FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS FOR THE MIDDLE CREEK WATERSHED A Project Presented to the faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Civil Engineering by Jeremy P. Hill FALL 2012 © 2012 Jeremy P. Hill ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS FOR THE MIDDLE CREEK WATERSHED A Project by Jeremy P. Hill Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Dr. Saad Merayyan _______________________________ Date iii Student: Jeremy P. Hill I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the project. ____________________________, Department Chair Dr. Kevan Shafizadeh, P.E., PTOE Department of Civil Engineering iv ___________________ Date Abstract of FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS FOR THE MIDDLE CREEK WATERSHED by Jeremy P. Hill Levees in California’s Central Valley currently face an unacceptable high level of risk. Many agencies are now attempting to analyze the probability of levee failure and the resulting flooding and damages. The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is currently evaluating the flood risk associated with the approximately 1,600 miles of State Plan of Flood Control levees throughout California’s Central Valley. The objective of this study is to present a methodology for determining floodplains associated with various potential levee breaches. Middle Creek and its tributaries contain 13.5 miles of levees that protect the town of Upper Lake in Northern California. According to DWR’s Flood Control System Status Report, many of these levees have a high potential for failure. This study will utilize the most current topographical and survey data that is available from DWR to develop the hydraulic models. v The modeling software used for this study includes the United States Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center- River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) and FLO-2D, developed by FLO-2D Software, Inc. These softwares are used to model the one-dimensional channel flows and two-dimensional overland flood flows caused by levee breaches. The popularity of two-dimensional hydraulic models has grown substantially in recent years. These two-dimensional models have benefitted from increased computing power which has resulted in faster simulation times and lower project costs. The hydraulic models for this study were developed to be consistent with the recommendations made by the DWR Hydrology and Hydraulics Coordination Work Group, which is a team of leading hydraulic modelers in California. The results of the model simulations are presented as water surface profiles and floodplain depth and velocity maps for the 100- and 500-year flood events. _________________________, Committee Chair Dr. Saad Merayyan _________________________ Date vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my advisor, Professor Saad Merayyan for allowing me to pursue this study. I would also like to thank the following: ο· My family and friends for constantly supporting me. ο· All of my professors that have motivated me to become an engineer. ο· My colleagues at the Department of Water Resources for encouraging me to pursue a Master of Science Degree. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………....… vii List of Tables ………………………………………………………………..……..… x List of Figures …………………………………………………………………...….. xi Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION .……………………………………..……….……….….…… 1 1.1 Description of Study Area …………………………………….…….…… 3 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ………………………………..……………….………. 6 2.1 Historic Flood Events ………………………………………………........ 6 2.2 US Army Corps of Engineers Middle Creek Project ……………….….... 6 2.3 FEMA Flood Insurance Study …………………………........................... 7 2.4 Middle Creek Flood Damage Reduction and Ecosystem Restoration …... 7 2.5 DWR Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation ……........... 8 3. MODEL BACKGROUND ………………………………………………………10 3.1 HEC-RAS Governing Equations ……………………………………..… 10 3.2 FLO-2D Governing Equations ……………………………………...….. 12 4. METHODS OF ANALYSIS ……………………………………………...….….. 16 4.1 Hydrologic Analysis …………………………………………………..... 16 4.2 Hydraulic Modeling ……………………………………………….…… 19 4.3 Topographical Data …………………………………………………….. 21 4.4 Geotechnical Data ……………………………………………………… 22 5. HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS USING HEC-RAS ………...………..................… 26 5.1 Model Development ………………………………………………..….. 26 5.2 Boundary Conditions ……………………………………………..……. 35 viii 5.3 Model Simulations …………………………………………………..…. 36 5.4 Model Calibration and Verification ………………………………….… 39 5.5 Model Results ……………………………………………………..…… 40 6. FLOOD INUNDATION USING FLO-2D ………….…………………………. 48 6.1 Model Development ……………………………………………………. 48 6.2 Boundary Conditions …………………………………………………… 55 6.3 Model Simulations ………………………………………………..……. 55 6.4 Model Calibration and Verification ……………..…………………..…. 60 6.5 Model Results …………………………………………………….……. 61 7. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS …………………………………...…………..…. 66 8. CONCLUSIONS …………………………………………………………….…. 70 Appendix A. Cross Sections Table …………………………………………………. 72 Appendix B. Photos for Determining Manning’s n-values ……….……..…………. 79 Appendix C. Lateral Structures Table ……………………………………………… 83 Appendix D. Storage Area Curves …………………………………………………. 86 Appendix E. HEC-RAS Sensitivity Analysis Results ………………………..….…. 90 Appendix F. HEC-RAS Water Surface Profiles …………………...……...……..… 94 Appendix G. Levee Breach Hydrographs ……………………………………….... 113 Appendix H. FLO-2D Levee Breach Simulation Results …………………...……. 123 References …………………………………………………………………………. 133 ix LIST OF TABLES Tables Page 1. Peak Flow Rate Estimates from Various Models …………………………… 17 2. Model Reaches ……………………………………………………….……… 28 3. In-Line Structures ……………………………………………..……..……… 32 4. Upstream Boundary Conditions- Peak Flows ……………………….……… 35 5. Unsteady Calculation Options and Tolerances ……………………………… 37 6. 100-Year Levee Freeboard Assessment ……….……………………….…… 41 7. 500-Year Levee Freeboard Assessment …………………………….….…… 42 8. 100-Year Levee Breach Locations ………………………………………..… 46 9. 500-Year Levee Breach Locations ……………………………………..…… 47 10. FLO-2D Overland Roughness Coefficient by Land Use Type ………..……. 51 11. 100-Year Levee Breach Simulation Results ………………………………... 58 12. 500-Year Levee Breach Simulation Results …………………………….….. 59 13. ARF and WRF Sensitivity Results Summary (for 500-Year Flood) …...…… 61 14. Number of Structures Inundated from 100-Year Levee Breach Scenarios …. 65 15. Number of Structures Inundated from 500-Year Levee Breach Scenarios …. 65 x LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page 1. Middle Creek Watershed Map ………………………………….……….…… 4 2. Study Area Map ………………………………………………….…………… 5 3. 100-Year Inflow Hydrographs ………………………………………….…… 18 4. 500-Year Inflow Hydrographs ………………………………………….…… 18 5. Levee Failure Probability Curve …………………………….…………….… 24 6. Reliable Levee Height Elevation Determination ……………………….…… 25 7. Hydraulic Model Layout ………………………………………………….… 27 8. Pipe Breach Failure ………………………………………………………….. 44 9. Uncontrolled Overtopping Failure …………………………………..……… 44 10. Terrain Map ………………………………………………………..……..… 49 11. Land Use Map ………………………………………………………………. 50 12. FLO-2D Model Layout ………………………………………………...…… 52 13. 100-Year Levee Breach Scenario Locations ………………………….…..… 56 14. 500-Year Levee Breach Scenario Locations ……………………………...… 57 15. 100-Year Composite Floodplain Map ……………………………….……… 63 16. 500-Year Composite Floodplain Map ………………………………….…… 64 xi 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to evaluate the flood risk located behind levees in the Middle Creek watershed in Northern California. The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is currently evaluating the flood risk associated with the approximately 1,600 miles of State Plan of Flood Control (SPFC) levees in the state. The SPFC system includes levees, weirs, and channels located in the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River drainage basins for which the DWR has provided assurances of nonfederal cooperation to the United States required for the project (DWR, 2010). The SPFC levees were initially built by rudimentary methods to protect mostly agricultural lands. Now, the SPFC protects a population of over one million people, major freeways, railroads, airports, water supply systems, utilities, and other infrastructure of statewide importance, including $69 billion in assets (DWR, 2011). Although the levees have decreased the frequency of flooding, the risk has increased due to the urbanization that has occurred behind the levees. According to the DWR’s Flood Control System Status Report, about 60% of the 1,230 miles of SPFC non-urban levees have a high potential for failure at their design water surface elevation (DWR, 2011). There have been 70 levees that have overtopped or failed in California since 1983. In the 1986 levee break in the Linda and Olivehurst areas, the damages were over $2.7 billion (DWR, 2012). 2 The Hurricane Katrina disaster made the entire nation re-think the potential risks of levee failure. Many levee segments in California were de-accredited during the Federal Emergency Management’s (FEMA) Map Modernization Project. The de-accredited levees were determined to no longer provided protection from the 100-year (or 1% probability of exceedance) flood. FEMA mapped the areas behind non-accredited levees using a “without-levee” approach, which did not consider any of the flood reduction benefits of the de-accredited levees (FEMA, 2011). FEMA has proposed a new methodology for mapping behind levees which is described in Analysis and Mapping Procedures for Non-Accredited Levees: Proposed Approach for Public Review (FEMA, 2011). When analyzing levee failure risk, FEMA uses a deterministic approach that is based on a median 100-year water surface elevation. FEMA analyzes the levees based on geotechnical stability criteria and a minimum freeboard (typically 3 feet) (DWR 2012). The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) uses a combined probabilistic and deterministic approach that considers uncertainty in the water surface elevation (DWR, 2012). DWR’s Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) study will use a method similar to FEMA’s deterministic approach. However, DWR will consider geotechnical evaluations data to prescribe various levee breach scenarios. The geotechnical data was not available at the time of preparing this report and therefore will not be considered for this study. 3 The objective of this study is to present a methodology for determining the water surface elevations for a river system and the extent of flooding behind levees due to potential levee breaches. This report will review the hydraulic modeling software used for the study and describe how the models were developed. 