Performance Agreement Application and Reporting Form



Cowley County Community


Performance Agreement Application and Reporting Form

Contact Person:

Charles McKown, Dean of

Research and Technology

Contact phone & email:

(620) 441-5264



Regents’ System Goal A: Increase System Efficiency/Effectiveness/Seamlessness

Institutional Goal 1: To expand partnerships with other educational institutions, governmental agencies, and business and industry.

Key Performance

Indicator (Data) 1

1. Number of partnerships. At least 5 new partnerships will be

2. Number of course sections offered in conjunction with a Cowley partner.

3. Number of students enrolled in course sections offered in conjunction with a

Cowley partner.

Baseline 2 established each year.

For a baseline, five existing partners have been identified as representative of the types of opportunities that will be pursued.

Over the previous three years, the average number of course sections offered in conjunction with the baseline partners is 36.

Over the previous three years, the average number of students enrolled in course sections offered in conjunction with the baseline partners is 232.

Targets 3

Target yr 1: At least 5 new partnerships

Target yr 2: At least 5 new partnerships

Target yr 3: At least 5 new partnerships

Target yr 1: 5% increase over baseline year (i.e., at least 38 course sections).

Target yr 2: 7% increase over baseline year (i.e., at least 39 course sections).

Target yr 3: 10% increase over baseline year (i.e., at least 40 course sections).

Target yr 1: 5% increase over baseline year (i.e., at least 244 students).

Target yr 2: 7% increase over baseline year (i.e., at least 248 students).

Target yr 3: 10% increase over baseline year (i.e., at least 255 students.

Performance Outcome 4

Amount of Directional

Improvement 5

Regents’ System Goal: Improve Learner Outcomes

Institutional Goal 2: To improve the success of students as measured by retention, attainment of student goals, and persistence (students who complete courses with a grade of “C” or better).

Key Performance

Indicator (Data) 1

Baseline 2 Targets 3 Performance Outcome 4

Amount of Directional

Improvement 5

1. The percentage of under prepared students retained from fall-to-fall will increase.

2. The percentage of students who attain their educational goal will increase.

Over the previous three years, the average fallto-fall retention rate for under prepared students is 42.0%.

Over the previous three years, the average percentage of students who attained their goal is 60.0%.

Target yr 1: 1.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 43.0 %)

Target yr 2: 2.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 44.0%)

Target yr 3: 3.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 45.0%)

Target yr 1: 1.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 61.0%)

Target yr 2: 2.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 62.0%)

Target yr 3: 3.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 63.0%)

3. The percentage of under prepared students who persist to the end of the semester will increase.

Over the previous three years, the average percentage of under prepared students persisting to the end of the semester is 70.5%

Target yr 1: 1.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 71.5%)

Target yr 2: 2.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 72.5%)

Target yr 3: 3.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 73.5%)

Regents’ System Goal: Improve Workforce Development

Institutional Goal 3: To expand Cowley’s aviation technology training.

Key Performance

Indicator (Data) 1

1. The number of course sections offered in aviation maintenance courses will increase.

Baseline 2 Targets 3 Performance Outcome 4

Amount of Directional

Improvement 5

2. The number of students enrolled in aviation maintenance course will increase.

3. The number of students who successfully complete an aviation certification will increase.

Over the previous three years, the average number of aviation maintenance course sections offered is 66.

Over the previous three years, the average number of students enrolled in aviation maintenance courses is


Over the previous three years, the average number of students who successfully complete an aviation certification is 15.

Target yr 1: 5.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 69 course sections)

Target yr 2: 10.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 73 course sections)

Target yr 3: 15.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 76 course sections).

Target yr 1: 5.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 78 students)

Target yr 2: 10.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 81 students)

Target yr 3: 15.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 85 students)

Target yr 1: 5.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 16 students)

Target yr 2: 10.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 17 students)

Target yr 3: 15.0% increase over baseline year (i.e., 18 students)

1 Identify the key performance indicator (i.e. data) that will be used to determine progress toward goals. Be as specific and as succinct as possible. The key performance indicator (data) may be quantitative or qualitative.

2 Show the baseline value of the key performance indicator (data). The baseline means “where are you now?”

3 Show targets for the next 3 years. Targets must be expressed in terms of the key performance indicator (data) identified in the first column.

4 Performance outcomes must be expressed in terms of the key performance indicator (data) listed in the first column.


Amount of Directional Improvement equals the difference between actual performance and the target.

6 At least one institutional goal must support Regents’ System Goal A. Institutional goals must support two additional Regents’ System Goals selected from

Regents’ System Goals B, C, and D.

Instructions For Text To Accompany The Performance Agreement Application

Text MUST be limited to a total of three pages for the entire performance agreement.

Text MUST follow the format below. Use the bold text below for headings. Do not include italicized text in the application; it is included only for your information.

1. Institutional Goal 1: The goal is to pursue new partnerships and to increase the number of programs and students within those partnerships.

Key Performance Indicator 1 (Data point 1): Number of new partnerships.

a. Data Collection : New partnerships will be established either through collaboration with a new entity or through new project opportunities with existing partners. The partnerships will be with other educational institutions, governmental agencies, and/or business and industry. b.

