NAME: 6B-Ekonomou WEEK BEGINNING: November 26, 2012 WEEKLY OBJECTIVES/BIG IDEAS: The Number System: Operations with Whole Numbers, Fractions, and Decimals Essential Question: DATE M 11/26/12 T 11/27/12 W 11/28/12 DAILY OBJECTIVE (We Will…) We will discuss how decimals relate to whole numbers, fractions, place value, and in the real world. STANDARD TIME (MIN.) 1–2 days Math Talk: How are decimal numbers different from whole numbers? What words are associated with decimals? What is the relationship between tenths and hundredths? thousandths? 3.263 - How are the 3s different? Where is 3.263 found on a number line? Where are decimals found in the world? How are decimals connected to fractions? Finish Monday’s Math Talk if needed We will discuss how decimals relate to whole numbers, fractions, place value, and in the real world. We will fluently add and subtract decimals using standard algorithm. PROCEDURE (The Student/Teacher Will…) -Use money to write decimals (Everyday Math Money Card Deck) -add decimals to find total amount -emphasize lining up decimal points when adding decimals 1 day -Use estimation/mental math to have an idea of what sum or difference will be -Adding/subtracting decimals -discuss vocabulary: sum, difference -emphasize lining up decimal points when adding or subtracting decimals -compare exact answer with estimation to see if answer is reasonable HW: Text pg. 60-61 #10 - 24 TH 11/29/12 F 11/30/12 We will fluently add and subtract decimals using standard algorithm. We will fluently multiply decimals using standard algorithm. 1 day 2 days -go over HW -more practice on adding/subtracting decimals -Entrance/Exit slip on adding and subtracting decimals -Begin multiplying decimals -do not line up decimal points -multiply as you would for whole numbers -the sum of the number of decimal places in the factors is the number of decimal places in the product -use estimation to check if answer is reasonable -multiplying decimals to find area