1.1. Description of Study Area The Middle Creek watershed is in the western portion of Lake County in Northern California (about 100 miles north of San Francisco). At the southern end of the watershed there are levees which transport the flood flows around the town of Upper Lake and discharge into Clear Lake. The watershed, which is 195 square miles, is shown in Figure 1. As shown in Figure 2, the streams in the area include: Middle Creek, Scotts Creek, Alley Creek, and Clover Creek. Levees were built by farmers between 1900 and 1940 to reclaim about 1,200 acres of lake bottom and shoreline wetlands for agriculture (Lake County, 2010). In the 1958, the USACE began building levees to improve on the existing makeshift levees in the area and reclaim an additional 200 acres. Levees were built along Middle Creek and portions of Scotts Creek, Alley Creek, and Clover Creek. In addition to the levees, a diversion channel was built to carry the flood water from Clover and Alley Creek around the town of Upper Lake and discharge it into Middle Creek instead of traveling through the town of Upper Lake. 4 FIGURE 1. MIDDLE CREEK WATERSHED MAP 5 FIGURE 2. STUDY AREA MAP 6 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Historic Flood Events There have been many floods around Clear Lake and along its tributaries. The floods of 1938, 1958, 1970, 1983, 1986, and 1998 are considered the most damaging (DWR, 2005). In 1958, approximately 4,000 acres of residential, commercial, and agricultural lands were flooded to a depth of about two feet. In 1983 about 300 homes and 60 businesses were damaged by the flooding. About 1,900 people were evacuated and one person was killed (DWR, 2005). The levees in some areas have settled up to three feet below design elevation, and are prone to slope failure (Lake County, 2010). 2.2. US Army Corps of Engineers Middle Creek Project The Middle Creek project was authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1954 (USACE, 1961). The project, completed in 1967, included the improvement of levees and channels to provide 100-year flood protection to the town of Upper Lake and approximately 4,000 acres of agricultural land. The 100-year flows were documented in the USACE General Design Memorandum No. 1- Hydrology for the Middle Creek Project (USACE, 1956). The USACE did not use the recorded stream flow data for Middle Creek and its tributaries, because the data was only available for a period of eight years (from 1948 to 1956). Instead, the USACE used flow frequency data from several 7 nearby streams, including Putah Creek at Guenoc station where intermittent flow records were available from 1904 to 1956. The USACE developed a regional envelope curve of drainage area versus peak runoff to derive the flood frequencies for the Middle Creek project streams. 2.3. FEMA Flood Insurance Study FEMA performs Flood Insurance Studies (FIS) to identify flood hazards for communities that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The FIS for Lake County (incorporated and unincorporated areas) was initially completed in 1976. The study includes the water surface profiles for portions of Middle Creek and its tributaries for the 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year flood events. The peak flows were computed using the USACE HEC-1 program in conjunction with the Log-Pearson Type III statistical analysis of the available stream flow gage data. The available stream flow gage data for Middle Creek (from 1963 to 1973) and Scotts Creek (from 1949 to 1968) were used for the analysis. The water surface elevations were computed using the USACE HEC-2 step-backwater program (FEMA, 2005). 2.4. Middle Creek Flood Damage Reduction and Ecosystem Restoration Of the approximately 9,000 acres of historic wetlands in the Clear Lake area, 7,500 acres have been lost or severely damaged (DWR, 2005). The development of the Clear Lake watershed has led to anthropogenic eutrophication of the lake and the 8 proliferation of blue-green algae. In the early 1991, the University of California at Davis determined that the cause of the blue-green algae growth was excess phosphorousprimarily delivered from watershed sediment (DWR, 2005). Since, the Middle and Scotts Creek watersheds contribute an estimated 57 percent of the total inflow and 71% of the phosphorous loading to Clear Lake, these watersheds have been targeted for potential restoration projects. In 1999, the USACE performed a feasibility study that evaluated three alternatives to restore portions of the floodplain. The three alternatives described different extents of the floodplain to be restored. The project calls for the reconnection of Scotts Creek and Middle Creek to their historic floodplain by breaching the existing levee system near Clear Lake (DWR, 2005). The primary goals of the project are to restore the wetland habitat, and enhance the wildlife and fish habitat. The secondary restoration goals include: preserve existing habitat resources, improve lake water quality, enhance recreation and tourism, reduce flood risk, and reduce maintenance costs and responsibility (DWR, 2005). 2.5. DWR Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation The Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) project will determine the 10-, 50-, 100-, 200-, and 500-year floodplains associated with the approximately 1,600 miles of SPFC levees. The CVFED project is studying about 9,000 square miles in the Central Valley (Hegedus, 2011). The CVFED project is subdivided 9 into six study areas: Upper Sacramento River, Lower Sacramento River, Upper San Joaquin River, Lower San Joaquin River, North Fork Feather River, and Middle Creek. ESRI’s Geographic Information System (GIS) is being used to assist in the development of the hydraulic models. For the hydraulic modeling and floodplain mapping, the HECRAS one-dimensional model is being used in conjunction with the FLO-2D twodimensional model (Hegedus, 2011). The topographic data for the CVFED study areas was obtained from LiDAR surveys. LiDAR is an acronym for “Light Detection and Ranging.” LiDAR is an active laser system, which measures the time of flight of the emitted signal returned from the target. Using semi-automated techniques the “raw” LiDAR is processed to generate the “bare-earth” terrain model, in which trees, vegetation, and manmade structures have been edited out. LiDAR offers many advantages over traditional photogrammetric surveys. These include high vertical accuracy, fast data collection and processing, and robust data sets with many uses (Fugro Earthdata, Inc., 2011). LP 360, developed by Q Coherent Inc., is a tool that can be used to view the LiDAR data within GIS and perform accuracy checks. 10 Chapter 3 MODEL BACKGROUND Two modeling softwares were used for this project: HEC-RAS (Hydraulic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System) and FLO-2D. HEC-RAS was created by the USACE to primarily simulate one-dimensional flow. FLO-2D, created by FLO-2D Software, Inc., is used to simulate two-dimensional flows. Both of the modeling softwares are based on physical governing equations that describe fluid dynamics. 3.1. HEC-RAS Governing Equations HEC-RAS contains four one-dimensional components: steady flow water surface profile computations, unsteady flow simulation, movable boundary sediment transport computations, and water quality analysis (USACE, 2010). The steady flow component is intended for computing water surface profiles for steady gradually varied flow. The basic computation procedure is based on the solution of the one-dimensional energy equation (USACE, 2010): π2 + π2 + ∝2 π22 2π = π1 + π1 + where: Y1, Y2 = depths at cross sections ∝1 π12 2π + βπ Eq. 1 11 Z1, Z2 = elevations of the main channel inverts V1, V2 = average velocities α1, α2 = velocity weighting coefficients g = gravitational acceleration he = energy head loss Energy losses are evaluated by friction (Manning’s equation) and contraction and expansion (coefficient multiplied by the change in velocity head). The momentum equation is used in situations when the water surface profile is rapidly varied. The unsteady flow component is intended primarily for subcritical flow regime calculations (USACE, 2010). The unsteady flows are governed by the principle of conservation of mass (continuity), and the physical laws of the principle of conservation of momentum. The continuity equation is as follows: ∂A ∂t ∂Q + ∂x − ππ = 0 where: A = cross sectional area Q = flow rate ql = lateral inflow per unit length Eq. 2 12 The conservation of momentum for a control volume states that the net rate of momentum entering the volume (momentum flux) plus the sum of all external forces acting on the volume be equal to the rate of accumulation of momentum. Three forces are considered in HEC-RAS: pressure, gravity, and boundary drag (or friction force) (USACE, 2010). ππ ππ‘ + πππ ππ₯ ππ§ + ππ΄ (ππ₯ + ππ ) = 0 Eq. 3 where: Sf = friction slope The one-dimensional unsteady flow equations are solved using a four-point implicit finite difference scheme, also known as a box scheme. Space derivatives and flow are calculated at internal points (USACE, 2010). 3.2. FLO-2D Governing Equations FLO-2D uses the same basic governing equations as HEC-RAS, but applies them differently to compute a two-dimensional solution. FLO-2D is a simple volume conservation model which uses the continuity equation and the full dynamic wave equation to define the progression of a flood wave. The differential momentum equation is solved using an explicit finite difference method. (FLO-2D, 2009) The flood wave progression is controlled by topography and resistance to flow. Flood routing is 13 accomplished through a numerical integration of the momentum equation and the conservation of fluid volume (FLO-2D, 2009). ∂h ∂t + Sππ₯ = Sππ₯ − ∂hVx ∂x ∂h ∂t − =π Vπ₯ ∂Vπ₯ g ∂x Eq. 4 − Vx ∂Vπ₯ g ∂x 1 ∂Vπ₯ −g ∂t Eq. 5 The equations of motion in FLO-2D are better defined as quasi two-dimensional. (FLO-2D User’s Manual) The momentum equation is solved by computing the average flow velocity across a grid element boundary one direction at a time. There are eight potential flow directions- the four cardinal directions (North, South, East, West) and four diagonal directions (Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest). The stability of this explicit numerical scheme is based on specific criteria to control the size of the variable computational time step (FLO-2D, 2009). The solution in the FLO-2D domain is discretized into uniform, square grid elements. Many of the hydraulic parameters are estimated by taking the average between two adjacent grid elements: velocity, Manning’s n-value, flow area, slope, water surface elevation, and wetted perimeter (FLO-2D, 2009). Flow velocity is calculated from the solution of the momentum equation. The discharge across the grid element boundary is computed by multiplying the velocity times the cross sectional flow area. After the discharge is computed for all eight directions, the net change in discharge (sum of the discharge in the eight flow directions) in or out of the grid element is multiplied by the time step to determine the net change in the grid element water volume (FLO-2D, 2009). 