HTML Elements and Attributes (NOT A COMPLETE LIST) Not supported in xhtml (deprecated) <element attribute = “value” attribute = “value”> content </element> (2-sided tags) or <element attribute = “value” attribute = “value” /> (1-sided / empty elements) element attributes value can be applied to almost all elements class (used with styles) id style (used for inline styles) title text text list of styles (See: Styles and Values.doc) text Elements Found In All Web Pages !doctype html head title body meta many deprecated attributes for this element author | description | keywords | generator | revised | others text content-type | content-style-type | expires | setcookie | others name content http-equiv List Of Other Elements And Their Attributes. a address area blockquote br div h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 hr img link (used for external stylesheet) map p script span style sub sup title a character path name to file _self (this is the default) _blank any text alt coords href nohref shape any text list of coordinates separated by commas path name to file nohref circle | poly | rect id (used with styles) align text containing NO spaces (used to name tag) left | right | center (should use css) color noshade size width alt width height src usemap href rel type id name (still used with id attr. for older browsers) #hhhhhh where 0 <= h <= f noshade number number or percentage (include %) any text # of pixels # of pixels path name to image file #text path name to stylesheet stylesheet text/css text containing no spaces (used to give a name) text containing no spaces (used to give a name) for a client-side scripting language style (used for inline styles) type (used for internal styles) list of styles (See Styles and Values.doc) text/css accesskey href target HTML Elements and Attributes (NOT A COMPLETE LIST) Not supported in xhtml (deprecated) <element attribute = “value” attribute = “value”> content </element> (2-sided tags) or <element attribute = “value” attribute = “value” /> (1-sided / empty elements) element attributes value Lists ul ol li dl dt dd Table table caption td th tr number # of pixels # of pixels above|below|border|box|hsides|lhs|rhs|void|vsides all|cols|groups|none|rows description for visually impaired # of pixels or percentage (use % for percentage) left | right | top | bottom left | right | center | justify top | middle | bottom | baseline number number left | right | center | justify top | middle | bottom | baseline number number left | right | center | justify top | middle | bottom | baseline border cellpadding cellspacing frame (for outside borders) rules (for inside borders) summary width align align valign colspan rowspan align valign colspan rowspan align valign Form form input select option (contained in select tag) textarea action (required) accept (optional) enctype (optional) checked maxlength name size value disabled readonly name size value selected specifies where to send the form-data once submitted specifies file types that server accepts specifies how form-data should be encoded (used with method=”post”) get | post text containing NO spaces (used to name the form) button | checkbox | file | hidden | image | password | radio | reset | submit | text checked number text containing NO spaces (used to assign a name) number (assigns a value) disabled readonly text containing NO spaces (used to assign a name) number (specifies number of visible options) (assigns a value) selected (sets default selection) cols rows name wrap number (specifies width) number (specifies number of lines) text containing NO spaces (used to assign a name) soft | hard method (optional) id (optional) type