to (i) inform the NHS ESCR demonstrator programme which in turn informed the national specification for ESCR; (ii) assist Newcastle Social Services and other local authorities in understanding the affordances of ESCRs and (iii) support further ‘design in use’ of the virtual ESCR in the test domain. This pilot started with a clear view of a required technical outcome namely the provision of collated information to the Family Support Team which combined reports from a number of agencies held in a new document management system with information held in a social care database. The focus of the project activity was to develop an approach to system development that avoided domination of the technical discourse by the supplier’s analysts and programmers. A modified participative design technique was deployed in the development process and ethnographic work examined the issues involved in information sharing and the e-enablement of practice. The use of software development tools in what became a de facto rapid prototyping environment corroborated our views about the need for software suppliers to concentrate on providing appropriable infrastructure and for practitioners to appropriate the rapid prototyping process themselves. Findings: Key Advances and Outcomes Key Advance I: Developing Architectural Discourse – from integration as ‘structural’ to integration as ‘infrastructural’ The convergence of information systems, telecommunications and mass communications and the emergence of web services have resulted in new notions of infrastructure. We have made significant progress understanding these changes, charting their implications for public services and delivering practical support for their further development and use in that sector. The project began with the issue of whether concepts of ‘brokerage’ and ‘intermediation’ provided a basis for those engaged in integrating public service delivery to have more meaningful discussions about information sharing and the development of multi-agency environments. These concepts had been developed through previous research in single (albeit large) enterprise environments as a response to the problem of system integration to support globalisation. Their merit lay in a shift from seeking to specify requirements in terms of functionality i.e. ‘what is currently done’ to understanding such specification in terms of potential changes in roles and responsibilities and how they could be achieved. Such models appeared more appropriate where there was a need to define requirements for systems in contexts of transformational change typified by an ever increasing demand for flexibility and configurability. The usefulness of this approach was confirmed in the first phase of this research where models of public service delivery based on brokerage and intermediation were developed and deployed in our pilots. In the continuation work reported here the need to position these concepts in a broader context of integration became apparent. Accordingly, we now see key aspects of integration in infrastructural rather than structural terms. It has become apparent through our further interactions with our pilots that, whilst brokerage and intermediation models provide a new way of making sense of the problems of delivering multi-agency working, they do not provide a way of understanding the full range of problems and issues that public managers and professionals see as significant. The brokerage and intermediation models could not encompass this range because they represent ‘what is formed’ rather then the process by which things ‘become formed’. A particular understanding of integration was embodied in the models but the process by which this, or any, understanding of integration comes about, was not represented. Yet this was precisely the concern of the problem-owners in public agencies in their drive to bring about transformational change in services. We now see that our brokerage models were based on a particular notion of integration defined in terms of the problem of linking together structural resources (applications) across multi-agency environments. In turn these assumed a particular origin of the problem of integration as lying in the relationship between the system developer/supplier and all types of user/stakeholder. The brokerage models did not recognise the constraining consequences of seeing the resultant integration solution in terms of producing structural resources. Inevitably, this pointed towards thinking about ‘solutions’ in terms of specific applications to solve context dependent requirements. We therefore focused in the next phase of our work on the social processes by which different constituencies, namely service users, providers and commissioners, make-sense of the demand for integration expressed widely in national policy. These sense-makings are embedded in their different perspectives on how services should be configured, governed and enabled by information systems. In these systems, integration had been addressed through ‘middleware’ which emerged in its original form in the 1980s as capabilities positioned between operating systems and hardware on the one hand and applications on the other. In the world of web services, the locus of integration functions has migrated to a position in front of applications and sitting between them and channels and media though which value is delivered. We have termed this the “new middle”. In the single enterprise context this produces the back-office/front-office structure. In multi-agency environments, integration is a problem of getting independent systems and agencies to