Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting in Pacific Northwest Orography: Numerical Challenges and Upstream Moisture Biases Robert Stewart Hahn A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science University of Washington 2008 Program Authorized to Offer Degree: Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Washington Graduate School This is to certify that I have examined this copy of a master’s thesis by Robert Stewart Hahn and have found that it is complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that any and all revisions required by the final examining committee have been made. Committee members: _____________________________________ Clifford F. Mass _____________________________________ Mark T. Stoelinga _____________________________________ Robert Wood Date: __________________ In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master’s degree at the University of Washington, I agree that the Library shall make its copies freely available for inspection. I further agree that extensive copying of this thesis is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with “fair use” as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Any other reproduction for any purposes or by any means shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature: __________________________ Date: ______________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Figures .................................................................................................................. ii List of Tables .................................................................................................................. iii 1: Background ...................................................................................................................1 1.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................1 1.2 Positive Definite Advection ............................................................................2 1.3 December 13-14 2001 IMPROVE-2 Case ......................................................4 1.4 Method ............................................................................................................5 2: Results...........................................................................................................................6 1.1 Model Results .................................................................................................6 1.2 Comparison with Observations .....................................................................20 1.3 Discussion .....................................................................................................26 3: Conclusion ..................................................................................................................28 References .......................................................................................................................30 i LIST OF FIGURES Figure Number Page 1 WRF model domains .....................................................................................................6 2 36 hour storm to storm-total precipitation .....................................................................8 3 Percentage changes in storm-total precipitation ............................................................9 4 Meridionally-averaged precipitation PDA/NOPDA differences .................................10 5 Meridionally averaged precip. for PDA application to individual hydrometeors .......11 6 Vertical distribution of hydrometeors ..........................................................................12 7 Zonal cross-section of hydrometeors ...........................................................................14 8 Zonal cross-section: spurious moisture introduced in the cloud field .........................15 9 Histogram of hydrometeor edge mixing ratio ..............................................................17 10 Histogram of cloud edge mixing ratios by phase phase of storm ..............................19 11 Domain-integrated timeseries of cloud and hydrometeor mixing ratio .....................20 12 36 hour storm to storm-total precipitation ................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 13 PDA, NOPDA, and sounding profiles at Salem, OR, 13-24 December 2001 ...........23 14 WRF, MM5, and sounding profiles at Salem, OR, 2007-2008 cool season ..............24 15 WRF, MM5, and sounding profiles at Quillayute, WA, 2007-2008 cool season ......25 ii LIST OF TABLES Table Number Page 1 Percentage change in precipitation by phase of storm .................................................18 2 Bias against observations by region .............................................................................22 iii 1 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 INTRODUCTION Mesoscale weather forecasting models have become increasingly important tools for short-term precipitation forecasting as more powerful computers and progressively higher resolution provide more realistic simulations of mesoscale features (Stoelinga et al. 2003; Fritch et al. 1998; Mass et al. 2002; Colle and Mass 2000; Mass et al. 2002). However, studies such as Colle et al. (2000) have found that higher resolution simulations still have deficiencies in their moisture variables even if the synoptic-scale flow is well forecast. These problems may extend beyond microphysics, since in some studies (e.g., Colle and Mass 2000) the most sophisticated microphysics scheme verified worse than simpler parameterizations. More recently, Garvert et al. (2005a) found that the MM5 accurately represented most mesoscale and synoptic structures in the 13-14 December 2001 IMPROVE-2 case, but overpredicted precipitation for some areas on the windward slopes and over a broad region in the lee of the Cascade Range. Attempts to address these problems through more sophisticated model