PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP OVERVIEW Budget 1998-99 $m Budget 1999-2000 $m Cabinet Office Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 12.6 0.1 12.8 0.1 1.5 … Parliamentary Counsel’s Office Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 5.3 0.4 5.4 0.4 1.9 … Premier’s Department Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 73.6 1.3 73.7 1.6 0.1 18.7 Independent Commission Against Corruption Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 14.8 0.2 15.1 0.2 2.1 … Ombudsman’s Office Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 6.7 0.1 8.7 0.5 29.6 294.2 State Electoral Office Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 34.9 0.2 14.2 … Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 4.9 0.1 5.7 0.1 Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 11.1 19.5 11.7 14.5 Commission for Children and Young People Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... ... ... 5.0 0.5 Ministry for the Arts Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 57.3 9.6 51.8 20.3 (-) 9.6 111.3 State Library of New South Wales Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 55.2 1.9 50.4 4.6 (-) 8.6 145.9 Australian Museum Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 23.1 8.5 29.2 8.4 Agency Variation % (-) (-) 59.3 100.0 15.8 ... (-) 5.2 25.6 n.a. n.a. (-) 26.1 0.4 Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2-1 Budget 1998-99 $m Budget 1999-2000 $m Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 38.5 3.8 38.4 5.7 Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 16.9 0.4 18.2 1.2 Art Gallery of New South Wales Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 26.7 2.1 26.0 3.8 State Records Authority Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 8.5 4.9 8.8 5.3 New South Wales Film and Television Office Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 7.6 0.0 7.0 0.0 (-) (-) 7.8 33.3 Ethnic Affairs Commission Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 12.4 0.2 11.9 0.6 (-) 3.8 184.8 Audit Office of New South Wales Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 22.6 0.6 22.0 0.4 (-) (-) 2.7 33.3 Total, Premier, Minister for the Arts and Minister for Citizenship Total Expenses .................................................... Asset Acquisitions ............................................... 432.7 53.9 416.0 67.7 (-) 3.9 25.6 Agency Variation % (-) 0.1 50.4 7.6 176.9 (-) 2.6 85.6 3.7 8.3 CABINET OFFICE The Cabinet Office provides support to the Premier and Cabinet through the development, co-ordination and implementation of Government policy. It co-ordinates New South Wales involvement in Commonwealth-State issues and advises the Premier on legal matters which arise within his administration. The Cabinet Office provides all secretarial services for the Cabinet including preparation of agendas, recording of decisions, circulation and presentation of Cabinet Minutes and Discussion Papers, and follow-up action required. 2-2 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Over the past five years, the core responsibilities of the Cabinet Office have remained unchanged. However, on occasions, the Office has been given responsibility for various strategic policy issues requiring the establishment of specialised units within the Office. Responsibility for the co-ordination and development of social policy, as well as policy in relation to children and young people was transferred to the Cabinet Office resulting in the creation of the Social Policy Development Unit in 1995 and the Office of Children and Young People in 1997. The Office of Children and Young People also provides secretarial support to the Youth Advisory Council that reports to the Premier. The Natural Resources Branch since 1997 has also absorbed responsibility for co-ordination of greenhouse policy. 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses The Cabinet Office has estimated total expenses of $12.8 million. This includes $700,000 for the continuation of the Families First initiative involving the coordination of the establishment of a network of childcare experts and volunteers to assist with parenting skills. Asset Acquisition The capital allocation of $60,000 is primarily for the replacement of the high-speed photocopier used in the production of Cabinet material. PARLIAMENTARY COUNSEL’S OFFICE The Parliamentary Counsel’s Office develops and drafts Government legislation for presentation to Parliament or the Governor-in-Council. The Office provides legal and administrative advice to the Government, a legislative drafting service for non-Government Members of Parliament and undertakes research on legislative and related matters. It also provides a legislative publishing service to the Government, Parliament and the public including the production of Bills, new Acts and Regulations, updated reprints of legislation and information guides and compiles the New South Wales Legislation Database. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2-3 Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Expenditure trends have not varied markedly over the past five years, apart from the general movements in salaries and operating costs affecting the public sector. This reflects the continuity of the Office’s core functions and activities and its relatively stable staffing levels. Strategic Directions As part of a three-year plan commencing in 1998, the Office is developing new Information Systems for legislative drafting and publishing that will enhance the portability and accessibility of legislation using new technologies, such as the Internet. 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses Total expenses of the Parliamentary Counsel’s Office are estimated to be $5.4 million with about 80 percent being allocated to employee related payments. Revenue from the sale of printed legislation and associated services is not expected to vary significantly from previous years. Asset Acquisitions The capital allocation of $400,000 ($1.5 million over three years) starting 1998-99 is for a major program to replace the existing Legislative Drafting, Publishing and Database System. This will streamline and enhance legislative drafting and publishing processes and facilitate the electronic dissemination of legislation using new technology such as Internet. PREMIER’S DEPARTMENT Premier’s Department supports the Premier as head of Government. It provides strategic advice and services to the Premier, manages issues and projects of significance to the State, provides direction and leadership to the NSW public sector, especially in relationship to the effective management of public sector staff and resources and ensures a whole-of-government approach to policy development and service provision within the public sector. 2-4 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Corporate Services Reform Unit The Department continues to provide major employee related support to implement the Government’s Corporate Services Reform initiative, augmented by staff seconded from other agencies. The Unit leads and co-ordinates efforts to achieve savings in corporate services across government, with major projects in the areas of shared services arrangements, workers compensation and injury management, property management and purchasing and procurement. Miscellaneous Grants Fund The Premier’s Miscellaneous Grants Fund provides a facility whereby quick responses can be made to cases of pressing community needs. Natural disasters, such as bush fires and the Sydney hail storm place particular demands upon those funds available. A current community-based activity of the fund is contributing towards the completion of St. Mary’s Cathedral’s two stone spires. Office of Information Technology Following the transfer of the Office to the Department last year, the Government has further enhanced its role in more effectively managing information and technology resources across the public sector, by establishing a new Department of Information Technology and Management. The staff and resources of the Office were transferred to the new Department, in April 1999. Other Machinery of Government changes Core staff and resources of the Ministry of Urban Infrastructure Management were transferred to the Department in April 1999. The unit will give a greater whole-of-government co-ordination to service delivery and infrastructure planning expenditure. Strategic Directions The Department will continue to provide services which focus on: Whole-of-government co-ordination of major business, investment, infrastructure and community proposals and initiatives; Improving the management of public sector resources to achieve greater equity, efficiency and effectiveness; and Improving opportunities and government service delivery in targeted metropolitan, regional and rural areas and towns. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2-5 1999-2000 Budget Total expenses are estimated at $73.71 million. Strategic and Regional Projects Total expenses are estimated at $11.81 million. The Department will continue to undertake, on the Premier’s behalf, the management of a range of special projects, such as initiatives to minimise the impact of the Newcastle BHP steel mill closure, attracting major events to Sydney and New South Wales, such as the Inaugural Australia/US Business Leaders’ Forum in Sydney, and ongoing improvements in social development and community building in both urban and regional New South Wales. Public Sector Reform Total expenses are estimated at $12.01 million. An important part of the Department’s operation in 1999-2000 will be the further development and implementation of a public sector management reform agenda that ensures that the New South Wales public sector is structured for and capable of meeting present and future community expectations. To achieve this the Department will continue to meet executive and management development needs involving the conduct of a series of management development programs including the Public Sector Management Course. The reform process will include the development of a broad public sector pay policy, the formulation of employee relations policies, strategies and practices, the monitoring of sector wide industrial issues, and the co-ordination of redeployment for displaced staff. Administration Services Total expenses are estimated at $24.58 million. The management and co-ordination of services for the Premier in community events, official visits and executive and departmental administration continues to be of importance, especially in the immediate lead-up to the Olympic Games and the Centenary of Federation. Departmental staff will play a pivotal role in the management of those community projects of direct concern to the Premier, and provide strategic advice and services on corporate planning and the co-ordination of State responses in times of natural disasters. 2-6 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 Staff will also be involved in logistical and management aspects of the Governor’s constitutional, ceremonial and community roles, the operation of the Executive Council, liaison with the Historic Houses Trust on activities at Government House and the provision of actuarial services. Ministerial Services Total expenses are estimated at $17.3 million. The Department in 1999-2000 will continue to manage operational issues relating to office staffing and resources for the Premier’s and Ministers’ Offices, as well as the Offices of the Leaders of the Opposition and former Office holders’ staff. Advice is provided on administration issues including finance, audit, employment, industrial relations and parliamentary entitlements. Asset Acquisitions The Department’s allocation is $1.625 million. The allocated funds cover the cost of installing security gates at the ANZAC Memorial in Hyde Park which has been subject to increasing vandalism in recent years. Also funded are the set up costs of Telecentre pilot schemes in Gosford and Wollongong. In addition, funds are required to enhance the management of information and technology within the Department consistent with both the Governor Macquarie Tower (GMT) network and the Government’s sector wide strategies. Funds will also go to the programmed maintenance of the State Reception and conference facilities on level 41, GMT. INDEPENDENT COMMISSION AGAINST CORRUPTION The Independent Commission Against Corruption is responsible for promoting integrity in public administration throughout New South Wales by exposing and minimising corruption. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2-7 Strategic Directions In 1999-2000 the Commission will maintain its focus on exposing and preventing corruption in the public sector through proactive investigations and corruption prevention advice while simultaneously promoting and enhancing its education and research activities. The Commission anticipates continuing its involvement in major Government infrastructure projects, including the Olympics. 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses Estimated total expenses of the Commission in 1999-2000 are $15.139 million. It is expected the Commission will maintain its current level of investigation, corruption prevention and education activities while commencing activities relating to Internet fraud and corruption through continued effective and efficient allocation of resources. Asset Acquisitions In 1999-2000, $240,000 will be spent on the upgrade of the Commission’s computer facilities and the purchase of minor plant and equipment. OMBUDSMAN’S OFFICE The Ombudsman’s Office aims to improve public administration and ensure that maladministration and misconduct are appropriately addressed. The Office seeks to ensure that people and bodies within its jurisdiction deal effectively with complaints about their activities. The Office attempts to resolve complaints in a prompt manner, focusing upon matters that raise systemic issues or are likely to be more intractable. The aim with such investigations is to improve policies and practices and to promote responsive and accountable public administration. Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments The total expenses of the Ombudsman’s Office have been increasing over the last five years as a consequence of additional funding being provided by the Government for: 2-8 additional staff to investigate police as a result of recommendations made by the Royal Commission into the Police Service; Budget Estimates 1999-2000 monitoring of the Police Service’s use of new powers under the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Police and Public Safety) Act; and the Ombudsman’s new responsibilities in relation to the oversight of the investigation of child abuse allegations against employees of government and non-government agencies. Improvements in efficiency have been made by the Ombudsman’s Office as a result of specialisation, restructuring, streamlining procedures and resolving complaints by less formal means. These improvements have led to reduced turn around times, improved customer satisfaction and an increase in the number of matters satisfactorily finalised. The jurisdiction of the Ombudsman has been expanded considerably in recent years. Relevant legislation includes the Law Enforcement (Controlled Operations) Act, the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Police and Public Safety) Act, the Police Powers (Vehicles) Act, the Witness Protection Act, and the Ombudsman Amendment (Child Protection and Community Services) Act. Strategic Directions In 1999-2000, the major focus of the Office will be the implementation of the Ombudsman Amendment (Child Protection and Community Services) Act. This Act requires the Ombudsman to oversight the investigation of child abuse allegations against employees of designated government and non-government agencies. The Act extends jurisdiction of the Ombudsman to non-public sector agencies such as non-government schools and child-care centres. Other priorities of the Ombudsman during 1999-2000 will be: more “own motion” and other formal investigations focusing on systemic or public interest issues; more Special Reports to Parliament on public interest issues; development of new guidelines on investigating complaints; amalgamating the Ombudsman’s Freedom of Information (FOI) policies and guidelines with the Premier’s Department’s FOI procedure manual into a new FOI publication; and continuation of a customer service survey of agencies within the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2-9 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses Total expenses of the Ombudsman’s Office are projected to be $8.74 million in 1999-2000. In 1999-2000, an additional $101,000 has been provided to the Ombudsman’s Office to meet the costs of relocation, and $71,000 to meet costs associated with Year 2000 problem rectification. The most significant new expenditure in the 1999-2000 Budget will be the Child Protection related complaints program. Asset Acquisitions The Ombudsman’s Office will be undertaking an asset acquisition program in 1999-2000 totalling $477,000. The program will include an IT network upgrade, fit-out modifications associated with relocating, Year 2000 problem rectification, acquisition of photocopiers, and works associated with the development of the Police Complaints Case Management system. STATE ELECTORAL OFFICE The State Electoral Office is responsible for the management and administration of Parliamentary elections, by-elections and referendums, and, through the Election Funding Authority, the public funding of election campaigns. The Authority is also responsible for the management and administration of the Political Education Fund established in 1993. In addition, the Office conducts, in accordance with the appropriate legislation, such elections as local government, trade unions, statutory boards, registered clubs and ballots for enterprise agreements. These elections are conducted on a commercial basis. Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Trends in expenditure are directly related to the occurrence of General Elections, redistributions and to a lesser extent, by-elections. The significant increase in expenditure in 1998-99 is a direct result of the conduct of a State General Election for the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council on 27 March 1999. This expenditure also includes claims received for the funding of Parliamentary election campaigns related to those elections. 2 - 10 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 In recent years the Office has expended capital funds on developing software to enhance the efficiency of Returning Officers in the management of their functions and the development of a Legislative Council computerised program. Additional asset acquisition has included office computers and fitout associated with the relocation of the Office in mid 1998. Strategic Directions The Office will examine the procedures and processes used at the 1999 State Election with a view to increased efficiencies and effectiveness at the Local Government General Election in September 1999. Any improvements will be pursued through the training of Returning Officers in 1999-2000. The Office is confident of addressing these issues without interfering with its ability to deliver its usual services, particularly in the areas of electoral education, election funding and research development. 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses The State Electoral Office has estimated total expenses of $14.2 million. This includes residual costs of $5.7 million for the March 1999 State Election and claims for payment by eligible candidates, groups and parties for funding assistance towards the costs of their election campaigns. A General Election for the State’s local councils will be held in September 1999. Whilst these elections are operated on a cost recovery basis there are areas, such as technological developments, which would properly be recovered over a two election period. INDEPENDENT PRICING AND REGULATORY TRIBUNAL The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal carries out a wide range of price regulation of major NSW government utilities, mainly in electricity, urban and bulk water, and public transport, and regulates natural gas tariffs and third party access to gas networks. It also carries out reviews of industry, pricing and competition. It undertakes one-off projects under Section 9 of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Act, providing assistance to other agencies in areas within the Tribunal’s expertise, both in New South Wales and interstate. