ESTIMATION OF CVR EFFECTIVENESS WITH AGGREGATED LOAD MODELING A Project Presented to the faculty of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Electrical and Electronic Engineering by Musie Tesfasilassie FALL 2013 © 2013 Musie Tesfasilassie ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii ESTIMATION OF CVR EFFECTIVENESS WITH AGGREGATED LOAD MODELING A Project by Musie Tesfasilassie Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Mahyar Zarghami __________________________________, Second Reader Mohammad Vaziri ____________________________ Date iii Student: Musie Tesfasilassie I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the project. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator___________________ Preetham B. Kumar Date Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering iv Abstract of ESTIMATION OF CVR EFFECTIVENESS WITH AGGREGATED LOAD MODELING by Musie Tesfasilassie In order to develop an estimate of the benefits of Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR) in the distribution system, the composite characteristics of system loads have been extracted from measurements of electrical quantities at the main substation. Real and reactive power measurements at the secondary bus of the substation are used as inputs to the parameter identification procedure based on the least square optimization approach for finding aggregated ZIP load model parameters. This knowledge is further used in finding a quantitative estimation approach for predicting the effectiveness of substation transformer tap changes in reducing total power demand during different distribution system load conditions. The proposed algorithm is implemented on the IEEE 34 bus test system and the results are demonstrated. It is shown that the method can predict the effectiveness of CVR with acceptable accuracy. _______________________, Committee Chair Mahyar Zarghami ______________________ Date v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Tables ........................................................................................................ vii List of Figures ...................................................................................................... viii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................1 2. LOAD MODELING ................................................................................................4 3. PARAMETER ESTIMATION USING LEAST SQUARE METHOD ..................8 4. CVR EFFECTS BASED ON ππ/ππ ....................................................................10 5. SIMULATION PARAMETERS AND RESULTS ...............................................13 5.1.1. Simulation Parameters ..................................................................................13 5.1.2. Simulations of Different Scenarios and Results ...........................................16 6. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS ......................................32 Appendix. MatLab Code ........................................................................................34 References ..............................................................................................................36 vi LIST OF TABLES Tables Page 1. Simulation Data, Scenario 1, without downstream compensation ........................16 2. Simulation Data, Scenario 1, with downstream compensation..............................19 3. Simulation Data, Scenario 2, without downstream compensation ........................21 4. Simulation Data, Scenario 2, with downstream compensation..............................24 5. Simulation Data, Scenario 3, without downstream compensation ........................26 6. Simulation Data, Scenario 3, with downstream compensation..............................29 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page 1. IEEE 34-bus, 69KV/24.9 kV distribution test feeder ............................................13 2. CVR impacts for Scenario 1 without downstream compensation .........................17 3. Voltage profile for Scenario 1 with no downstream compensation .......................18 4. CVR impacts for Scenario 1with downstream compensation ...............................20 5. Voltage profile for Scenario 1with downstream compensation .............................20 6. CVR impacts for Scenario 2 without downstream compensation .........................22 7. Voltage profile for Scenario 2 without downstream compensation.......................23 8. CVR impacts for Scenario 2 with downstream compensation ..............................25 9. Voltage profile for Scenario 2 with downstream compensation ...........................25 10. CVR impacts for Scenario 3 without downstream compensation .........................27 11. Voltage profile for Scenario 3 without downstream compensation.......................28 12. CVR impacts for Scenario 3 with downstream compensation ..............................30 13. Voltage profile for Scenario 3 with downstream compensation ...........................31 viii 1 1. INTRODUTION The introduction of smart grid technologies in the electricity supply industry and an increasing cost of energy in today’s market have increased the desire of the electric utilities in implementing effective and efficient demand reduction by exploring some forms of CVR. The goal of CVR is to save energy by reducing the voltage level of the electrical distribution network as low as possible within the ANSI residential voltage limits (120 ± 5% V). In many cases, providing voltage to the customer in the lower part of the ANSI C84.1 range (114 to 120 V) results in energy savings without causing any danger or any loss of performance by end use appliances. Some of the methods which electric utilities use to achieve the benefits of CVR are through application of voltage regulators, capacitors and load tap changing transformers [1, 2, and 3]. Energy savings achieved from the implementation of CVR on distribution circuits are highly dependent on system configuration and its load types. One method of modeling a load without a thermal cycle is to use a polynomial ZIP load form. The ZIP load model is composed of time invariant constant impedance (Z), constant current (I), and constant power (P) elements [4, 5]. Change in power consumption resulting from reduction of voltage depends on the composition of ZIP load parameters. Dependency of power on voltage magnitude can be described using basic Ohm’s and Joule’s laws as follow: For constant impedance loads such as incandescent lights, power consumption decreases in quadratic relation with the reduction of voltage. This is seen from the power and voltage relation |π| = |π|2 ⁄|π|. In constant current loads, as compact fluorescent lighting, power consumption is decreased linearly with the increase of voltage to maintain a constant 2 current at the load according to the equation |π| = |π| × |πΌ|. On the other