microphysics parameterizations have had limited success. For instance, in the MM5, Woods et al. (2007) designed and tested a bulk microphysical parameterization (BMP) with snow habit prediction, and demonstrated the high sensitivity of model precipitation to assumed relationships for mass and velocity versus diameter. However, this more complex approach did not improve the Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPF) beyond the older Thompson scheme (Thompson et al. 2006), which applied a simple massdiameter relationship. Additionally, real-time model simulations at the University of Washington for parallel runs of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and MM5 models over the Pacific Northwest during spring 2007 showed positive precipitation biases over higher elevations (Northwest Regional Model Verification webpage1). In short, both MM5 and WRF, when tested with different microphysical parameterizations, have exhibited a tendency for terrain-related overprediction. This thesis provides a detailed examination of one source of positive model QPF bias—deficiencies in the 1 http://www.atmos.washington.edu/~qcreport/verification_index.psp 2 model numerical algorithms, specifically, the lack of positive definite moisture advection (PDA) in the integration scheme. 1.2 POSITIVE DEFINITE MOISTURE ADVECTION A recent microphysical budget analysis of Hurricane Bonnie noted that a numerical source might explain a portion of the precipitation biases in MM5 (Braun et al. 2004). For this simulation, they kept track of the water mass added to the MM5 model by the “clipping” of negative moisture values to zero just prior to the microphysical step of the model integration. These authors attributed the negative mixing ratios to the finitedifference representations of advective processes in the model. Cumulatively, spurious moisture contributed 13% to total condensation in this simulation. Advection schemes can introduce both positive and negative errors in scalar quantities, particularly where there are sharp gradients. Some moisture quantities, such as cloud liquid water, tend to have values that rise steeply from zero, creating sharp gradients. The proximity of these sharp gradients to zero values makes these variables particularly susceptible to the generation of negative quantities in some numerical integration schemes. The model microphysics is not designed to handle negative moisture values and therefore artificially sets these values to zero, thereby adding moisture artificially to the model. To correct the problem of non-physical moisture addition in the WRF model, Skamarock (2005) implemented a positive definite limiter, embedded within the thirdorder Runge-Kutta (RK3) time integration scheme (Skamarock et al. 2008). Both the original (NOPDA) and positive definite advection (PDA) schemes in WRF are mass conserving prior to the calculation of microphysical tendencies; however, the clipping of negative mixing ratios generated in the NOPDA scheme makes the model solution nonconservative (Skamarock and Weisman 2008). The PDA scheme incorporated into WRF ARW Model version 2.2 on December 22, 2006 allows study of the effects of the PDA limiter on moisture species and precipitation, and the determination of the degree to which the overprediction noted in previous research might originate in the numerical discretization. 3 Several other mesoscale weather models, such as COAMPS and RAMS, already possess positive definite operators—the latter for over 20 years (Trembeck et al. 1987). Even with positive definite advection, some RAMS simulations have produced precipitation overprediction in both warm and cool seasons. However, this bias declined at high resolution, in contrast to the MM5 and WRF studies, and some of the bias has been attributed to inadequate parameterization of convection (Cotton et al. 2006; Saleeby and Cotton 2007). The COAMPS model run in Large Eddy Simulation mode for a nonprecipitating cloud sensitivity study found a significant increase in cloud top height, thickness, and spatial coverage over time for a NOPDA simulation (leapfrog with 2nd order differencing), while the PDA simulation (hybrid 3rd order Bott scheme) cloud field changed very little with time (Jerome M. Schmidt and James D. Doyle, personal communication, 2008). Two recently published papers documented the effects of the PDA scheme in WRF upon hydrometeors and QPF. Skamarock and Weisman (2008) simulated springsummer convective precipitation and found that: (1) PDA remedies the non-conservation of water in the forecasts; (2) PDA reduces, but does not completely remove, the positive precipitation forecast bias; (3) the cloud field contributes most significantly to the generation of non-physical moisture values in the NOPDA scheme; and (4) the effects of the PDA scheme are significantly reduced as horizontal grid spacing increases, so the scheme becomes relevant only at convection-permitting resolutions. For the 4-5 December 2001 land-falling mid-latitude cyclone, Lin and Colle (2008) performed simulations using four different microphysics schemes (Lin, WSM6, and two Thompson versions), both with and without PDA. For the 1.33 km domain located over western Oregon, PDA produced domain-average hydrometeor reductions of 10-20% aloft, with precipitation decreases of 25-45% over the Coast Range and 10% over the windward slopes of the Cascades. They attribute the difference in precipitation reductions between the two barriers to the sharp gradients within convective cells triggered over the Coast Range. For the NOPDA model runs, precipitation exceeded available water sources and water was better conserved for the PDA runs. 4 1.3 DECEMBER 13-14 2001 IMPROVE-2 CASE The present thesis examines the detailed effects of the WRF PDA scheme, particularly over terrain, and extends the work of Lin and Colle (2008) and Skamarock and Weisman (2008). To that