cooperate. This cannot be achieved by relegating the integration requirement to “back office” status. Multi-agency integration is achieved through “hubs” where local agencies and their independent systems are viewed as “spokes” to form domains of local trust and integration. Joining hubs together by ‘axles’ across local boundaries leads to the idea of ‘federation’ a particular feature of the public sector. In this light, the problem of integration is seen as one of understanding the nature of individual and collective identities and relationships so that appropriate information is shared. Given this insight, our research problem became a much more difficult one: what is needed in real world settings to shift the focus of the conceptualisation of system integration from being exclusively applications oriented, to include concepts of infrastructure? Such an approach would produce a definition of the resources and capabilities required to make sense of and respond to future demands while still providing a response to the immediate pressing demands within the scope of available human and financial resources and timescales. Key Advance II: An infrastructurally oriented language to support procurement, governance and infrastructuralisable applications We have developed and introduced a conceptual framework, a set of representations and an architectural language which provide methods and tools for changing the way public service infrastructure is thought about. In our view, designers of infrastructure have a different conceptual framework from that of its users. Infrastructure is put to uses that include those that are neither conceived of, nor should be the concern of, its designers. Resources and capabilities become infrastructuralised through a complex interaction between use and provision and in this process useful metaphors emerge and become part of a shared architectural language. This is a process which has occurred in the world of commerce over the last decade. In the public sector, however, the legal constraints of competitive public procurement processes and the organisational requirements for project management, have meant that this new infrastructuralisation has not been developed. Identifying opportunities for infrastructure requires thinking across organisational and project boundaries to identify external connections and interdependencies. But this invites the condemnation of “scope creep” and lack of focus if it comes from within a project, or the accusation of encroachment and attempted domination if it is initiated from above. A key aspect of our approach has been to identify and explore these connections, promote appropriate metaphors and, by doing this, help to introduce a new, more effective architectural language and framework for decision-making. The following metaphors and structures describe briefly the first steps we have taken in delivering a new infrastructurally oriented language which we believe is needed to support the procurement of a federable and governable public service infrastructure. This description emerges from the ‘hub, spoke and axle’ metaphor which was becoming current in the public sector as a technical response to the drive to support partnership operation. Within the concept of the hub we identify three emerging metaphors which explain the capability deployed in the “new middle”: i) the portal: concerned with searching and locating ii) the switch - represented by shared workflow engines and message exchanges, and, iii) the index: concerned with managing identifiers and identities within and between domains and relationships. This language can be extended in thinking about the wider context in which multi-agency partnerships come into existence and interact with each other by considering how hubs are linked together. We introduced notions of federation characterised in terms of portal to portal, hub to hub and index to index interactions. The final stage in the framework has introduced the concept of identity management. This brings together access control and security mechanisms with relationship management in a way that goes beyond the financial basis of commercial relationship to the richer and more complex concepts required for relationships involving care and the responsibilities of public administration. Key Advance III: Towards a generic framework for developing multi-agency working As anticipated our use of multi-disciplinary socio-technical techniques did reveal many gaps between the aspirations of those who commission applications, the experience of those who use them in service delivery and the objectives of suppliers. Our work also confirmed the need for the different perspectives of ‘users’ (ranging from public managers engaged in commissioning and service configuration, professionals in service delivery, through to citizens in service use) to be taken into account in decisions concerning governance frameworks, procurement and system development. However, when combined with our evolving understanding of the models of service architecture outlined above, it became evident that this involvement – contrary to most socio-technical literature on the subject - was clearly not best framed in terms of a designer/user problematic in the development of structural resources (applications). Our principal conclusion here is that the role of ethnographic enquiry and action research interventions in system development projects should not be seen as exclusively a means of enhancing ‘requirements capture’ and the work of application system design and development. Rather there is a new role which now needs to be