This assignment requires you to ... Paired Project Assignment

Paired Project
This assignment requires you to work in teams of two and research one of the topics to be
covered in the course and make a short 10 minute presentation to the class and submit a 7-10
page report. The report and the presentation should demonstrate not only an understanding of the
concepts but also the marketing implications or applications.
A list of topics is provided below. Presentations will begin the third class. Dates will vary
depending on the topic. You may opt to do a second project in which case the higher of the two
marks will be recorded. You should also not be restricted by the topics. Look at them as
guidelines. Explore the issue, look for trends, find examples, and look at the history.
The topics follow the textbook quite closely and so the text should be used as an initial resource.
Any other source may be used but must be referenced. A list of consumer behaviour journals will
be posted on the course web site.
Format of Written Report
 7-10 typed pages, exclusive of references, table of contents and appendices
 double-spaced, 10-12-point font
 Pages should be numbered and stapled
 Margins one inch on all sides
 The report must have a separate cover page with the title (and subtitle if applicable), the
names and student numbers of the authors, the course name and number, instructor’s
name, submission date.
 It should NOT be in any type of binder or folder.
 The report must have a separate Table of Contents listing
1. Headings (including introduction and conclusion)
2. Subheadings
3. Reference page
4. Appendix (if appropriate)
5. The corresponding page numbers for the above
 Marks will be deducted for failing to meet any of the above requirements
 representative from the library will give a class presentation to assist you in finding
 The report and references should use APA format. For APA style see the U of L Library
home page for reference tools and search for APA. One useful source is
At least part of the presentation should be in PowerPoint. These slides should be submitted to me
at least one day before the class so they can be posted on the course web site. The presentation to
the class is an opportunity to be original and creative. Engage the class, be original, bring in
products to demonstrate a point, get the class involved, do a skit, conduct a survey, find video
clips and advertisements, make a video, set up a role play.
This project is worth 35% of the final grade; 10% is allotted for the presentation and 25% for the
final report..
More specifically, reports will be graded using the following guidelines
Organization, style, grammar and spelling
20 points
Style. Does the report flow? Is it wordy or repetitious
20 points
Discussion of concept/issue/trends etc.
30 points
Discussion of marketing implications/ applications
30 points
100 points
Oral presentations will be graded using the following guidelines
10 points
5 points
Presentation style
5 points
Use of visual aids
5 points
Handling questions
5 points
5 points
5 points
40 points
Jul 12
3 Learning &
Jul 12
Jul 12
Jul 12
Jul 12
4 Motivation
& Values
Jul 12
Jul 12
Jul 12
Jul 17
5 The Self
Jul 17
Jul 17
Jul 17
Jul 17
Jul 17
Jul 17
Jul 17
Jul 17
Jul 17
Jul 17
6. Personality
and Lifestyles
What is Classical Conditioning, how does it work,
what are the marketing implications.
What is instrumental or operant conditioning, how
does it work, what are the marketing implications.
Look at frequency marketing. Choose a product or
service and design a frequency marketing campaign
How are memories stored? What value are
associative networks. How can retrieval of
information be enhanced?
What are the various motivational directions and
how can marketers capitalize on them.
What types of needs do consumers have and how do
they affect buying behaviour.
What does it mean when Consumers are involved
with products? What are some strategies to increase
consumer involvement?
What are values and what role do they play in
purchase decisions. Construct a Means end chain
model for a product
What is self esteem and how does self esteem
marketing work
Examine the ideal and the real self, and multiple
selves and how they can be used in marketing
How can products shape the individual, and how can
marketers capitalize on this
What do women want and how would you market to
What do men want and how would you market to
What do gays and lesbians want and how would you
market to them
How have ideals of beauty changed and how are
marketers responding. To what extent is advertising
What are Freud’s ideas and how can they be used in
What is brand personality, how is it created, and
how do marketers use it?
What are the 3 main building blocks of lifestyles and
how does lifestyle marketing work.