14 The FLO-2D flood routing scheme proceeds on the basis that the time step is sufficiently small to insure numerical stability (i.e. there is no numerical surging). The key to efficient finite difference flood routing is that numerical stability criteria limits the time step to avoid surging and yet allows large enough time steps to complete the simulation in a reasonable time (FLO-2D, 2009). FLO-2D has a variable time step that varies depending on whether the numerical stability criteria are exceeded or not. The numerical stability criteria are checked for every grid element on every time step to ensure that the solution is stable. If the numerical stability criteria are exceeded, the time step is decreased (FLO-2D, 2009). Most explicit schemes are subject to the Courant-Friedrich-Lewy (CFL) condition for numerical stability (FLO-2D, 2009). The CFL condition relates flood wave celerity to the model time and spatial increments. The physical interpretation of the CFL condition is that a particle of fluid should not travel more than one spatial increment Δx in one time step Δt (FLO-2D, 2009). πΆβπ₯ βπ‘ = π£+π where: C = Courant number (C≤1.0) x = square element width v = computed average cross section velocity Eq. 6 15 c = computed wave celerity The primary limitation of the FLO-2D model is the discretization of the floodplain topography into a system of square grid elements. Each grid element is represented by a single elevation and roughness (FLO-2D, 2009). The basic inherent assumptions in a FLO-2D simulation are: ο· Steady flow for the duration of the time step; ο· Hydrostatic pressure distribution; ο· Hydraulic roughness is based on steady, uniform turbulent flow resistance; ο· A channel element is represented by uniform channel geometry and roughness. 16 Chapter 4 METHODS OF ANALYSIS 4.1. Hydrologic Analysis The inflow hydrographs for the 10-, 50-, 100-, 200-, and 500-year flood events were obtained from Hydrologic Analysis for Middle Creek Study Area in Lake County, California- Draft Technical Memorandum (Hill, 2012). For the hydrology study, a HECHMS model was developed using synthetic rainfall data. There were no stream flow and rainfall gage data with coincident periods of record within the watershed to derive unit hydrographs. Therefore, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas 14 for California was used for the rainfall. The NOAA Atlas 14 synthetic 10-day storms were input into the HEC-HMS model following the guidelines in the Central Valley Hydrology Study: Ungaged watershed analysis procedures (USACE, 2011). The initial loss rates were estimated from Table 5-1 of the Sacramento City/ County Drainage Manual Volume 2: Hydrology Standards and the constant loss rates were estimated from the NRCS soil survey data (USACE 2011). The s-graph method, which was developed by the USACE and used extensively in the Central Valley, was used for the direct runoff transform (USACE, 2011). The Muskingum-Cunge flow routing method was selected based on the Guidelines for selecting a channel routing method (USACE, 2010). The resulting storm hydrographs were validated by comparing them to the USGS regional regression equations. Also, statistical flood frequency analysis was performed at two stream flow gages on Scotts and Middle Creeks, following the Water Resources 17 Council (WRC) Bulletin 17B method, using the USACE’s HEC-SSP (Statistical Software Package). The flood frequency analysis peak flows were compared to the HMS model hydrographs. The HMS results were also compared to previous hydrologic studies by FEMA and the USACE as shown in Table 1. The resulting hydrographs from the HMS model are shown in Figures 3 and 4. Table 1 – Peak Flow Rate Estimates from Various Models Location Middle Creek near Upper Lake Gage Scott Creek near Lakeport Gage Clover Creek Upstream of Alley Creek Confluence USACE GDM (1956) FEMA FIS (1976) HMS Model Flood Frequency Model USGS Regional Regression 12,400 11,320 10,910 9,750 11,600 11,500 13,200 12,630 12,500 12,100 4,300 3,790 4,650 (No gage data) 4,630 18 FIGURE 3. 100-YEAR INFLOW HYDROGRAPHS 25,000 Middle Creek 20,000 Alley Creek Flow (cfs) Clover Creek 15,000 Scotts Creek 10,000 5,000 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (day) 7 8 9 10 FIGURE 4. 500-YEAR INFLOW HYDROGRAPHS 35,000 Middle Creek 30,000 Alley Creek Flow (cfs) 25,000 Clover Creek Scotts Creek 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (day) 6 7 8 9 10 19 4.2. Hydraulic Modeling The hydraulic models chosen for this study are consistent with those used for the DWR CVFED project. The goal of the CVFED project is to have a consistent modeling approach across the six study areas. HEC-RAS was chosen to model the unsteady onedimensional flow in the channels and FLO-2D was chosen to model the two-dimensional flows. HEC-RAS is the most widely used one-dimensional hydraulic model and is the advancement from the HEC-2 model. HEC-RAS now has the capability to model unsteady flows. HEC-RAS is a free program that is made available to the public from the USACE Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC). The limitation of HEC-RAS is its inability to accurately model two-dimensional flows. These two-dimensional flows can occur whenever the flow gets out of the channel, either by overtopping its banks, overtopping a levee, or breaching a levee. FEMA and other agencies are now eager to find cost-effective ways to use twodimensional models where they previously used one-dimensional models out of necessity. FEMA has recently formed a workgroup to develop a new procedure for mapping floodplains behind non-accredited levees, which will benefit from twodimensional modeling. Hydraulic engineers and computer programmers have taken notethere are a multitude of two-dimensional programs that have been developed (or are being developed currently). Two-dimensional models include RiverFLO-2D, TU-FLOW, MIKE21, RMA2, ADH, HIVEL-2D, SRH-2D, and FLO-2D. 20 FLO-2D (v.2009.06) has been approved by FEMA to use for flood insurance studies. Using two-dimensional models for floodplain mapping is becoming increasingly popular. The main reason for their popularity is that computing power continues to improve, so now two-dimensional models can be run in a matter of hours instead of days. For this study, HEC-RAS was used to determine the locations of potential levee failures and FLO-2D was used to simulate the resulting inundations. In the current study, HEC-RAS was used to produce a levee breach hydrograph which then is input into the FLO-2D model grid at the levee breach location. Levee failures can be a result of : ο· Overtopping leading to a breach channel; ο· Underseepage resulting in internal erosion; ο· Slope stability failure; ο· Levee structural collapse due to water force or high pore water pressure; ο· Piping; ο· Wave attack; ο· Animal burrows, cracking, or other structure defects; ο· Earthquake soil liquefaction. Historically, most of the Central Valley levees are initiated by slope instability or piping including underseepage. These failures occur rapidly whereas levee overtopping failures tend to progress more slowly (FLO-2D/ Riada Engineering, Inc., 2010). 21 The floodplains developed will be composites of the various predicted levee breach scenarios. Floodplains will be delineated for the 100- and 500-year recurrence interval floods. 4.3. Topographical Data For the CVFED project, LiDAR was collected with a nominal post-spacing of 3.2 feet. This point spacing produces an accuracy of approximately one foot. The information produced from the LiDAR survey includes: ο· LiDAR raw point file; ο· Bare earth digital elevation model (DEM); ο· Top of levee and toe of levee breaklines; ο· Delineation of obscured areas (buildings and road overpasses), low-confidence areas, marshland, and water; ο· Obscured area polygons. The topography was used to define the geometry of the levees as lateral weirs and bridge decks. Other geometric features of structures, such as bridge piers and culverts, could not be obtained from the LiDAR survey. Therefore, the needed dimensions were measured in the field. Prior to the field visit, the available as-built drawings were obtained from the California Department of Transportation (Cal-Trans) and Lake County. For the bridges with as-builts, the accuracy of the as-builts was verified during the field 22 survey. There were not any differences between the as-builts and the surveyed dimensions. The LiDAR survey points do not penetrate the water surfaces. Therefore, bathymetric surveys were conducted to obtain the needed cross sections. In order to determine which cross sections had portions wetted, LP 360 was used. The portions of the LiDAR capture area that had few returns or flat cross sections indicate the presence of water. The lower Middle Creek near Clear Lake and Scotts Creek had water during the LiDAR survey and needed bathymetric surveys. 4.4. Geotechnical Data DWR is evaluating 470 miles of Urban levees (ULE Program) and 1500 miles of Non-Urban levees (NULE Program) in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins for defects (DWR, 2011). The levees in the study area are non-urban levees, because they protect the town of Upper Lake which is non-urban area with a population of 1,052 (US Census Bureau, 2010). The criterion for an urban area is a population of 10,000 or more (DWR, 2011). Non-urban levees are being assessed based on potential failure from underseepage, landslide stability, through-seepage, or erosion (DWR, 2011). The collected geotechnical data and analysis will be used to produce levee failure probability curves, which are plots of the probability of failure [P(f)] vs. water surface elevation [WSE] for each levee segment. An example of a levee failure probability curve 23 is shown in Figure 5. The P(f)=5.0% is used to determine the water surface elevation at the reliable levee height (DWR, 2012). This means that the safe water surface elevation is defined as the level at which the levee has a 5% chance of failure. An example of the reliable levee height elevation determination is shown in Figure 6. In the current study, freeboard criterion was the only consideration to determine the threshold condition for levee breaches. The geotechnical analyses (DWR’s NULE Project) that will determine the other elevation thresholds were not yet determined at the time of preparing this report. 24 FIGURE 5. LEVEE FAILURE PROBABILITY CURVE California Department of Water Resources. (2012). CVFED Levee Reliability Data. 25 FIGURE 6. RELIABLE LEVEE HEIGHT ELEVATION DETERMINATION California Department of Water Resources. (2012). CVFED Levee Reliability Data. π π»πΈ = πππΏ − π π» where: RHE = reliable height elevation TOL = top of levee RH = reduction height (computed) Eq. 7 26 Chapter 5 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS USING HEC-RAS The hydraulic analysis portion of the project for Middle Creek and its tributaries was conducted using the HEC-RAS one-dimensional unsteady-state model. 5.1. Model Development The LiDAR DEM raster grid was used as the surface for HEC-GeoRAS version 10 (GeoRAS) computations. GeoRAS was used within GIS to setup the RAS model by creating stream centerlines, bank lines, flow paths, cross sections, updated cross sections, lateral structures, and storage areas. The hydraulic model layout is shown in Figure 7. 