explored in the development of generic frameworks, techniques and guidelines to support the development of infrastructural resources. These can act as the means of knowledge transfer between different domains (for example between public service agencies and private sector system suppliers). Through this kind of engagement, socio-technical techniques can be deployed in the shaping of frameworks through which new technological opportunities are exploited rather than restricted to finding ways of matching social variables to system applications whose essential characteristics have already been determined. (see ODPM FAME project www.fame-uk.org for further details) Conclusions and recommendations Regional and national infrastructures for public service integration As a result of the project, under the aegis of NERSC, a Regional Technical Architecture Group has been set up which includes Sun, ORACLE, Mi Services and other systems and service suppliers to the public sector in the region. This group has committed to the service integration/federation architectural framework produced by the research and has undertaken to work together to ensure the federability of a series of ongoing projects. The architectural framework has also been adopted by several of the national projects in public service development funded by the ODPM and is being incorporated in the approach of the newly formed National Standards Body for Local Authorities in England and Wales. System suppliers and public services The adoption of an infrastructural approach to the support of public service has a profound impact on the business models of suppliers and on the emerging new models of system integration that have been identified in the private sector (Prencipe et al The Business of Systems Integration, 2003). These changes are already apparent in the struggles between the systems integration suppliers bringing ‘application service provider’ models to the public sector and many of the incumbent applications suppliers and in-house producers. The ideas and frameworks developed within the project have and are having an impact on way these relationships are being discussed as can be seen in a suppliers forum involving over 60 suppliers of IT products and services to Local Authorities in England and Wales formed as part of our involvement in one of the ODPM’s national e-government programmes. Strategic Management of IT and change in public agencies The shift to procurement of infrastructural rather than structural resources requires changes in the public procurement process, particularly where procurements are cross-agency. This research (within the pilots and elsewhere) points to the necessity of the procurement process being improved, particularly by the better understanding by senior officers of the affordances of advanced information architectures. Much of the business of the public sector is now enabled by information and less by the management of physical resources. The research places the strategic management of IT high on the list of priorities of senior public managers with consequent issues relating to the skill mix of senior and middle management and those charged with leading and bringing about transformational change in public agencies. Appendix A: Publications arising from the project so far Book/Reports Wessels, B. and Bagnall, v. (2002): Information and the Joining Up of Services: the case of an information guide for parents of disabled children Bristol: Policy Press Journal Articles: Wessels, B. Submitted Nov 2003 to Science, Technology and Human Values ‘Logic of communication in socio-technical ensembles’ – waiting for editor’s decision Politics and values in designing technologies to support new forms of welfare Book Chapters Wilson, R., Baines, S., Martin, M. and Vaughan, R. 2004. A Case study of governance in public sector “virtual organizations”: the emergence of Children’s Trusts, (full paper) accepted by IFIP Conference, Toulouse, August 26 – 29. (To be published by Kluwer as part of a book provisionally entitled Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks). Conferences: National & International Wessels, B. 2002 ‘Welfare after Cyberspace: dimensions of Joining up Care’ at the CURDS conference Cities and Regions in the 21ST Century Wessels, B. 2001 Information and joining up services: the case of an information guide for carers of disabled children, Institute of Child Health Conference, University of Newcastle Cornford, J, McLoughlin, I P and Wessels, B (2001), Exploring new concepts of integration in public service: rethinking information system and organisational architectures, Paper presented to the 17th Colloquium of the European Groups for Organisational Studies, ‘TheOdyssey of Managing’, Lyon, France, July 5-7. Wessels, B 2001: Exploring new concepts of integration in public service: rethinking information systems and organisational architectures’ at the UK Information System conference University of Newcastle Shifting & Deferring Ambiguity in the Procurement of a Software Package, Paper Presented to the European Academy of Management, Universita di Boconi, Milan, March 20003 Dittrich, Y., Eriksen, S., Wessels, B. 2003 From Knowledge Transfer to Situated Innovation: Cultivating Spaces for Co-operation in Innovation and Design between Academics, User Groups and ICT Practitioners at Innovation in Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark. Wilson R, Vaughan R, Bell S (2003) Use of Participatory Design in the development of an Electronic Social care Record for Social Services, BCS Health Informatics Committee Healthcare Computing Conference: From Information Strategies to Healthcare Solutions, Harrogate March 24-26 Wilson, R. and Vaughan, R. (2003), Integration of Services for Children and Young People in the Public Sector: What are the Information Issues for new forms of Organisation - the case of Children's Trusts, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on e-Government (ECEG 2003), Dublin, Ireland, 3-4 July. Vaughan R (2004) Managing Projects through Making Sense of Project Discourses. 