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 11 Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments The workload of the Tribunal increased substantially during 1998-99 due to increased demand for Tribunal assistance and changes to the Tribunal's regulatory role as regulation of electricity services and gas access transfers to the national electricity and gas codes in place of State legislation. The main features of the increased workload are: a growing maturity of the regulatory system through development and monitoring of medium term price paths and more extensive regulation of revenue requirements of regulated businesses; and implementation of the requirements of competition reform, including access registries, currently through regulation under state legislation and progressively moving to regulation under national electricity and gas laws and codes. In developing the national regulatory scene, IPART is working closely with other regulatory regimes, especially the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission and the Victorian Office of the Regulator-General. At the same time the Tribunal is facing increased demands for its investigation services, especially in providing assistance to the Government and other State agencies with one-off projects under Section 9. Strategic Directions The Tribunal will continue to ensure the best feasible pricing outcomes that balance competing claims within the community by consulting widely with stakeholders. It also seeks to achieve effective access to key public utility infrastructure services. The Tribunal will also continue to provide high quality advice to the Government on industry issues. 1999-2000 Budget Additional funding for operating expenses has been provided to cover the increased regulatory functions of the Tribunal. Total expenditures in 1999-2000 are estimated at $5.7 million, an increase of nearly $800,000 or 15.8 percent over the 1998-99 budget. The capital program of $75,000 is mainly for acquisition and upgrading of the Tribunal’s technology equipment. 2 - 12 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 CENTENNIAL PARK AND MOORE PARK TRUST The Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust is responsible for managing and maintaining a highly used area of open space in Sydney, known as the Centennial Parklands. The Trust operates in a complex and changing environment and its current management responsibilities include the former Sydney Showgrounds site at Paddington. Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Over the past five years, the Trust’s total expenses have increased significantly, from $6.6 million in 1994-95 to around $11 million in 1998-99. This reflects costs associated with a range of business activities aimed at improving the financial viability of the Parklands and the Trust’s commitment to improving the maintenance of the Parklands, including addressing public safety issues. Capital expenditure has increased significantly during the past three years since the commencement of the ponds restoration project, the redevelopment of the Equestrian Centre, the Hordern Pavilion and Royal Hall of Industries and the rehabilitation of Moore Park. Strategic Directions The Trust’s corporate strategy aims to achieve the following outcomes in six key result areas: enhancing the integrity of Centennial Parklands; improving relationships with stakeholders; preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the Parklands; ensuring safe and equitable access to the Parklands; securing opportunities for diversity of cultural expression; and maintaining business viability. The Trust will continue to implement financial strategies to increase and diversify its revenue base in order to improve the quality of services and increase contributions towards costs. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 13 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses Total expenses in 1999-2000, estimated at $11.7 million, will be directed to sustaining contracted maintenance services, essential utility and licence payments, issues management, property management, marketing and business development and planning for the Centenary of Federation. Asset Acquisitions Total asset acquisitions in 1999-2000 estimated at $14.5 million include: Centenary of Federation works, including the Avenue of Nations, Federation Drive and Federation Valley which are funded from Commonwealth Government grants; the rehabilitation of Moore Park as the result of Eastern Distributor construction; the restoration of Old Grand Drive in the Robertson Road precinct; completing the restoration of the Hordern Pavilion and Royal Hall of Industries at Moore Park; and the continuation of the restoration of the Centennial Park ponds. COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE The Commission for Children and Young People is a new agency established under the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998. The Commission’s responsibilities will include: enhancing the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children and young people in the community; promoting the participation of children and young people in decisions that affect their lives; monitoring new employment screening procedures for positions that deal with children; and advising the Government and the community on how to improve services for children. 2 - 14 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 The Commission will be empowered to undertake inquiries, conduct research and public education, provide information and advice to assist children and their families, and monitor the wellbeing of children in the community. Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments The Commission began operations on 7 June 1999. The functions of the Child Protection Council and the Child Death Review Team, which were within the Department of Community Services, will be absorbed within the Commission. Strategic Directions During its first full year of operation, one of the Commission’s first tasks will be to undertake an inquiry into the needs of children who are isolated and at risk. The Commission will also play a key role in implementing the new employment screening system that will apply to staff positions that deal with children. 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses The Commission’s total expenses budget for 1999-2000, its first full year of operation, is $5 million. Asset Acquisitions The Commission’s asset acquisition program of $522,000 in 1999-2000 provides start-up capital for office fit-out and the purchase of computer and office equipment. MINISTRY FOR THE ARTS The Ministry administers a cultural grants program which supports a range of arts and cultural organisations and activities across the State, provides a range of awards, fellowships and scholarships to individuals, monitors and provides policy advice on the State's cultural institutions and manages Government arts projects, properties and capital expenditures. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 15 Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Over the past five years total expenses have increased from $52.2 million in 1994-95 to an expected $107.9 million in 1998-99. This increase is primarily related to additional support provided to arts organisations via the cultural grants program and the transfer of the Sydney Entertainment Centre to the Darling Harbour Authority in 1998. In 1998-99 the Ministry assisted more than 350 organisations through the distribution of $17.6 million under the cultural grants program. In recent years the Government’s cultural policy has focused on developing cultural activities and infrastructure in regional areas and encouraging co-operation and resource sharing within the portfolio. Strategic Directions The Ministry’s key strategic directions include: implementation of the Government’s 1999 cultural development policy “Encouraging the Arts in Local Communities”; and consultation, refinement and implementation of the Government’s Western Sydney Arts Strategy. 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses Total expenses are estimated at $51.8 million, a decrease of 108.3 percent relative to the expected 1998-99 expenditure. This decrease is mainly attributable to a reduction in capital grant funding provided to the Sydney Opera House and the transfer of the Sydney Entertainment Centre to the Darling Harbour Authority. The Ministry will also distribute $17.4 million under the State’s cultural grants program during 1999-2000. A primary focus will be ongoing funding for the regional infrastructure program, established as a pilot in 1998-99, which enables small cinemas, galleries, theatres and museums throughout the State to undergo renovations and expand operations. An additional one-off grant of $1 million will be made towards the 2000 Sydney Festival, bringing the State’s total assistance during 1999-2000 to $2.53 million. These funds will be used to enhance the program for the millennial festival. 2 - 16 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 Asset Acquisitions Significant funding has been approved as part of the redevelopment of the Walsh Bay precinct. In particular, $19.3 million will be provided towards the construction of a new theatre while $523,000 has been provided for the ongoing upgrade of Wharf 4/5. Other capital works to be continued into 1999-2000 include upgrade works at Garry Owen House, Rozelle ($305,000) and facade repairs at The Gunnery, Woolloomooloo ($100,000). At the Sydney Opera House, 1999-2000 will see the completion of the Upgrade Program commenced in 1988 and enhancement of the 25-year Total Asset Management Program to ensure effective and timely maintenance of the building and site. STATE LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES The State Library of New South Wales is the major public reference and research library and information service for the people of New South Wales. The Library fulfils a Statewide role by providing services to people who visit the Library or who seek information by contacting the Library by electronic or other means. The Library maintains and ensures the security of the unique heritage Mitchell and Dixson collections of historical New South Wales and Australian resources. It also supports the network of public libraries throughout New South Wales by administering annual grants, providing policy advice and consultancies, backup reference services, loans and supply of documents and electronic resources. Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Over the past five years total expenses have increased from $49.8 million in 1994-95 to an expected $52.6 million in 1998-99. The increase mainly reflects a change in the accounting treatment related to the acquisition of collection material. The State Library continues to experience growing demand for services from both onsite and offsite clients, including participation in the global economy via the Internet. Changes in the way in which clients seek information have seen increased demand for access to electronic resources. Strategies to improve client service include: Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 17 redevelopment of the Library’s website, with an increasing focus on providing content as well as access to a range of catalogues and databases, such as PICMAN, INFOKOORI, and INFOQUICK. Exhibition highlights are also featured, providing online access to some of the Library’s great treasures; maintenance of a comprehensive collection of current and historical resources in a range of formats, including CD-ROM and electronic resources. Ongoing development and growth of the Library’s collection ensure that the diverse range of client information needs can be met; and management of which provides public libraries and local government with equitable Internet access and contributes to the Government’s online initiative, Connect.nsw. Implementation of an Energy Performance Management program will increase the Library’s energy efficiency, ensuring cost savings and contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, in line with Government policy. Strategic Directions The State Library’s mission is to inspire, educate, inform and entertain by providing quality library and information programs to support the cultural, research and educational needs of its clients. The Library’s commitment to improving client service, and to managing and preserving the documented cultural heritage of New South Wales includes: ongoing client research to ensure that Library services meet client needs, extend client reach and are cost effective; a program of exhibitions and public programs that focus on the Library’s core collections; for the first time, a comprehensive plan for maintaining, conserving and restoring the historic Mitchell Wing, reaching its centenary year in 2010; and a total asset management strategy for capital investment and maintenance that will facilitate effective service delivery. 2 - 18 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses Total expenses are estimated at $50.4 million, a decrease of 4.4 percent relative to the expected 1998-99 expenditure. This decrease is due to the change in accounting treatment for collection assets that are now included in the asset acquisition program. Additional funding of $8 million over the next four years for will expand the network to public libraries in all local government areas in New South Wales and will facilitate the provision of high-speed Internet access to information and other online services by people throughout the State. The Government will provide further additional funding for public library grants and subsidies of $2.5 million over the next four years, to progressively increase this allocation to public libraries by $1 million per annum by 2002-03. These additional funds will be used to update public library collections and improve access to electronic resources. Accordingly, total State Government support for public libraries will rise from $16.7 million in 1998-99 to $19.7 million by 2002-03. Asset Acquisitions Work will continue on the programmed replacement of plant and equipment, including computer equipment, ($500,000). Following the reclassification of collection purchases from recurrent to capital expenditure, the purchase of $4.066 million in books, journals, pictures, maps, manuscripts, CD-ROMs and other print and electronic materials now forms part of the Library’s asset acquisition program. AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM The Museum is Australia’s leading natural history museum. Its mission is to increase understanding, and influence public debate on, the natural environment, human societies and human interaction with the environment. Australian Museum activities take place at its main site at College Street Sydney, the Djamu Gallery at Customs House and throughout New South Wales through its Museum on the Road, Museum in a Box, Outreach and rural and regional support programs. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 19 Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Over the past five years total expenses have increased from $22.7 million in 1994-95 to an expected $35.2 million in 1998-99. The increase is attributable to activities that include the staging of public programs and exhibitions, undertaking scientific research and increased emphasis on commercial ventures that includes the Australian Museum Business Services. Strategic Directions 1999-2000 will see continued focus on the implementation of initiatives under the Corporate Strategic Plan (1998-2001). Within this framework, increasing attention will be turned to analysing and predicting impacts on the Australian environment and the means by which this information can be effectively communicated to the rural and industrial sectors. The Museum will actively develop research and development partnerships within the scientific, government and commercial sectors to better disseminate the information it gains through its research activities. Reaching a wider audience, through outreach, rural and regional programs, and electronic media, will remain a significant pursuit. The presentation of Indigenous and Pacific Rim cultures in innovative programs remains a key commitment of the Museum. 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses The Museum will continue to direct expenditure towards key corporate objectives identified in the Corporate Strategic Plan. Scientific research will be focussed through designated centres of excellence and new biodiversity projects, and the Museum will continue with implementing government policies in areas such as cultural development and natural history. Major exhibitions planned for 1999-2000 include “Ancient Lives”, “Bats”, “Colour and Body Adornment”. A wide range of smaller and community oriented exhibitions including “Captive Lives”, “Picture Sydney” and “Day of the Dead” will also be staged at College Street. The Djamu Gallery at Customs House will host a range of programs focusing on Aboriginal and Pacific Islander themes, including “Mapping Our Countries”, “Menthen: Behind the Shields”, “Papunya Tula” and “Fishing: the Spirit House”. 2 - 20 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 Asset Acquisitions Expenditure on public programs through the Making a Difference program ($12.125 million total; $3.154 million in 1999-2000) has shown significant benefits. Admissions have grown and visitor evaluations are showing significant positive changes in attitudes, an extension of our reach into new markets, and an increasing trend in visitors returning to the Museum. Funding has also been provided to complete work on the Biodiversity Research Program ($1.046 million) and information technology improvements ($597,000). Separate funding of $383,000 will address Year-2000 compliance at the Museum, while $750,000 has been provided to continue the upgrade of air-conditioning throughout the Museum. Refurbishment of heritage and other buildings to meet the intent of the Building Code of Australia and to comply with occupational health and safety legislation will also continue during 1999-2000 ($1.216 million). An amount of $1.27 million has also been allocated to commence fire safety and evacuation upgrade works. Funds will be used to install a new early warning indication system, improved smoke detection and sprinkler systems and the installation of new hydrants and hose reels. MUSEUM OF APPLIED ARTS AND SCIENCES The Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences consists of the Powerhouse Museum and Sydney Observatory. The Museum’s focus is on promoting awareness and understanding of the past, present and future of Australian society through research, scholarship and the acquisition, conservation and integrated presentation of material in the fields of science, technology, industry, design, decorative arts and social history. Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Over the past five years, commencing 1994-95, total expenses have remained relatively stable in real terms. The Museum has directed its resources to activities that include the staging of major exhibitions, development of educational programs, undertaking research and conservation work on its collections. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 21 Strategic Directions The Museum’s key strategic directions include: a greater concentration on longer term exhibitions; enhancing access for visitors and users, including physical, conceptual, virtual, intellectual and offsite access, particularly to regional New South Wales; and a review and launch of the Museum’s corporate identity and brand. 