CAPITAL EQUIPMENT APPLICATION REQUEST FOR MATCH FUNDING – FACULTY OF SCIENCE A major priority of the Faculty is to ensure that our research groups are well equipped. However, we are aware that funders are increasingly looking for evidence of need, sharing and strategic fit when awarding equipment funds. In many cases there is a need for institutional commitment of funds, including needs for renovation and installation of equipment. The objective of this form is to maximise the competitiveness of our applications, at the same time as ensuring that we have accurately accounted for all costs. The information PIs will need to provide in completing this form is also that required for a strong capital bid. The majority of this form should therefore be transferrable to the eventual application form. This form should be completed by PIs when preparing a funding application that includes requests for capital equipment. In doing so, PIs should contact Faculty Estates at an early stage, so that an assessment of any estates issue related to accommodating the equipment can made (Darren Rose:; 2224377). When complete, the form should be emailed to the Pricing Team ( at least one week prior to the application deadline. The Pricing Team will then circulate the form to your Head of Department, Faculty Director of Research and Innovation, Faculty Head of Estates and Faculty Finance to help inform decisions about institutional contributions and match funding for capital items. For larger projects or cross-faculty proposals the form may also be reviewed by relevant Faculty or cross-cutting PVCs. PI NAME DEPARTMENT URMS NUMBER PROJECT TITLE EXTERNAL FUNDER AND CALL DETAILS 1.1 Please complete the table below to detail the equipment that is requested as part of this research proposal Item of equipment Total cost Funding Match funding Expected location Estates implications- please ensure you consider all (£) requested required from of equipment relevant space, building and environmental impacts of from Dept/Faculty (please include this capital development. For example temperature and funder (£) (£) room and building vibration control environments (this section must be information) completed in consultation with Darren Rose; 2229764) Total £ £ £ 1.2 Existing Equipment Does the equipment listed above already exist at the University or another suitable HEI? The level of detail required in respect of other HEIs will be dependent on the value and context of your particular capital bid. To search for equipment please check the Asset Register available at: 1 Sunday, 17 July 2016 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT APPLICATION REQUEST FOR MATCH FUNDING – FACULTY OF SCIENCE If the equipment already exists at this or another suitable HEI please indicate why it is not appropriate to share/utilise this existing kit 1.3 Supporting Research How will the equipment requested support research activity across the department and/or University? Please consider the following key areas; How the equipment will support faculty/institutional priorities? What relevant existing grants/income will be supported through access to this equipment? What new research applications will be produced as a result of securing funding for this equipment? The level of detail required will be dependent on the value and type of bid being developed (ie. capital as part of a research grant or capital only) 1.4 Sustainability and Usage Please detail how the equipment will be supported and maintained. Please consider the following key areas; How the equipment costs including on-going maintenance will be generated? How will the team maximise usage of the equipment both internally and externally where relevant? What are the equipment running costs? Please indicate if these costs are being included in the application for funding. If running and maintenance costs are not included within grant applications please detail where these costs will be funded from. 1.5 Deadline for submission Please state the deadline for the bid that you are developing. 2 Sunday, 17 July 2016 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT APPLICATION REQUEST FOR MATCH FUNDING – FACULTY OF SCIENCE For completion by Head of Department and Faculty Estates lead 2.1 Approval Please confirm departmental/faculty decisions on the above request for match funding. Total match funding allocated £ HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Name: Signed: Date: FACULTY ESTATES Name: Signed: Date: FACULTY DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION OR FACULTY PVC FACULTY FINANCE Name: Signed: Date: Name: Signed: Date: 3 Sunday, 17 July 2016