4 th Conference of the European Academy of Management, St Andrews University May 6-8. Track Prize Winner. Wilson, R (2003), Designing Electronic Social Care Records. VESCR a case study from the Information for Social Care Demonstrator programme, Paper at the E-Care Exchange conference, London, May. Vaughan R, Bell S, Cornford J, McLoughlin IP, Martin M, Wilson R (2003) Information systems development in public sector organisations: working with stakeholders to make sense of what information systems might do. 19th EGOS Colloquium Organisation Analysis Informing Social and Global Development Sub-Theme 25: Challenges faced by action researchers in bridging the gap between micro-sociological processes and desired macro-changes, Copenhagen July 3-5 Vaughan, R and Cornford, J (2002), Fit for purpose or purposeful fit?, Paper presented to the Workshop on Ethnography, Systems and Strategy, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, April 22-23. McLoughlin, I, Wilson, R., Cornford, J., Vaughan, R. and Martin, M. (2004), Enacting Technology: From ‘building’ the virtual state to ‘architecting’ infrastructures for the integration of public service delivery?, Paper prepared for workshop on INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND MANAGEMENT – Re-assessing the role of ICTs in public and private organisations, Bologna, Italy, 3-5 March. Wilson R. 'Designing Electronic Social Care Records: VESCR a case study from the Information for Social Care Demonstrator programme' E-Care Exchange conference, London, May 2003. Wilson RG, Cornford J, Baines S. Reflections on a learning evaluation: FAME project. UKES Evaluation Society conference, Cardiff, December 2003 Wilson RG. 'Towards an Infrastructure for Knowledge Management in for Social Care and Health'. Invited Presentation. Knowledge Management in Health and Social Care workshop, London, May 2004 National & International Conferences with Published Proceedings Marchese, M., G. Jacucci, M. Martin, B. Wessels, Y. Dittrich and S. Eriksén (2002), A Participatory Design Approach for the Development of Environments in eGovernment Services to Citizens. In Binder, T., J. Gregory and I. Wagner (eds.), PDC 2002 Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference, Malmö, Sweden, June 2002 (pp.311-316). Richter, P. and Cornford, J. (2004) The e-Citizen as talk, as text and as technology. Paper accepted for the 4th European Conference on e-Government 17-18 June in Dublin ISBN 09547096-3-2 Wilson, R., Baines, S., Martin, M. and Vaughan, R. 2004. A Case study of governance in public sector “virtual organizations”: the emergence of Children’s Trusts, (full paper) accepted by IFIP Conference, Toulouse, August 26 – 29. (To be published by Kluwer as part of a book provisionally entitled Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks). Cornford, J. and Baines, S. 2004. ‘E-enabled Active Welfare: Creating the Context for WorkLife Balance?’ ESRC seminar series Work life and time in the new economy, London School of Economics, 27 Feb. (invited chapter in a book edited by Dianne Perrons to be published by Edward Elgar in 2005)??? McLoughlin et al (2004) Enacting e-Government: From integrating applications to integrating infrastructures - The case of a regional smart card. Paper accepted for the 4th European Conference on e-Government 17-18 June in Dublin (to be published in the proceedings) Wilson R. 'Evaluating Health and Social Care information systems, Towards a Learning Evaluation.' Proceedings of UK Evaluation Society (UKES) 2002 Conference, London, December 2002. Wilson R, Vaughan R, Bell S. 'Use of Participatory Design (PD) in the development of an Electronic Social Care record (ESCR) for Social Services.' Proceedings of Healthcare Computing (HC) conference, Harrogate, March 2003. Wilson R 'Organisational Change: A social and technical challenge in the path towards Children's Trusts.' Invited Speaker, Proceedings of BJHC Integrating Health and Social Care Conference, Birmingham, May 2003. Wilson RG et al Integrating Health and Social care. Panel Session. Proceedings of Healthcare Computing (HC) conference, Harrogate, March 2004 Seminar: 2003: Seminar Aberdeen University: Technoculture and Welfare: an ethnography of developing joined up services for children with disabilities 2001 (April): ‘Performing Requirements Engineering: Engineer meets Ethnographer (seminars at Lancaster and OU), Poster: 2001 August: ‘Performing Requirements Engineering: Engineer meets Ethnographer at the International Symposium of Requirements Engineering (poster) Appendix B: Dissemination and events CONFERENCE From Multi-Agency Service Integration to Sustainable Service Delivery in Local Government 25th May 2004 1000 am to 1615 pm Debating Chamber, Civic Centre, Newcastle City Council, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Timing Activity 0930 onwards Coffee and Registration 1030 – 1040 Welcome and Opening Address 1040 – 1045 Introduction to the Morning Session 1045 – 1115 Keynote: Speaker Chair for morning session Councillor Keith Taylor (Deputy Leader of Council, Newcastle City Council) Ian McLoughlin (University of Newcastle Business School) Geoff