end, the authors have modeled the 13-14 December 2001 IMPROVE-2 case (IOP-9), which has been extensively validated against observations during that field campaign. The Improvement of Microphysical Parameterization through Observational Verification Experiment (IMPROVE) collected a comprehensive observational dataset, capable of testing the accuracy of microphysical representations at the core of BMP schemes. Isolation of the shortcomings in model BMPs requires a large number of in-situ and remotely sensed cloud and precipitation observations as well as extensive observations of kinematic and thermodynamic fields. The 13-14 December IMPROVE-2 case provides one of the best-documented examples of a mid-latitude cyclone interacting with orography. The storm was characterized by strong low-level cross-barrier flow, heavy precipitation, and the passage of an intense baroclinic zone (Garvert et al. 2005a). Two distinct scales of mesoscale wave-like air motions were identified: (1) vertically propagating mountain waves anchored to the Cascade crest and (2) smaller-scale waves over the windward foothills triggered by the interaction between southerly low-level flow and multiple east-west ridges (Garvert et al. 2007). Mesoscale models have exhibited several problems with the microphysical representation for this case. As mentioned in Section 1, Garvert et al. (2005a) documented localized overprediction on the windward slopes and over a broad region in the lee of the Cascade Range; more recently, similar results were obtained using the Canadian global weather forecast model, GEM (Milbrandt et al. 2008). Garvert et al. (2005b) found that the MM5 model with Reisner-2 microphysics produced too much cloud liquid water over the lower windward slopes and foothills of the Cascades. This is important in light of the findings of Skamarock et al. (2008) that the cloud field contributes most significantly to non-physical moisture generation. Colle et al. (2005) investigated the microphysical pathways and sensitivities for this storm, finding that excessive snow generation aloft contributed significantly to an area of overprediction in 5 the immediate lee of the crest. With comprehensive data and a large body of literature describing its evolution, this case has become a standard to which others are compared, such as the weaker, more convective 4-5 December 2001 event (Lin and Colle 2008). 1.4 METHOD The study presented here tests the PDA code (Skamarock 2005) directly against the NOPDA code, an approach distinct from studies of Skamarock and Weisman (2008) and Braun et al. (2004), which assessed clipping values. The WRF ARW Model, version 2.2, is used for all model runs of the 13-14 December 2001 case presented here, with 32 vertical model levels and telescoping nests of 36, 12, 4, and 1.33 km grid spacing (Figure 1). GFS analyses every six hours combined with GFS forecasts at 3-h intervals provided input data for all model runs. Analysis nudging of wind, temperature, and water vapor was performed in the free troposphere on the 36 and 12 km domains from 0000 UTC 13 December through 0000 UTC 14 December for all runs. The model setup in this study uses the MRF planetary boundary layer scheme, CAM radiation, and second order diffusion (horizontal only). Advective transport is 5th order in the horizontal and 3rd order in the vertical, providing some inherent diffusion (Skamarock et al. 2008). All model runs use the Thompson microphysics scheme with updates similar to those found in the version 3.0 code. The Thompson scheme predicts cloud, rain, snow, graupel, cloud ice, and water vapor, as well as cloud ice number concentration. Thompson uses both ice water content and temperature to generate snow size distributions, which it represents as a sum of exponential and gamma distributions (Thompson et al. 2006). 6 Figure 1: 36, 12, 4, and 1.33 km model domains used in this study. Several types of model experiments were performed. The first was designed to investigate the aggregate effects when PDA is applied to all microphysical species simultaneously versus none at all (the standard NOPDA model run). The model was run for 36 hours from 0000 UTC 13 December to 1200 UTC 14 December, with output at hourly intervals. The second set of experiments evaluated the influence of the PDA scheme for the separate hydrometeor variables in the Thompson scheme. The code was modified to ensure that only a single variable was updated by the limiter described in the previous section. Forecasts from the 36-h NOPDA model run noted above were used to initialize additional runs starting 2100 UTC 13 December that ran until 1200 UTC 14 December. 2. RESULTS 2.1 MODEL RESULTS As noted in the introduction, positive precipitation biases in MM5 and WRF have been identified over portions of the Pacific Northwest terrain, both for the 13-14 December 2001 event and other cases, motivating investigation into the source of the bias. Figure 2 illustrates cumulative precipitation over the entire 36 hours of this event 7 without (a) and with (b) PDA. Both cases show significant orographic precipitation enhancement over the coastal mountains and Cascades. Examining these images more closely, the PDA scheme produces a general contraction of precipitation areas for all threshold values and attenuates the large maxima in the accumulated precipitation field associated with the higher topographic features (red, 200+ mm). Figures 2(c) and 2(d) present PDA-NOPDA absolute and percentage precipitation differences, respectively. Large absolute and percentage differences are associated with regions with higher precipitation, particularly over the windward slopes of the Cascades. The largest percentage differences of both signs occur to the lee of the Cascade crest. Moderate percentage enhancements by NOPDA occur to the lee of the coastal mountains and over the windward slopes of the Cascades. 