27 FIGURE 7. HYDRAULIC MODEL LAYOUT 28 The model includes Middle Creek and three tributaries streams. Clover Creek and Alley Creek meet to the Northeast of the town of Upper Lake. The Diversion channel carries the flow from Alley Creek and Clover Creek to the west where it meets Middle Creek. There are outlet culverts on the Diversion channel which allow flow to discharge into Old Clover Creek, which travels through the town of Upper Lake before it meets Middle Creek. These culverts were assumed to be closed in order to have conservative water surface values in the leveed reaches. Downstream of the confluence of Middle Creek and Old Clover Creek, Scotts Creek meets Middle Creek. Middle Creek continues until it meets Clear Lake. The model reaches were created using GeoRAS. The model reaches were connected with junctions. The junction hydraulics was solved by the unsteady flow model using the “Energy Balance Method.” The model reach details are shown in Table 2. Table 2 - Model Reaches River Reach Upstream Downstream Length Station Station (ft) Middle Crk 1 30506 24384 6,122 Middle Crk 2 24384 18007 6,376 Middle Crk 3 18007 13816 4,190 Description (from Upstream to Downstream) Beginning of SPFC Levees to confluence with Diversion Confluence with Diversion to confluence with Old Clover Creek Confluence with Old Clover Creek to confluence with Scotts Creek 29 River Upstream Downstream Length Reach Station Station (ft) Middle Crk 4 13816 0 13,816 Alley Crk 1 2964 0 2,964 Clover Crk 1 1249 0 1,249 Diversion 1 4836 0 4,836 Old Clover Crk 1 1493 0 1,493 Scotts Crk 1 7264 0 7,264 Description (from Upstream to Downstream) Confluence with Scotts Creek to Clear Lake Beginning of SPFC Levees to confluence with Clover Creek and beginning of Diversion Beginning of SPFC Levees to confluence with Alley Creek and beginning of Diversion Confluence of Alley Creek and Clover Creek to confluence with Middle Creek Highway 20 bridge to confluence with Middle Creek Beginning of SPFC Levees to confluence with Middle Creek The cross sections were initially spaced based on Samuel’s equation (Brunner, 2011): βπ₯ = 0.15 π· π0 where: Δx = cross section spacing D = average bank full depth of the channel Eq. 8 30 S0 = average bed slope Based on the equation, it was determined that the cross sections should be spaced at approximately 500 foot intervals. Cross sections were spaced at larger intervals where the channel appeared to be prismatic and linear. Additional cross sections where added where the river curved and near junctions. Cross sections were placed immediately upstream and downstream of in-line structures. Cross sections were placed between inline structures. These initial cross sections were developed using limited topographical information. When the final LiDAR data was provided, the cross sections were updated to ensure that they were drawn perpendicular to the direction of flow and did not extend up hillsides. Also, cross sections were trimmed to the top of levee breaklines. Effort was taken to ensure that the updated cross sections were not moved off of the field survey points. The updated cross sections used in the model are shown in Appendix A. Additional cross sections were created at upstream and downstream extents of reaches with lateral structures. These additional cross sections were created so that the unsteady flow model would run. The cross section cutlines were created using GeoRAS. The cross sections profiles were created based on the terrain grid. The river, reach, and station identifiers, bank stations, and downstream reach lengths were also developed using GeoRAS. Bank stations were adjusted in RAS to accurately define the channel and overbank sections. For the portions of the streams that contained water when the LiDAR was flown, field surveys were conducted to obtain underwater channel points. The cross sections 31 with field surveys points were updated using the “Update Elevations” tool in GeoRAS. The updated profiles were checked to make sure that the points were correctly updated. Manning’s n-values were based on Manning’s n-values for Channels, Closed Conduits Flowing Partially Full, and Corrugated Metal Pipes (Chow, 1959). The field conditions were determined from field survey photos and aerial imagery. The representative field photos and ranges of Manning’s n-values are shown in Appendix B. The sensitivity of the model was tested by adjusting the Manning’s n-values. The sensitivity analysis is included in Chapter 5 and Appendix E. Ineffective flow areas are used to define areas of the channel cross sections where water will pond and the velocity will be close to zero. Ineffective flow areas were specified for many cross sections in areas that would not normally convey flow. These ineffective flow areas are not permanent, and therefore will convey flows if the ineffective flow area elevation criteria is exceeded. Obstructed areas are used to completely block out areas within cross sections from conveying any flow. Obstructed areas were used at bridge abutments that would permanently constrict the flow. In-line structures were created directly in HEC-RAS. The bridges’ top deck profiles were created using the LiDAR top of structure points. The pier, deck, and rail details were obtained from field survey notes and drawings, photographs, and as-builts (if available). Bridge rail geometry is typically not included in floodplain analysis or the thickness of the bridge deck may be increased to account for the rails (Klenzendorf, et. al, 2010). This either overestimates or underestimates the weir flow over a bridge deck with 32 a railing. For simplicity, the Hydrology and Hydraulics Coordination Work Group’s (HHCWG) Hydraulic Model Technical Guidance states that “rails that are greater than 50% open may be modeled as open and rails with less than 50% open shall be modeled with obstructed areas.” The rails on the structures in the study areas are mostly open and therefore were modeled as open. Debris blockages were also not included as per the HHCWG guidance. For the bridge modeling approach in HEC-RAS, the highest energy answer method was used for computing the low flow through the bridges. The bridge modeling approach is selected within the Geometry Data Editor. The highest energy answer computation considers the energy (standard step), momentum, and Yarnell methods. The inputs for the momentum and Yarnell methods require coefficients based on the pier geometry. The HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual was used to determine the values of these coefficients. For the high-flow modeling approach, each bridge was looked at separately to determine whether the pressurized or weir flow would occur for the simulated flows. The seven in-line structures are listed in Table 3. Table 3: In-Line Structures River Reach Alley Crk 1 Diversion 1 Upstream Downstream Cross Cross Section Section 780 2960 741 2912 Structure Type Description Data Source Bridge Pitney Ln Field Survey Bridge Elk Mountain Rd Field Survey 33 River Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Old Clover Scotts Crk Reach Upstream Downstream Cross Cross Section Section Structure Type Description 1 27078 27051 Bridge Rancheria Rd 2 19842 19747 Bridge Highway 20 4 387 211 Bridge 1 1217 1175 Bridge 1 4587 4510 Bridge NiceLucerne Cutoff Rd/ Co Rd 407 Bridge Arbor N State Route 29 Data Source Field Survey AsBuilt AsBuilt Field Survey AsBuilt Lateral structures are features that exchange flow to the overbank floodplain when they are overtopped. The levees were modeled as lateral structures to connect overtopping flows to the storage areas The LiDAR top of levee breaklines were used to create three-dimensional polylines for the lateral structures. GeoRAS was used to create the lateral structure features from the three-dimensional polylines. The lateral structures were split at inline structures and stream confluences. HEC-RAS does not allow lateral structures to span junctions. Lateral structures were limited to 5,000 feet per the lateral structure guidance provided by the HHCWG. The lateral structure stationing was input into HEC-RAS to ensure that the distances between cross sections were accurate. In addition to the levees, lateral structures were created along the high ground left bank of Alley Creek and right bank of Clover Creek. These high ground lateral structures were created because during high flows the water will overtop the non-leveed banks of both Alley Creek and Clover Creek, flooding the land between the two creeks. The lateral 34 structures allow flows to overtop the banks into a storage area that will flow back into the creeks near the downstream end where the Diversion channel begins. A lateral weir was also created between Middle Creek and the inlet to Highline Slough. A storage area was created to model the dead storage in Highline Slough. The lateral structure weir coefficients were taken from the HHCWG guidance, as shown below: ο· Inline weir coefficients: 2.6 ο· Engineer design levee: 2.0 ο· Railroad and road embankments connecting to storage areas: 1.0 ο· Natural high ground: 0.5 The lateral structures are listed in Appendix C. Storage areas were defined in overbank areas to simulate the ponding that would occur due to levee overtopping or breaching. Storage areas were connected to the lateral structures. Storage areas are connected to one another with storage area connections. The storage area rating curves are shown in Appendix D. Contraction and expansion coefficients were used at confining bridges. Suggested values were obtained from the HEC-RAS v4.1 Reference Manual Table 3-3 (USACE, 2010). Contraction coefficients of 0.3 were used upstream of the bridges and expansion coefficients of 0.5 were used downstream of the bridges. 