Fundamentals of Mountain Weather by Robert Hahn November 28, 2007 Mountain Weather • Overview of Talk: – Motivation – Fundamental Interactions between atmosphere and topography – Mid-Lattitude Winter Storms – Weather prediction, weather models, data access, and trip planning – In the field: Constant re-assessment of weather situation. Motivation • Climbers: QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. – PRECIP > Visibility > temperature • Skiers: – Precip., visibility, Snowpack stability, rain/snow line. • Mountaineers: – Depends upon the climb. “If only the governor of Georgia were here to pray for it to clear…” Mt. Olympus??? Is mountain weather harder to forecast? • Yes – Models are our best predictors for the future state of the atmosphere and grid resolutions currently available fail to capture many important terrain features. – Mountains can be a focus for convection, which occurs at a resolution smaller than the scale of model grids. – Topography-->sharper gradients, so a bad forecast becomes a disaster. • Contrary to popular belief, mountains don’t “create their own weather”, but rather alter the flow patterns of the atmosphere, leading to this apparent effect (glaciers are an exception). • No – Mountains become a focal point for mid-latitude wintertime precipitation. Atmospheric Pressure • Warmer air is less dense – > expansion Mountain Weather • Key Concepts – Atmospheric Stability • Warm over Cold = stable – Think highly stratified/layered atmosphere. • Cold over Warm = unstable – Think convection!! (eg. Boiling) Stable Stratus Clouds Stable Tropical Clouds (AM) Stable Pre-Frontal Clouds Clouds lower and moisture increases at middle and upper levels as storm approaches Mountain Wave Cloud Stable Orographic Ascent Inversion Usually temperature decreases with height by approximately 5.5 C per km • But with high pressure, clear or near clear skies, and light winds, radiational cooling at the surface can produce INVERSIONS. • Inversions are when temperature increases with height. • Surface-based inversion range from meters to hundreds of meters in depth Satellite photo of the Pacific Northwest at 12:45 PM on 20 November 2005. (b) Sea-level pressure map valid at 10 AM on 20 November 2005 Temperatures associated with the Inversion • Observations that day from aircraft and at mountain stations indicated that the fog and low clouds over western Washington had bases between 100 and 300 feet and tops around 1200 feet. A layer of cool air, with temperatures of approximately 45F was found in the lowest 700800 ft, above which the temperature warmed rapidly with elevation (the inversion). By 2000 ft, temperatures had reached 58F! At Paradise Ranger Station (elevation 5500 ft) and other mountain locations temperatures reached the midsixties that day. Unstable Mountains Focus convection Solar Heating Mountain Weather • Another Key Concept – Air wants to flow from High to Low pressure. • Gap Flows • Barrier Jet (in front of a linear mountain range) • Valley Winds (confined by topography) Pattern Corresponding to Wintertime Climatology Barrier Jet Approaching Storm L H Storm passes to north -Cuts off easterly flow at passes --> westerly flow at passes and ridges -Barrier Jet possible on lower windward slopes. L L Mountain Weather • Key Local Feature – Proximity to Ocean • Frequent development of marine boundary layer (top of cloud layer 1-2 km usually-->good day to climb high or head to East side depending upon thickness of layer). – Temperature can drop rapidly (5-10C) in a matter of hours. – These forecasts, particularly the timing of onset and dissipation is tricky (and I’m not an expert in this area). • This is also our moisture source both for wintertime and summertime precip. Summertime T-storm Setup L Moisture source The Norwegian Cyclone Model • 1920--Illustrates the idealized storm system. Dynamics & Microphysics of Cool-Season Orographic Storms Presented by University of Utah Professor, former UW grad student, and outdoor enthusiast, Jim Steenburg. Numerical Weather Prediction •Observations give the distribution of mass and allows us to calculate the various forces. •Then… we can solve for the acceleration using F=ma •But this gives us the future…. With the acceleration we can calculate the velocities in the future. •Similar idea with temperature and humidity. Numerical Weather Prediction • These equations can be solved on a