8 Figure 2: 36-hour storm-total precipitation for the 1.33 km model domain for the 13-14 December 2001 IMPROVE-2 event: (a) NOPDA model run, (b) PDA model run, (c) PDA-NOPDA difference, and (d) percentage differences given by 100*(PDANOPDA)/NOPDA). Topography shown by thin black lines. For panels (c) and (d), PDA reduces precipitation in most areas (dark green and blue), while localized regions, particularly in the lee of the Cascades show precipitation increases (light green, yellow, and red). A thick black line indicates a change of sign. 9 Figure 3: Geographical regions (left) used to calculate the percentage reductions in precipitation produced by the PDA simulations (right) for the 1.33 km domain. Regions include coastal waters (no color), coastal mountains (red), Willamette Valley (yellow), Cascade windward slopes (blue), Cascade leeward slopes (green), and the entire domain (black). Percentage reductions in precipitation increased with finer grid resolution and tend to reach their maxima over the Cascade windward slopes, particularly at higher resolutions. Storm-total summary statistics (Figure 3) quantify the differences between PDA and NOPDA model runs for varying resolutions and regions of interest: coastal waters, coastal mountains, Willamette Valley, windward Cascades slopes, and leeward Cascades slopes. Two trends are readily discernable: (1) the effects of the PDA scheme become greater at higher resolution for each region of interest, and (2) the PDA-related reductions are largest over the windward slopes of the Cascades, where the largest absolute precipitation totals occur as well. On the 1.33 km grid, PDA-induced precipitation reductions over the windward slopes are 17.2%, whereas over the coastal waters, the reductions are only 6.6%. Lin and Colle (2008) identified 25-45% PDA-induced precipitation reductions for the 4-5 December 2001 storm over the coastal mountains, significantly more than the 9.8% reduction over the same area in the present study. 10 Figure 4: Plots of meridionally averaged precipitation NOPDA-PDA differences in mm (magenta) and percentage differences (black) for the 1.33 km domain initialized at 0000 UTC 13 December and extending until 1200 UTC 14 December. Meridionally averaged topography in blue shows the coastal mountains (left) and the Cascades (right), with terrain height defined on the left vertical axis. Differences or percentage differences are provided on the right vertical axis. Figure 4 depicts meridionally averaged precipitation difference and percentage difference fields for PDA and NOPDA model runs beginning 0000 UTC 13 December and extending until 1200 UTC 14 December. As the percentage difference plot shows, the percentage of spuriously generated precipitation increases from east to west across the coastal range and continues to increase downwind of these mountains. Thus, the percentage of spuriously generated moisture is not solely a function of orographic enhancement. In contrast, the absolute difference field varies more closely with precipitation amount. 11 Figure 5: Plots of meridionally averaged precipitation (mm) across a west to east transect, using output from the 1.33 km domain initialized at 2100 UTC 13 December and extending until 1200 UTC 14 December. Plotted lines indicate NOPDA (blue) and PDA (solid black) model runs, approximately defining the upper and lower bounds of the meridional average precipitation values. All other lines depict model runs with PDA applied to individual hydrometeor variables. Cloud (magenta) and rain (light blue) differ most significantly from the NOPDA model run. Analysis of the impacts of PDA code for individual hydrometer variables on the 1.33 km grid (Figure 5) supports the finding of Skamarock and Weisman (2008) that clouds are associated with the greatest PDA moisture reductions among all the simulated hydrometeor species. Indeed, running the model with PDA applied only to the cloud field, “PDA-cloud,” decreases modeled precipitation over the Coast Range almost as much as the full PDA run and decreases precipitation nearly half as much as the full PDA run over the Cascades. Over the entire 1.3 km domain, PDA-cloud produces a precipitation reduction of 8.4%. PDA-rain reduces precipitation by 1.7%; PDA-snow and PDA-graupel each reduce precipitation by 0.5%, while vapor and ice PDA have negligible impacts. The origin of these relative contributions will be examined later in 12 the thesis. When PDA is applied to all variables, PDA-related precipitation reductions are 17.1%, a greater reduction than the 11.1% total obtained by adding the PDA effects of each individual variable. Non-linear interactions among the microphysical variables most likely account for this difference and will be considered in the next several paragraphs. Figure 6: Vertical plots of mixing ratios averaged horizontally and in time for 36 hours of model output. Panel (a) represents the distributions of mixing ratio for the NOPDA case (solid line) and PDA case (dashed line) for the various microphysical species. Panel (b) represents the difference in mixing ratios between the two model runs (PDANOPDA). Panel (c) illustrates the percentage change as defined in Figure 2(d). 