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses Total expenses by the Museum are budgeted at $38.4 million. This includes an allocation for an ambitious program of internationally significant exhibitions for 2000, including a unique work by Leonardo da Vinci - The Codex Leicester, a collection of Greek antiquities on the Olympic theme and a priceless collection of Korean ceramics. Asset Acquisitions Funding of $406,000 has been provided to enable the Museum to carry out Year-2000 rectification works. $2.0 million is allocated for the continued construction of collection storage facilities at Castle Hill. Also, the permanent gallery replacement program enters the third year of a four-year program that commenced in 1997-98, with an allocation of $1.49 million. The capital works program includes the final year of a five-year program for the development of a digitised imaging system for recording the Museum’s collections and records. The allocation of $772,000 includes funding for the upgrade of network hardware and optic fibre cabling. In addition, an allocation of $1.0 million will be expended on minor works and the replacement of plant and equipment. HISTORIC HOUSES TRUST OF NEW SOUTH WALES The Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales is entrusted with the care of key heritage buildings in New South Wales. Its objectives are to conserve and manage these properties, their collections and surrounds to provide a range of public and school programs to increase awareness of the cultural heritage of the state. 2 - 22 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Recently the Trust assumed the control and management of two additional key heritage buildings, Government House in 1996 and the Mint building in 1997. Rouse Hill Estate was also opened to the public on a regular basis on 30 May 1999. In accordance with its increased role and responsibilities, the Trust’s operating expenditure has grown from $11.6 million in 1995-96 to $17.9 million in 1998-99. In 1998 the Trust finalised its Total Asset Management Plans (TAMS) which were developed in accordance with the Government’s policy on heritage asset management and was accompanied by an increase of $1.164 million in its annual allocation. Strategic Directions The Trust aims to maintain, develop and conserve its properties and collections on an on-going basis so as to benefit public awareness and accessibility. 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses The Trust will continue its policy of regional involvement and collaboration with regional museums including internships, advice, touring exhibitions, dissemination of information and the development of exhibitions that have rural themes. The Trust is developing a number of major exhibitions including: Art Deco, Unhinged - Yuendumu Doors, Harbour Metropolis and Lorrie Graham Photography at the Museum of Sydney; Convicts at the Hyde Park Barracks Museum; Doll Houses and Art Decorators at Elizabeth Bay House; and Forensic Photography at the Justice and Police Museum. The Trust is also planning a busy program of activities including concert series, lectures, seminars, theme events and courses. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 23 Asset Acquisitions Rouse Hill Estate, located in Sydney’s north-west, has been the subject of an intensive capital works program over the past 12 months to construct a temporary visitor facility in preparation for its May 1999 opening. An interpretation centre will be progressively developed during 1999-2000 and funding of $333,000 has been allocated for this purpose. Also included in the Trust’s capital program is an annual allocation of $220,000 for the on-going replacement and upgrade of computers, plant and equipment, and acquisition of collections. In 1999-2000 an additional $350,000 has been provided to upgrade computer systems. In October 1999 the Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales will open a major exhibition Convicts as a semi-permanent installation at the Hyde Park Barracks Museum. An amount of $260,000 has been allocated towards the construction of this exhibition. ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES The Art Gallery of New South Wales exhibits works of art from its own holdings, from pre-eminent international collections and other Australian sources. The Gallery also conducts both entertaining and educational public activities such as Aboriginal cultural performances, film screenings, lectures in art history, and free guided tours for school students and the public. Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Over the past five years, total expenses have increased from $20.1 million in 1994-95 to an expected $26.2 million in 1998-99. This is mainly attributed to the staging of significant art exhibitions and increased emphasis on commercial ventures that includes the bookshop. Strategic Directions The Gallery's major strategic objectives are to develop and maintain a collection of works of art, and to propagate and increase knowledge, appreciation, and access to this art collection. The Gallery also aims to develop its profile as a national centre for Asian Art. 2 - 24 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses A number of major exhibitions are planned for 1999-2000. These include: Indonesian Gold: Featuring over 70 items of gold and silver from the National Museum in Jakarta with the works dating from the Seventh to the Twentieth Century; Treasures of Asian Art: This exhibition will comprise selected masterpieces from the Mr and Mrs John D Rockefeller III collection, a selection of paintings and sculptures from cultures stretching from Pakistan to Japan to Indonesia; Jeffrey Smart: One of Australia's most individual and independent artists; Drawing the Figure - from Leonardo da Vinci to Lucian Freud: This exhibition will be the outstanding event by the Gallery for the Year 2000; and Papunya Tula: Traces the evolution of the Western Desert Contemporary Aboriginal art movement from its genesis in the early 1970s to international acclaim. The Gallery is currently developing its temporary exhibition program through to 2003 and is sourcing art works for these shows from its own collection and major international collections. Several individual exhibitions will be valued at more than $200 million. This will provide the opportunity for visitors to view important works of art not otherwise available to the people of New South Wales. Asset Acquisitions Refurbishment of the Australian art display space has been made possible by a $1 million private donation supported by $500,000 in capital funding from the Government and funding of $300,000 from the Gallery’s own sources. As part of the Gallery's mission to increase and improve the collection, funding of at least $1 million from its own resources will be allocated to the acquisition of works of art. Also, funding of $1.0 million has been provided over two years ($500,000 in 1999-00 and $500,000 in 2000-01) to enable the Gallery to carry out upgrade works to the building fabric and services. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 25 STATE RECORDS AUTHORITY The State Records Authority of New South Wales (State Records) was established with the commencement of the State Records Act 1998 on 1 January 1999, replacing the former Archives Authority of New South Wales and its operational arms. State Records' purpose is to ensure that the needs of people and government for records, as evidence of the business of the NSW public sector, are met now and in the future. State Records functions as a coordinating agency of Government, as a provider of services to the people and Government of NSW, and as the protector and preserver of the State's archives. Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Over the past five years, total expenses have increased from $7.1 million in 1994-95 to an expected $8.7 million in 1998-99. This increase mainly reflects the increased business activities from the Government Records Repository in the area of records storage and retrieval. The State Records Act 1998 gives State Records significant new responsibilities, notably to regulate and improve records management across the NSW public sector, particularly in the environment of electronic business and service delivery. With the Act's coverage of local government, the universities and the public hospital system from 1 January 2000, State Records' jurisdiction is doubled. The Act also provides improved protection for the State's archives, which will result in between 60 and 80 linear kilometres of archival records being transferred to State Records' custody in the period to 2010. A storage facility is being built for completion in early 2000, at a total estimated cost of $5.9 million over three years. Strategic Directions In the next five years, State Records aims to complete all aspects of the implementation of the new State Records Act and to achieve measurable improvements in record keeping across the New South Wales public sector and in the accessibility and use of the State's archives throughout New South Wales. As key supporting strategies, State Records will continue to rationalise its accommodation for the archives, staff and specialised facilities, adopt better systems for the intellectual and physical control of the State's archives and implement new information systems for its business operations and electronic service delivery. 2 - 26 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses Total expenses by State Records are budgeted at $8.8 million in 1999-2000. During the year the Authority's resources will be applied to the provision of core archives and records management services, improvements in the standard of record keeping across Government, the identification, preservation and documentation of the State's archives and the progressive implementation of the State Records Act. Among specific initiatives, State Records will commence a program to provide improved access to key State archives through community access points around New South Wales and will undertake a thorough review of arrangements for keeping State archives of regional significance in their communities. Asset Acquisitions A capital allocation of $3.4 million has been made for two major works at the Western Sydney Records Centre at Kingswood. The construction of the Stage V building will be completed to provide suitable storage for the next ten years. Construction will commence of a new conservation laboratory at the Centre, along with accommodation for staff to be relocated from State Records' CBD site. As part of a program to rationalise its accommodation, State Records will reduce its occupation of the rented State Archives Building in The Rocks. A first year allocation of $1.5 million will enable the reduced area to be refurbished to provide improved facilities for public use of the archives, exhibitions and other outreach activities and training for public sector officers. The work will be completed in 2000-01. NEW SOUTH WALES FILM AND TELEVISION OFFICE The New South Film and Television Office promotes, encourages and facilitates film and television production, assists in script development, provides a liaison service between filmmakers and property owners and co-ordinates and supervises the production of documentary and promotional films for government agencies. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 27 Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Since 1995-1996, $8.4 million has been invested in film and television productions by the Film and Television Office, resulting in $141 million worth of production expenditure in New South Wales. The $5 million revolving Production Loan Fund has been instrumental in attracting production to New South Wales. The cash reserves within the Fund have been fully drawndown to “cashflow” productions in the State and are replenished when the loans are repaid. The first five rounds of the Young Filmmakers Fund have supported 41 productions, with a total investment of approximately $820,000. The Fund continues to attract considerable interest and large numbers of applicants. An exciting “DIY-tv” initiative under the Young Filmmakers Fund was adopted in 1999; the initial round brought about an investment of $187,500 in three projects that will screen on SBS in late 1999. Creative Initiatives Fellowships were established in 1998 and are intended to enhance career paths and provide developmental opportunities not otherwise available. Strategic Directions The promotion of employment, investment and export growth in the New South Wales film and television industry is a key priority of the Office, as is the commitment to quality, innovation and local identity. Creative development is an important part of the Office’s responsibilities and critical to the long-term viability of the industry. The Office encourages initiatives to assist the skills and experience of emerging and established talent in this regard. 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses Total expenses by the Office are budgeted at $7.0 million. This will enable the Office to continue to occupy its integral place within the film and television industry through script development, pre-production and production support, screen culture grants, new media development programs and liaison with filmmakers and property owners. 2 - 28 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 Asset Acquisitions The Office has been allocated $30,000 to improve and replace office equipment. ETHNIC AFFAIRS COMMISSION The Ethnic Affairs Commission continues to promote the value of cultural diversity and the rights of individuals and groups from non-English speaking backgrounds. The Commission is responsible for promoting unity and harmony in the community and ensuring the full participation of all persons in the social, economic, public and cultural life of New South Wales. In May 1999, the Government released the second Ethnic Affairs Report. The Report details the achievements and progress in implementing the Building on Cultural Diversity Program in New South Wales. Strategic Directions The Government has taken a whole-of-government approach to ethnic affairs through its Ethnic Affairs Action Plan 2000. The Commission has the responsibility to provide leadership in the effective implementation of these issues into the core business of all government agencies focusing on the three identified key result areas namely Social Justice, Community Harmony and Economic and Cultural Opportunities. During 1999-2000, the Government proposes to introduce legislation into Parliament to restructure the Commission into a Community Relations Commission. The existing leadership role of the Commission in the stated areas will continue, however, the Government proposes to further enhance its community relations role. A focus for the Commission in 1999-2000 will be the extension of interpreter services into rural and regional New South Wales. 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses Total expenses by the Commission in 1999-2000 are budgeted at $11.9 million. This includes $1.5 million for an effective and targeted community grants program. In 1999-2000 the Commission’s Community Partnership Scheme will continue to play an important part in addressing community needs. The Scheme provides funding for projects that the Commission believes are of high priority and which can serve as best practice models in the future. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 29 Asset Acquisitions The Commission will spend $641,000 on the refurbishment of its Ashfield offices to ensure employee occupational health and safety, and compliance with council fire regulations. AUDIT OFFICE OF NEW SOUTH WALES The New South Wales Auditor-General is responsible for audits and related services under the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983, other New South Wales Acts and the Corporations Law. The Auditor-General forms part of the accountability mechanism whereby the Parliament holds the Government accountable for fulfilling its responsibilities. The Audit Office assists the Auditor-General in fulfilling this role. The Audit Office’s core businesses are: financial audits that provide an independent opinion (report) on the financial reports of government agencies; compliance reviews, that involve the examination of compliance with, for example, laws and regulations and policy directives of central agencies; special audits (performance audits) that provide an independent report on selected government programs or activities in terms of their economy, efficiency, effectiveness and compliance with appropriate legislation; and advising Parliament and the Government on substantial matters identified during the audit process. Expenditure Trends and Recent Developments Current expenditure is $22.6 million and is estimated to decrease slightly in 1999-2000 to $22.0 million. This is the result of a decision by the Office itself to target an overall cut of 3 percent from its salary-related expenditures in 1999-2000 followed by a further 1 percent reduction in 2000-01. These productivity related savings reverse the trend of increasing salary related expenditures in the past few years resulting from major increases in salary rates. The introduction of new audit methodology during 1998-99 is expected to enable the Office to achieve its identified savings. Additionally, provision is being made for the replacement of the existing practice management and office management computer software. 2 - 30 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 Strategic Directions The client base is regularly changing through departmental and portfolio restructuring, the establishment of Government Trading Enterprises and privatisation. There is a downward trend in the number and size of clients. This generally has the effect of reducing effort in financial audit. However, there is an increasing demand for other work. The Office is committed to providing appropriate training and opportunities to all staff. It is committed to the development of an integrated information management and technology framework. It is also committed to using audit methodologies that add value to clients and stakeholders, focus on client and business risk, are cost effective and meet the requirements of the quality standard AS/NZ ISO 9001:94 and Australian Auditing Standards. 1999-2000 Budget Total Expenses The Office will spend $22.0 million during the year, of which expenditure on performance audits will be an estimated $2.2 million. Asset Acquisitions Capital payments are estimated to decrease to $400,000 in 1999-2000. Capital requirements in the next few years are expected to be negligible as the Office uses the recently established operating lease facility to fund its computer requirements. The majority of the $400,000 will be spent replacing the Office’s practice management and other support systems. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 31 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 2 CABINET OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 7,178 3,692 12 300 1,416 7,413 3,524 50 321 3,242 7,693 3,824 12 301 1,016 12,598 14,550 12,846 Less: Retained Revenue Investment income Other revenue 92 ... 92 4 94 ... Total Retained Revenue 92 96 94 12,506 14,454 12,752 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Other expenses Total Expenses NET COST OF SERVICES 2 - 32 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 2 CABINET OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 6,773 5,259 7,029 6,659 7,247 4,852 12,032 13,688 12,099 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other ... 92 146 95 ... 