What are psychographics? What’s involved in
psychographic research, and what is the value of
psychographic segmentation
Jul 17
Jul 19
7 Attitudes
Jul 19
Jul 19
Jul 19
8 Attitude
Jul 19
Jul 24
Jul 26
9 Individual
Jul 26
Jul 26
Jul 26
Jul 26
10 Buying
and Disposing
Jul 26
Jul 26
Jul 26
Jul 31
11 Group
What are some lifestyle trends and how can
marketers capitalize on them?
What are the functions of attitudes and the ABC
model of attitudes? What value is knowing this?
How are attitudes formed? How can marketers use
this knowledge and how should marketers deal with
cognitive dissonance
How does the Fishbein multi-attribute attitude model
work and how can it be used to predict consumer
What is it about the source of a marketing message
that makes it persuasive? How can this knowledge
be used.
What is it about the source of a marketing message
that makes it persuasive? (one and two sided
arguments, comparative ads, types of appeals. How
can this knowledge be used.
What is more important in attempting to persuade
people, who says it or what is said? What is the
elaboration likelihood model?
Midterm Exam
What are the various types of problem solving and
how can marketers use this information?
How do consumers search for information? What are
they looking for? Do people always search
rationally? What influences Consumer’s searching.
How do we use consumer’s search behaviour to our
How do consumers decide between alternatives?
How as marketers can we get consumers to choose
our product or service?
What are heuristics and other decision rules? Can
this help the marketer?
How do the physical and social surroundings
influence purchasing behaviour? What can be done
to improve the chance of a sale?
How do consumers make online purchases. What
can be done to improve the chance of a sale?
How do consumers’ perceptions of quality affect
post-purchase behaviour and what can be done to
prevent dissatisfaction?
What are the options a consumer has for disposing
of a product and how can marketers use this
What types of power do reference groups have?
Influences &
Jul 31
Jul 31
Jul 31
Jul 31
Aug 2
12 Family
Aug 2
Aug 2
Aug 2
Aug 2
15 age
Aug 2
Aug 2
Aug 2
Aug 7
13 Income &
social class
Aug 7
Aug 7
Aug 7
Aug 7
Aug 7
14 ethnic,
How can marketers use this power to their
How important is conformity in consumer
What is word of mouth advertising and how can it
be stimulated?
How has the Internet influenced word of Mouth
advertising, and what tactics can be used to stimulate
it? Look at viral marketing and guerrilla marketing.
What are opinion leaders, how and why do they
influence consumers, and how should marketers use
them to market their products?
What is the family life cycle, and how should
marketers market to the family through the lifecycle
How do families make decisions? How is this
different from individual decision making and how
can marketers reach families?
What influence do children have on family decision
making and how can marketers reach children?
What are some of the ethical issues when marketing
to children and what guidelines should be in place to
protect children?
What do teenagers want and value and how should
we market to them?
What do University students value and want and
how should we market to them?
What do baby boomers value and want and how
should we market to them?
What does the mature market value and want and
how should we market to them?
How does social class affect purchase decisions.
What motivates the poor and how should one market
to them.
What motivates the rich and how should one market
to them.
What is ethnic marketing? What are some of the
pitfalls to be aware of?
What motivates Chinese Canadians’ buying
behaviour and how can we market to them
What is the Canadian identity? What challenges
does one face when marketing to Canadians?
Aug 9
16 Cultural
Aug 9
17 Creation &
Diffusion of
trends &
How can myths and rituals be to the marketer’s
What is sacred and profane consumption? Why
should marketers be aware of these differences?
How does product placement work? What are the
advantages and disadvantages? How is it changing?
What are the different types of innovations and how
can marketers ensure they are adopted?
What are some cultural differences marketers should
be aware of when marketing globally
What are 2 or 3 emerging trends in consumer
behaviour and how can we capitalize on them
What are 2 or 3 emerging trends in consumer
behaviour and how can we capitalize on them
What are 2 or 3 emerging trends in consumer
behaviour and how can we capitalize on them