Strapp Psy 467 Syllabus F 2015 page 1 Psychology 467Q Quantitative Methods Fall 2015 Dr. Chehalis Strapp, Todd 309 (503) 838-8316 Office Hours: Mondays 2:30-4:30 pm Tuesdays 2-3 pm, Wednesdays 2-3 pm Thursdays 12-2 pm or by appointment Prerequisites: Psy 201, 202, 301, Math 105 or Math 111 or equivalents. Students without these prereqs will be asked to drop the course. Course Description: This course covers fundamental concepts used by psychologists to describe, summarize and make inferences about scientific data. In addition, students learn and apply the scientific method to an individual research project that is completed in Psy 468W winter term. Course Objectives for Psychology 467 & 468: Students will understand and apply research methods in psychology including design, data analysis and interpretation. Additionally students will demonstrate information competence by their ability to access, evaluate and summarize in writing and oral communication psychological literature following APA guidelines. Accomplishing these objectives involves: understanding how research methods address different types of hypotheses differentiating designs that permit causal inferences from those that do not evaluating conclusions derived from psychological research based on statistics formulating testable hypotheses locating and using relevant databases to plan, conduct and interpret studies designing an appropriate study to address a research question collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and reporting data using appropriate statistical techniques and APA style following the APA code of ethics in treatment of participants and data reporting demonstrating effective writing skills demonstrating effective oral communication skills Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately during office hours to discuss your specific needs. Please contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at 503-838-8250 in APSC 405 to coordinate accommodations. Use of ODS services, including testing accommodations, requires prior authorization by ODS and compliance with approved procedures. Students needing medical or mental health care can access the Student Health and Counseling Center by calling 503-838-8313, emailing at, or by walking in to schedule an appointment. Veterans and active duty military personnel with special circumstances are welcome and encouraged to communicate these, in advance if possible, to me. Mandatory Reporting: As an employee at Western Oregon University, I am required by federal law to report any incident of sexual misconduct. If you wish to talk with me about something that has occurred to you or another student, I must inform university personnel. Reporting this information helps the university to safeguard students and get students the help and support needed. You have the right to maintain your privacy. I will only report what you confide in me. Keep in mind that if you Strapp Psy 467 Syllabus F 2015 page 2 see a counselor at the Student Health and Counseling Center about sexual misconduct, in most cases, what you tell a counselor is confidential. If you would like additional information about sexual misconduct response at WOU, please visit the website at Service Animals: Students who require the use of a Service Animal in non-public areas of the campus (including classrooms, offices, etc), must request an accommodation through the Office of Disability Services. Please contact ODS 503-838-8250 for more information. We cover extensive material in the class and the material is cumulative. Please feel free to come see me during office hours, call me or send me an email throughout the term if you have questions or concerns. I am excited to see you succeed in this class! Required Materials for every class meeting: Gravetter, F. J., & Wallnau, L. B. (2014). Essentials of statistics for the behavioral sciences (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. ISBN – 13:978-1-133-95657-0 A scientific calculator Term Work Plan Exams 2 @ 100 pts 5 out of 6 quizzes @ 20 pts Writing assignments SPSS assignments 3 @ 25 pts Class participation A AB+ B BC+ = = = = = = 200 points 100 points 100 points 75 points 25 points 500 points possible NO CURVE CALCULATED: FINAL GRADES ARE AS FOLLOWS 473-500 points C = 345-364 points 445-472 points C= 325-344 points* 425-444 points D+ = 305-324 points 405-424 points D = 285-304 points 385-404 points D= 265-284 points 365-384 points F = under 265 points *Students planning to take Psy 468W must earn a grade of C- or better in Psy 467. Exams: Two 100-point exams will be given on the dates listed in the class schedule. Exams will be a combination of multiple choice and problem solving. If for any reason you miss an exam see makeup policy listed below. Quizzes: Six 20-point “pop” quizzes will appear in class throughout the term; approximately three will be taken before each exam. Your best 5 quizzes will be counted towards your grade. Your lowest quiz score is dropped. If you miss a quiz FOR ANY REASON that is your dropped quiz. If you miss more than one quiz you are strongly encouraged to consider the extra credit option. Writing Assignments: This term we will begin preliminary work on an individual research project that you will complete in Psy 468W. In Psy 467 you will develop a literature review and submit a first draft of the project, including title page, introduction, method, and references sections. Writing assignments Strapp Psy 467 Syllabus F 2015 page 3 are detailed in