94 Total Receipts 92 241 94 (11,940) (13,447) (12,005) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchases of property, plant and equipment (132) (162) (60) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (132) (162) (60) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation 11,679 Capital appropriation 132 Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 127 13,511 132 204 11,815 60 204 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 11,938 13,847 12,079 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH (134) 238 14 Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,455 1,138 1,376 CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 1,321 1,376 1,390 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (12,506) 725 (159) (14,454) 766 241 (12,752) 745 2 Net cash flow from operating activities (11,940) (13,447) (12,005) CASH FLOW STATEMENT CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Other Total Payments NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 33 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 2 CABINET OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Receivables 1,321 145 1,376 32 1,390 32 Total Current Assets 1,466 1,408 1,422 3,484 (1,500) 3,420 (1,464) 3,480 (1,765) Total Non Current Assets 1,984 1,956 1,715 Total Assets 3,450 3,364 3,137 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements 118 676 275 717 275 719 Total Current Liabilities 794 992 994 Total Liabilities 794 992 994 NET ASSETS 2,656 2,372 2,143 EQUITY Accumulated funds 2,656 2,372 2,143 TOTAL EQUITY 2,656 2,372 2,143 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation 2 - 34 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 2 CABINET OFFICE 2.1 Services for the Premier and Cabinet 2.1.1 Services for the Premier and Cabinet Program Objective(s): To be the Premier's primary source of policy advice, assist the Cabinet in making decisions about Government policy and coordinate the development of Government policy. Program Description: Provision of administrative support and advisory services for the Premier as Head of Government and Cabinet. Provision of advice to the Government. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 1999-2000 Activities: Policy branches Cabinet Secretariat Intergovernmental and Regulatory Reform Families First 84 16 80 19 11 6 8 6 117 113 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Other expenses Special projects Sydney Catchment Authority - establishment costs Special reports to Cabinet, Premier and unforeseen expenses approved by the Premier New South Wales Government Youth Initiatives Total Expenses Budget Estimates 1999-2000 7,178 3,692 12 300 7,413 3,524 50 321 7,693 3,824 12 301 74 74 980 ... 1,832 ... 36 1,306 36 1,300 36 ... 12,598 14,550 12,846 2 - 35 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 2 CABINET OFFICE 2.1 Services for the Premier and Cabinet 2.1.1 Services for the Premier and Cabinet (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue Investment income Other revenue 92 ... 92 4 94 ... Total Retained Revenue 92 96 94 12,506 14,454 12,752 132 162 60 NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS 2 - 36 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 3 PARLIAMENTARY COUNSEL'S OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 4,152 838 62 260 4,162 779 62 260 4,341 740 63 290 Total Expenses 5,312 5,263 5,434 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income 215 30 215 30 219 ... Total Retained Revenue 245 245 219 5,067 5,018 5,215 OPERATING STATEMENT NET COST OF SERVICES Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 37 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 3 PARLIAMENTARY COUNSEL'S OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Other 4,078 934 3,789 909 4,035 803 Total Payments 5,012 4,698 4,838 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 215 59 243 31 204 15 Total Receipts 274 274 219 (4,738) (4,424) (4,619) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchases of property, plant and equipment (400) (400) (400) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (400) (400) (400) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation Capital appropriation Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 4,007 400 29 4,007 400 55 4,344 400 29 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 4,436 4,462 4,773 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH (702) (362) (246) 701 766 404 (1) 404 158 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (5,067) 449 (120) (5,018) 566 28 (5,215) 596 ... Net cash flow from operating activities (4,738) (4,424) (4,619) CASH FLOW STATEMENT NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 2 - 38 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 3 PARLIAMENTARY COUNSEL'S OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Receivables Other 116 49 31 404 37 21 158 37 21 Total Current Assets 196 462 216 1,699 (1,253) 1,638 (1,069) 2,038 (1,359) Total Non Current Assets 446 569 679 Total Assets 642 1,031 895 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements 15 333 204 343 204 343 Total Current Liabilities 348 547 547 Total Liabilities 348 547 547 NET ASSETS 294 484 348 EQUITY Accumulated funds 294 484 348 TOTAL EQUITY 294 484 348 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 39 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 3 PARLIAMENTARY COUNSEL'S OFFICE 3.1 Drafting and Publishing of Government Legislation 3.1.1 Drafting and Publishing of Government Legislation Program Objective(s): To provide a comprehensive legislative drafting and publishing service. Program Description: Developing and drafting Government legislation for Parliament or the Governor-in-Council. Advising on and drafting or settling environmental planning instruments. Providing legal and administrative advice to the Government, a legislative drafting service for non- Government Members of Parliament and undertaking research on legislative and related matters. Publishing legislation including Bills, new Acts and Regulations, updated reprints of legislation and information guides. Compiling the New South Wales Legislation Database. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 1999-2000 47 48 Activities: Drafting and publishing legislation _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 4,152 838 62 260 4,162 779 62 260 4,341 740 63 290 Total Expenses 5,312 5,263 5,434 2 - 40 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 3 PARLIAMENTARY COUNSEL'S OFFICE 3.1 Drafting and Publishing of Government Legislation 3.1.1 Drafting and Publishing of Government Legislation (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Drafting and publication of legislation Investment income 215 30 215 30 219 ... Total Retained Revenue 245 245 219 5,067 5,018 5,215 400 400 400 NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 41 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Other expenses 30,463 21,831 196 1,207 2,510 4,797 31,932 24,258 613 2,650 6,814 4,998 31,767 25,747 604 2,650 4,621 8,318 Total Expenses 61,004 71,265 73,707 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue 2,252 103 3,846 777 2,508 248 6,030 3,044 2,918 105 2,472 1,981 Total Retained Revenue 6,978 11,830 7,476 54,026 59,435 66,231 OPERATING STATEMENT NET COST OF SERVICES 2 - 42 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Grants and subsidies Other 27,562 2,510 34,771 29,873 6,814 36,735 29,632 4,621 34,669 Total Payments 64,843 73,422 68,922 2,752 7,423 2,521 14,673 2,918 4,558 10,175 17,194 7,476 (54,668) (56,228) (61,446) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchases of property, plant and equipment (374) (1,394) (1,625) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (374) (1,394) (1,625) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation 48,002 Capital appropriation 374 Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 362 55,763 369 705 60,446 1,625 500 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 48,738 56,837 62,571 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH (6,304) (785) (500) Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 14,647 6,289 5,504 8,343 5,504 5,004 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (54,026) 3,897 (4,539) (59,435) 4,648 (1,441) (66,231) 4,785 ... Net cash flow from operating activities (54,668) (56,228) (61,446) CASH FLOW STATEMENT Receipts Sale of goods and services Other Total Receipts NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 43 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Receivables Other 8,349 280 925 5,504 1,523 57 5,004 1,523 57 Total Current Assets 9,554 7,084 6,584 55,562 (13,159) 46,958 (9,830) 48,583 (12,480) Total Non Current Assets 42,403 37,128 36,103 Total Assets 51,957 44,212 42,687 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements Other 4,590 2,770 ... 3,420 2,800 1,271 3,420 2,800 1,271 Total Current Liabilities 7,360 7,491 7,491 Non Current Liabilities Other 137 28 28 Total Non Current Liabilities 137 28 28 7,497 7,519 7,519 NET ASSETS 44,460 36,693 35,168 EQUITY Accumulated funds 44,460 36,693 35,168 TOTAL EQUITY 44,460 36,693 35,168 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Total Liabilities 2 - 44 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT 4.1 Services for Administration of Government 4.1.1 Services for the Governor's Office Program Objective(s): To provide for the operation of the constitutional, ceremonial and community functions of the Governor. Program Description: Operation of the Governor's Office including His Excellency's activities at Government House and the Executive Council. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 1999-2000 13 13 Activities: Operation of the Governor's Office _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 769 597 5 20 770 640 4 24 789 657 5 20 Total Expenses 1,391 1,438 1,471 NET COST OF SERVICES 1,391 1,438 1,471 10 10 10 ASSET ACQUISITIONS Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 45 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT 4.1 Services for Administration of Government 4.1.2 Services for the Leaders of the Opposition Program Objective(s): To support the Leaders of the Opposition in performing their Parliamentary duties. Program Description: Provision of media, research and administrative support to the Leaders of the Opposition. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 19992000 Activities: Services for the Leaders of the Opposition in both Houses Of Parliament 17 17 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 1,042 364 5 15 1,105 550 10 11 1,060 370 5 15 Total Expenses 1,426 1,676 1,450 NET COST OF SERVICES 1,426 1,676 1,450 ASSET ACQUISITIONS 14 14 14 2 - 46 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT 4.1 Services for Administration of Government 4.1.3 Council on the Cost of Government Program Objective(s): To review public sector management and operational effectiveness and efficiency, give advice on changes necessary to provide value for money and to develop and oversee implementation of reform initiatives with a view to achieving a cost effective public sector. Program Description: Undertaking reviews, providing advice and recommendations, and developing and overseeing implementation of public sector reform initiatives. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 19992000 Activities: Support, conduct and manage the workplan of the Council on the Cost of Government 23 20 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 2,031 965 10 50 1,500 900 10 20 1,629 1,114 7 20 Total Expenses 3,056 2,430 2,770 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Publication sales ... 8 ... Total Retained Revenue ... 8 ... 3,056 2,422 2,770 NET COST OF SERVICES Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 47 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT 4.1 Services for Administration of Government 4.1.4 Equal Opportunity in Public Employment Program Objective(s): To eliminate discriminatory employment practices from the Public Sector. Program Description: Promotion of equal employment within the Public Sector. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 1999- 2000 Activities: Program advice Research and policy development Project management 14 6 2 14 6 2 22 22 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Grants to agencies Total Expenses Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Publication sales Fees for services from general government agencies Grants and contributions Other revenue Total Retained Revenue NET COST OF SERVICES 2 - 48 1,257 1,227 15 10 1,412 820 18 13 1,332 584 20 25 ... 387 346 2,509 2,650 2,307 ... ... ... ... ... 73 605 55 20 ... 23 ... ... 733 43 2,509 1,917 2,264 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT 4.1 Services for Administration of Government 4.1.5 Ministerial and Parliamentary Services Program Objective(s): To manage functions relating to Ministerial offices Parliamentary services for the Premier's administration. and Program Description: Provision of advice, policy and administrative support to the Premier, Ministers' offices and Remuneration Tribunals. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 19992000 Activities: Ministerial services Premier's Office Information services Ministerial Offices Transport services 26 32 18 ... 44 _____ 13 31 17 20 45 120 126 _____ _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Other expenses Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal Ministerial travel, special reports for the Premier, and unforeseen expenses approved by the Premier Total Expenses Budget Estimates 1999-2000 9,243 5,479 39 222 9,409 7,136 49 115 9,838 6,955 38 115 91 91 91 263 263 263 15,337 17,063 17,300 2 - 49 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT 4.1 Services for Administration of Government 4.1.5 Ministerial and Parliamentary Services (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Publication sales Other revenue ... 640 60 1,895 25 1,300 Total Retained Revenue 640 1,955 1,325 14,697 15,108 15,975 NET COST OF SERVICES 2 - 50 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT 4.1 Services for Administration of Government 4.1.6 Public Sector Management Office Program Objective(s): To support the Public Sector to deliver government objectives through leadership and provision of advice concerning reform and employee relations. To facilitate a whole-of-government approach, where appropriate, to the delivery of public sector services. Program Description: Development and implementation of a public sector reform agenda having the capacity and most effective structure to meet present and future community expectations. Provision of strategic advice on public sector reform and assistance to agencies in resolving complex management and employee relations issues across the NSW public sector. Provision of advice to the Government in the Department's statutory role as employer of public servants for industrial purposes. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 1999- 2000 Activities: Employee relations Strategic policy and reform 37 43 37 42 80 79 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 5,497 4,675 38 300 5,708 4,233 14 231 5,744 5,892 27 247 ... 854 105 10,510 11,040 12,015 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Grants to agencies Total Expenses Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 51 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT 4.1 Services for Administration of Government 4.1.6 Public Sector Management Office (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Publication sales Fees for services from general government agencies Training charges from general government agencies Grants and contributions Other revenue 170 ... 25 ... 200 341 1,032 ... 5 1,300 36 ... 1,652 ... ... Total Retained Revenue 1,207 1,536 2,018 NET COST OF SERVICES 9,303 9,504 9,997 2 - 52 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT 4.1 Services for Administration of Government 4.1.7 Strategic Projects Program Objective(s): To achieve a whole-of-government approach to projects of strategic importance both to regional communities and to the State as a whole, in order to maximise their economic, business and social benefits. Program Description: Leadership, liaison and co-ordination across Government agencies in consultation with other levels of Government, and the private and community sectors, to ensure that the Government's strategic, economic, environmental and social and infrastructure planning, management and service provision objectives are met. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 1999- 2000 Activities: State and Regional Strategic Projects Infrastructure Co-ordination Unit 55 ... 55 5 55 60 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Grants to agencies Capital grants - Australian Technology Park - high speed computer Total Expenses Budget Estimates 1999-2000 5,274 3,439 17 217 5,732 3,896 20 242 5,958 3,010 33 202 ... 663 606 ... ... 2,000 8,947 10,553 11,809 2 - 53 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT 4.1 Services for Administration of Government 4.1.7 Strategic Projects (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Publication sales Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue ... ... 3,846 ... 6 18 3,637 12 ... ... 2,449 ... Total Retained Revenue 3,846 3,673 2,449 NET COST OF SERVICES 5,101 6,880 9,360 ... 35 380 ASSET ACQUISITIONS 2 - 54 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT 4.1 Services for Administration of Government 4.1.8 State Administration Services Program Objective(s): To organise, plan and manage functions for the Premier's administration. Program Description: Provision of management and co-ordination services for the Premier in community events, official visits and executive and departmental administration, including corporate service reform and actuarial services. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 1999- 2000 Activities: Director General's Unit Protocol Community and management services Corporate Services Reform Government Actuary 9 9 20 9 9 9 9 16 9 8 56 51 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Miscellaneous grants approved by the Premier Constitutional Centenary Foundation Inc. Grants to agencies Other expenses Expenses involved in protocol Australia Day Council Centenary of Federation Total Expenses Budget Estimates 1999-2000 5,350 5,085 67 373 6,296 6,083 488 1,994 5,417 7,165 469 2,006 2,416 94 ... 4,776 94 40 1,470 94 ... 769 3,674 ... 769 3,875 ... 769 695 6,500 17,828 24,415 24,585 2 - 55 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 4 PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT 4.1 Services for Administration of Government 4.1.8 State Administration Services (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Publication sales Fees for services Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue ... 1,050 103 ... 132 6 855 230 1,752 1,082 ... 855 105 ... 681 Total Retained Revenue 1,285 3,925 1,641 16,543 20,490 22,944 315 1,335 1,221 NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS 2 - 56 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 5 INDEPENDENT COMMISSION AGAINST CORRUPTION _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 9,506 4,541 285 500 10,062 4,419 248 532 10,277 4,092 270 500 14,832 15,261 15,139 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Other revenue 25 20 5 20 13 45 25 15 25 Total Retained Revenue 50 78 65 Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets ... 13 ... 14,782 15,170 15,074 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Total Expenses NET COST OF SERVICES Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 57 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 5 INDEPENDENT COMMISSION AGAINST CORRUPTION _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 8,755 4,841 9,173 4,526 9,506 4,411 13,596 13,699 13,917 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 25 25 18 106 24 63 Total Receipts 50 124 87 (13,546) (13,575) (13,830) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Purchases of property, plant and equipment ... (240) 17 (307) ... (240) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (240) (290) (240) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation 13,377 Capital appropriation 240 Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 200 13,377 240 260 13,569 240 250 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 13,817 13,877 14,059 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH 31 12 (11) Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 70 9 21 101 21 10 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (14,782) 1,205 31 (15,170) 1,392 203 (15,074) 1,255 (11) Net cash flow from operating activities (13,546) (13,575) (13,830) CASH FLOW STATEMENT CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Other Total Payments NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 2 - 58 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 5 INDEPENDENT COMMISSION AGAINST CORRUPTION _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Receivables Other 101 20 100 21 45 150 10 22 125 Total Current Assets 221 216 157 10,694 (8,346) 8,511 (6,179) 8,751 (6,679) Total Non Current Assets 2,348 2,332 2,072 Total Assets 2,569 2,548 2,229 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements 596 500 744 500 685 500 Total Current Liabilities 1,096 1,244 1,185 Non Current Liabilities Employee entitlements 280 300 300 Total Non Current Liabilities 280 300 300 Total Liabilities 1,376 1,544 1,485 NET ASSETS 1,193 1,004 744 EQUITY Accumulated funds 1,193 1,004 744 TOTAL EQUITY 1,193 1,004 744 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 59 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 5 INDEPENDENT COMMISSION AGAINST CORRUPTION 5.1 Investigation, Community Education and Prevention of Corruption 5.1.1 Investigation, Community Education and Prevention of Corruption Program Objective(s): To minimise corrupt activities and enhance the efficiency and integrity of government administration. Program Description: Investigation of possible corrupt conduct, advice for public authorities on ways in which to prevent corrupt conduct and education of the community about the detrimental effects of corruption. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 1999-2000 80 25 25 80 28 26 130 134 Activities: Regulatory program Advisory program Corporate services _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 9,506 4,541 285 500 10,062 4,419 248 532 10,277 4,092 270 500 14,832 15,261 15,139 25 20 5 20 13 45 25 15 25 Total Retained Revenue 50 78 65 2 - 60 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 Total Expenses Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Other revenue PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 5 INDEPENDENT COMMISSION AGAINST CORRUPTION 5.1 Investigation, Community Education and Prevention of Corruption 5.1.1 Investigation, Community Education and Prevention of Corruption (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS Budget Estimates 1999-2000 ... 13 ... 14,782 15,170 15,074 240 257 240 2 - 61 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 6 OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 5,303 1,084 60 301 5,574 1,298 61 290 6,770 1,672 61 240 Total Expenses 6,748 7,223 8,743 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue 42 9 ... 11 132 15 125 19 65 15 134 ... Total Retained Revenue 62 291 214 Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets ... (1) ... 6,686 6,933 8,529 OPERATING STATEMENT NET COST OF SERVICES 2 - 62 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 6 OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Other 5,032 1,144 5,075 1,368 6,442 1,751 Total Payments 6,176 6,443 8,193 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 42 19 123 155 66 149 Total Receipts 61 278 215 (6,115) (6,165) (7,978) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchases of property, plant and equipment (121) (451) (477) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (121) (451) (477) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation Capital appropriation Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 5,845 121 188 6,478 365 189 7,646 379 264 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 6,154 7,032 8,289 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH (82) 416 (166) Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 138 131 547 56 547 381 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (6,686) 538 33 (6,933) 598 170 (8,529) 506 45 Net cash flow from operating activities (6,115) (6,165) (7,978) CASH FLOW STATEMENT NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 63 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 6 OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 56 12 90 547 23 117 381 20 135 158 687 536 2,032 (1,834) 2,352 (1,816) 1,777 (1,004) Total Non Current Assets 198 536 773 Total Assets 356 1,223 1,309 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements Other 128 307 ... 139 444 2 196 449 ... Total Current Liabilities 435 585 645 Total Liabilities 435 585 645 NET ASSETS (79) 638 664 EQUITY Accumulated funds (79) 638 664 TOTAL EQUITY (79) 638 664 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION ASSETS Current Assets Cash Receivables Other Total Current Assets Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation 2 - 64 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 6 OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICE 6.1 Resolution of Complaints Against Government Agencies, Officials and Certain Non-Government Organisations and Individuals 6.1.1 Resolution of Complaints About Police Program Objective(s): To provide for the redress of justified complaints and selectively investigate complaints that identify structural and procedural deficiencies in the Police Service. To promote fairness, integrity and practical reforms in the New South Wales Police Service. Program Description: Civilian oversight of complaints about conduct of police, including the assessment of the results of internal police investigations. Keeping under scrutiny the Police Service systems for dealing with complaints, including monitoring of selected internal police investigations, oversight of informal resolution of complaints and direct investigations where appropriate. Units 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 Outputs: Reports containing recommended changes to law, policy or procedures Written complaints Received Finalised Complaints audited Direct investigations Complaints assessed within 5 days Requests for review as a percent of total finalised % n.a. 56 61 60 no. no. no. no. % 5,232 5,283 n.a. 15 n.a. 5,371 4,978 340 13 70 4,600 5,200 500 8 85 4,650 4,650 550 10 80 % 3.9 2.6 2.5 5.0 Note: In March 1999, amendments were made to the Police Service Act, affecting the way in which complaints about police are dealt with. The focus of these amendments was to improve the police complaint handling system, including giving the Ombudsman responsibility for keeping under scrutiny systems used by the Police Service for dealing with complaints. These changes will impact upon how complaints are handled, and as such, require changes to be made to the output indicators that accompany this program. New indicators will be developed for future budget papers. Average Staffing: Budget Estimates 1999-2000 EFT 47 45 44 46 2 - 65 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 6 OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICE 6.1 Resolution of Complaints Against Government Agencies, Officials and Certain Non-Government Organisations and Individuals 6.1.1 Resolution of Complaints About Police (cont) _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 2,945 606 33 166 2,989 646 32 158 3,121 738 29 128 Total Expenses 3,750 3,825 4,016 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Training charges Minor sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue ... 6 5 ... 6 6 16 8 125 10 ... 7 7 134 ... Total Retained Revenue 17 165 148 Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets ... (1) ... 3,733 3,661 3,868 ASSET ACQUISITIONS 67 225 276 2 - 66 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 NET COST OF SERVICES PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 6 OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICE 6.1 Resolution of Complaints Against Government Agencies, Officials and Certain Non-Government Organisations and Individuals 6.1.2 Resolution of Local Government, Public Authority and Prison Complaints and Review of Freedom of Information Complaints Program Objective(s): To provide for the redress of justified complaints and selectively investigate complaints that identify structural and procedural deficiencies in public administration. To promote fairness, integrity and practical reforms in New South Wales public administration and maximise access to Government information subject only to such restrictions as are necessary for the proper administration of the Government. Program Description: Investigation of complaints and protected disclosures about the administrative conduct of New South Wales public authorities and local councils, including external review of conduct relating to determinations made under the Freedom of Information Act. Inspection and reporting upon eligible authorities in relation to the issuing of warrants under complementary Commonwealth/State legislation authorising interceptions of telecommunications. Investigation of complaints and determining appeals relating to the Witness Protection program. Inspection and reporting upon eligible authorities in relation to the authorisation of controlled operations. Units 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 Outputs: Reports containing recommended changes to law, policy or procedures % Written complaints Received no. Finalised no. Informal investigations no. Formal investigations no. Complaints assessed within 24 hours % Average completion time for complaints: General complaints (other than FOI) Weeks Freedom of Information Weeks Telephone complaints/inquiries: Total received thous Advice given thous Average Staffing: Budget Estimates 1999-2000 EFT 77 80 57 80 2,879 2,899 1,416 32 90 3,211 3,143 1,520 23 88 2,895 2,940 1,460 16 90 2,800 2,900 1,400 16 90 8.8 26.0 8.3 21.0 7.7 22.0 7.8 20.0 15.7 10.3 20.1 11.7 22.0 12.0 23.0 12.0 34.0 35.0 37.0 36.0 2 - 67 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 6 OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICE 6.1 Resolution of Complaints Against Government Agencies, Officials and Certain Non-Government Organisations and Individuals 6.1.2 Resolution of Local Government, Public Authority and Prison Complaints and Review of Freedom of Information Complaints (cont) _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 2,358 478 27 135 2,347 530 27 129 2,585 612 23 80 Total Expenses 2,998 3,033 3,300 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Fees for services Training charges Minor sales of goods and services Investment income Other revenue ... ... 36 4 5 18 79 13 7 9 ... 50 6 6 ... Total Retained Revenue 45 126 62 2,953 2,907 3,238 ASSET ACQUISITIONS 54 111 144 2 - 68 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 NET COST OF SERVICES PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 6 OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICE 6.1 Resolution of Complaints Against Government Agencies, Officials and Certain Non-Government Organisations and Individuals 6.1.3 Resolution of Child Protection Related Complaints Program Objective(s): To determine whether child abuse allegations or convictions against employees of government and certain non-government agencies have been dealt with properly. Program Description: Oversight, monitoring and investigation of the handling of child abuse allegations against employees of government and certain non-government agencies, scrutiny of systems for the prevention of child abuse and the reporting of allegations. Outputs: As this responsibility commenced in May 1999, the Ombudsman has not yet developed output indicators to accompany this program. New indicators will be developed for future Budget Papers. 1998-99 1999-2000 Average Staffing (EFT): 3 14 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation ... ... ... ... 238 122 2 3 1,064 322 9 32 Total Expenses ... 365 1,427 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Minor sales of goods and services Investment income ... ... ... ... 2 2 Total Retained Revenue ... ... 4 NET COST OF SERVICES ... 365 1,423 ASSET ACQUISITIONS ... 115 57 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 69 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 7 STATE ELECTORAL OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Other expenses 1,604 694 7 401 32,171 1,633 826 5 408 42,589 1,655 1,293 7 374 10,955 Total Expenses 34,877 45,461 14,284 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions 157 21 ... 375 95 9 160 21 ... Total Retained Revenue 178 479 181 34,699 44,982 14,103 OPERATING STATEMENT NET COST OF SERVICES 2 - 70 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 7 STATE ELECTORAL OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Other 1,442 32,810 1,425 43,573 1,514 12,210 Total Payments 34,252 44,998 13,724 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 157 (6) 375 97 147 59 Total Receipts 151 472 206 (34,101) (44,526) (13,518) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchases of property, plant and equipment (249) (1,054) ... NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (249) (1,054) ... CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation 34,073 Capital appropriation 249 Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 21 45,198 312 29 13,511 ... 21 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 34,343 45,539 13,532 (7) (41) 14 Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,352 1,484 1,443 CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 1,345 1,443 1,457 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (34,699) 543 55 (44,982) 583 (127) (14,103) 524 61 Net cash flow from operating activities (34,101) (44,526) (13,518) CASH FLOW STATEMENT NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 71 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 7 STATE ELECTORAL OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Receivables Other 1,345 72 15 1,443 66 55 1,457 41 50 Total Current Assets 1,432 1,564 1,548 Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation 738 (397) 1,801 (261) 1,801 (635) 341 1,540 1,166 1,773 3,104 2,714 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Employee entitlements Other 140 760 178 760 169 800 Total Current Liabilities 900 938 969 Total Liabilities 900 938 969 NET ASSETS 873 2,166 1,745 EQUITY Accumulated funds 873 2,166 1,745 TOTAL EQUITY 873 2,166 1,745 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Total Non Current Assets Total Assets 2 - 72 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 7 STATE ELECTORAL OFFICE 7.1 Electoral Services 7.1.1 Management and Administration of Parliamentary Elections Program Objective(s): To provide for the independent conduct Parliamentary members and of referendums. of elections of Program Description: Administration of elections and by-elections for the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council and referendums. Review of electoral procedures and submission of recommendations to the Government on electoral reform. Review of electoral administration procedures and development of computer techniques. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 1999- 2000 Activities: Conduct of elections Administration of elections 16 4 13 6 20 19 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Other expenses By-election General election Redistribution Payments to Commonwealth 1,450 625 6 361 1,472 743 4 367 1,374 1,163 6 310 356 22,017 ... 2,808 18 31,011 356 2,819 363 2,563 ... 2,858 Total Expenses 27,623 36,790 8,637 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 73 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 7 STATE ELECTORAL OFFICE 7.1 Electoral Services 7.1.1 Management and Administration of Parliamentary Elections (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Fees for services Minor sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions 111 34 19 ... 300 75 89 9 125 35 17 ... Total Retained Revenue 164 473 177 27,459 36,317 8,460 232 968 ... NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS 2 - 74 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 7 STATE ELECTORAL OFFICE 7.1 Electoral Services 7.1.2 Funding of Parliamentary Election Campaigns Program Objective(s): To provide an independent source of funding of Parliamentary election campaigns and to require the disclosure by candidates and political parties of political contributions and expenditures. Program Description: Administration of the public funding of election campaigns and the provision for the public disclosure of the sources of funds used and the expenditure incurred in an election campaign. Administration of the Political Education Fund. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 1999- 2000 Activities: Registration of parties, groups and candidates, examination and research into claims and declarations, public reporting of sources of income and expenditure. 3 4 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Other expenses Payments to candidates, groups and parties Political education 154 69 1 40 161 83 1 41 281 130 1 64 5,576 1,414 6,971 1,414 3,757 1,414 Total Expenses 7,254 8,671 5,647 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 75 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 7 STATE ELECTORAL OFFICE 7.1 Electoral Services 7.1.2 Funding of Parliamentary Election Campaigns (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Fees for services Investment income 12 2 ... 6 ... 4 Total Retained Revenue 14 6 4 7,240 8,665 5,643 ASSET ACQUISITIONS 17 ... ... 2 - 76 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 NET COST OF SERVICES PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 8 INDEPENDENT PRICING AND REGULATORY TRIBUNAL _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 3,091 1,680 20 105 3,168 2,170 20 105 3,556 1,983 20 110 Total Expenses 4,896 5,463 5,669 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Other revenue ... 6 75 269 40 14 150 15 47 Total Retained Revenue 81 323 212 4,815 5,140 5,457 OPERATING STATEMENT NET COST OF SERVICES Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 77 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 8 INDEPENDENT PRICING AND REGULATORY TRIBUNAL _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Other 2,890 1,700 3,015 2,229 3,443 2,049 Total Payments 4,590 5,244 5,492 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other ... 81 432 54 166 62 Total Receipts 81 486 228 (4,509) (4,758) (5,264) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchases of property, plant and equipment (75) (75) (75) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (75) (75) (75) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation Capital appropriation Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 4,149 75 47 4,258 75 75 5,134 75 85 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 4,271 4,408 5,294 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH (313) (425) (45) 371 630 205 58 205 160 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (4,815) 306 ... (5,140) 223 159 (5,457) 228 (35) Net cash flow from operating activities (4,509) (4,758) (5,264) CASH FLOW STATEMENT NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 2 - 78 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 8 INDEPENDENT PRICING AND REGULATORY TRIBUNAL _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Receivables Other 58 252 14 205 49 3 160 33 3 Total Current Assets 324 257 196 934 (499) 849 (448) 924 (558) Total Non Current Assets 435 401 366 Total Assets 759 658 562 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements Other 253 201 46 311 263 46 301 268 46 Total Current Liabilities 500 620 615 Non Current Liabilities Other 167 75 29 Total Non Current Liabilities 167 75 29 Total Liabilities 667 695 644 NET ASSETS 92 (37) (82) EQUITY Accumulated funds 92 (37) (82) TOTAL EQUITY 92 (37) (82) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 79 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 8 INDEPENDENT PRICING AND REGULATORY TRIBUNAL 8.1 Pricing Regulation 8.1.1 Pricing Regulation Program Objective(s): To provide independent assessments of pricing and associated activities including setting maximum prices and undertaking pricing reviews of monopoly services supplied by government agencies. To regulate natural gas pricing and third party access to gas networks, undertake general reviews of industry, pricing or competition and to register agreements for access to infrastructure assets and to arbitrate in disputes arising from such agreements. Program Description: Provision of research and advisory services to support price regulation and review activities. Conduct of public inquiries, seminars, establishment of working groups and other consultative mechanisms and dissemination of information to ensure public involvement in Tribunal processes. Provision of services to settle disputes on third party access to infrastructure assets. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 1999- 2000 Activities: Administration Research and analysis 6 27 6 32 33 38 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 3,091 1,680 20 105 3,168 2,170 20 105 3,556 1,983 20 110 Total Expenses 4,896 5,463 5,669 OPERATING STATEMENT 2 - 80 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 8 INDEPENDENT PRICING AND REGULATORY TRIBUNAL 8.1 Pricing Regulation 8.1.1 Pricing Regulation (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Minor sales of goods and services Investment income Other revenue ... 6 75 269 40 14 150 15 47 Total Retained Revenue 81 323 212 4,815 5,140 5,457 75 75 75 NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 81 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 9 CENTENNIAL PARK AND MOORE PARK TRUST _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 4,158 3,373 1,440 2,153 3,593 3,600 1,436 2,335 3,725 3,887 1,555 2,530 11,124 10,964 11,697 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Retained taxes, fees and fines Grants and contributions Other revenue 6,439 265 50 45 25 5,810 475 55 1,120 779 9,236 400 60 6,090 748 Total Retained Revenue 6,824 8,239 16,534 ... (100) ... 4,300 2,825 (4,837) OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Total Expenses Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets NET COST OF SERVICES 2 - 82 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 9 CENTENNIAL PARK AND MOORE PARK TRUST _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Other 4,001 5,493 3,418 5,693 3,555 6,147 Total Payments 9,494 9,111 9,702 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 6,439 742 5,787 3,617 9,360 9,433 Total Receipts 7,181 9,404 18,793 (2,313) 293 9,091 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of investments Purchases of property, plant and equipment Purchases of investments 1,668 999 (19,481) (240) 6,150 ... (17,999) (3,011) 2,240 6 (14,493) ... NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (17,054) (14,860) (12,247) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation 3,905 Capital appropriation 15,481 Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 123 3,905 14,481 126 2,384 2,531 144 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 19,509 18,512 5,059 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH 142 3,945 1,903 Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 185 1,785 5,730 CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 327 5,730 7,633 CASH FLOW STATEMENT NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 83 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 9 CENTENNIAL PARK AND MOORE PARK TRUST _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (4,300) 2,326 (339) (2,825) 1,683 1,435 4,837 2,563 1,691 Net cash flow from operating activities (2,313) 293 9,091 CASH FLOW STATEMENT (cont) 2 - 84 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 9 CENTENNIAL PARK AND MOORE PARK TRUST _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Investments Receivables Other 327 3,988 4,005 30 5,730 3,136 5,233 32 7,633 3,280 609 32 Total Current Assets 8,350 14,131 11,554 Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Receivables Other 417,051 (30,851) 5,000 97 445,399 (33,467) ... 204 459,866 (35,996) ... 228 Total Non Current Assets 391,297 412,136 424,098 Total Assets 399,647 426,267 435,652 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements Other 558 195 712 512 180 726 512 167 288 Total Current Liabilities 1,465 1,418 967 Non Current Liabilities Other 243 243 ... Total Non Current Liabilities 243 243 ... 1,708 1,661 967 NET ASSETS 397,939 424,606 434,685 EQUITY Reserves Accumulated funds 8,400 389,539 8,400 416,206 8,400 426,285 TOTAL EQUITY 397,939 424,606 434,685 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Total Liabilities Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 85 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 9 CENTENNIAL PARK AND MOORE PARK TRUST 9.1 Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust 9.1.1 Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust Program Objective(s): To manage the sustainable development of diverse urban parkland and leisure facilities on behalf of the community through the application of the principles of best practice management. Program Description: Protection and enhancement of the Centennial Parklands. Provision of equitable high quality recreational and cultural opportunities for the enjoyment of Sydneysiders and visitors alike. Promotion of the recreational, historical, scientific, educational, cultural and environmental values of Trust lands. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 1999- 2000 Activities: Administration and maintenance 70 _______1998-99_______ 65 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 4,158 3,373 1,440 2,153 3,593 3,600 1,436 2,335 3,725 3,887 1,555 2,530 11,124 10,964 11,697 4,199 2,230 10 265 3,500 2,300 10 475 4,784 4,442 10 400 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Total Expenses Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Rents and leases Use of recreation facilities Minor sales of goods and services Investment income 2 - 86 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 9 CENTENNIAL PARK AND MOORE PARK TRUST 9.1 Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust 9.1.1 Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Retained taxes, fees and fines Grants and contributions Other revenue Total Retained Revenue Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS Budget Estimates 1999-2000 50 45 25 55 1,120 779 60 6,090 748 6,824 8,239 16,534 ... (100) ... 4,300 2,825 (4,837) 19,481 17,999 14,493 2 - 87 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 10 COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE _______1998-99_______ Budget $000 Revised1 $000 1999-2000 Budget $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,672 3,179 29 127 Total Expenses ... ... 5,007 Less: Retained Revenue Investment income ... ... 12 Total Retained Revenue ... ... 12 NET COST OF SERVICES ... ... 4,995 1 2 - 88 The Commission’s expenditures for 1998-99 are included within the Department of Community Services. Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 10 COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Other ... ... ... ... 1,533 3,139 Total Payments ... ... 4,672 Receipts Other ... ... 8 Total Receipts ... ... 8 NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES ... ... (4,664) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchases of property, plant and equipment ... ... (522) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES ... ... (522) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation Capital appropriation Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,611 522 61 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT ... ... 5,194 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH ... ... 8 CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS ... ... 8 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities ... ... ... ... ... ... (4,995) 191 140 Net cash flow from operating activities ... ... (4,664) CASH FLOW STATEMENT Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 89 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 10 COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Receivables Other ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 4 20 Total Current Assets ... ... 32 Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation ... ... ... ... 522 (127) Total Non Current Assets ... ... 395 Total Assets ... ... 427 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable ... ... 164 Total Current Liabilities ... ... 164 Total Liabilities ... ... 164 NET ASSETS ... ... 263 EQUITY Accumulated funds ... ... 263 TOTAL EQUITY ... ... 263 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 2 - 90 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 10 COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE 10.1 Commission for Children and Young People 10.1.1 Commission for Children and Young People Program Objective(s): To promote and enhance the safety, welfare and well-being of children and young people in the community, and encourage their participation in decisions that affect their lives. Program Description: Undertaking inquiries, conducting research and public education, providing information and advice to assist children, and monitoring the well-being of children. Participating in, and monitoring, new employment screening procedures for positions that deal with children. Units 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 no. no. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 600 4 no. no. no. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 40 2,160 2 EFT ... ... ... 28 Outputs: Enquiries received Reports and guidelines published Training courses and seminars conducted Publications and resources distributed Research projects completed Average Staffing: _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,672 3,179 29 127 Total Expenses ... ... 5,007 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 91 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 10 COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE 10.1 Commission for Children and Young People 10.1.1 Commission for Children and Young People (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue Investment income ... ... 12 Total Retained Revenue ... ... 12 NET COST OF SERVICES ... ASSET ACQUISITIONS ... 2 - 92 4,995 ... 522 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 11 MINISTRY FOR THE ARTS _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies 2,061 2,008 290 1,788 51,202 2,255 2,570 250 642 102,231 2,195 2,601 300 562 46,195 Total Expenses 57,349 107,948 51,853 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue 2,633 436 52 ... 2,126 300 97 555 540 139 33 420 Total Retained Revenue 3,121 3,078 1,132 ... 2 ... 54,228 104,868 50,721 OPERATING STATEMENT Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets NET COST OF SERVICES Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 93 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 11 MINISTRY FOR THE ARTS _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Grants and subsidies Other 1,909 50,647 2,845 2,113 51,397 2,941 2,051 45,640 3,443 Total Payments 55,401 56,451 51,134 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 2,754 488 2,134 972 609 748 Total Receipts 3,242 3,106 1,357 (52,159) (53,345) (49,777) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Advance repayments received Purchases of property, plant and equipment ... ... (9,605) 2 1 (2,147) ... ... (20,296) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (9,605) (2,144) (20,296) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation 52,244 Capital appropriation 9,605 Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 22 52,804 2,115 65 50,037 20,296 65 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 61,871 54,984 70,398 107 (505) 325 Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 4,500 3,547 3,042 CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 4,607 3,042 3,367 CASH FLOW STATEMENT NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH 2 - 94 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 11 MINISTRY FOR THE ARTS _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (54,228) 1,926 143 (104,868) 51,050 473 (50,721) 691 253 Net cash flow from operating activities (52,159) (53,345) (49,777) CASH FLOW STATEMENT (cont) Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 95 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 11 MINISTRY FOR THE ARTS _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Investments Receivables 4,607 ... 74 3,042 104 236 3,367 104 11 Total Current Assets 4,681 3,382 3,482 98,821 (18,431) ... 25,057 (2,609) 120 45,353 (3,171) 120 Total Non Current Assets 80,390 22,568 42,302 Total Assets 85,071 25,950 45,784 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements 534 168 469 190 482 205 Total Current Liabilities 702 659 687 Total Liabilities 702 659 687 NET ASSETS 84,369 25,291 45,097 EQUITY Reserves Accumulated funds 16,132 68,237 306 24,985 306 44,791 TOTAL EQUITY 84,369 25,291 45,097 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Investments 2 - 96 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 11 MINISTRY FOR THE ARTS 11.1 Policy Formulation and Review, Cultural Grants Program and Other Arts Assistance 11.1.1 Policy Formulation and Review, Cultural Grants Program and Other Arts Assistance Program Objective(s): To advise the Government on arts and cultural matters, the management of the State's eight cultural institutions and agencies, the allocation of the Cultural Grants Program and other assistance to the arts, and to co-ordinate portfolio-wide issues and projects. Program Description: Policy formulation, strategic review, industry and infrastructure support, management of grants and other support to non-profit arts organisations and awards and fellowships to individuals. Units 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 Outputs: Cultural Grants Program Funds distributed Organisations assisted Applications approved Applications processed Distribution of funds General running costs/salaries/annual programs Specific projects Fellowships, scholarships and awards Funds distributed Individuals assisted Applications processed Sydney Opera House Indoor events Participants Outdoor events Participants Guided tour participants Average Staffing: Budget Estimates 1999-2000 $m no. no. no. 14.8 381 627 1,146 15.2 375 678 1,168 17.6 360 650 1,200 17.5 n.a. n.a. n.a. % % 71 29 63 37 52 48 n.a. n.a. $000 no. no. 287 23 1,041 279 24 1,074 339 26 1,100 350 30 n.a. no. mill no. mill thous 2,137 1.33 126 1.29 293 2,135 1.42 150 0.87 290 2,230 1.42 155 0.60 284 2,350 1.50 155 0.80 300 EFT 25 26 27 28 2 - 97 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 11 MINISTRY FOR THE ARTS 11.1 Policy Formulation and Review, Cultural Grants Program and Other Arts Assistance 11.1.1 Policy Formulation and Review, Cultural Grants Program and Other Arts Assistance (cont) _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Museum of Contemporary Art Arts development initiatives Cultural Grant Program Annual endowment Sydney Opera House Trust Carnivale Sydney Festival Ltd Sydney Opera House - maintenance Sydney Opera House - capital grants Transfer of Sydney Entertainment Centre to Darling Harbour Authority 2,061 2,008 290 1,788 2,255 2,570 250 642 2,195 2,601 300 562 1,147 860 17,442 9,037 555 1,420 5,843 14,898 1,147 860 17,642 9,037 555 1,420 5,843 15,448 1,147 400 17,464 9,127 555 2,530 5,902 9,070 ... 50,279 ... 57,349 107,948 51,853 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Rents and leases - other Sydney Entertainment Centre rent Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue 529 2,104 436 52 ... 800 1,326 300 97 555 540 ... 139 33 420 Total Retained Revenue 3,121 3,078 1,132 Total Expenses 2 - 98 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 11 MINISTRY FOR THE ARTS 11.1 Policy Formulation and Review, Cultural Grants Program and Other Arts Assistance 11.1.1 Policy Formulation and Review, Cultural Grants Program and Other Arts Assistance (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS Budget Estimates 1999-2000 ... 2 ... 54,228 104,868 50,721 9,605 2,147 20,296 2 - 99 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 12 STATE LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Other expenses 21,328 9,658 1,200 2,404 16,670 3,946 22,358 6,924 1,200 1,181 16,670 4,300 22,703 7,224 1,426 1,161 17,920 ... Total Expenses 55,206 52,633 50,434 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue 4,691 1,200 1,500 500 3,714 930 5,895 500 3,659 1,006 2,224 510 Total Retained Revenue 7,891 11,039 7,399 Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets 1,186 3 ... 46,129 41,591 43,035 OPERATING STATEMENT NET COST OF SERVICES 2 - 100 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 12 STATE LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Grants and subsidies Other 19,463 16,670 14,661 20,850 16,670 12,731 21,253 17,920 8,586 Total Payments 50,794 50,251 47,759 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 4,826 3,237 3,679 7,317 3,808 3,728 Total Receipts 8,063 10,996 7,536 (42,731) (39,255) (40,223) 1,476 (1,857) (614) 6,182 (1,381) (10,344) 1,320 (4,566) (1,018) (995) (5,543) (4,264) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation 41,787 Capital appropriation 1,857 Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 515 41,787 1,857 640 39,297 4,566 680 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 44,159 44,284 44,543 433 (514) 56 Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 2,106 886 372 CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 2,539 372 428 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (46,129) 4,247 (849) (41,591) 2,603 (267) (43,035) 2,624 188 Net cash flow from operating activities (42,731) (39,255) (40,223) CASH FLOW STATEMENT NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of investments Purchases of property, plant and equipment Purchases of investments NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 101 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 12 STATE LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Investments Receivables Inventories Other 2,539 939 638 710 ... 372 3,333 878 794 3 428 2,743 690 784 ... Total Current Assets 4,826 5,380 4,645 Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Investments Other 125,587 (10,241) 9,116 ... 123,593 (9,278) 13,414 5 128,159 (10,439) 13,702 5 Total Non Current Assets 124,462 127,734 131,427 Total Assets 129,288 133,114 136,072 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements 943 1,237 793 1,540 863 1,457 Total Current Liabilities 2,180 2,333 2,320 Total Liabilities 2,180 2,333 2,320 NET ASSETS 127,108 130,781 133,752 EQUITY Reserves Accumulated funds 2,000 125,108 ... 130,781 ... 133,752 TOTAL EQUITY 127,108 130,781 133,752 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 2 - 102 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 12 STATE LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 12.1 State Library 12.1.1 State Library Program Objective(s): To provide library and information services to the people of New South Wales through the State Library and the statewide network of public libraries and information agencies. Program Description: Administration of Library Act 1939. Design and provision of a wide range of information services including the delivery of reference, research, exhibition and education services, and the preservation and maintenance of the documentary heritage of New South Wales. Units 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 mill mill thous 1.17 2.50 53 1.16 3.25 35 1.18 3.30 35 1.18 3.50 35 mill thous thous 0.6 35 66 0.7 27 171 0.8 28 100 0.8 28 100 no. no. 72 n.a. 71 35 61 51 n.a. 90 thous 493 446 446 n.a. EFT 436 436 436 436 Outputs: Onsite services Visitors (including exhibitions) Use of services Attendance at public programs Offsite and regional services Use of services Attendance at public programs Visitors to travelling exhibitions Public libraries receiving Library Development Grants Local councils connected to Collections Additions to the collection Average Staffing: _______1998-99_______ Budget $000 Revised $000 21,328 9,658 1,200 2,404 22,358 6,924 1,200 1,181 1999-2000 Budget $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Budget Estimates 1999-2000 22,703 7,224 1,426 1,161 2 - 103 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 12 STATE LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 12.1 State Library 12.1.1 State Library (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Grants and subsidies Library services by Councils and other organisations Other expenses Acquisition of books, manuscripts, paintings, pictures and films 16,670 16,670 17,920 3,946 4,300 ... 55,206 52,633 50,434 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Publication sales Fees for services Retail sales Subscriptions Minor sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue 340 2,127 1,100 544 580 1,200 1,500 500 250 1,600 520 544 800 930 5,895 500 204 1,600 520 555 780 1,006 2,224 510 Total Retained Revenue 7,891 11,039 7,399 Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets 1,186 3 ... 