Tierney (ODPM) The Way Ahead 1115 – 1215 1215 – 1300 1300 – 1310 North East Regional Smartcard Consortium: a Regional Governance Story Mike Martin (SBI), Con Crawford (Sunderland City Council) and John Littleton (NERSC) Lunch Introduction to the Afternoon Chair for afternoon session Ian McLoughlin Keynote: Implementing e-government: managerial and organisational challenges Ian McLoughlin (SBI) 1345 – 1445 Children’s Services: Information, Strategy and Practice Roger Vaughan (SBI) and Ruth Rogan (Newcastle Social Services) 1445 – 1515 1515 – 1600 Afternoon coffee 1310 – 1345 Towards a Regional Public Sector Infrastructure 1600 – 1615 Newcastle’s vision 1615 onwards End of conference coffee Mike Martin (SBI) Barry Rowland (Executive Director of Operations and Business Management, Newcastle City Council) The Business School University of Newcastle Upon Tyne 5th Floor Ridley Building Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RU University researchers advise on the way ahead for public service delivery. 1 June 2004 Researchers at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne shared their findings on the way ahead for public service delivery this week at Newcastle Civic Centre - the result of three years of research. Geoff Tierney, head of Government Efficiency and modernisation division was the keynote speaker at the conference; he addressed the challenges faced by local authorities in implementing the national strategy for local e-government. He said: “In our joint work to modernise public services, we must develop a framework for multi-agency information sharing and e-government is at the heart of this. The research findings by the Newcastle researchers and the work being done by the 'FAME' national project are producing a generic framework which we hope to be able to implement into local government. “Some of the challenges we face are around project management and data sharing. Through addressing these areas, we can enhance not only the quality, sustainability and efficiency of local services but also the effectiveness of local democracy.” The University’s Centre for Social and Business Informatics (SBI) spearheaded the day long event hosted by Newcastle City Council. Providers of public services are under increasing pressure to work in partnership and share information to provide ‘joined up’ services in line with Government recommendations. The research undertaken by the AMASE (Advanced Multi-Agency Service Environment) project seeks to address the organisational, managerial, regional policy and technical problems and issues associated with this task. The event was designed for people working at a senior level in the planning and delivery of public sector services in the North East. The meeting presented lessons learnt from the AMASE project and focused on practical and pragmatic ways to deliver joined up services. Professor Ian McLoughlin, director of the SBI and also head of the University’s Business School, explains: “Our findings suggest information sharing and joint working in partnerships need to be considered at a level above individual public agencies and instances of joint agency working. This requires new ways of thinking and understanding on the part of public managers and system suppliers. “This needs to embrace the opportunities offered by internet and related digital technologies but at the same time recognise the distinctive needs and obligations involved in public service delivery. Our research provides a framework for tackling these issues and gives detailed examples of successful attempts to develop multiagency working from studies conducted in the North East of England.” The AMASE project has been working in the region on a series of case studies. Organisations which are involved include the NHS, Newcastle City Council and other local authorities in the region, voluntary sector organisations and One North East. Two of these studies include the North East Regional Smartcard Consortium (NERSC) and Children’s and the Young People’s Strategic Partnership in Newcastle. As a direct result of its work, NCSBI was approached by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister to participate in one of its National Projects - Framework for Multi-Agency Environments (FAME). This project is assisting in the take-up of electronic government amongst local authorities in England who all have to meet the target, set by Prime Minister Tony Blair, of having 100% of services on-line by 2005. ENDS NOTES TO EDITOR: AMASE (Advanced Multi-Agency Service Environment) is an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council funded project as part of the Systems Integration Initiative. It seeks to address the organisational, managerial, regional policy and technical problems and issues involved in delivering ‘joined-up services’, in situations where multiple services offered by different agencies have to be provided in varying configurations to a variety of client groups. The project is one of a series of studies on electronic government being conducted by the University’s new centre for Social and Business Informatics which brings together management and social scientists with computer experts to investigate the role of the internet and related digital technologies in transforming public and private organizations. Launched in 2002, NERSC aims to introduce a single multi-application ‘Smartcard’ into the North East that would provide benefits covering education (e.g. as a student card), leisure (e.g. as a membership card to leisure centres or local football teams) and travel (as an electronic season ticket) and offer