Targets : Expanded partnerships will directly support the regents’ system goal by improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and seamlessness of higher education through collaborative efforts. As new partnerships are formed, existing partnerships may be discontinued. Accordingly, the target measurements are based on new partnerships added rather than an increase in the total number of partnerships. At least 5 new partnerships will be established each year. As a baseline, we are using our existing partnerships with Americorp, Boeing, Haysville USD261, Lear, and Wichita Area

Technical College’s nursing program as representative of the types of opportunities that will be pursued .

Key Performance Indicator 2 (Data point 2): Number of course sections offered in conjunction with a

Cowley partner.


Data Collection: As new partnerships are added, the total number of course sections offered in the new partnership programs will increase. This will demonstrate an on-going commitment to continually look for opportunities to collaborate.

. b.

Targets: Over the past three years, the average number of course sections offered in conjunction with the baseline partners is 36. The percentages expressed in the targets are based on increases in the baseline values.

Key Performance Indicator 3 (Data point 3): Number of students enrolled in course sections offered in conjunction with a Cowley partner.


Data Collection: As new partnerships are added, the total number of students enrolled in the new partnership programs will increase. This will demonstrate an on-going commitment to continually look for opportunities to collaborate.

. b.

Targets: Over the past three years, the average number of students enrolled in course sections offered in conjunction with the baseline partners is 232. The percentages expressed in the targets are based on increases in the baseline values.

2. Institutional Goal 2: The goal is to improve the success of students as measured by retention, attainment of student goals, and persistence (students who complete courses with a grade of “C” or better).

Key Performance Indicator 1 (Data point 1): The number of under prepared students retained from fall to fall will increase.

a. Data Collection : Under prepared students who completed at least 12 hours in the Fall 2004 semester and have not yet completed their educational goal will be identified. The percentage of the identified group who complete at least 12 hours in the Fall 2005 semester will be compared to the baseline measurement. The baseline has been established by averaging the fall-to-fall retention rates for the previous three years. Under prepared students are defined as those who were mandatorily placed in remedial reading (course 2201), English (course 2208), and/or mathematics (course 4401). b. Targets : Under prepared students have historically been the most difficult to retain. Over the past three years, the average of the fall-to-fall retention rate for these students is 42.0%. The percentages expressed in the targets are based on increases in the retention rate itself rather than the number of students. This is intended to separate the efforts to retain students from simply trying to recruit additional students.

Key Performance Indicator 2 (Data point 2): The number of students who attain their educational goal will increase.

a. Data Collection: All students will specify an educational goal at the time of enrollment:

Obtain a degree from Cowley and transfer

Obtain a degree from Cowley only (non-transfer)

Obtain a degree from an institution other than Cowley College

Acquire occupational/vocational skills

Seek self-improvement

Upgrade current skills

Measures for the first two goals will be based on the number of students who complete a degree within six semesters. Goal attainment for non-degree seeking students will be defined as those earning a grade point average of 2.0 or higher for the semester. The baseline has been established by averaging the student goal attainment percentage for the previous three years. b.

Targets: Community colleges serve the needs of students with a vast variety of educational objectives. This will demonstrate the ability to meet those needs. The baseline rate is 60.0%. The percentages expressed in the targets are based on increases in the goal attainment rate itself rather than the number of students. This is intended to separate the efforts to meet students’ goals from simply trying to recruit additional students.

Key Performance Indicator 3 (Data point 3): The number of under prepared students who persist to the end of the semester will increase.

a. Data Collection: Persistence will be defined as the completion of a course with a grade of “C” or higher in the course. The baseline has been established by averaging the persistence rates for the previous three years. Under prepared students are defined as those who were mandatorily placed in remedial reading (course 2201), English (course 2208), and/or mathematics (course 4401).

. b. Targets: Under prepared students have not only been the most difficult to retain, they also have historically been the least likely to persist throughout a semester. Over the past three years, the average of the persistence rate for these students is 70.5%. The percentages expressed in the targets are based on increases in the persistence rate itself rather than the number of students. This is intended to separate the efforts to help students persist from simply trying to recruit additional students.

3. Institutional Goal 3: . The goal is to expand Cowley’s aviation technology training.

Key Performance Indicator 1 (Data point 1): Number of course sections offered in aviation maintenance courses will increase.

a. Data Collection : Self-explanatory. The baseline of 66 course sections has been established by averaging the number of aviation maintenance course sections offered for the previous three years. b. Targets : Aviation is a critically important industry for Kansas. Cowley will work with the aviation industry to improve the available workforce by increasing the number of available courses. The percentages expressed in the targets are based on increases in the baseline values.

Key Performance Indicator 2 (Data point 2): Number of students enrolled in aviation maintenance courses will increase.


Data Collection: Self-explanatory. The baseline of 74 students has been established by averaging the number of students enrolled in aviation maintenance course sections for the previous three years. b.

Targets: In addition to offering more sections, the total number of students enrolled needs to increase as well in order to expand the number of qualified workers available to the aviation industry. The percentages expressed in the targets are based on increases in the baseline values.

Key Performance Indicator 3 (Data point 3): The number of students who successfully complete an aviation certification will increase.

a. Data Collection: Self-explanatory. The baseline of 15 students has been established by averaging the number of students successfully completing an aviation certification for the previous three years. b. Targets: The aviation maintenance program is regulated by standards set by the Federal Aviation

Administration. To be certified by Cowley, students must successfully complete the FAA approved training program. The percentages expressed in the targets are based on increases in the baseline values.