46,129 41,591 43,035 1,857 1,357 4,566 Total Expenses NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS 2 - 104 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 13 AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies 14,402 6,432 1,074 1,190 41 17,937 12,667 1,240 3,324 45 17,310 7,497 1,000 3,324 45 Total Expenses 23,139 35,213 29,176 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue 4,462 ... 937 49 8,216 58 1,750 ... 7,172 10 865 ... Total Retained Revenue 5,448 10,024 8,047 17,691 25,189 21,129 OPERATING STATEMENT NET COST OF SERVICES Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 105 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 13 AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Grants and subsidies Other 13,587 41 7,841 16,789 45 13,751 16,157 45 8,401 Total Payments 21,469 30,585 24,603 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 4,334 986 8,209 1,808 7,666 875 Total Receipts 5,320 10,017 8,541 (16,149) (20,568) (16,062) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of investments Purchases of property, plant and equipment 31 (8,453) 2,280 (7,319) ... (8,416) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (8,422) (5,039) (8,416) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from borrowings and advances Repayment of borrowings and advances ... ... 100 ... ... (100) NET CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES ... 100 (100) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation 15,059 Capital appropriation 8,453 Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 412 16,559 8,753 600 15,498 8,416 600 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 23,924 25,912 24,514 (647) 405 (64) CASH FLOW STATEMENT NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH 2 - 106 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 13 AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 851 (301) 104 CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 204 104 40 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (17,691) 2,308 (766) (25,189) 4,472 149 (21,129) 4,477 590 Net cash flow from operating activities (16,149) (20,568) (16,062) CASH FLOW STATEMENT (cont) Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 107 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 13 AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Investments Receivables Inventories 204 71 359 ... 104 ... 899 179 40 ... 400 179 Total Current Assets 634 1,182 619 Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation 157,668 (8,716) 224,753 (11,679) 233,169 (15,003) Total Non Current Assets 148,952 213,074 218,166 Total Assets 149,586 214,256 218,785 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements 912 962 209 1,382 300 1,382 Total Current Liabilities 1,874 1,591 1,682 Non Current Liabilities Borrowings ... 100 ... Total Non Current Liabilities ... 100 ... 1,874 1,691 1,682 NET ASSETS 147,712 212,565 217,103 EQUITY Reserves Accumulated funds 131,870 15,842 202,750 9,815 202,750 14,353 TOTAL EQUITY 147,712 212,565 217,103 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Total Liabilities 2 - 108 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 13 AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM 13.1 Australian Museum 13.1.1 Australian Museum Program Objective(s): To increase and disseminate knowledge about, and encourage the understanding of our natural environment and cultural heritage, especially in the Australian region. Program Description: Administration of Australian Museum Trust Act 1975. Acquisition, preservation and research of collections. Provision of information to the public, industry and Government through exhibitions, education programs and research. Administration of the Australian Museum. Units 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 thous thous thous thous no. no. thous 270 174 69 27 17 1,004 49 371 267 73 31 19 1,184 114 415 309 62 44 23 1,182 205 402 300 62 40 15 1,200 190 thous no. 316 502 274 420 200 368 200 370 thous no. no. 9 11 155 10 23 168 82 40 140 82 34 140 no. mill 27 n.a. 27 2 32 11 32 25 EFT 245 282 294 294 Outputs: College Street, Sydney Total visitors/participants - paid - free - other users New exhibitions opened Exhibition days Public programs participants Regional New South Wales Total visitors/participants Exhibitions/public programs Research and collections Acquisitions Publications Research papers/abstracts Representation on scientific committees Information enquiries Average Staffing: Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 109 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 13 AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM 13.1 Australian Museum 13.1.1 Australian Museum (cont) _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Research grants 14,402 6,432 1,074 1,190 17,937 12,667 1,240 3,324 17,310 7,497 1,000 3,324 41 45 45 Total Expenses 23,139 35,213 29,176 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Rents and leases - other Commissions Publication sales Fees for services Retail sales Functions Entry fees Minor sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue 51 303 650 1,750 564 236 850 58 ... 937 49 175 265 613 2,957 1,400 612 2,100 94 58 1,750 ... 60 300 610 2,752 1,200 300 1,900 50 10 865 ... Total Retained Revenue 5,448 10,024 8,047 17,691 25,189 21,129 8,453 7,319 8,416 NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS 2 - 110 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 14 MUSEUM OF APPLIED ARTS AND SCIENCES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 20,300 8,976 2,850 6,350 20,442 9,583 2,850 4,718 21,121 9,441 2,896 4,964 Total Expenses 38,476 37,593 38,422 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue 3,208 125 2,369 100 3,935 175 2,605 80 3,750 135 2,340 80 Total Retained Revenue 5,802 6,795 6,305 ... 68 ... 32,674 30,730 32,117 OPERATING STATEMENT Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets NET COST OF SERVICES Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 111 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 14 MUSEUM OF APPLIED ARTS AND SCIENCES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Other 18,653 10,626 18,319 11,103 19,158 10,830 Total Payments 29,279 29,422 29,988 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 3,208 994 3,892 965 3,780 952 Total Receipts 4,202 4,857 4,732 (25,077) (24,565) (25,256) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Purchases of property, plant and equipment Purchases of investments ... (3,769) ... 120 (4,145) (303) ... (5,668) (100) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (3,769) (4,328) (5,768) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation 24,546 Capital appropriation 3,769 Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 531 24,546 3,769 577 24,803 5,668 600 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 28,846 28,892 31,071 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH ... (1) 47 Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 35 39 38 CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 35 38 85 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (32,674) 7,597 ... (30,730) 6,365 (200) (32,117) 6,530 331 Net cash flow from operating activities (25,077) (24,565) (25,256) CASH FLOW STATEMENT NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2 - 112 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 14 MUSEUM OF APPLIED ARTS AND SCIENCES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Investments Receivables Inventories Other 35 2,209 230 197 10 38 2,350 300 240 10 85 2,450 273 230 10 Total Current Assets 2,681 2,938 3,048 116,227 (25,768) 111,935 (23,251) 117,603 (28,215) Total Non Current Assets 90,459 88,684 89,388 Total Assets 93,140 91,622 92,436 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements 2,396 1,494 1,889 1,549 2,184 1,548 Total Current Liabilities 3,890 3,438 3,732 Total Liabilities 3,890 3,438 3,732 NET ASSETS 89,250 88,184 88,704 EQUITY Reserves Accumulated funds 72,883 16,367 69,278 18,906 69,278 19,426 TOTAL EQUITY 89,250 88,184 88,704 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 113 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 14 MUSEUM OF APPLIED ARTS AND SCIENCES 14.1 Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences 14.1.1 Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences Program Objective(s): To promote understanding and appreciation of society's evolution and our cultural heritage in the fields of science, technology, industry, design, decorative arts and history. Program Description: Administration of the Powerhouse Museum and Sydney Observatory pursuant to the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences Act 1945. Acquisition, conservation and research of artefacts and other materials relating to science, technology and the applied arts. Dissemination of information to the community, industry and government through a range services including exhibitions, educational programs, publications (including CD ROMs), website and the provision of specialist advice. Administration of the Powerhouse Museum and Sydney Observatory. Units 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 thous thous thous thous thous no. no. thous thous 662 659 508 151 3 16 2,726 461 7 624 610 468 142 14 28 4,300 411 6 595 571 426 145 24 14 3,348 426 6 625 605 461 144 20 12 2,949 450 7 thous no. 136 13 182 27 245 20 300 19 no. no. no. thous 921 27 28 49 591 39 37 45 750 27 30 46 600 33 35 46 EFT 382 378 368 362 Outputs: Powerhouse; Observatory Total visitors/participants exhibitions visitors - paid - free Other users New exhibitions opened Exhibition days Public programs participants Public programs held Regional New South Wales Total visitors/participants Exhibitions/public programs Research and collections Acquisitions Publications Research papers/abstracts Information enquiries Average Staffing: 2 - 114 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 14 MUSEUM OF APPLIED ARTS AND SCIENCES 14.1 Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences 14.1.1 Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (cont) _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 20,300 8,976 2,850 6,350 20,442 9,583 2,850 4,718 21,121 9,441 2,896 4,964 Total Expenses 38,476 37,593 38,422 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Rents and leases - other Publication sales Fees for services Retail sales Functions Entry fees Minor sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue 180 83 168 551 300 1,722 204 125 2,369 100 171 183 616 691 371 1,688 215 175 2,605 80 180 120 600 650 350 1,650 200 135 2,340 80 Total Retained Revenue 5,802 6,795 6,305 ... 68 ... 32,674 30,730 32,117 3,769 4,145 5,668 Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 115 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 15 HISTORIC HOUSES TRUST OF NEW SOUTH WALES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 8,421 4,773 2,815 860 9,123 6,072 1,705 1,050 9,261 5,862 1,829 1,200 16,869 17,950 18,152 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions 2,570 280 320 2,761 265 270 2,805 268 366 Total Retained Revenue 3,170 3,296 3,439 ... ... 10 13,699 14,654 14,703 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Total Expenses Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets NET COST OF SERVICES 2 - 116 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 15 HISTORIC HOUSES TRUST OF NEW SOUTH WALES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 8,021 7,617 8,742 7,866 8,856 7,763 15,638 16,608 16,619 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 2,569 600 2,774 529 2,804 634 Total Receipts 3,169 3,303 3,438 (12,469) (13,305) (13,181) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Purchases of property, plant and equipment Purchases of investments ... (420) (26) ... (785) (12) 50 (1,163) (28) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (446) (797) (1,141) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation 12,331 Capital appropriation 420 Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 295 12,331 770 365 11,968 1,163 365 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 13,046 13,466 13,496 131 (636) (826) Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 3,470 4,303 3,667 CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 3,601 3,667 2,841 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (13,699) 1,210 20 (14,654) 1,454 (105) (14,703) 1,605 (83) Net cash flow from operating activities (12,469) (13,305) (13,181) CASH FLOW STATEMENT CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Other Total Payments NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 117 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 15 HISTORIC HOUSES TRUST OF NEW SOUTH WALES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Investments Receivables Inventories Other 3,601 520 85 765 47 3,667 512 94 950 47 2,841 540 94 1,023 47 Total Current Assets 5,018 5,270 4,545 Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Other 49,510 (3,809) 12,289 67,038 (4,224) ... 68,061 (5,324) ... Total Non Current Assets 57,990 62,814 62,737 Total Assets 63,008 68,084 67,282 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements 910 381 905 550 905 550 Total Current Liabilities 1,291 1,455 1,455 Non Current Liabilities Other 5 5 5 Total Non Current Liabilities 5 5 5 1,296 1,460 1,460 NET ASSETS 61,712 66,624 65,822 EQUITY Reserves Accumulated funds 1,048 60,664 1,187 65,437 1,187 64,635 TOTAL EQUITY 61,712 66,624 65,822 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Total Liabilities 2 - 118 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 15 HISTORIC HOUSES TRUST OF NEW SOUTH WALES 15.1 Historic Houses Trust 15.1.1 Historic Houses Trust Program Objective(s): To utilise and interpret historic properties related to the State's history and to promote public understanding and appreciation of the State's heritage. Program Description: Administration of Historic Houses Act 1980. Conservation, management and maintenance of the properties under the Trust's control. The provision of facilities for visiting public, educational programs, exhibitions and specific advice. Units 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 no. thous thous thous thous thous no. no. thous no. 13 378 188 132 56 123 12 1,183 67 260 13 436 165 119 46 204 16 1,433 67 265 13 424 184 130 54 170 10 1,200 70 270 13 440 230 180 50 150 8 1,154 60 240 no. no. 1,000 3 1,500 3 1,500 3 1,500 3 no. no. no. thous 608 13 68 5.4 175 16 74 8.7 350 11 70 10.6 300 13 70 12.0 EFT 135 148 159 165 Outputs: Properties managed Total visitors/participants exhibition visitors - paid - free other users New exhibitions opened Exhibition days Public programs participants Public programs held Regional New South Wales (nonHistoric Houses Trust’s sites) Total visitors/participants Exhibitions/public programs Research and collections Acquisitions Publications Research papers/abstracts Information enquiries Average Staffing: Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 119 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 15 HISTORIC HOUSES TRUST OF NEW SOUTH WALES 15.1 Historic Houses Trust 15.1.1 Historic Houses Trust (cont) _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Total Expenses Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Rents and leases - other Publication sales Retail sales Functions Entry fees Minor sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Total Retained Revenue Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS 2 - 120 8,421 4,773 2,815 860 9,123 6,072 1,705 1,050 9,261 5,862 1,829 1,200 16,869 17,950 18,152 286 85 658 380 805 356 280 320 286 130 735 350 825 435 265 270 327 200 675 320 830 453 268 366 3,170 3,296 3,439 ... ... 10 13,699 14,654 14,703 420 785 1,163 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 16 ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 11,530 12,763 1,239 1,200 11,891 12,771 492 1,100 12,150 12,179 500 1,200 Total Expenses 26,732 26,254 26,029 9,476 262 1,847 9,476 500 3,939 9,174 267 2,331 11,585 13,915 11,772 ... 56 ... 15,147 12,283 14,257 OPERATING STATEMENT Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Total Retained Revenue Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets NET COST OF SERVICES Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 121 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 16 ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Other 9,615 11,794 10,247 13,417 10,257 11,905 Total Payments 21,409 23,664 22,162 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 9,376 262 9,615 2,627 9,174 767 Total Receipts 9,638 12,242 9,941 (11,771) (11,422) (12,221) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of investments Purchases of property, plant and equipment Purchases of investments ... ... (2,058) (906) 94 3,380 (6,374) ... ... 800 (5,355) ... NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (2,964) (2,900) (4,555) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation 13,577 Capital appropriation 1,058 Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 280 13,577 1,058 345 13,451 1,520 350 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 14,915 14,980 15,321 180 658 (1,455) Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,180 1,475 2,133 CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 1,360 2,133 678 CASH FLOW STATEMENT NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH 2 - 122 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 16 ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (15,147) 1,961 1,415 (12,283) 1,922 (1,061) (14,257) 1,916 120 Net cash flow from operating activities (11,771) (11,422) (12,221) CASH FLOW STATEMENT (cont) Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 123 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 16 ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Investments Receivables Inventories Other 1,360 5,064 704 852 151 2,133 5,064 704 852 151 678 4,264 704 852 77 Total Current Assets 8,131 8,904 6,575 Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Investments 610,667 (7,330) 1,982 619,493 (7,845) 1,959 623,313 (9,045) 1,959 Total Non Current Assets 605,319 613,607 616,227 Total Assets 613,450 622,511 622,802 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements Other 2,657 515 ... 2,305 515 9 816 515 9 Total Current Liabilities 3,172 2,829 1,340 Total Liabilities 3,172 2,829 1,340 NET ASSETS 610,278 619,682 621,462 EQUITY Reserves Accumulated funds 95,563 514,715 97,259 522,423 97,259 524,203 TOTAL EQUITY 610,278 619,682 621,462 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 2 - 124 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 16 ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 16.1 Art Gallery of New South Wales 16.1.1 Art Gallery of New South Wales Program Objective(s): To develop and maintain collections of works of art for the benefit of the community. To increase knowledge and appreciation of art. Program Description: Administration of the Art Gallery of New South Wales Trust Act 1980. Acquisition of art works for public exhibition, promotion of public appreciation of art through education programs and art competition awards. Administration of the Art Gallery of New South Wales. Units 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 Outputs: AGNSW and Whiteley Studio Total visitors Exhibition visitors - paid - free Public Programs Participants Other users (venue hire) New Exhibitions Exhibitions days Regional New South Wales Total Exhibition Visitors Exhibitions Research and collections Acquisitions Publications Research papers/abstracts Information enquiries (library) Average Staffing: thous thous thous thous thous thous no. no. 1,014 968 407 561 148 54 37 1,845 931 922 273 649 161 41 40 2,274 1,150 985 370 615 165 45 42 2,739 1,100 935 300 635 160 45 40 2,500 thous no. 43 6 9 2 15 5 10 3 no. no. no. thous 813 18 40 13 544 14 68 13 300 20 40 14 450 20 40 15 EFT 197 189 190 190 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 11,530 12,763 1,239 1,200 11,891 12,771 492 1,100 12,150 12,179 500 1,200 Total Expenses 26,732 26,254 26,029 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 125 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 16 ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES 16.1 Art Gallery of New South Wales 16.1.1 Art Gallery of New South Wales (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Publication sales Fees for services Retail sales Functions Entry fees Investment income Grants and contributions Total Retained Revenue Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS 2 - 126 983 648 3,451 419 3,975 262 1,847 983 537 3,451 530 3,975 500 3,939 900 500 3,400 427 3,947 267 2,331 11,585 13,915 11,772 ... 