MINISTER FOR JUVENILE JUSTICE OVERVIEW Agency Budget 1998-99 $m Budget Variation 1999-2000 $m % Department of Juvenile Justice Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 92.1 26.1 88.4 9.3 (-) (-) 3.9 64.4 Total, Minister for Juvenile Justice Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 92.1 26.1 88.4 9.3 (-) (-) 3.9 64.4 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE The Department of Juvenile Justice has responsibility for ensuring the provision of quality community and custodial services to maximise the capacity and opportunity of juvenile offenders to choose positive alternatives to offending behaviour. Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments In December 1996, the NSW Ombudsman released a report on the Inquiry into Juvenile Detention Centres. This inquiry, initiated by the Government, identified a number of areas for action. The Department has already implemented some recommendations from the inquiry and has plans for the implementation of the remaining recommendations. Implementation of the Youth Justice Conferencing Scheme from 1 April 1998 has been another major focus of the Department. Following the Royal Commission into the Police Service, the Department received funding to meet the costs of accommodation support programs for juvenile offenders in rural and regional New South Wales. Strategic Directions In January 1999, the Department released its “Juvenile Justice beyond 2001” corporate plan. Implementation of the initiatives in the corporate plan has been a major focus for the Department during 1998-99 and beyond and this will continue. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 12 - 1 In 1996-97, the Department commenced implementation of its capital works plan to upgrade the overall standard of accommodation in juvenile justice centres and this will continue in 1999-2000. The plan includes completion of new facilities at Dubbo, Grafton, Mt Penang and Cobham. These new centres will ensure that juveniles are accommodated as close as possible to their communities of origin. The capital program addresses the most pressing accommodation issues raised by the 1996 Ombudsman’s Inquiry into Juvenile Detention Centres. The Youth Justice Conferencing initiative, under the Young Offenders Act 1997, seeks to ensure that police are encouraged to use the least intrusive and most appropriate responses to offending behaviour by young people in every instance. Young people are held accountable for their behaviour in conferences through a facilitated meeting with the victims of their offences. The harm is healed through apology, reparation and work for the victim or the community. Over the last two years, the number of juveniles in custody has fallen substantially. During 1998-99 weekly juvenile numbers have averaged around 380 compared with around 480 in 1995-96. Reforms to juvenile justice community based support services continue to consolidate post release support schemes, the Aboriginal Mentor Scheme, additional services for young people from ethnic minority backgrounds, and the state wide expansion of the Safehaven alternative placement program for young offenders who cannot live with their parents or families. The Department’s organisational structure was regionalised in 1995. 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses The Department’s total expenses for 1999-2000 are $88.4 million. Expenses will be lower than in the 1998-99 both the continued reduction in the number of juveniles in completion in 1998-99 of the two-year special Budget competency based staff training. expected to be Budget, reflecting detention and the enhancement for Funding has been allocated in 1999-2000 for the continued implementation of a range of community based initiatives to break young people out of their offending behaviour cycles. An amount of $4.2 million has been allocated to continue the Youth Justice Conferencing Scheme which commenced in 1998. 12 - 2 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 Juvenile offender psychological and psychiatric services will continue in 1999-2000 as will the operation of programs for young violent and sexual offenders. The major cyclic maintenance program which commenced at a number of juvenile justice centres in 1996-97 will continue in 1999-2000. Maintenance expenditure in 1999-2000 is estimated at $5 million. Asset Acquisitions The construction and upgrading of centres is part of a capital strategic plan developed by the Department to improve the standard of accommodation for juveniles held in detention and to address the various concerns raised in the Ombudsman’s Report. The Department will finalise construction of juvenile justice centres at Grafton and Dubbo early in 1999-2000. This will facilitate the location of juvenile offenders as close to their families as practicable. The juvenile justice centre at Gosford to replace the antiquated Mt Penang centre will also be completed early in 1999-2000. The major information technology and telecommunications plan which commenced in 1998-99 will be completed in 1999-2000, and will result in improved efficiency and recurrent savings. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 12 - 3 MINISTER FOR JUVENILE JUSTICE 54 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Finance costs Other expenses 65,107 12,000 3,131 3,528 3,150 ... 