REQUEST FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) Sections 1, 2, and 3 to be completed by the Proposer, then the form is to be returned to Alan Tuck ( or Alison Tate ( for completion of section 4. DATE OF SUBMISSION 1. PROPOSER DETAILS NAME OF PROPOSER Please include email address and telephone number. NAME OF CHAMPION (if different to proposer) ACADEMIC UNIT / SERVICE FACULTY / DIRECTORATE 2. PARTNER ORGANISATION DETAILS NAME OF ORGANISATION TYPE OF ORGANISATION Please delete as appropriate below: University College Research Institute Government Body Sponsoring Organisation Other (please state): ORGANISATION ADDRESS LEGAL ADDRESS OF ORGANISATION (if different) CONTACT PERSON IN COLLABORATING ORGANISATION Please include full designation and contact information where available. FULL NAME AND POSITION OF PERSON SIGNING FOR COLLABORATING ORGANISATION NB: At Newcastle, MOUs are signed by the VC or DVC. The signatory at the partner organisation should be of an equivalent standing. 3. BACKGROUND TO THE MOU REQUEST RATIONALE FOR ESTABLISHING THE MOU a) What is the reason for the request to develop this MOU? b) What existing activity is there? c) Are there any specific projects being discussed for development in the context of this MOU? Please detail. d) Do any of these projects require the use of University facilities? Please detail what might be required. e) How will the relationship be resourced? i.e. staff time / travel funds f) How does what is proposed align with School, Faculty and University strategies? COST / BENEFIT ANALYSIS g) How long do you estimate it will take to realise the benefits of the MOU? h) What are the implications of not pursuing? i) What are the lost opportunity costs of pursuing? (i.e. what new initiatives could you be developing if the commitment to this MOU did not exist?) j) What are the potential risks (i.e. financial / reputational / political) versus the benefits? k) What evidence is there that the relationship is likely to be successful? l) What is the exit strategy? / What is the cost of exiting? TIMESCALE Please indicate the proposed start date of the MOU and duration. An MOU usually lasts for five years – please state if you require a different duration. Also please state whether the MOU needs to be ready for a specific deadline: NATURE OF THE RELATIONSHIP TO BE DEVELOPED UNDER THE UMBRELLA OF THIS MOU Please delete as appropriate below. Definitions of the different types of educational partnership are available at Student Exchange Staff Exchange Educational Partnership Research Curriculum Development Joint award Dual Award Commercial opportunity Other (please detail): OVERSEAS TRAVEL TO SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOU NB: Any member of staff undertaking overseas travel on behalf of the University should complete a full risk assessment prior to travel. Details available at: ad.aspx Does the MOU imply that members of the University will need to travel overseas? State who, where, for what purpose, and likely duration and frequency of travel: What is the current travel risk status for that country(ies)? Please refer to advice from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office ( and Control Risks ( 4. COMMENTS FROM OTHER SERVICES INTERNATIONAL OFFICE COMMENTS WHERE RELEVANT Name, Designation and email / ext of person commenting: MATTERS TO BE ADDRESSED: a) Initial assessment of organisation’s position in global ranking systems: Ranking System QS World Rankings (include any subject specific rankings where relevant) Times HE World University Rankings Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) Leiden Ranking Webometrics Ranking of World Universities Position b) Organisation’s position in any national ranking systems (e.g. Project 911 in China): c) Is the organisation recognised by NARIC? d) Size of organisation (enrolment, staffing): e) Does the organisation have experience of working in partnership with overseas universities? f) What existing relationships are in place in the country/region? g) Could the development of the described activity impact on other relationships or activities in the same region? h) Impact on overall strategy for region? i) Any relevant information on market / travel / political / reputational /healthcare risks - implications for long term viability : j) Any relevant information on legal status or local government regulations etc that might need to be taken into consideration: k) Potential for collaboration beyond the immediate area of the proposer? l) Potential conflict with INTO or other partnership? m) Other information / comments: RESEARCH & ENTERPRISE SERVICES COMMENTS WHERE RELEVANT Name, Designation and email / ext of person commenting: COMMENTS OF HEAD (OR DEPUTY) OF ACADEMIC OR SERVICE UNIT Name, Designation and email / ext of person commenting: Is there sufficient commitment to the relationship to sustain it? Fit with Unit’s plan: Ability to resource: Other comments: SUPPORTED / NOT SUPPORTED (please delete as appropriate) FACULTY COMMENTS APPROVED / NOT APPROVED (please delete as appropriate) Comments: Name, Designation and email / ext of person commenting: RECOMMENDATION TO VICE-CHANCELLOR / DEPUTY VICECHANCELLOR DATE FORWARDED TO THE VC / DVC FOR SIGNATURE CONTACT DETAILS OF PERSON FORWARDING FOR SIGNATURE Alison Tate Date: ............................................. Ext 8508