13 Although the cloud variable contributes the most spurious moisture in the NOPDA simulations, complex microphysical interactions between hydrometeor variables mask this dominance in the 36-hour model runs with the NOPDA code. Figure 6 illustrates mixing ratios averaged horizontally for each model sigma level in the 1.33 km domain and averaged in time for the PDA and NOPDA runs. Figure 6(a) presents the raw vertical distributions of the hydrometeors. PDA reduces cumulative hydrometeor values for all fields, with precipitating hydrometeor species (rain, snow, and graupel) accumulating the additional moisture generated by the cloud field for the NOPDA case due to autoconversion from the spurious moisture-enhanced cloud field to precipitation species. Figure 6(b) shows the PDA-NOPDA difference and 6(c) the percentage difference. The vapor field accumulates a significant amount of the spurious moisture generated in other fields. Above 1000 m, the difference fields for vapor and snow align quite well with the difference field for cloud. In light of the large spurious moisture production from the cloud field, it may be inferred that vapor and snow receive much of their additional moisture directly from cloud. A secondary maximum in the PDA- NOPDA cloud field difference at low levels (orographic clouds <1000 m) corresponds to a secondary increase in the vapor and rain distributions, again supporting the linkage between these fields, but not snow, due to the high freezing level during the storm. The very large percentage change in graupel demonstrates the efficacy with which snowflakes collect and scavenge excess cloud liquid water. The spatial distribution of hydrometeors during the storm re-enforces the picture seen in the vertical distribution plots. Figure 7 illustrates widespread reductions in rain, snow, cloud, and graupel mixing ratio average density and extent when PDA is applied to the 36-hour model run. For both PDA and NOPDA model runs, the overlap between mixing ratio types increases over orography and creates the potential for rapid and nonlinear redistribution among the various microphysical species. 14 Figure 7: Zonal cross-sections of 36-hr NOPDA (top panel) and PDA (bottom panel) model average rain (blue), snow (white), cloud (red), and graupel (green) hydrometeor mixing ratios (g kg-1) within the plane of the cross section at 44.4N, spanning the coastal and Cascade ranges. Next, the origin of spurious moisture is examined. The 24-h forecast of the NOPDA model run initialized at 0000 UTC 13 December 2001 provides inputs for two new model runs, PDA-cloud and NOPDA, with output analyzed one minute into the simulation. Figure 8 illustrates vertical cross-sections from just west of the coastal range 15 (left) to the lee side of the Cascades. Panel (a) illustrates the cloud field for the PDAcloud run, the difference between PDA-cloud and NOPDA-cloud fields, and the wind vectors in the x-z plane. Negative PDA-NOPDA differences (dashed) occur frequently on the upstream side of orographic clouds at low levels, with additional difference maxima at higher levels associated with the upstream edge of synoptic clouds. There is little indication that PDA affects the lee side of clouds or regions where the gradients in cloud mixing ratio are small. Figure 8: Zonal cross-section at 44.4N across the coastal and Cascade ranges for the model run re-initialized at 0000 UTC 14 December with PDA applied only to the cloud field. Each panel has PDA-NOPDA precipitation differences plotted at 5x10-3 g kg-1 intervals (dashed black lines), wind vectors (10x vertical scaling) in the x-z plane, longitude values along the horizontal axis, and the first model sigma level approximating topography (white). All background fields are derived from the PDA run. (a) cloud field, values range from zero (red) to 0.9 g kg-1 (violet), (b) the magnitude of the gradient of the cloud field in units of 10-1 g kg-1 m-1, (c) the magnitude of the advection in units of 10-3 g kg-1 s-1, and (d) the magnitude of the cloud gradient in locations where positive values of cloud water are adjacent to zero values and the horizontal gradient is positive, in units of 10-2 g kg-1 m-1. 16 PDA should have its greatest effect in regions of sharp moisture field gradients. Exploring this contention, Figure 8(b) depicts the magnitude of the gradient of the cloud field. Nearly all of the PDA-NOPDA differences correspond to regions of particularly sharp gradient. These regions are also proximate to regions where the magnitude of the advection is large 8(c). Since horizontal winds and gradients are significantly larger than vertical motions and gradients, horizontal advections dominate. Panel (d) combines the principal factors that lead to spurious generation of moisture. The magnitude of the gradient is depicted, as in panel (b), but only gradients with positive mixing ratios adjacent to zero cloud mixing ratio values in a neighboring grid cell within the plane of the cross-section are shown. Advection of spuriously generated moisture during the 15 model time steps prior to the output time (one minute into the model simulation) resulted in a phase lag between the location of the edge gradient and the location of the PDANOPDA differences. Positive gradients in panel (d) were selected since transport of an air parcel from a region of near zero moisture into a region of elevated moisture values generates a negative moisture tendency, diminishing the amount of moisture in the grid cell. Negative values so generated are set to zero, artificially adding moisture to the model. On the downstream edge of a region of elevated hydrometeor values, moisture tendencies are positive, precluding the generation of negative mixing ratios. Having shown the importance of sharp gradients at the upstream edge of the cloud field as the principal factor leading to the spurious moisture generation, a natural question arises: why is PDA important for the cloud field compared to other hydrometeor variables? To address this question, positive mixing ratios adjacent to zero mixing ratio values were binned by magnitude for all microphysical species. Figure 9 illustrates the distribution of “hydrometeor edge mixing ratios,” defined as the magnitudes of non-zero mixing ratios that are adjacent to zero mixing ratio values in the same hydrometeor category for variables in the Thompson microphysics scheme. The vapor field is not shown because vapor maintains positive values at every grid cell in the domain. The magnitudes of the edge mixing ratios for cloud are an order of magnitude larger than those of any other variable. Rain