56 ... 15,147 12,283 14,257 2,058 4,375 3,820 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 17 STATE RECORDS AUTHORITY _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Finance costs 4,825 2,781 199 531 180 4,989 2,718 199 580 180 5,048 2,759 202 640 180 Total Expenses 8,516 8,666 8,829 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income 4,294 27 4,770 79 5,162 28 Total Retained Revenue 4,321 4,849 5,190 NET COST OF SERVICES 4,195 3,817 3,639 OPERATING STATEMENT Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 127 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 17 STATE RECORDS AUTHORITY _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Finance costs Other 4,680 180 3,655 4,733 180 2,872 4,860 180 2,961 Total Payments 8,515 7,785 8,001 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 4,868 250 4,750 82 5,162 20 Total Receipts 5,118 4,832 5,182 NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (3,397) (2,953) (2,819) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchases of property, plant and equipment (4,945) (5,243) (5,352) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (4,945) (5,243) (5,352) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Repayment of borrowings and advances ... (18) ... NET CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES ... (18) ... CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation Capital appropriation Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 4,729 3,445 124 4,729 3,445 200 4,738 5,352 124 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 8,298 8,374 10,214 (44) 160 2,043 CASH FLOW STATEMENT NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH 2 - 128 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 17 STATE RECORDS AUTHORITY _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 845 1,748 1,908 CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 801 1,908 3,951 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (4,195) 719 79 (3,817) 793 71 (3,639) 828 (8) Net cash flow from operating activities (3,397) (2,953) (2,819) CASH FLOW STATEMENT (cont) Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 129 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 17 STATE RECORDS AUTHORITY _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Receivables Inventories Other 801 60 57 14 1,908 763 70 25 3,951 771 70 25 Total Current Assets 932 2,766 4,817 Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Receivables 29,639 (2,332) ... 29,740 (2,403) 225 35,092 (3,043) 225 Total Non Current Assets 27,307 27,562 32,274 Total Assets 28,239 30,328 37,091 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Borrowings Employee entitlements 104 9 192 804 9 464 804 9 464 Total Current Liabilities 305 1,277 1,277 Non Current Liabilities Borrowings Other 2,013 ... 2,013 202 2,013 202 Total Non Current Liabilities 2,013 2,215 2,215 Total Liabilities 2,318 3,492 3,492 NET ASSETS 25,921 26,836 33,599 EQUITY Reserves Accumulated funds 4,417 21,504 4,267 22,569 4,267 29,332 TOTAL EQUITY 25,921 26,836 33,599 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 2 - 130 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 17 STATE RECORDS AUTHORITY 17.1 State Records Authority 17.1.1 State Records Authority Program Objective(s): To ensure that the needs of the people and government for records, as evidence of the business of the New South Wales Public Sector, are met now and in the future. Program Description: Administration of the State Records Act 1998. Improving Public Sector record keeping through standards, monitoring, training and guidance. Preserving and documenting the State’s archives and their contents. Making the State’s archives accessible and promoting their use by the public and Government. Providing cost effective records storage services to the Public Sector. Units 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 Outputs: Total semi-active storage (metres) Total semi-active records accessioned (metres) Total retrieval operations performed Total archival holdings (metres) Disposal recommendations/appraisal reports Series/Disposal classes covered in Disposal recommendations Records taken into archival control Reader visits Total items issued Written Research enquiries Public programs participants Photocopy/reader prints supplied Publications produced Agency training programs participants Research papers/abstracts Average Staffing: Budget Estimates 1999-2000 thous n.a. 180 280 280 thous thous thous n.a. n.a. 55 27 200 56 32 240 57 22 250 59 no. 94 74 100 90 no. no. thous thous no. no. thous no. 1,163 500 16 100 2,000 n.a. 67 15 873 500 17 108 1,500 1,200 75 22 1,000 750 15 100 1,500 1,500 74 39 1,500 2,000 15 100 1,300 1,500 75 22 no. no. 240 12 280 10 300 10 400 10 EFT 55 95 102 102 2 - 131 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 17 STATE RECORDS AUTHORITY 17.1 State Records Authority 17.1.1 State Records Authority (cont) _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Finance costs Interest on T-Corp loans Finance lease interest charges 4,825 2,781 199 531 4,989 2,718 199 580 5,048 2,759 202 640 180 ... 179 1 180 ... Total Expenses 8,516 8,666 8,829 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Publication sales Fees for services Minor sales of goods and services Investment income 309 3,939 46 27 150 4,600 20 79 160 4,955 47 28 Total Retained Revenue 4,321 4,849 5,190 NET COST OF SERVICES 4,195 3,817 3,639 ASSET ACQUISITIONS 4,945 5,243 5,352 2 - 132 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 18 NEW SOUTH WALES FILM AND TELEVISION OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies 1,313 700 51 42 5,515 1,130 1,354 51 42 4,744 1,185 1,021 52 143 4,622 Total Expenses 7,621 7,321 7,023 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Other revenue 1,363 70 ... 778 313 6 740 250 ... Total Retained Revenue 1,433 1,097 990 NET COST OF SERVICES 6,188 6,224 6,033 OPERATING STATEMENT Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 133 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 18 NEW SOUTH WALES FILM AND TELEVISION OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Grants and subsidies Other 1,200 5,515 793 1,068 4,744 443 1,091 4,622 1,078 Total Payments 7,508 6,255 6,791 1,363 (1,430) 778 1,346 740 250 (67) 2,124 990 (7,575) (4,131) (5,801) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchases of property, plant and equipment (45) (450) (30) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (45) (450) (30) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation Capital appropriation Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 4,875 45 9 4,875 45 55 5,179 30 58 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 4,929 4,975 5,267 (2,691) 394 (564) Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 7,527 8,514 8,908 CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 4,836 8,908 8,344 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (6,188) 114 (1,501) (6,224) 89 2,004 (6,033) 193 39 Net cash flow from operating activities (7,575) (4,131) (5,801) CASH FLOW STATEMENT Receipts Sale of goods and services Other Total Receipts NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH 2 - 134 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 18 NEW SOUTH WALES FILM AND TELEVISION OFFICE _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Receivables Other 4,836 292 10 8,908 1,441 10 8,344 1,441 10 Total Current Assets 5,138 10,359 9,795 Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Investments Receivables 571 (247) ... 5,000 876 (290) 2,035 ... 806 (333) 2,035 ... Total Non Current Assets 5,324 2,621 2,508 10,462 12,980 12,303 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements Other 1,121 114 1,488 1,467 76 829 1,463 120 828 Total Current Liabilities 2,723 2,372 2,411 Non Current Liabilities Other ... 1,868 1,868 Total Non Current Liabilities ... 1,868 1,868 Total Liabilities 2,723 4,240 4,279 NET ASSETS 7,739 8,740 8,024 EQUITY Accumulated funds 7,739 8,740 8,024 TOTAL EQUITY 7,739 8,740 8,024 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Total Assets Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 135 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 18 NEW SOUTH WALES FILM AND TELEVISION OFFICE 18.1 New South Wales Film and Television Office 18.1.1 New South Wales Film and Television Office Program Objective(s): To promote and assist the New South Wales film and television industry. Program Description: Administration of Film and Television Office Act 1988. The New South Wales Film and Television Office (FTO) promotes, encourages and facilitates film and television production, invests in script development, provides screen culture and new media grants, offers a liaison service between filmmakers and locations owners and provides executive producer services for documentary and promotional films for Government agencies. Units 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 Outputs: Script and Project Development Projects supported Projects which went into production Assistance provided Return on assistance Production Investment Production supported Investment provided Return on investment Aggregate budgets of invested productions FTO investment as a proportion of aggregate budgets Film culture support Organisations and events assisted Funds provided Young Filmmakers Productions assisted Funds provided Production Loan Finance Productions assisted Loans provided Government productions Productions assisted Aggregate budgets Creative Initiatives Fellowships Funds Provided New Media Funds provided Average Staffing: 2 - 136 no. no. $m $000 88 8 1.0 275 90 8 1.0 211 80 10 1.1 215 80 10 1.1 215 no. $m $m $m 20 2.3 0.5 41.5 20 1.8 0.5 31 13 2.2 0.3 32 14 2.3 0.3 32 % 5.4 5.7 7.7 7.0 no. $000 64 439 73 564 82 466 55 330 no. $000 18 350 17 382 15 356 12 350 no. $m 5 3.0 5 3.6 4 1.8 4 1.8 no. $m 34 960 30 800 30 900 30 900 no. $000 $000 n.a. n.a. n.a. 12 320 74 10 320 167 n.a. n.a. 241 EFT 13 16 16 17 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 18 NEW SOUTH WALES FILM AND TELEVISION OFFICE 18.1 New South Wales Film and Television Office 18.1.1 New South Wales Film and Television Office (cont) _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Australian Children's Television Foundation Promotion of the industry 1,313 700 51 42 1,130 1,354 51 42 1,185 1,021 52 143 110 5,405 110 4,634 110 4,512 Total Expenses 7,621 7,321 7,023 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Minor sales of goods and services Investment income Other revenue 1,363 70 ... 778 313 6 740 250 ... Total Retained Revenue 1,433 1,097 990 NET COST OF SERVICES 6,188 6,224 6,033 45 450 30 ASSET ACQUISITIONS Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 137 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 19 ETHNIC AFFAIRS COMMISSION _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 9,011 1,521 39 293 1,546 8,965 1,814 60 196 1,508 8,518 1,496 34 342 1,548 12,410 12,543 11,938 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Other revenue 2,273 40 59 2,059 54 74 2,059 40 ... Total Retained Revenue 2,372 2,187 2,099 ... 2 ... 10,038 10,354 9,839 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Total Expenses Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets NET COST OF SERVICES 2 - 138 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 19 ETHNIC AFFAIRS COMMISSION _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 7,895 1,546 1,485 8,056 1,508 2,324 7,932 1,548 1,533 10,926 11,888 11,013 Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 2,124 386 2,052 210 2,060 40 Total Receipts 2,510 2,262 2,100 (8,416) (9,626) (8,913) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Purchases of property, plant and equipment ... (225) 2 (262) ... (641) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (225) (260) (641) CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT Recurrent appropriation Capital appropriation Cash reimbursements from the Consolidated Fund Entity 8,955 225 278 8,955 225 278 9,027 641 240 NET CASH FLOWS FROM GOVERNMENT 9,458 9,458 9,908 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH 817 (428) 354 Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 769 1,560 1,132 1,586 1,132 1,486 CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Net cost of services Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities (10,038) 1,141 481 (10,354) 1,092 (364) (9,839) 899 27 Net cash flow from operating activities (8,416) (9,626) (8,913) CASH FLOW STATEMENT CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Payments Employee Related Grants and subsidies Other Total Payments NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 139 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 19 ETHNIC AFFAIRS COMMISSION _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Receivables Other 1,586 461 20 1,132 336 87 1,486 335 87 Total Current Assets 2,067 1,555 1,908 1,481 (1,078) 1,417 (948) 2,058 (1,290) 403 469 768 Total Assets 2,470 2,024 2,676 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Employee entitlements 1,116 460 569 448 573 470 Total Current Liabilities 1,576 1,017 1,043 Total Liabilities 1,576 1,017 1,043 NET ASSETS 894 1,007 1,633 EQUITY Accumulated funds 894 1,007 1,633 TOTAL EQUITY 894 1,007 1,633 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Total Non Current Assets 2 - 140 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 19 ETHNIC AFFAIRS COMMISSION 19.1 Services for Ethnic Communities 19.1.1 Community Support Services Program Objective(s): To promote the full participation of people of ethnic background in community life. To encourage the proper utilisation of the cultural diversity of the State. Program Description: Provision of ethnic affairs policy advice to the Government. Implementation of the "NSW Charter of Principles for a Culturally Diverse Society" by all Government agencies and administration of the Community Development Grants program. Average Staffing (EFT) 1998-99 1999- 2000 Activities: Research and policy advice Administration of grants Administration 27 2 36 27 2 36 65 65 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Grants and community outreach 4,180 1,127 35 194 4,230 1,487 56 142 4,075 1,179 30 288 1,546 1,508 1,548 Total Expenses 7,082 7,423 7,120 73 40 59 59 54 74 59 40 ... 172 187 99 Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Minor sales of goods and services Investment income Other revenue Total Retained Revenue Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 141 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 19 ETHNIC AFFAIRS COMMISSION 19.1 Services for Ethnic Communities 19.1.1 Community Support Services (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets NET COST OF SERVICES ASSET ACQUISITIONS 2 - 142 ... 2 ... 6,910 7,234 7,021 151 262 641 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 19 ETHNIC AFFAIRS COMMISSION 19.1 Services for Ethnic Communities 19.1.2 Interpreting and Translation Services Program Objective(s): To promote the full participation of people of ethnic background in community life. To ensure the quality and efficient use of interpreting and translation services within the State. Program Description: Provision of efficient and reliable interpreting and translating services of a professional standard in community languages (particularly small communities) in a form relevant to client needs by appropriately trained interpreters and translators. Units 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 Outputs: Interpreting services booked (including cancellations) Interpreting assignments performed on a fee for service basis Interpreting assignments performed without charge Words booked for translation (including cancellations) Words translated on a fee for service basis Words translated without charge Words translated within 24 hours Languages provided by the Interpreting and Translation Unit Service Multi-lingual documents translated Average Staffing: thous 30 26 23 23 thous 16.0 8.8 8.6 10.0 thous 13.9 11.6 10.1 10.0 thous 1,829 1,730 1,835 1,870 thous thous thous 1,693 135 82 1,398 127.0 110 1,600 181 213 1,650 170 200 no. no. 90 745 77 616 77 510 77 450 EFT 40 70 72 72 _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation 4,831 394 4 99 4,735 327 4 54 4,443 317 4 54 Total Expenses 5,328 5,120 4,818 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 143 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP 19 ETHNIC AFFAIRS COMMISSION 19.1 Services for Ethnic Communities 19.1.2 Interpreting and Translation Services (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Language services 2,200 2,000 2,000 Total Retained Revenue 2,200 2,000 2,000 NET COST OF SERVICES 3,128 3,120 2,818 ASSET ACQUISITIONS 74 ... ... 2 - 144 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP AUDIT OFFICE OF NEW SOUTH WALES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 Retained Revenue Sales of goods and services Investment income Grants and contributions Other revenue 19,783 120 1,475 113 21,418 96 ... 124 21,458 96 ... 62 Total Retained Revenue 21,491 21,638 21,616 Less: Expenses Operating Expenses Employee Related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation and amortisation Finance costs 18,906 2,705 143 804 44 19,518 2,571 100 459 41 18,947 2,589 102 281 77 Total Expenses 22,602 22,689 21,996 ... 205 ... (1,111) (846) (380) OPERATING STATEMENT Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 145 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP AUDIT OFFICE OF NEW SOUTH WALES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts Sale of goods and services Other 19,683 1,713 20,600 226 21,458 158 Total Receipts 21,396 20,826 21,616 Payments Employee Related Finance costs Other 18,905 44 2,943 19,290 41 2,664 18,447 77 2,837 Total Payments 21,892 21,995 21,361 NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (496) (1,169) 255 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Purchases of property, plant and equipment ... (630) 1,000 (904) ... (400) NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (630) 96 (400) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Repayment of borrowings and advances (148) (148) (147) NET CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (148) (148) (147) (1,274) (1,221) (292) Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 2,922 1,861 640 CLOSING CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 1,648 640 348 (1,111) 804 (189) (846) 459 (782) (380) 281 354 (496) (1,169) 255 CASH FLOW STATEMENT NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION Surplus/(deficit) for year before distributions Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities Net cash flow from operating activities 2 - 146 Budget Estimates 1999-2000 PREMIER, MINISTER FOR THE ARTS AND MINISTER FOR CITIZENSHIP AUDIT OFFICE OF NEW SOUTH WALES _______1998-99_______ 1999-2000 Budget $000 Budget $000 Revised $000 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Receivables Other 1,648 4,409 144 640 5,442 107 348 5,442 107 Total Current Assets 6,201 6,189 5,897 4,192 (2,727) 6,093 2,377 (1,287) 9,411 2,777 (1,568) 8,911 7,558 10,501 10,120 13,759 16,690 16,017 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Borrowings Employee entitlements Other 667 147 1,433 530 684 147 1,610 607 684 148 1,610 511 Total Current Liabilities 2,777 3,048 2,953 Non Current Liabilities Borrowings Employee entitlements Other 148 4,460 32 148 4,896 313 ... 4,896 263 Total Non Current Liabilities 4,640 5,357 5,159 Total Liabilities 7,417 8,405 8,112 NET ASSETS 6,342 8,285 7,905 EQUITY Accumulated funds 6,342 8,285 7,905 TOTAL EQUITY 6,342 8,285 7,905 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Cost/valuation Accumulated depreciation Other Total Non Current Assets Total Assets Budget Estimates 1999-2000 2 - 147 2 - 148 Budget Estimates 1999-2000