an additional handout. All writing assignments must be uploaded to the appropriate submission folder in moodle. SPSS Assignments: You will complete 3 SPSS assignments. These assignments involve entering data into a computer program, analyzing the data using SPSS, printing out your results, and answering a set of questions that accompany the data. Due dates for the assignments are listed in the class schedule on the last page of the syllabus. Specific details of the SPSS assignments provided in another handout. All SPSS assignments, data, and printouts must be uploaded to the appropriate submission folder in moodle. Class participation: Class participation is a very important factor and will be strongly considered in determination of final grades. Class participation points will come from: 1) Being prepared for class involvement: I assume that you will come to ready engage with the material, ask and answer question. You are expected to come to class with your book, and your calculator. It is expected that you have completed the assigned readings, watched the assigned video lectures, and you are ready to discuss homework problems. 2) Homework: Homework problems will be assigned in daily. Answers to these problems will be discussed at the beginning of the next class meeting (Tuesdays). Homework problems are not graded. I will do quick homework checks at the beginning of class on a random basis, and include that information as part of your class participation points. If you are late to class, absent, or do not have your homework with you, you will miss out on these class participation points for that day. Working on homework problems is critical to understanding the material and preparing for pop quizzes and exams. 3) Online practice quizzes: To practice material presented in online video lectures, you will have the opportunity to complete 18 practice quizzes, 10 appear before the first exam; and 8 appear before the second exam. You can take these quizzes as many times as you like to practice the content, however, quizzes will close at 11:59 pm on the date of each corresponding exam (so first 10 quizzes close at 11:59 on Exam 1 date, etc). Your highest score for each online practice quiz will be counted towards your class participation points. Extra Credit: You may earn up to 15 points extra credit by either a) participating in research projects conducted in the behavioral sciences division or or b) interviewing and writing up a summary about a person who is in a career that you are interested in pursuing. The focus of the interview and write up will be to determine how statistics are used within that specific career. Extra credit is due on December 10th. Extra credit requirements listed in a separate handout. Course Policies and Recommendations for Psychology 467 Office hours: Feel free to stop by my office, call me or email me during any of my office hours. If you are unable to meet during my office hours, please see me to schedule a different meeting time. You can send me questions via voicemail or email at any time. Typically, I do not check my voicemail or email from off campus in the evenings or over the weekend, however, I will respond to your message as soon as I return to campus. Strapp Psy 467 Syllabus F 2015 page 4 Online Component: This course uses WOU online (also called Moodle). Your login and password will be the same as your WOU network username and password. Please follow these steps to access the online course components: 1. Go to 2. In the upper right hand corner, enter your WOU username and password 3. You now have access to WOU online (moodle). Click on the link for Psy 467 Approximately half of our course content will be provided through videos and practice quizzes posted in moodle. It is expected that you will watch/listen to the online videos with full attention (and not while engaged in another task). To be most successful, plan to practice the problems at home as they are provided in the online videos. Getting help accessing online course content: If you are having difficulty accessing online content for this course, please contact the moodle email helpline Please alert me to the problem as well by including my address as a cc in the message. This allows me to alert the class to a problem that may impact other students. Communication: Important announcements, schedule updates, and other important information will be provided in class, via email, or through moodle. You are responsible for this information. You are expected to have an active WOU account and to check this account regularly. All email communication will be sent to your WOU account. Handouts: Handouts are distributed regularly in class. Handouts will be posted on moodle following class. Late assignments: All class assignments are due on the dates listed in the class schedule by 11:59 pm. All writing and SPSS assignments must be uploaded directly to moodle. Assignments received any time after the due date at 11:59 pm, are considered late and subject to the following conditions: ten percent of the maximum points will be subtracted for each day that the assignment is late. For example, if an SPSS assignment worth 25 points is due on a Tuesday and you turn it in on Thursday, it is 2 days late and you’ve lost 5 points (10% of 25 is 2.5 points per day) from the total possible that you earned (so at the most you can score a 20 out of 25 on this assignment). I am happy to give you informal feedback on assignments turned in 10 or more days late, however, such