edge values are next largest, followed by snow, 17 graupel, and finally ice. This ordering corresponds precisely to the magnitude of spurious moisture production for each hydrometeor variable in the NOPDA model run. The far larger magnitude of cloud edge mixing ratio values compared to precipitating hydrometeor edge mixing ratio values may be explained in part by problems with the Thompson scheme, which removes rain, snow, and graupel incompletely (Gregory Thompson, personal communication, 2008). Figure 9: Histogram of hydrometeor edge mixing ratios for the NOPDA model run. Water vapor is not included because all of its mixing ratio values are larger than zero. For each hydrometeor species, edge mixing ratios are defined as positive mixing ratios that are adjacent to zero mixing ratio values. N is the number of occurrences of edge mixing ratio values in each 0.002 g kg-1 interval between 0 and 1. Note the logarithmic scale on the y-axis. The cloud field has the largest edge values by an order of magnitude, followed by rain, snow, graupel, and ice. For reference, the percentage precipitation reduction associated with application of PDA to individual hydrometeors is provided in the figure. PDA-induced reductions vary significantly with the phase of the storm. Table 1 presents summary statistics for the 1.33 km domain, using the regions defined in Figure 3. PDA reduced domain-total precipitation by 24.4% during the prefrontal period (forecast hours 0-18), 8.5% during the frontal period (hours 19-24), and 17.5% during the post-frontal period (hours 25-36). The frontal period roughly defines the duration of modeled stratiform precipitation in the study region, ending with the passage of the cold 18 front aloft over the east end of the domain (approximately hour 24). The influence of positive definite advection was least when precipitation was heaviest during the frontal period. To help explain this temporal variation, Figure 10 presents cloud edge gradients for the NOPDA model run, subdivided into pre-frontal, frontal, and post-frontal time periods. The sharpest cloud edges occur during the pre-frontal time period, followed by the post-frontal, and finally the frontal. This order corresponds exactly to the order of the impact of positive definite advection, with the largest influence during the pre-frontal period. Domain Pre-Frontal -10.10% Frontal -2.70% Post-Frontal -17.20% Coast Mountains -13.40% -4.80% -18.90% Willamette Valley -40.50% -5.30% -33.00% Cascade Windward -33.20% -10.50% -16.30% Cascade Leeward -36.70% -9.60% -10.60% DOMAIN TOTAL -24.40% -8.50% -17.50% DOMAIN NOPDA PRECIP 11.7 mm 23.9 mm 16.9mm Coast Water Table 1: Percentage declines in precipitation for the PDA run calculated as in Figure 2(d), examined separately for the pre-frontal (forecast hour 1-18), frontal (hour 19-24), and post-frontal (hour 25-36) phases of the storm at 1.33 km resolution. Regions are shown in Figure 3. Percentage differences are generally largest in the pre-frontal, decreasing significantly during the pre-frontal, and increasing somewhat during the postfrontal. The final row displays domain averaged NOPDA precipitation for the entire domain. 19 Figure 10: Histograms of cloud edge mixing ratios (as defined in Figure 7) for prefrontal (forecast hours 0-18), frontal (FH 19-24), and post-frontal (FH 25-36) time periods during the NOPDA model run. The pre-frontal cloud edges are sharpest, followed by post-frontal cloud, then frontal cloud. The cloud edge sharpness correlates with the domain averaged PDA-induced precipitation reductions (see Figure 8). The temporal variations in cloud edge mixing ratios can be explained by viewing cross sections of average cloud mixing ratio at 44.4N (not shown). During the pre-frontal period, cloud mixing ratios average 2-5 g/kg, with some values, in association with mountain waves, as large as 9 g/kg. Cloud during this time period never fills in at low levels between the valleys, enhancing gradients as flow is forced over orographic barriers. During the frontal period, typical cloud mixing ratios are 0.5-2.5 g/kg. Cloud now fills most gaps between orographic clouds at low levels and variations in cloud with height have decreased. These changes to the cloud character decrease horizontal cloud gradients; particularly since mixing ratio values are attenuated relative to the pre-frontal period. In contrast, during the post-frontal time period, the modeled clouds appear more convective with higher mixing ratios, typically 1-2.5 g/kg, with the stronger crestanchored clouds exceeding 4 g/kg. Together, increased convection, higher mixing ratios, and stronger crest-anchored clouds lead to increased horizontal gradients during this time period relative to the frontal period. Figure 11 depicts a time series of domain-integrated cloud and precipitating hydrometeor (rain, snow, and graupel) mixing ratios for the 36-hour PDA and NOPDA model runs. Simulated precipitating hydrometeors peak during the frontal period (19-24 hours), when the influence of PDA is the least. Increasing precipitation clearly has a large influence on the cloud field, with a rapid decline in cloud mixing ratio during the initiation of heavy precipitation. As precipitation intensity stabilizes and subsequently declines, the cloud field rebuilds. In short, it appears that increasing precipitation reduced cloud mixing ratio and cloud edge gradients during the middle portion of the storm, thus weakening the effects of PDA. 20 Figure 11: Domain-integrated cloud and hydrometeor (rain, snow, and graupel) mixing ratios for the PDA and NOPDA model runs. Time progresses forward from left to right. Cloud mixing ratio values drop rapidly during the rapid increase of precipitating hydrometeors associated with the frontal rainband. During the post-frontal period, both cloud and hydrometeor mixing ratios decrease to their lowest values during the entire storm. 