5,152 65,491 10,284 2,050 3,641 2,640 40 4,085 61,073 11,978 5,000 3,620 2,640 40 4,085 Total Expenses 92,068 88,231 88,436 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue 410 ... ... 504 513 17 200 170 499 ... 200 170 Total Retained Revenue 914 900 869 91,154 87,331 87,567 NET COST OF SERVICES 12 - 4 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 MINISTER FOR JUVENILE JUSTICE 54 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 CASH FLOW STATEMENT CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Grants and subsidies Finance costs Other 61,394 3,150 ... 19,290 62,056 2,640 40 18,080 57,782 2,640 40 19,063 Total Payments 83,834 82,816 79,525 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other (90) 504 513 348 499 370 Total Receipts 414 861 869 NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (83,420) (81,955) (78,656) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchases of property, plant and equipment (26,100) (38,115) (9,299) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (26,100) (38,115) (9,299) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation 78,795 Capital appropriation 26,100 Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 6,400 81,910 33,964 2,590 76,674 9,299 2,771 111,295 118,464 88,744 1,775 (1,606) 789 (1,739) 1,646 40 36 40 829 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (91,154) 6,836 898 (87,331) 6,695 (1,319) (87,567) 6,911 2,000 Net cash flow from operating activities (83,420) (81,955) (78,656) NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Budget Estimates 1999-2000 12 - 5 MINISTER FOR JUVENILE JUSTICE 54 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION ASSETS Current Assets Cash Receivables Inventories Other 36 500 377 1,500 40 200 200 500 829 200 200 500 Total Current Assets 2,413 940 1,729 Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation 188,540 (59,895) 194,018 (60,026) 203,317 (63,646) Total Non Current Assets 128,645 133,992 139,671 Total Assets 131,058 134,932 141,400 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements 4,757 4,064 1,100 4,064 3,100 4,064 Total Current Liabilities 8,821 5,164 7,164 Total Liabilities 8,821 5,164 7,164 NET ASSETS 122,237 129,768 134,236 EQUITY Reserves Accumulated funds 9,027 113,210 9,027 120,741 9,027 125,209 TOTAL EQUITY 122,237 129,768 134,236 12 - 6 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 MINISTER FOR JUVENILE JUSTICE 54 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE 54.1 Juvenile Justice 54.1.1 Juvenile Justice Program Objective(s): To seek to break the juvenile crime cycle. Program Description: Ensuring provision of quality community and custodial services to maximise the capacity and opportunity of juvenile offenders to choose positive alternatives to offending behaviour. Units 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 % 63 54 55 55 % no. no. no. 6.8 15.4 0 172 6.7 20.2 0 121 5.6 8.2 0 156 7.0 8.0 0 117 % 37 37 44 48 % 12.5 12.4 14.5 17.0 % 6.8 6.2 5.6 7.0 % 90 91 90 90 % 41 41 40 45 no. no. no. 1,098 6,285 450 1,100 5,991 418 872 5,850 388 872 5,850 388 no. 8 8 9 9 no. no. 127 113 140 99 122 94 110 90 no. no. 3,722 2,564 3,237 2,562 3,336 2,783 3,336 2,783 no. 2,604 2,461 1,632 1,632 Outcomes: Custodial Services Remands in custody (as a % of bail decisions) Custodial orders (as a % of Children's Court outcomes) Escapes per 1,000 admissions Deaths in custody Self harm incidents Community Based Services Successful bail interventions Supervised orders as a % of court outcomes (excluding CSOs) Community service orders as a % of court outcomes % of community based orders completed % of pre-sentence report recommendations adopted Outputs: Custodial Services Custodial orders Total admissions Daily average detainee population Average length of committals (months) Average no of detainees ATSI young people NESB young people Community Based Services Pre-sentenced reports Remand Interventions Non-custodial orders (as at 30 June) Budget Estimates 1999-2000 12 - 7 MINISTER FOR JUVENILE JUSTICE 54 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE 54.1 Juvenile Justice 54.1.1 Juvenile Justice (cont) Average caseload Counsellors Juvenile Justice Officers Metropolitan Non-metropolitan Average Staffing: no. 11.9 12.3 7.5 7.5 no. no. 16.3 23.7 15.4 23.8 12.0 16.2 12.0 16.2 EFT 1,064 1,050 1,098 1,098 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Clergy attending centres Grants to non profit organisations Area Assistance Scheme pick up costs Finance costs Interest on public sector borrowings and advances Other expenses Supervised travel of children Professional reports, assessments and consultations Expenses for child support and departmental residential care Total Expenses Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Sale of farm produce Board and lodging Recoupment of administration costs - general government agencies 12 - 8 65,107 12,000 3,131 3,528 65,491 10,284 2,050 3,641 61,073 11,978 5,000 3,620 210 2,940 ... 240 2,360 40 240 2,360 40 ... 40 40 ... 165 165 418 170 170 4,734 3,750 3,750 92,068 88,231 88,436 410 ... 14 400 ... 400 ... 99 99 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 MINISTER FOR JUVENILE JUSTICE 54 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE 54.1 Juvenile Justice 54.1.1 Juvenile Justice (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue ... ... 504 17 200 170 ... 200 170 914 900 869 NET COST OF SERVICES 91,154 87,331 87,567 ASSET ACQUISITIONS 26,100 33,233 9,299 Total Retained Revenue Budget Estimates 1999-2000 12 - 9