assignments are not eligible to receive any points. Absences: Western Oregon University does not have formal all-campus rule regarding absences from class, but more than three absences during a quarter are cause for concern. Absences will seriously affect your performance in the class. Peer support: It is important that students have peer support to ask questions, get class notes, etc. If you miss class, it is imperative that you follow up with a peer to find out about content missed and get any missed notes. I encourage you to introduce yourself and trade contact information with at least 3 peers in this class. Name Phone # Email: Name Phone # Email: Name Phone # Email: Dropping the class: The last day for dropping this class without being responsible for a grade is Friday October 23. The last day for dropping the course with a W grade is Friday November 13. Be sure that you follow the official drop process through the Strapp Psy 467 Syllabus F 2015 page 5 registrar’s office. If you stop coming to class without officially “dropping” the class you will probably receive an F grade. Incompletes: To be eligible for an incomplete in this class you must be passing the class but lack one essential requirement, such as missing one exam or draft of the paper. In addition, I must find your reason for requesting an incomplete acceptable (An illness would be acceptable, whereas a trip scheduled during finals week would probably not be acceptable). See me for details regarding incompletes. Missed Exams and Makeup Options: If for any reason you miss exam #1 you can take a makeup exam on Monday December 7 at Todd 309 (or through ODS if eligible for alternative testing). Early exams will not be given. Please see me asap to schedule the specific time for taking makeup exam #1. If for some reason you miss the makeup exam on December 7, contact me immediately to discuss whether or not you are eligible to receive an incomplete (I) grade in the course. In the event that a student has 3 final exams scheduled on the same day, the student can take the exam on another date agreed upon in advance by the professor and student. If this situation applies to you, please see me as soon as possible. If you miss exam #2 for any reason, contact me immediately to discuss whether or not you are eligible to receive an incomplete (I) grade in the course. Academic Honesty: I expect academic honesty within this class and suspected dishonesty will be taken very seriously. According to the WOU Code of Student Responsibility Section 574-31-030(1) the following pertains to academic dishonesty: Fabrication: unauthorized falsification and or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise (i.e., making up data for your project, falsifying references) Plagiarism: representation without giving credit the words, data, or ideas of another person as one’s work in any academic exercise. This includes submitting, in whole or in part, prewritten term papers of another or the research of another, including but not limited to the product of commercial vendors who sell or distribute such materials and the appropriation and/or use of electronic data of another person or persons as one’s own, or using such data without giving proper credit for it (i.e., turning in someone else’s SPSS answers as your own work, cutting and pasting from an electronic source without using quotation marks, using someone else’s material in your paper without referencing correctly). Cheating: intentional use, or attempted use of deception, fraud, and/or misrepresentation of one's academic work (i.e., looking at another student’s answers on a quiz or test). Facilitating dishonesty: helping or attempting to help another person commit an act of academic dishonesty (i.e., sharing quiz or test answers with another student). Any use or attempted use of electronic devices in gaining an illegal advantage in academic work in which the use of these devices is prohibited. Such devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smart phones, Personal Digital Assistants, electronic tablets, laptops, programmable calculators, USB flash drives or other removable memory devices, etc (i.e., looking up an answer on your cell phone during a test). Engaging in any of the above behaviors will result in a 0 on the assignment in question, and the name of the student(s) will be turned over to the Coordinator of Campus Judicial Affairs. Strapp Psy 467 Syllabus F 2015 page 6 Recording Policy: If you would like to make audio recordings of in class lectures this term please see me to sign an audio recording agreement. Videotaping and photography are prohibited. Respect Policy: To ensure that everyone has a positive learning experience, there will be an atmosphere of respect and cooperation in this class. Respect in this class involves: a) Presence during the entire class period. Please arrive on time and plan to stay for the entire class period. I will start and finish class on time. b) Attention to the course material, the instructor and the contributions of your colleagues. Please do not use phones, text message, visit with others, read or study other materials. c) Be prepared to participate in class. Please come to class with your book, calculator, homework problems attempted, and be ready to answer questions. d) Listen to and respect the comments of others. Please allow everyone the opportunity to participate. Class Cancelation: In the event that I must cancel class, I will do my best to notify you via email and moodle prior to our class start time. Additionally, notification of the class cancelation will be posted at our class door. If class is canceled, please check your email or moodle to see how to proceed with coursework. Campus Closure: If the entire WOU campus is closed for any reason (i.e., weather), please check your email or moodle to see how to proceed with coursework. Strapp Psy 467 Syllabus F 2015 page 7 Strapp Psy 467 Syllabus F 2015 page 8 Psy 467 Class Schedule Fall 2015* Week Class Topics Textbook Readings Online Videos Practice Quizzes # Meets Reviewed & HW Due for next class ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Sept 29 Intro to Psy 467 Read Appendix A Being successful with Stats! Math Review Do skills preview exam p. 550 Check answers, review any What are Statistics? 