incentives and rewards for card holders. The Children’s and Young People’s Strategic Partnership is geared towards establishing an infrastructure that would help the various childcare services combine its skills and draw upon the expertise of a wide range of different public agencies and the voluntary sector. FAME is an e-government project funded by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister as part of the national strategy for local e-government. It works to develop a framework for multi-agency information sharing that will help improve the provision of more efficient, effective and holistic services. For more information please contact: Mandy Peel at Clothier Lacey on 0191 268119 or Rob Wilson at the centre for Social and Business Informatics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne on 0191 222 5502. EPSRC/ESRC Workshop Towards Multi-Agency Service Integration and Excellence in Service Delivery in the Public Sector Programme 30th June and 1st July 2004 From 12.30pm June 30th to 16.00pm July 1st Research Beehive, University of Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Theme: Newcastle Social and Business Informatics (SBI’s) work in its’ various forms is concerned with the problems of managing the integration of services at the local level. Three years of interdisciplinary research into the problems of multi-agency service integration and studying the problems of egovernment in local authorities have developed theories and methodological approaches to these problems. This workshop will report on the architecting, shaping and reflection on the systems and processes required to deliver service integration within the wider excellence in service delivery debate. It will focus on the emerging understandings from the work of SBI and seek to explore ways forward in the study e-Government and delivery of joined up services. Who should attend: Academic researchers interested in; system architectures; public service policy, administration and management; information systems in public services and the e-government agenda; social shaping of technology; use of action research and ethnographic methods in system design and development. Please complete and return the slip below to register for this workshop. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‘Towards Multi-Agency Service Integration and Excellence in Service Delivery in the public sector’ 30th June-1st July Reply to: Joan Atkinson, Centre for Software Reliability, Claremont Tower, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU Tel: 0191 221 2222; Fax: 0191 222 7995; Email: joan.atkinson@ncl.ac.uk I would like to attend the conference on 30th June & 1st July 2004 Name .................................................................................................................................................................. Address ............................................................................................................................................................... Telephone ..................................................................... E-mail...................................... Vegetarian: Yes/No Timing Activity 1230 onwards Registration and Lunch 1330 1340 Welcome and Opening Address Professor Andy Gillespie (Director, Institute of Policy and Practice) 1340 1400 Introduction to SBI, the AMASE project and the workshop Professor Ian McLoughlin (Co-Director of SBI) 1400 1500 Towards a socio-technical methodology for system integration - Architecting and Shaping Multi-agency environments Ian McLoughlin, Mike Martin and Roger Vaughan (SBI) Tea & Coffee Doctoral Research Poster Session 1515 1700 AMASE Pilot Experiences – integrating systems and joining up services in practice The Regional Smartcard Consortium Preparing for local e-Government Implementing Joined up Services: Children’s Services Virtual Records in Social Care Sarah Bell, Rob Wilson, Roger Vaughan, Mike Martin (SBI) and Neil Pollock (University of Edinburgh) 1900 2130 Workshop Dinner The Courtyard Restaurant, The Beehive 1500 1515 Speaker EPSRC AMASE project DRAFT final report Timing Activity Speaker 0900 - 0925 0925 - 0930 Tea & Coffee Introduction to the session Doctoral Research Poster Session Ian McLoughlin (SBI) 0930 - 1015 Keynote: Excellence in Electronic Service Delivery: What is the meaning of excellence in the public sector? James Cornford (SBI – AIM Public Service Fellow) 1015 - 1100 Local e-Government: Process Evaluation of the Implementation of Electronic Local Government in England Ian McLoughlin, James Cornford (SBI) Bridgette Wessells (University of Sheffield) 1130 - 1215 Tea & Coffee Keynote: Methodological developments in ethnographic research on information systems Doctoral Research Poster Session Professor John Hughes (University of Lancaster) 1215 - 1300 The Mediation of Voices in Childrens Services: understanding conversations and ICT Bridgette Wessells (University of Sheffield), Elaine Adam (University of Aberdeen) and Sarah Bell (SBI) Lunch Keynote: Managing Identities and Relationships – technical and social implications Surveying and shaping the landscape: Towards a framework for multi-agency environments: identity, federation and information sharing Doctoral Research Poster Session Mike Martin (SBI) Closing remarks Ian McLoughlin, Mike Martin and James Cornford 1100 - 1130 1300 - 1345 1345 - 1430 1430 - 1530 1530 - 1600 Rob Wilson, Mike Martin, Sarah Bell, Roger Vaughan, Sue Baines, Pat Gannon-Leary, James Carr and James Cornford (SBI) Produced by AMASE project team, SBI, University of Newcastle. Contact: i.p.mcloughlin@ncl.ac.uk 24