2.2 COMPARISON WITH OBSERVATIONS Having established quite conclusively that PDA reduces moisture species and precipitation, virtually everywhere, the question remains whether the model predicts QPF accurately. observations. To answer this question, this section compares the model results to 21 Figure 12: Bias scores for precipitation at locations within the innermost model domain. Bias scores are defined as 100•(model/observation). Each plotted value represents the average of all bias scores in a given 0.20 lat./lon. square grid cell, plotting a single value in each cell containing data. 22 Accurate prediction of surface precipitation involves eliminating bias from the model. Figure 12 presents density controlled bias scores2 of surface precipitation at model location. Due to assumed precipitation undercatchment at many locations, bias scores >120 (purple and red) are generally considered overprediction; bias scores <90 (green and light blue) are considered underprediction; and values in between (dark blue) are considered accurate forecasts. In both the 4 km and 1.33 km comparisons, overprediction (purple and red) predominates. The situation improves slightly for the PDA case. Table 2 quantifies the bias scores by region. In both 4 and 1.33 km domains, NOPDA and for both model resolutions, bias scores average 153; the application of PDA reduces the bias scores to approximately 130-132. This result indicates that the average precipitation at a sample location is still overpredicted by at least 9%, even when accounting for the removal of 15-20% positive bias associated with a NOPDA advection scheme. Other sources of significant bias must still be present. Table 2: Bias scores for observation sites in Figure 12 calculated from PDA and NOPDA model runs at 4 and 1.33 km resolutions and binned according to the regions defined in Figure 3. PDA decreases the bias scores for each domain resolution and selected region. Resolution does not appear to change the results significantly. Colle et al. (2008) provide evidence for a strong linkage between MM5 moisture biases at Salem, OR and precipitation biases over the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 cool seasons at observations within a regional network in northern Oregon and southwestern 2 bias score 100(model/obs) 23 Washington. Unlike the WRF model, MM5 lacks a positive definite advection scheme, so moisture fluxes are not the only known bias in the system. The authors now examine moisture and mosture flux biases for the 13-14 December 2001 case, the latter is of particular importance for orographic precipitation. Figure 13: Salem, OR soundings compared to NOPDA and PDA WRF model profiles of water vapor (Qv), Windspeed, and moisture flux (Qv Flux) during the IOP. From top to bottom, valid times are 21 UTC 13 December (frontal rainband), 00 UTC 14 December (frontal rainband), and 04 UTC 14 December (beginning of post-frontal). Table 3: Percentage changes in water vapor, wind, and moisture flux for 1.33 km NOPDA and PDA model simulations of the 13-14 December event for the profiles illustrated in Figure 13. Integration from 0 to 3 km. Figure 13 presents comparisons of WRF (PDA and NOPDA) against observations from Salem, Oregon at forecast hours 21 (onset of the rainband), 24 (middle of the rainband), and 28 (immediately following surface frontal passage) for the 13-14 December 2001 event. Table 3 quantifies the results from Figure 13. Water vapor is generally over-predicted by 8-16%, with the exception of the PDA run at the latter time; winds do not appear to have a preferred sign for the bias; the combination produces excessive moisture fluxes, ranging from 31% at the onset of the frontal rainband to negligible bias at the beginning of the post-frontal period., the two quantities combine to produce excessive moisture fluxes. Model moisture fluxes exceed observations by approximately an average of 14.6% and model water vapor exceeds observations by an average of 8.6%; this has the potential to explain much of the overprediction not accounted for by the model. 24 Figure 14: Seasonal Salem, OR sounding comparison of WRF (PDA), MM5, and a VIZ-B2 rawinsonde launched twice daily at 00 UTC and 12 UTC throughout the 20072008 cool season (October 2 through April 12). Out of 388 potential sounding times, 370 had complete observational profiles and were used in this analysis. For a single event, we have shown that the model overpredicts moisture, but is the issue systematic? To answer this question, comparisons for soundings from Salem, Oregon (Figure 14) and Quillayute, WA (Figure 15) averaged over 12 km WRF and MM5 model runs, initialized at 00 UTC and 12 UTC each day during the 2007-2008 cool season. The figures and Table 4 provide visual and quantitative information regarding biases in the lowest 3 km of the sounding profile for moisture flux, water vapor, windspeed, and wind direction (figure only). For Salem, the moisture flux is overpredicted in the lowest 2 km by 12.7% in WRF with slightly greater contribution to this error from moisture (4.6% bias) than windspeed (3.6% bias). Interestingly, MM5 has negligible moisture bias at this location, but slightly stronger wind bias (4.9%). At Quillayute, further north and along the coast, the biases are even more significant. WRF water vapor exceeds observations by an 25 average of 3% in the lowest 3 km and windspeeds are significantly too large in the lowest 2 km. As a result, moisture fluxes are, on average, 12.2% too large in the lowest 3 km. The results of sounding comparisons from an individual storm and real-time model runs suggests that the moisture bias witnessed in the 13-14 December 2001 event may be robust as it was found in real-time model comparisons at both Quillayute and Salem. Low-level winds appear to have a positive bias in WRF model simulations in realtime comparisons, but it is not clear whether they may have biased orographic precipitation in the 13-14 December storm as the bias switched from positive to negative during the storm. Further study will be necessary to establish the magnitude of the bias associated with the moisture biases, however, the authors suggest that eliminating the upstream moisture bias should be a priority for QPF improvement. Figure 15: Quillayute, WA sounding comparison of WRF (PDA), MM5, and a VIZ-B2 rawinsonde launched twice daily at 00 UTC and 12 UTC throughout the 2007-2008 cool season (October 2 through April 12). Out of 388 potential sounding times, 337 had complete observational profiles and were used in this analysis. 