35 5.2. Boundary Conditions Inflow hydrographs were input as the upstream boundary conditions for each of the stream reaches. Hydrographs for the 100- and 500-year flow events were modeled. The peak flows for the 100- and 500-yr recurrence interval floods are shown in Table 4. Table 4- Upstream Boundary Conditions- Peak Flows Flooding Source and Location Alley Creek at beginning of SPFC levees Clover Creek at beginning of SPFC levees Middle Creek at beginning of SPFC levees Old Clover Creek upstream of beginning of SPFC levees Scotts Creek at beginning of SPFC levees Tributary Area (mi2) 100-yr Peak Flow (cfs) 500-yr Peak Flow (cfs) 12.4 4,900 6,200 13.9 5,500 6,900 48.6 11,700 15,000 0.9 300 400 104.9 23,000 29,100 In order to help stabilize the model when there are low flows, minimum flows were set for each of the inflow hydrographs. Minimum flows were set at 5% of each of the peak flows. These initial conditions were input into the Unsteady Flow Data Editor. The downstream boundary is located where Middle Creek flows into Clear Lake. The model extends to the lakeshore of Clear Lake, where there is backwater influence from the lake. The maximum water surface elevation of Clear Lake was obtained from the USGS Water Data Report 2011 for Station 11450000 Clear Lake at Lakeport, CA (USGS, 2012). The maximum water surface elevation, which occurred on February 24, 36 1998, was obtained from the report and converted from NGVD 1929 to NAVD 1988 using the USACE Corpscon v.6.0.1 program. The water surface elevation in NAVD 1988 is 1332.20 feet. 5.3. Model Simulations The RAS model was run with steady flows to make sure the model was running correctly. Approximate 100- and 500-year flows were input into the model. Based on these runs, several locations had potential levee overtopping during the 100-year or greater flood events. The hydraulic tables were inspected to make sure that the rating curves extended high enough to capture the maximum 500-year flows. For many of the cross sections, the rating curves had to be extended vertically. Once the final LiDAR was obtained, the model geometry was updated. The design hydrographs from the Central Valley Hydrology Study (CVHS) were input as upstream boundary conditions. The model was adjusted in order to stabilize the model and improve the accuracy. The initial time step was based on the Courant condition formula (Brunner, 2011): βπ‘ πΆπ = π π€ βπ₯ ≤ 1.0 where: Vw = flood wave velocity Eq. 9 37 Δt = computational time step Δx = distance between cross sections The flood wave velocity can be approximated by the following equation (Brunner, 2011): ππ€ = 3 2 πΜ Eq. 10 where: πΜ = average velocity Based on the Courant criteria, a one minute computational time step was used for the model simulation. HEC-RAS allows the user to set some computation options and adjust default settings for the calculation tolerances. These tolerances are used in the solution of the unsteady flow equations. Table 5 shows the calculation options and tolerances used during the unsteady flow run. These calculation options and tolerances follow the guidelines recommended by the HHCWG. Table 5- Unsteady Calculation Options and Tolerances Unsteady Flow Options Value Theta (implicit weighting factor) [0.6-1.0]: 0.6 Theta for warm up (implicit weighting factor) [0.6-1.0]: 0.6 Water surface calculation tolerance (ft): 0.02 Storage Area elevation tolerance: 0.05 38 Unsteady Flow Options Value Maximum number of iterations [0-40]: 20 Number of warm up time steps [0-200]: 0 Time step during warm up period (hrs): 0 Minimum time step for time slicing [hrs]: 0 Maximum time step for time slices: 20 Lateral Structure flow stability factor [1.0-3.0]: 1 Inline Structure flow stability factor [1.0-3.0]: 1 Weir flow submergence decay exponent [1.0-3.0]: 1 Gate flow submergence decay exponent [1.0-3.0]: 1 DSS Messaging Level (1 to 10, Default = 4): 4 The guidelines developed by the HHCWG were used to define the possible sources of model instability, as follows: ο· Computed error in water surface elevation greater than 0.2 feet ο· Program runs to maximum number of iterations of 40 for one or more time steps with large errors ο· Oscillations in the computed stage and flow hydrographs ο· Sudden changes in the following hydraulic parameters including: o flow o depth o area o storage 39 ο· Flow inconsistency between the overbanks and the main channel. After running the model simulations, the model was reviewed to verify that it was stable and producing reasonable results. The maximum computed water surface elevation error was less than 0.1 feet for all simulations. 5.4. Model Calibration and Verification The stream flow gage records for the one gage within the model (Middle Creek Near Upper Lake) were collected. Since the gage just represents one stage- flow relationship near the upstream end of the project, it cannot be used to calibrate the model. Instead, the sensitivity of the unknown parameters was analyzed, such as Manning’s nvalues. The range of Manning’s n-values, provided in “Manning’s n-values for Channels” (Chow, 1959), was used to analyze the sensitivity of the model. Separate unsteady simulations were performed with minimum values, normal values, and maximum values for Manning’s n-values. The results of the sensitivity analysis are shown in Appendix E. Based on the sensitivity analysis, the average increase in water surface elevation was 0.5 feet for Middle Creek, when using the maximum Manning’s n-values. The average decrease in water surface elevation was 1.0 feet for Middle Creek, when using the minimum Manning’s n-values. The variation in water surface elevation gives a sense of the inherent uncertainty in the model results. 40 5.5. Model Results The water surface profiles for the 100- and 500-year simulations are shown in Appendix F. Many of the levees overtopped during both the 100- and 500-year events. The overtopping of the levees is calculated in the model as a broad crested weir flow equation (Roberson, et. al, 1998): π = πΆπΏπ» 3/2 Eq. 11 where: C = weir coefficient L = length of weir H = hydraulic head The water surface profiles were used to determine where there are freeboard deficiencies in the levees. The water surface profiles are shown in Appendix F. The assumption used for this study is that the levees will begin to fail (by piping) when the water surface elevation becomes greater than three feet lower than the top of levee for more than 30 minutes or greater than two feet below the levee for any duration. The levee freeboard assessments are shown in Tables 6 and 7. 41 Table 6- 100-Year Levee Freeboard Assessment ID DIV4717R DIV4716L DIV2912L DIV2911R MID30340L MID30277R MID27282L MID25431R MID24181R MID24180L MID22351R MID19747R MID19746L MID17916L MID17917R MID13944L MID8778L MID3910L River Reach From Cross Section To Cross Section Freeboard Deficient? (Y/N) Overtop? (Y/N) Diversion 1 4717 2960 N N Diversion 1 4717 2960 N N Diversion 1 2912 256 N N Diversion 1 2912 256 N N 1 30078 27452 N N 1 30078 27029 Y N 1 27029 24712 Y N 1 25120 24712 Y N 2 24181 19842 Y N 2 24181 19842 Y N 2 19747 18393 Y Y 2 19747 18393 Y Y 2 19747 18393 Y Y 3 17917 14030 Y N 3 17917 14030 Y Y 4 13692 11022 Y N 4 11022 4769 Y Y 4 4769 387 Y Y Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk 42 Table 7- 500-Year Levee Freeboard Assessment ID DIV4717R DIV4716L DIV2912L DIV2911R MID30340L MID30277R MID27282L MID25431R MID24181R MID24180L MID22351R MID19747R MID19746L MID17916L MID17917R MID13944L MID8778L MID3910L River Reach From Cross Section Diversion 1 4717 2960 Y N Diversion 1 4717 2960 Y N Diversion 1 2912 256 Y N Diversion 1 2912 256 Y N 1 30078 27452 Y N 1 30078 27029 Y N 1 27029 24712 Y N 1 25120 24712 Y N 2 24181 19842 Y Y 2 24181 19842 Y N 2 19747 18393 Y Y 2 19747 18393 Y Y 2 19747 18393 Y Y 3 17917 14030 Y Y 3 17917 14030 Y Y 4 13692 11022 Y Y 4 11022 4769 Y Y 4 4769 387 Y Y Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk To Cross Section Freeboard Deficient? (Y/N) Overtop? (Y/N) 43 The HEC-RAS models were re-run to simulate the levee breaches based on piping failures in the levees. HEC-RAS allows the user to perform levee breach analysis by specifying the levee breach parameters and failure mode. Either piping or overtopping failure can be modeled in HEC-RAS. Levees in the Central Valley typically fail due to piping or seepage (including underseepage) (FLO-2D/ Riada Engineering, Inc., 2010). The modeler must specify the station of the prescribed breach along with the geometry of the breach (final bottom width, final bottom elevation, side slopes, etc.) as well as the initial piping elevation. The failure can be triggered by a specified water surface elevation occurring for a total duration or a water surface elevation only. Figures 8 and 9 show the two failure modes considered for this study: piping and uncontrolled overtopping. 44 FIGURE 8. PIPE BREACH FAILURE FLO-2D/ Riada Engineering, Inc. (2010). FIGURE 9. UNCONTROLLED OVERTOPPING FAILURE FLO-2D/ Riada Engineering, Inc. (2010). 45 For this study, the centerline station was obtained from the observed water surface profiles, based on where the levees did not have the required three feet of freeboard. The final bottom width was assumed to be between 500 and 1000 feet based on the length of the levee freeboard encroachment. The piping elevation was set at the elevation three feet below the top of levee elevation. The final bottom elevation was set at one foot below the initial piping elevation and the side slopes were assumed to be 1:1 (horizontal: vertical). The piping will began when the water surface elevation exceeds the initial piping elevation for a cumulative 30 minutes. Piping failures typically occur quickly and will lead to roof collapse, transforming them to channel flows (FLO-2D/ Riada Engineering, Inc., 2010). Therefore, the full formation time was set at one hour. These prescribed breaches are preliminary scenarios. The geotechnical information obtained from the Urban Levee Elevations and Non-urban Levee Evaluations will eventually be made available for use in this study and other CVFED studies. Once that information is obtained, the prescribed failure locations, trigger water surface elevations, and modes of failure can be adjusted to reflect the geotechnical data. The resulting levee breach hydrographs are shown in Appendix G. These levee breach hydrographs were saved and then input into the FLO-2D model as various failure scenarios. The levee breaches downstream of the confluence of Middle Creek and Scotts Creek were not modeled for this study, because those levee segments are expected to be removed as part of the Middle Creek Flood Damage Reduction and Ecosystem Restoration Project (Lake County, 2010). 46 Table 8- 100-Year Levee Breach Locations Breach Scenario Levee ID River Reach Breach Station (Centerline) Trigger Failure Elevation Peak Flow (cfs) 1 MID24180L Middle Crk 2 3400 1347 6,0511 2 MID22351R Middle Crk 2 1600 1347 6,0291 3 MID17916L Middle Crk 3 2500 1341 15,2711 4 MID8778L Middle Crk 4 N/A2 N/A2 N/A2 5 MID3910L Middle Crk 4 N/A2 N/A2 N/A2 1 Levee breach hydrographs are shown in Appendix G. 2 Levee breach was not modeled for this study because the levee segment is to be removed for the Middle Creek Flood Damage Reduction and Ecosystem Restoration project. 47 Table 9- 500-Year Levee Breach Locations Breach Scenario Levee ID River Reach Breach Station (Centerline) Trigger Failure Elevation Peak Flow (cfs) 1 MID27028L Middle Crk 1 1800 1364 2,3031 2 DIV2911R Diversion 1 1600 1362 1,6211 3 DIV2912L Diversion 1 1500 1363 4,7481 4 MID24180L Middle Crk 2 3400 1347 12,2081 5 MID22351R Middle Crk 2 1600 1347 8,6051 6 MID17916L Middle Crk 3 2500 1341 16,7121 7 MID8778L Middle Crk 4 N/A2 N/A2 N/A2 8 MID3910L Middle Crk 4 N/A2 N/A2 N/A2 1 Levee breach hydrographs are shown in Appendix G. 2 Levee breach was not modeled for this study because the levee segment is to be removed for the Middle Creek Flood Damage Reduction and Ecosystem Restoration project. 