LGBT Stories 28 February, 2013

LGBT Stories - Film screening event
28th February, 2013
I am delighted to speak at this event this
evening to screen an inspiring new film made
by University of Sheffield staff and students
about their experiences as lesbian, gay,
bisexual or transgender people here at
The film speaks for itself, but I would like to
begin by thanking all of you who took part in
this honest, heartfelt and encouraging video,
which I believe will be of help to many.
It is a source of real pride to me that this is a
University where experience is shared so
generously, and to be Vice-Chancellor at a
time in our history where such openness is
not only possible but welcomed as a central
part of who we are as an institution.
I would also like to give an especially warm
welcome to our guest speaker,
Simon Fanshawe. Simon, as you know, is
a founding member of Stonewall, the
organisation that has been campaigning for
equality for LGB people since 1989.
Simon has also been a friend and supporter of
this University in developing our Universitywide Equality Objectives, supporting the
University in our focus on attracting,
developing and engaging talented people
within a context of a clear support for diversity.
The project group Simon worked with included
staff and students. He has challenged us to
focus on transformational objectives which are
strongly tied to our work as a University, and I
am very pleased to say that he is continuing to
work with us as we implement the proposals to
make our University a stronger, more inclusive
and diverse place to work and study.
But most of all, before we listen to the
speakers and see the film that has been
made to support LGBT people who may
already be part of our University or thinking
about joining us, I would like to say
something else.
Your University greatly values your
contribution and recognises that the
creativity, innovation and talents of our staff
and students are not separate from who you
are as people, in many ways they also flow
from your experiences.
Each of us has our own story to tell and our
own perspectives on the challenges we face
together. I hope this film will show all those
who look to it for encouragement and
support that such stories do not have to be
hidden – they can be shared, understood
and celebrated in an environment where the
individual need not be alone, and the
exchange of ideas and lives is a source of