26 Table 4: Percentage changes in water vapor, wind, and moisture flux for 12 km WRF and MM5 model simulations compared to soundings at Salem, OR and Quillayute, WA from 2 September 2007 through 14 April 2008. Integration from 0 to 3 km. 2.3 DISCUSSION The moisture budget may be considered in terms of the net flux of moisture (cloud, vapor, etc.) at the horizontal grid boundaries, moisture transfer to and from the surface through precipitation and evaporation, and microphysical production/interactions within these categories. In the NOPDA case, the model adds spurious, non-physical moisture to microphysical fields wherever there are sharp transitions from zero, or very close to zero, to a significantly larger value. Although dominated by cloud edge effects, the non-physical moisture has an indirect effect on other hydrometeor variables. The following discussion considers (1) the distribution of precipitation resulting from nonphysical moisture additions; (2) comparisons with another storm (4-5 December); and, finally, (6) orographic and synoptic forcing of PDA-related effects. How can one explain the distribution of PDA impacts across the East-West transect in Figure 4? First, sharp mesoscale moisture gradients over the coastal range induce spurious generation of cloud mixing ratio, some of which is converted to precipitation. Because of the narrow extent of the coastal barrier, the spurious precipitation tends to fall over the crest and to its lee. The non-physical enhancement increases downwind over the Willamette Valley and the broader Cascade Range due to enhanced water vapor produced by evaporation of the spurious cloud over the coastal mountains. Sharp mesoscale moisture gradients over the windward Cascade slopes lead to increased non-physical moisture production and the maximum absolute and relative differences between the PDA and NOPDA model runs. The 4-5 December event (Lin and Colle 2008) featured a distribution of PDArelated precipitation reductions with larger (25-45%) decreases due to PDA over the 27 coastal mountains than over the Cascades (10% decrease); the corresponding reductions for the 13-14 December event were 9.8% and 17.2%, respectively. During the 13-14 December storm, the Cascade windward slopes received nearly twice as much precipitation than the coastal range; in contrast, there were nearly equal amounts during the 4-5 December event. The degree of convection contributed significantly to the differences in distributions of precipitation and PDA-related precipitation changes for the two events. Colle et al. (2008) noted significantly lower moist static stability for the 4-5 December case than for the 13-14 December event. The rapid triggering of convective cells, observed in radar and satellite imagery, as flow impinged upon the coastal range, likely produced very strong moisture gradients for the 4-5 December storm over the coastal mountains, where convection was initially triggered. Very little of the spurious generation of moisture occurred upwind of the coastal range for the 13-14 December case. The PDA model run predicted a 17.2% precipitation decline over the windward slopes, but only a 6.6% reduction over coastal waters. This result suggests that the PDA scheme is most important over the Northwest in regions of intense, mesoscale gradients forced by orography. In other regions, where convection is more intense and widespread, PDA can be important away from terrain (Skamarock and Weisman 2008). 28 3. CONCLUSIONS WRF model simulations of the 13-14 December 2001 event show that positive definite moisture advection (PDA) in the WRF model removes significant amounts of non-physical moisture generation for a land-falling mid-latitude cyclone interacting with orography. PDA-related moisture reductions in storm-total precipitation increase with enhanced model resolution, with values averaging 13.4% for the entire 1.33 km domain and 17.2% over the windward Cascade slopes, with lesser enhancements over the coastal mountains and to the lee of the Cascades. PDA reduces mixing ratio values in all microphysical fields and at all vertical model levels. However, complex microphysical interactions obscure the relative contribution of each field. To analyze the microphysical moisture effects of PDA, it was applied to individual hydrometeor variables. For the entire 1.33 km domain, simulated precipitation reductions totaled 8.4% for PDA-cloud, 1.7% for PDA-rain, 0.5% for PDA-snow and PDA-graupel, while PDA for vapor and ice reduced precipitation by negligible amounts. The above statistics motivated further analysis of PDA-cloud at high temporal resolution. Regions where negligible cloud moisture values are adjacent to elevated cloud liquid water amounts contributed most significantly to spurious moisture. The magnitude of the spurious moisture production was proportional to the gradients of mixing ratios in such regions. PDA-related percentage precipitation reductions varied in time as the gradients changed during different phases of the storm: 24.4% during the pre-frontal phase of the storm (forecast hour 0-18), 8.5% during the frontal phase (forecast hour 19-24), and 17.5% during the post-frontal phase (forecast hour 25-36). 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