48 Chapter 6 FLOOD INUNDATION USING FLO-2D The FLO-2D model was used to model the flows that would result from levee breaches due to piping. The levee breach hydrographs were determined using the HECRAS model, as shown in Appendix G. 6.1. Model Development The LiDAR DEM raster grid was used as the surface within the PRIMER pre- and post-processor program developed by Civil Solutions, Inc. PRIMER was used to setup and calculate the grid elevations. The terrain elevation map is shown in Figure 10. Manning’s n-values were assigned using FLO-2D’s Grid Developer System (GDS). Land use survey data from DWR was used as the basis for land use classifications. Each land use classification was attributed to a roughness coefficient as determined by the HHCWG. The land use classifications and Manning’s n-values are shown in Figure 11 and Table 10. The land use shapefile was overlaid with aerial imagery to verify the accuracy of the land use classifications. It was determined that the land use classifications were appropriate and no adjustments were made. 49 FIGURE 10. TERRAIN MAP 50 FIGURE 11. LAND USE MAP 51 Table 10 - FLO-2D Overland Roughness Coefficient by Land Use Type Land Use Type Manning’s n-values Citrus and Subtropical Deciduous Fruits and Nuts Field Crops Grain and Hay Crops Idle Pasture Rice Truck, Nursery, and Berry Crops Vineyards Entry Denied Barren and Wasteland Riparian Vegetation Not Surveyed Native Vegetation Water Surface Semi-agricultural and Incidental to Agriculture Urban Commercial Industrial Urban Landscape Residential Vacant 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.100 0.120 0.120 0.150 0.100 0.250 0.100 0.250 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.100 A 100-foot grid cell size was selected based on the relatively small size of the model grid. Based on this grid size, there are 22,906 grids. During the test flow model runs, it was determined that the run times using the 100-foot grid cell size were reasonable. The model layout is shown in Figure 12. 52 FIGURE 12. FLO-2D MODEL LAYOUT 53 The model grids were setup using PRIMER. The grid elevations were calculated using PRIMER also. PRIMER calculates the average elevation of each grid cell based on the input raster grid. Exclusion polygons were delineated in GIS to specify the areas that would be eliminated from the grid elevation calculations because they would otherwise bias the grid cell elevations. Exclusion polygons were delineated around the SPFC levees and other levee-like embankments. The extents of the levees were determined from the LiDAR LAS files and the toe of levee breaklines. The updated grid elevations were compared with the biased model grid elevations to check that the elevations were being correctly updated. It was determined that the updated grid elevations were appropriate. Area Reduction Factors (ARF’s) and Width Reduction Factors (WRF’s) are used to reflect the loss of floodplain storage and conveyance in FLO-2D. The LiDAR obscured area polygons were used to represent the obstructions in the floodplain created by buildings. According to the HHCWG guidance, “Engineering judgment should be used to “clean-up” the obscured area polygons to remove non-building polygons and supplement with [LiDAR] low-confidence area polygons as needed.” The obscured area polygons were reviewed and some issues were identified that would require revisions to the dataset. Vegetation, water bodies, and bridges were often erroneously included in the obscured polygon dataset. Also, many structures were missing from the dataset. Most of these structures were single family homes or detached garages. The obscured area dataset was revised by removing the polygons representing vegetation, water bodies, or bridges. Polygons were added to represent structures that were significantly large (1,000 square feet or larger) and were not included in the obscured area dataset. 54 The SPFC levees were included in the model. According to the HHCWG recommendations, levee-like features that are greater than two feet tall can be included as levees in the two-dimensional model, if they alter the progression of the overland flood wave. LP 360 was used along with two foot contours generated from the LiDAR to identify the levee-like features within the model. The SPFC levees were initially identified from the California Levee Database (CLD). The alignment of the top of levee was created from the LiDAR breaklines. Three-dimensional polylines were created along the levee-like embankments. The levees were imported in FLO-2D using the PRIMER tool. PRIMER takes the average elevation of each levee octagonal segment. The levee alignment and elevations are computed from the three-dimensional polylines which were generated from the LiDAR top of levee breaklines. PRIMER was also used to calculate the width reduction factor for each levee octagonal segment. This tool provides a more accurate representation of the length of each levee segment, which is important for levee overtopping flow calculations (Plummer, 2012). The aerial imagery was used to verify that there are not any structures in the floodplain that are hydraulically significant. No streets were included in the model because the major streets in the study area will not convey flows. Infiltration was not considered per the guidance of the HHCWG. 55 6.2. Boundary Conditions Floodplain outflow elements were placed at the southern boundary of the model domain, which is physically the lakeshore boundary of Clear Lake. FLO-2D will not run if the outflow nodes are not lower than the upstream grid elevations. PRIMER’s Outflow Node Elevation tool was used to adjust the outflow elements to be at a lower elevation. The inflow elements were placed on the dry-side of levee at the location of the levee breach. The inflow hydrographs were obtained from HEC-RAS. FLO-2D runs slower when the peak inflow is large when compared to the surface are of the grid element containing the inflow. The suggested criterion is as shown below (FLO-2D, 2009): πππππ π΄π π’πππππ ππππ <1 πππ ππ‘ 2 Eq.12 In cases where the peak inflow was greater than 10,000cfs, the inflow hydrograph was split over two grid cells. 6.3. Model Simulations The FLO-2D program was used exclusively to model the two-dimensional flows that result from levee failures due to piping. The levee breach hydrographs were obtained from HEC-RAS. The locations of the levee breach scenarios are shown in Figures 13 and 14. 56 FIGURE 13. 100-YEAR LEVEE BREACH SCENARIO LOCATIONS 57 FIGURE 14. 500-YEAR LEVEE BREACH SCENARIO LOCATIONS 58 Three levee breach scenarios were simulated for the 100-year flood and six different levee breach scenarios were simulated for the 500-year flood. The results of the levee breach scenarios are shown in Tables 11 and 12, and in Appendix H. Table 11 – 100-Year Levee Breach Simulation Results 1 No. of Buildings Inundated Average Flood Depth for Buildings (ft) Test Flow Scenario River Station Peak Flow (cfs) Maximum Inundation Area (Acres) 1 Middle Crk 21700 (Left) 6,051 1493.8 351 2.3 2 Middle Crk 21700 (Right) 6,029 954.9 44 3.2 3 Middle Crk 17400 (Left) 15,271 2337.2 72 4.5 4 Middle Crk 8800 (Left) N/A1 N/A1 N/A1 N/A1 5 Middle Crk 2100 (Left) N/A1 N/A1 N/A1 N/A1 Levee breach was not modeled for this study because the levee segment is to be removed for the Middle Creek Flood Damage Reduction and Ecosystem Restoration project. 59 Table 12 – 500-Year Levee Breach Simulation Results 1 Station Peak Flow (cfs) Maximum Inundation Area (Acres) No. of Buildings Inundated Average Flood Depth for Buildings (ft) Middle Crk 25600 (Left) 2,303 219.6 19 3.1 2 Diversion Channel 2500 (Right) 1,621 115.6 19 4.0 3 Diversion Channel 2500 (Left) 4,748 1042.5 404 1.9 4 Middle Crk 21700 (Left) 12,208 2411.0 393 2.9 5 Middle Crk 21700 (Right) 8,605 1729.0 48 1.1 6 Middle Crk 17400 (Left) 16,712 2442.9 90 4.4 7 Middle Crk 8800 (Left) N/A1 N/A1 N/A1 N/A1 8 Middle Crk 2100 (Left) N/A1 N/A1 N/A1 N/A1 Test Flow Scenario River 1 Levee breach was not modeled for this study because the levee segment is to be removed for the Middle Creek Flood Damage Reduction and Ecosystem Restoration project. The HHCWG recommended using the limiting Froude number to test and debug the preliminary FLO-2D models. By setting the limiting Froude number, the model is allowed to adjust the flow roughness values when the limiting Froude number is 60 exceeded. A limiting Froude number of 0.5 was applied for the model domain. The resulting n-value modifications were reviewed for reasonableness. The depth variable roughness is used to improve the timing of the flood wave progression and to reduce numerical surging. In the model, the Manning’s n-values are adjusted based on the flood depths and the “shallow n” parameter. The “shallow n” value was set to 0.2. The Courant Number (or Courant-Friedrich-Lewy), DEPTOL, and WAVEMAX parameters are used in FLO-2D for numerical stability. The Courant Number relates the flood wave movement to the model discretization in time and space (FLO-2D, 2009). Since the model resulted in reasonable velocities on the floodplain and the runtime was not excessive, the default values for these stability parameters were used. 6.4. Model Calibration and Verification There are no high water marks in the model domain. Therefore, no calibration of the model can be performed. Instead, the sensitivity of the unknown parameters was performed, such as ARF and WRF values. The simulations were run both with and without the ARF’s and WRF’s to test the sensitivity of the model to those parameters. Two scenarios where analyzed to determine whether the extent of the floodplain or the number of inundated buildings were sensitive to the two parameters. The two scenarios were selected for the analysis because they 61 resulted in the largest number of structures being inundated in the floodplain. The results of the sensitivity analysis are summarized in Table 13. Table 13 - ARF and WRF Sensitivity Results Summary (for 500-Year Flood) Test Flow Scenario Max. Inundation Area Without Obscured Area Polygons (Acres) Max. Inundation Area With Obscured Area Polygons (Acres) No. of Inundated Structures Without Obscured Area Polygons No. of Inundated Structures With Obscured Area Polygons 3 1,059.2 1,042.5 399 404 4 2,203.2 2,411.0 388 393 Based on the sensitivity analysis, it was determined that the application of the ARF and WRF values does not greatly impact the overall flooding extents. This is because the flooding is primarily slow moving and deep. If the flooding was primarily shallow sheet flow with high velocities, the inclusion of the ARF and WRF values would be expected to increase the inundated area. 6.5. Model Results The model output files for each scenario were reviewed to identify potential sources of error. The simulations ran to completion, and volume conservation within each of the flow scenarios was within the range recommended by the FLO-2D Reference Manual (FLO-2D, 2009). Each flow scenario model was reviewed to identify and note 62 any excessive time decrements caused by “sticky” cells. Levee features were also reviewed for performance. The maximum flood depth and velocity results for each of the scenarios and recurrence interval flood events are shown in Appendix H. Figures 15 and 16 depict the composite floodplain resulting from these scenarios. Tables 14 and 15 show the number of structures that were inundated at various depths for each levee breach scenario. 63 FIGURE 15. 100-YEAR COMPOSITE FLOODPLAIN MAP 64 FIGURE 16. 