threedimensional grid. • As computer speed increased, the number of grid points could be increased. • More (and thus) closer grid points means we can simulate (forecast) smaller and smaller scale features. We call this improved resolution. A Steady Improvement • Faster computers and better understanding of the atmosphere, allowed a better representation of important physical processes in the models. • More and more data became available for initialization. • As a result there has been a steady increase in forecast skill from 1960 to now. • The improvement is such that models generally predict mountain weather better than humans, however human experience can still be valuable. P Forecast Skill Improvement NCEP operational S1 scores at 36 and 72 hr over North America (500 hPa) National Weather Service 75 S1 score 65 "useless forecast" 55 36 hr forecast 72 hr forecast 45 Forecast Error 35 10-20 years Better "perfect forecast" 25 15 1950 1960 1970 Year 1980 Year 1990 2000 Satellite and Weather Radars Give Us a More Comprehensive View of the Atmosphere Camano Island Weather Radar Problems with the Models • Some forecasts fail due to inadequacies in model physics…. How the model handles precipitation, friction, and other processes. Example: too much precipitation on mountain slopes • My research is to identify and fix problems such as these. Some forecasts fail due to poor initialization, i.e., a poor starting description of the atmosphere. This is particularly a problem for the Pacific Northwest, because we are downstream of a relatively data poor region…the Pacific Ocean. Radar Blockage 3 March 1999: Forecast a snowstorm … got a windstorm instead Eta 48 hr SLP Forecast valid 00 UTC 3 March 1999 Eta Model Sea Level Pressure: 12 UTC 2 March 99 Major Initialization Errors Pacific Analysis At 4 PM 18 November 2003 Bad Observation If the model gets the large-scale pattern wrong, the regional weather model don’t have a prayer (ie. Storms have to be in the correct location--the governor of Georgia even knows this). Ensemble Prediction • Instead of making one forecast…make many…each with a slightly different starting state, representing the uncertainty associated with initialization. The Thanksgiving Forecast 2001 42h forecast (valid Thu 10AM) SLP and winds 1: cent Verification - Reveals high uncertainty in storm track and intensity - Indicates low probability of Puget Sound wind event 2: eta 5: ngps 8: eta* 11: ngps* 3: ukmo 6: cmcg 9: ukmo* 12: cmcg* 4: tcwb 7: avn 10: tcwb* 13: avn* Ensemble Prediction •Can use ensembles to provide a new generation of products that give the probabilities that some weather feature will occur. •Can also predict forecast skill •When forecasts are similar, forecast skill is higher. •When forecasts differ greatly, forecast skill is less. Likely amount of Precipitation (also: Quantitative Precipitation Forecast or QPF) - This figure represents the most likely, or best guess, at the amount of precipitation predicted to fall during the corresponding time period for the specified location. The figure is typically displayed in inches or hundredths of an inch. Unlikely but possible upper extreme for amount of precipitation ('As much as') - An unlikely but possible upper extreme for the amount of precipitation; 9 times in 10 the actual amount of precipitation is predicted to be less than this amount. Olympic Mtns Windward Slopes: An Orographic Precipitation Mecca (Courtesy of climber and Atmospheric Science Grad Student magnet Justin Minder) What does the precip climatology look like over the Olympics? Olympic Precip Climatology (MM5): 4km-MM5 Annual Precipitation: (7 year mean) Water years 2000-2006 10km Pcp (mm/yr) Contours: elevation (100m) Anders 2005 What does the precip climatology look like over the Olympics? Where the winds come from (raw wind roses) 850 hPa BKBW Wind direction climatology: Wyrs 2003-2006 Where the rain comes from (precip weighted wind roses) 850 hPa BKBW1 Near Surface (10m) Near Surface (10m) What shapes the precip pattern? Nov 28 event: cross-section analysis (fhr 27) Precipitation Rate w and Cloud LowLevel Flow Contours: w (cm/s) Precip rate: Rain Colors: Cloud water mixing ratio (g/kg) Precip rate: Graupel (mm/hr) Precip rate: Snow (mm/hr) (mm/hr) Dashed Red: Freezing level Know your climatology and consider the factors creating differences from climatology Wind Climatology Weather Info • – • • • The End