1. Descript & lnfer Stats areas of concern. Read over Big Paper Packet Types of Data 2. Data Types Read Chapter 1 Do pp. 33-35 # 1, 4, 8-10, Levels of Measurement 3. Levels of Measurement 15, 18, 21 Research Review 4. Research Review Statistical Notation 5. Stats Notation _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Oct 6 Paper overview Read Chapter 2 Being successful with Research! Intro to Frequency Do pp. 56-58 # 3, 5-6, 8-10 Distributions & 13-14 Grouped Frequency 6. Group Freq Distrib Central Tendency Start SPSS #1 Distributions Write up Topic Idea Frequency Distributions 7. Freq Distrib. Qual Qualitative Data Oct 8 Topic Idea due to moodle by 11:59 pm How to Access SPSS Printing out SPSS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Oct 13 Central Tendency Read Chapter 3 Shapes of Distributions 8. Shapes of Distributions Topic Idea feedback Do pp. 85-87#1-2, 4, 8-10, Next steps for paper 15, 22, 24 Intro to Variability 9. Range & IQR Read Chapter 4 Do pp. 115-117 # 1-6, Variability 2 SD 10. SD & Qualitative Data 11, 22 Research Guide & PsycInfo Tutorial Strapp Psy 467 Syllabus F 2015 page 9 Week Class Topics Textbook Readings Online Videos Practice Quizzes # Meets Reviewed & HW Due for next class ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Oct 20 Variability Review Appendix A MyEbsco Host Tutorial Chapters 1-4 Searching by Author Tutorial Finish SPSS #1 Oct 22 SPSS #1 due to moodle Review for Exam #1 Review Prior Videos Review quizzes By 11:59 pm Work on 3 article review ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Oct 27 Exam #1 in class Finish 3 article review Practice quizzes 1-10 Read Chapter 5 do pp. close 10/27 by 11:59 pm 146-147-#1-4, 10, 12, 21-22 APA Paper Review 11. APA writing style Oct 29 3 Article Review due to moodle by 11:59 pm ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Nov 3 Return & Review Ex 1 Read Chapter 6 Intro to Probability 12. Probability Next steps for paper Do pp. 173-174 Z Scores #1-3, 6-8, 16, 19-20 Zscores, Normal Curve 1 13. Normal Curve Finish SPSS #2 Zscores, Normal Curve 2 Problems ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Nov 10 Normal Curves & Read Chapter 7 Sampling Distributions 14. Sampling & SE Sampling Error Do pp. 201-202 #2, 4, 6, & Standard Error 1 13-14, 19, 21 Sampling Distributions & Standard Error 2 Nov 12 SPSS #2 due to moodle by 11:59 pm Hypotheses & Errors 1 Hypotheses & Errors 2 15. Hypotheses & Errors ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Nov 17 Hypothesis testing Read Chapter 8 7 Steps in Hypothesis with Z test Do pp. 241-244 # 1-5, 8, 10, Testing 12, 14 Finish up Draft #1 Z test Practice Problem 16. Z test ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Nov 24 DRAFT #1 due to moodle by 11:59 pm Intro to Correlations Read Chapter 14 (450-468, Pearson’s r Practice 17. Pearson’ r Pearson’s correlation 472-477). Do pp. 503-505 # 1, 4, 9, 11, 14 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Strapp Psy 467 Syllabus F 2015 page 10 Week Class Topics Textbook Readings Online Videos Practice Quizzes # Meets Reviewed & HW Due for next class ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Dec 1 Class feedback for Draft 1 Review Chapters 5-8, 14 Spearman’s Practice 18. Spearman Spearman’s Correlation Finish SPSS #3 Review Prior Videos Review Quizzes Dec 3 SPSS #3 due to moodle by 11:59 pm ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * I reserve the right to make changes to this schedule based on progress of the class. Updates to the schedule will be announced in class, distributed via email, or posted to moodle. It is your responsibility to be aware of changes through regular attendance in class, attention to class postings via email and review of the moodle site. Finals Week Mon December 7, Makeup Exam #1 for students who did not take Exam #1 on Oct 27. Students will complete Exam #1 at my office Todd 309 unless otherwise arranged through ODS. Thurs December 10, 10-11:50 am Exam 2, in our typical classroom Extra Credit DUE: Option A Red slip research participation due by 5:00 pm to Todd 309 or Todd 325 (red slips must be turned in) Option B Typed up interview due to moodle by 5:00 pm Practice Quizzes 11-18 close by 11:59pm on Thursday Dec 10th. I hope that you enjoy this class as much as I enjoy teaching it! I know that you will succeed if you: a) come to class; b) keep up with the homework and other assignments; c) ask questions or come see me when you have concerns about the material. Many students finish the Psychology 467-468 sequence surprised about how much they actually like statistics and quite proud of what they have accomplished. I love being part of that. I look forward to an amazing 467-468 sequence!