500-YEAR COMPOSITE FLOODPLAIN MAP 65 Table 14 – Number of Structures Inundated from 100-Year Levee Breach Scenarios Flood Depths (ft) 0-0.5 0.5-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 Total No. of Structures Breach Scenario 1 59 37 66 68 80 22 14 5 0 0 Breach Scenario 2 6 1 8 8 5 6 8 1 1 0 Breach Scenario 3 4 3 11 9 5 12 3 14 11 0 351 44 72 Table 15 – Number of Structures Inundated from 500-Year Levee Breach Scenarios Flood Depths (ft) 0-0.5 0.5-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 Total No. of Structures Breach Breach Breach Breach Breach Breach Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 56 43 13 8 2 1 56 29 11 9 5 3 114 77 18 10 2 3 108 52 5 12 3 2 48 79 0 7 4 2 16 63 1 8 2 1 5 27 0 8 0 5 1 23 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 19 19 404 393 48 90 66 Chapter 7 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The results of the hydraulic model are consistent with DWR’s Flood Control System Status Report, which shows that the levees in the Middle Creek area are at moderate or high risk of levee failure (DWR, 2011). As was expected, the levees nearest Clear Lake have the highest risk of failure due to the high water surface elevations that result from the incoming flood flows combined with a high lake level. The HEC-RAS model shows that the 100-year flood will overtop the levees by a maximum of 1.1 feet. This flooding would not impact many structures because the land in this area is agricultural and there are only 40 structures between Clear Lake and the confluence of Middle Creek and Scotts Creek. Based on the Middle Creek Flood Damage Reduction and Ecosystem Restoration Project, it is more cost-effective to relocate the families than to repair and maintain the levees, which would cost an estimated $2.5 million a year (Andersen, 2005). Because of the impending restoration project, this report focused on the flood risk upstream of the confluence of Middle Creek and Scotts Creek. It was determined that portions of Middle Creek upstream of Scotts Creek may also be susceptible to overtopping during both 100- and 500-year flood events. The HECRAS model results show that the levee along Middle Creek Reach 3 (immediately upstream of the confluence with Scotts Creek) will be overtopped by a maximum of 1.4 feet for the 100-year flood. This flooding would impact the town of Upper Lake. The levee along the Diversion channel is not overtopped in the HEC-RAS model but was 67 assumed to fail due to piping because the 500-year water surface elevation is within 1.9 feet of the top of the levee. This potential levee failure would also result in a large portion of the town of Upper Lake becoming inundated. As expected, the breach scenarios that occur closest to the town of Upper Lake resulted in the largest number of flooded structures. The simulated breach on the south levee of the Diversion channel (500-year breach scenario 3) results in 404 structures being inundated. The simulated breach on the east levee of Middle Creek Reach 2 (500-year breach scenario 4) results in 393 structures being inundated. These levee breach scenarios result in average flood depths of 1.9 feet for the 500-year breach scenario 3 and 2.9 feet for the 500-year breach scenario 4. There are many assumptions made when performing the hydrologic analysis and developing the hydraulic models for this study. The methodology presented in this report follows the guidelines for DWR’s CVHS and CVFED projects. The hydrologic analysis is based on more updated data than the previous studies by FEMA and the USACE. Although rainfall gage data was not available for this study, the NOAA Atlas 14 precipitation data was used for producing synthetic hyetographs for the HMS model. This study also benefitted from 40 years of stream flow gage data for Middle Creek. The results of the HMS model were compared to flood frequency analysis and USGS regional regression equations. The HMS model resulted in higher peak flows than the flood frequency analysis- 11.9% higher for Middle Creek and 1.0% higher for Scotts Creek. The HMS model resulted in lower peak flows than the USGS regional regression- 5.9% lower for Middle Creek and 4.4% lower for Scotts Creek. Even though the data and 68 assumptions are much different, the peak flows from the HMS model were within 12% of the previous FEMA and USACE studies. A major difference between this study and previous studies is the unsteady flow analysis. The unsteady flow analysis is advantageous for this study which considers levee overtopping and breaches and therefore must account for the routing of flows through storage areas. The unsteady flow analysis requires additional effort compared to a steady flow analysis, especially when considering model instabilities. This report described the geometric model elements and the calculation options and tolerances used for the model. The resulting stable unsteady flow model is a result of adjustments made to these geometric elements and calculation options. The second main difference between this study and previous studies is the analysis of potential levee breaches. For this study, the assumption was made that the levees will not be able to convey water above the design water surface elevation (i.e. three feet below the top of levee). The HEC-RAS water surface profiles were used to determine where the freeboard criterion was not met. Then the levee breach scenarios were simulated at these locations. The peak flows for the levee breach hydrographs vary from 6,029 to 15,271 cfs for the 100-year scenarios, and from 1,621 to 16,712 cfs for the 500-year scenarios. The peak flows are primarily a function of the water surface elevation versus the levee breach elevation. The third main difference between this study and previous studies is the use of a two-dimensional model, FLO-2D, in conjunction with the one-dimensional HEC-RAS 69 model. FLO-2D produces a better result for the overland flows which cannot be accurately modeled as one-dimensional. The HEC-RAS breach hydrographs were input into the FLO-2D model grid to simulate the overland flows. The resulting FLO-2D inundation areas vary from 945.9 to 2,337.2 acres for the 100-year breaches, and from 115.6 to 2,442.9 acres for the 500-year breaches. These variations in inundation areas are based on the volume of the levee breach hydrographs and the topography. 70 Chapter 8 CONCLUSIONS The purpose of this study was to evaluate the flood risk behind levees within the Middle Creek watershed. This study followed the methodology that is being used for DWR’s CVFED project to evaluate the flood risk associated with SPFC levees. This report described the process for developing the one-dimensional HEC-RAS model and the two-dimensional FLO-2D model. HEC-RAS was used to model the riverine hydraulics and FLO-2D was used to model the overland flows from levee breaches. The results of the study indicate that the levees along Middle Creek could be susceptible to levee breaches because they do not have adequate freeboard for both the 100- and 500-year flood events. The levees nearest to Clear Lake are the most at risk of flooding due to high lake stages combined with high inflows from Middle Creek. Because there are relatively few structures in the floodplain near Clear Lake, the Middle Creek Flood Damage Reduction and Ecosystem Restoration project seeks to relocate the residents and restore the historic floodplain. The levees along the Diversion channel also could be susceptible to levee failure as they do not the meet the freeboard criteria for the 500-year flood event. These levees could potentially fail before reaching the design water surface elevation as a result of piping or underseepage. The probability of these failure modes will be assessed further for DWR’s CVFED project. The hydraulic models used for this study were developed using the latest spatial datasets and GIS processing tools. Those tools allow hydraulic modelers to develop 71 complex flood models rather quickly. The integration of one-dimensional and twodimensional models represents a new method to model riverine flooding and levee breaches. The advantage of this method is the ability to simulate various individual levee breach scenarios. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not consider internal drainage flooding that may contribute to the levee breach flows. The methodology presented in this report can be used for similar floodplain analysis studies without calibration data. The results of the hydrologic analysis produced very consistent results with other methods and previous studies. For the hydraulic models, sensitivity analyses were performed on the unknown parameters. The results of the sensitivity analyses show that the water surface elevation could vary up to one foot when adjusting the Manning’s n-values. Future flood studies would benefit from additional rain and stream flow gages for calibrating hydrologic and hydraulic models. The results of the FLO-2D simulations were combined to create the composite floodplain maps for the 100- and 500-year flood events, as was shown in Figures 15 and 16. The floodplain maps can be refined by incorporating the geotechnical data from DWR’s Levee Evaluations project. The geotechnical data will be used to generate levee failure probability curves and reliable levee height elevations. DWR should set guidelines for the levee breach characteristics which can greatly affect the resulting floodplains. 72 APPENDIX A Cross Sections Table 73 Station River Reach LOB nvalues Channel n-values ROB nvalues 3000.00 Alley Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 2901.21 Alley Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 2356.98 Alley Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1741.93 Alley Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1138.84 Alley Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 780.04 Alley Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 741.28 Alley Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 391.77 Alley Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 137.16 Alley Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 100.00 Alley Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1200.00 Clover Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1169.96 885.05 584.90 192.07 Clover Crk Clover Crk Clover Crk Clover Crk 100.00 Clover Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 4800.00 Diversion 1 0.06 0.03 0.06 4717.89 Diversion 1 0.06 0.03 0.06 4241.91 Diversion 1 0.06 0.03 0.06 3463.80 Diversion 1 0.06 0.03 0.06 2960.58 Diversion 1 0.06 0.03 0.06 Data Source Copied from ALL0030 TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR Copied from ALL0001 Copied from CLO0010 TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR Copied from CLO0001 Copied from DIV0040 TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR Bathymetry? (Y or N) N/A N N N N N N N N N/A N/A N N N N N/A N/A N N N N 74 Station River Reach LOB nvalues Channel n-values ROB nvalues 2912.81 Diversion 1 0.06 0.03 0.06 2174.43 Diversion 1 0.06 0.03 0.06 1396.74 Diversion 1 0.06 0.03 0.06 611.08 Diversion 1 0.06 0.03 0.06 256.67 Diversion 1 0.06 0.03 0.06 200.00 Diversion 1 0.06 0.03 0.06 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 30391.90 30078.20 29808.10 29449.80 29096.30 28799.00 28506.50 28162.20 27852.50 27452.40 27078.00 27029.70 26703.30 26414.00 26012.90 25613.90 25120.40 Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Data Source TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR Copied from DIV0001 TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR Bathymetry? (Y or N) N N N N N N/A N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 75 Station River Reach LOB nvalues Channel n-values ROB nvalues 24712.40 Middle Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 24700.00 Middle Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 24200.00 Middle Crk 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 24181.70 23632.70 22974.50 22352.80 21716.50 20995.10 20312.20 19842.00 19748.00 19278.30 18907.20 18393.80 Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk 18300.00 Middle Crk 2 0.1 0.045 0.1 18000.00 Middle Crk 3 0.1 0.045 0.1 3 0.1 0.045 0.1 3 0.1 0.045 0.1 3 0.1 0.045 0.1 3 0.1 0.045 0.1 17917.60 17412.80 16861.90 16156.00 Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Data Source TO 20 LiDAR Copied from MID0170 Copied from MID0165 TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR Copied from MID0115 Copied from MID0110 TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR Bathymetry? (Y or N) N N/A N/A N N N N N N N N N N N N N/A N/A N N N Y 76 Station River Reach LOB nvalues Channel n-values ROB nvalues 15378.60 Middle Crk 3 0.1 0.045 0.1 3 0.1 0.045 0.1 3 0.1 0.045 0.1 14601.20 14030.10 Middle Crk Middle Crk 14000.00 Middle Crk 3 0.1 0.045 0.1 13700.00 Middle Crk 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 4 0.1 0.045 0.1 13692.50 12749.40 11840.90 11022.70 10129.60 8778.08 7771.26 6947.00 6311.73 5596.91 4769.48 3476.81 2108.15 1121.49 387.85 211.01 80.30 Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Middle Crk Data Source Interpolate d Cross Section TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR Copied from MID0085 Copied from MID0080 TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR Bathymetry? (Y or N) N/A Y Y N/A N/A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 77 Station 1370.11 1217.28 1175.88 745.70 344.45 River Old Clover Old Clover Old Clover Old Clover Old Clover Reach LOB nvalues Channel n-values ROB nvalues 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 300.00 Old Clover 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 7200.00 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 7112.52 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 6784.75 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 6369.89 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 5980.73 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 5410.52 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 4913.55 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 4587.76 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 4510.74 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 3724.58 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 3159.01 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 Data Source TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR Copied from OLD0001 Copied from SCO0070 TO 13 LiDAR + USGS 10m DEM TO 13 LiDAR + USGS 10m DEM TO 13 LiDAR + USGS 10m DEM TO 13 LiDAR + USGS 10m DEM TO 13 LiDAR + USGS 10m DEM TO 13 LiDAR + USGS 10m DEM TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR Bathymetry? (Y or N) N N N N N N/A N/A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 78 Station River Reach LOB nvalues Channel n-values ROB nvalues 2717.21 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 2059.26 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 1485.47 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 937.00 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 525.56 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 500.00 Scotts Crk 1 0.1 0.045 0.1 Data Source TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR TO 20 LiDAR Copied from SCO0001 Bathymetry? (Y or N) Y Y Y Y Y N/A 79 APPENDIX B Photos for Determining Manning’s n-values 80 Alley Creek Channel 0.045 (0.035 – 0.05) Winding channel, weeds and stones Overbank 0.10 (0.07- 0.16) Medium to dense brush, in summer Diversion Channel Channel Overbank 0.03 (0.025 – 0.033) Winding earth channel, grass and some weeds 0.06 (0.04 – 0.08) Light brush and trees, in summer 81 Middle Creek Channel Overbank 0.045 (0.035 – 0.05) Winding channel, weeds and stones 0.10 (0.07- 0.16) Medium to dense brush, in summer 82 Scotts Creek Channel Overbank 0.045 (0.035 – 0.05) Winding channel, weeds and stones 0.10 (0.07- 0.16) Medium to dense brush, in summer 83 APPENDIX C Lateral Structures Table 84 River Reach Location Structure Description From Cross Section To Cross Section Connection Weir Coefficient Alley Crk 1 Right Overbank Levee 2901 780 Storage Area 1 2.0 Alley Crk 1 Left Overbank High Ground 2901 780 Storage Area “AlleyClover” 0.5 Alley Crk 1 Right Overbank Levee 741 137 Storage Area 1 2.0 Alley Creek 1 Left Overbank High Ground 741 Storage Area “AlleyClover” 0.5 Clover Crk 1 Right Overbank High Ground 1169 192 Storage Area “AlleyClover” 0.5 Clover Crk 1 Left Overbank Levee 1169 192 Out of the System 2.0 Diversio n 1 Right Overbank Levee 4717 2960 Storage Area 1 2.0 Diversio n 1 Left Overbank Levee 4717 2960 Out of the System 2.0 Diversio n 1 Left Overbank Levee 2912 256 Out of the System 2.0 Diversio n 1 Right Overbank Levee 2912 256 Storage Area 1 2.0 Middle Crk 1 Left Overbank Levee 30078 27452 Storage Area 1 2.0 Middle Crk 1 Right Overbank Levee 30078 27029 Out of the System 2.0 Middle Crk 1 Left Overbank Levee 27029 24712 Storage Area 1 2.0 Middle Crk 1 Right Overbank Levee 25120 24712 Storage Area 2 2.0 Middle Crk 2 Right Overbank Levee 24181 19842 Storage Area 2 2.0 137 85 River Reach Location Structure Description From Cross Section To Cross Section Connection Weir Coefficient Middle Crk 2 Left Overbank Levee 24181 19842 Out of the System 2.0 Middle Crk 2 Right Overbank Levee 19747 18393 Storage Area 4 2.0 Middle Crk 2 Left Overbank Levee 19747 18393 Out of the System 2.0 Middle Crk 3 Right Overbank Levee 17917 14030 Out of the System 2.0 Middle Crk 3 Left Overbank Levee 17917 14030 Storage Area 4 2.0 Middle Crk 4 Left Overbank Levee 13692 11022 Out of the System 2.0 Middle Crk 4 Left Overbank Levee 11022 4769 Out of the System 2.0 Middle Crk 4 Left Overbank Overflow to Rodman Slough Inlet 4769 3476 Storage Area 9 2.0 Middle Crk 4 Left Overbank Levee 4769 387 Out of the System 2.0 Old Clover 1 Right Overbank Levee 1175 344 Out of the System 2.0 Old Clover 1 Left Overbank Levee 1175 344 Out of the System 2.0 Scotts Crk 1 Left Overbank Levee 7112 5410 Storage Area 3 2.0 Scotts Crk 1 Left Overbank Levee 4510 525 Storage Area 4 2.0 86 APPENDIX D Storage Area Curves 87 Storage Area 1: Elevation-Storage Curve 1376 1374 1372 Elevation (ft) 1370 1368 1366 1364 1362 1360 1358 1356 0 500 1000 1500 Storage (AC-ft) 2000 2500 3000 Storage Area 2: Elevation-Storage Curve 1360 1358 1356 1354 Elevation (ft) 1352 1350 1348 1346 1344 1342 1340 1338 0 200 400 600 800 Storage (AC-ft) 1000 1200 1400 1600 88 Storage Area 3: Elevation-Storage Curve 1348 1346 1344 1342 Elevation (ft) 1340 1338 1336 1334 1332 1330 1328 1326 0 100 200 300 400 500 Storage (AC-ft) 600 700 800 900 800 900 Storage Area 4: Elevation-Storage Curve 1344 1342 Elevation (ft) 1340 1338 1336 1334 1332 1330 0 100 200 300 400 500 Storage (AC-ft) 600 700 89 Storage Area 9: Elevation-Storage Curve 1333 1332 Elevation (ft) 1331 1330 1329 1328 1327 1326 0 20 40 60 Storage Area (AC-ft) 80 100 120 Storage Area "Alley-Clover": Elevation-Storage Curve 1373 1372 1371 Elevation (ft) 1370 1369 1368 1367 1366 1365 1364 1363 0 20 40 60 80 Storage (AC-ft) 100 120 140 90 APPENDIX E HEC-RAS Sensitivity Analysis Results 91 Middle Creek Station (ft) WSE using Min n-values (ft, NAVD88) WSE using Normal n-values (ft, NAVD88) WSE using Max n-values (ft, NAVD88) Change in WSE When Using Min n-values (ft) Change in WSE When Using Max n-values (ft) 30391.88 1377.25 1379 1379.88 -1.75 0.88 30078.18 1375.62 1377.53 1378.48 -1.91 0.95 29808.09 1374.12 1376.24 1377.24 -2.12 1 29449.83 1373.36 1375.25 1376.26 -1.89 1.01 29096.26 1371.83 1373.93 1375.04 -2.1 1.11 28798.98 1372.35 1374.06 1375.06 -1.71 1 28506.48 1371.94 1373.69 1374.72 -1.75 1.03 28162.22 1370.66 1372.6 1373.72 -1.94 1.12 27852.46 1370.37 1372.18 1373.27 -1.81 1.09 27452.36 1368.62 1370.61 1371.72 -1.99 1.11 27078 1367.72 1369.6 1370.58 -1.88 0.98 27029.69 1367.6 1369.45 1370.42 -1.85 0.97 26703.25 1367.52 1369.12 1370.02 -1.6 0.9 26414.03 1366.08 1367.81 1368.75 -1.73 0.94 26012.88 1363.47 1365.71 1366.72 -2.24 1.01 25613.91 1363.99 1365.54 1366.29 -1.55 0.75 25120.45 1362.86 1364.41 1365.16 -1.55 0.75 24712.4 1362.37 1363.75 1364.46 -1.38 0.71 24700 1361.2 1362.58 1363.31 -1.38 0.73 24200 1361.2 1362.58 1363.31 -1.38 0.73 24181.68 1359.29 1360.89 1361.71 -1.6 0.82 23632.67 1358.06 1359.46 1360.26 -1.4 0.8 22974.49 1355.39 1357.21 1358.08 -1.82 0.87 22352.82 1354.46 1355.97 1356.79 -1.51 0.82 21716.47 1352.94 1354.47 1355.31 -1.53 0.84 20995.11 1351.04 1352.5 1353.22 -1.46 0.72 20312.19 1349.58 1350.71 1351.17 -1.13 0.46 19842.03 1348.99 1349.85 1350.3 -0.86 0.45 19747.95 1348.93 1349.73 1350.16 -0.8 0.43 19278.34 1348.14 1348.72 1348.89 -0.58 0.17 18907.21 1347.92 1348.38 1348.52 -0.46 0.14 18393.84 1347.13 1347.66 1347.77 -0.53 0.11 18300 1346.06 1346.57 1346.63 -0.51 0.06 18000 1346.06 1346.57 1346.63 -0.51 0.06 17917.56 1345.42 1345.89 1345.96 -0.47 0.07 92 Middle Creek Station (ft) WSE using Min n-values (ft, NAVD88) WSE using Normal n-values (ft, NAVD88) WSE using Max n-values (ft, NAVD88) Change in WSE When Using Min n-values (ft) Change in WSE When Using Max n-values (ft) 17412.79 1344.36 1344.89 1345.03 -0.53 0.14 16861.88 1343.7 1344.12 1344.29 -0.42 0.17 16156.02 1343.33 1343.74 1343.96 -0.41 0.22 15378.6 1343.07 1343.53 1343.77 -0.46 0.24 14601.22 1342.5 1343.11 1343.45 -0.61 0.34 14030.05 1342.29 1342.94 1343.31 -0.65 0.37 14000 1342.15 1342.83 1343.23 -0.68 0.4 13700 1342.15 1342.83 1343.23 -0.68 0.4 13692.47 1340.45 1341.21 1341.67 -0.76 0.46 12749.36 1339.3 1339.79 1340.14 -0.49 0.35 11840.94 1336.83 1337.43 1337.77 -0.6 0.34 11022.69 1335.74 1336.06 1336.21 -0.32 0.15 10129.56 1335.21 1335.45 1335.52 -0.24 0.07 8778.084 1334.49 1334.67 1334.69 -0.18 0.02 7771.263 1334.25 1334.32 1334.29 -0.07 -0.03 6946.997 1334.02 1334.08 1334.06 -0.06 -0.02 6311.727 1333.9 1333.92 1333.87 -0.02 -0.05 5596.913 1333.8 1333.78 1333.7 0.02 -0.08 4769.478 1333.59 1333.56 1333.49 0.03 -0.07 3476.813 1333.19 1333.16 1333.09 0.03 -0.07 2108.146 1332.89 1332.82 1332.76 0.07 -0.06 1121.488 1332.71 1332.63 1332.57 0.08 -0.06 387.8525 1332.48 1332.42 1332.39 0.06 -0.03 211.0086 1332.25 1332.25 1332.25 0 0 80.29996 1332.2 1332.2 1332.2 0 0 93 94 APPENDIX F HEC-RAS Water Surface Profiles 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 APPENDIX G Levee Breach 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