hand, constant power loads such as motors, computers, and TV sets increase power consumption when voltage is reduced. This is because of the increase in current as a result of reduction in voltage, which also increases the line losses given by |πΌ|2 × π ππππ and |πΌ|2 × πππππ components. Energy reduction resulting from reduction of voltage is quantified by CVR factor, which is expressed as the ratio of percentage change in energy to percentage change in voltage described by%βπΈ ⁄%βπ . Different studies show different ranges of CVR factor. A field study conducted on 12 circuits in the Snohomish County Public Utilities found a CVR factor of 0.34 to 1.103 [6], while CVR test conducted on 32 high voltage distribution circuits at the Northeast Utilities revealed a 1% reduction in voltage resulting in a 1% reduction in energy consumption at the substation low side bus [4]. A study conducted in Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) shows a CVR factor of 0.765 and 0.991 for residential and commercial sectors respectively [3]. The focus of this paper is on the evaluation of CVR effect by estimation of consumed power at different voltage levels using aggregated load model parameters computed at the secondary bus of a substation. The IEEE 34-bus distribution test system is used to show the dependency of CVR on system loads and estimation of power consumption using load model parameters. The approach is implemented through ZIP load model parameters based on the least square optimization technique. The paper is organized as follows: Section II introduces different load modeling approaches. Section III elaborates details on 3 ZIP load modeling based on the least square optimization. Section IV describes evaluation of CVR effect from load model parameters. In section V the test circuit and simulation results are discussed. Future recommendations and concluding remarks are presented in section VI. 4 2. LOAD MODELING In electrical power systems, a load is defined as a device that is connected to the system for consuming power. A load model is defined as a set of mathematical equations which relate both voltage magnitude and frequency with its active and reactive power consumption [7]. Load modeling is always a difficult task to accomplish because of the time variant features of load. The two methodologies adopted in load modeling are the component based and the measurement based approaches. The component based load modeling approach develops load model from information on its constituent parts. This approach is very tedious and expensive to implement especially in large systems when load model parameters change with time so frequently [5, 7]. The measurement based load modeling approach uses data from field measurements to identify parameters of the load. In this approach it is easy to update the parameters of the load modeling when the load characteristics change. As stated in [7], load modeling practice has three steps: data collection, load aggregation and load model validation. Both the component based and the measurement based approaches use these three steps in load modeling practice for steady state and dynamic study analysis. In the component based approach, the data needed for load modeling are predefined and obtained by theoretical analyses and laboratory measurements and once determined, they will be used by all power utilities [8]. Different projects conducted by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) determined and documented much of such data. Typical load component characteristics are demonstrated in [9, 10]. Load composition data and load class mix data are other information needed for the component based load modeling approach. Load composition 5 data is the fractional composition of the load by load components, and load class mix data is the fractional composition of the bus load by load classes. Data needed for the measurement based approach are collected by electronic measurement devices installed in the system. These devices record voltage magnitude and frequency and active and reactive power consumption at the point where the load is modeled. These recorded data are used as inputs for load modeling. Once data needed for load modeling is collected from either component constituent or from field measurements, the next step is to develop a mathematical relationship between the voltage (magnitude and frequency) and power at the point of aggregation. There are three different approaches to relate these measured data for proper representation of a load. These are static, dynamic and composite load models. A static load model describes the relationship between the bus voltage and the load power at a given instant of time. This model is applicable for system steady-state analysis. There are two forms of static load model, polynomial load model also called the ZIP load model and exponential load model. The polynomial function representation of a load may contain loads of constant impedance, constant current, constant power or any of the combination of these types. Polynomial load model or the ZIP model relates the voltage and power at a load bus using the equations of the form: π 2 π π = π0 (ππ (π ) + πΌπ (π ) + ππ ) 0 0 π 2 π π = π0 (ππ (π ) + πΌπ (π ) + ππ ) 0 0 (1) (2) 6 In (1)-(2),ππ , πΌπ and ππ , (π = π, π) are the constant components of impedance, current and power for active and reactive powers, π0 and π0 are the base active and reactive powers consumed at nominal voltage π0, and π and π are the total consumed active and reactive powers at the point of interest, respectively. In this paper the ZIP load model representation is used to represent the aggregated load at the secondary bus of the substation transformer. The other form of static load model is the exponential load model. This load model uses exponential functions of the form (3) and (4) to relate voltage and power at the point of load aggregation. π πΌ π = π0 (π ) 0 π π½ π = π0 (π ) 0 (3) (4) Where πΌ and π½ are the active and reactive power exponents of the aggregated load respectively. π0 and π0 are the base active and reactive powers consumed at nominal voltage π0, and π and π are the total consumed active and reactive powers at the point of interest, respectively. The dynamic load modeling uses differential and difference equations to represent a load at any instant of time as a function of the bus voltage. This load model is used to represent the load during small and large disturbances [7, 11]. The composite load model is a combination of static and dynamic load models. It is represented by an equivalent induction motor in parallel with a static load [12]. This model is used in stability studies 7 where more accurate dynamic representation of the load is required [7]. The final step in load modeling is to test the validation of the developed mathematical model using new field data. 8 3. PARAMETER ESTIMATION USING LEAST SQUARE METHOD The Least Square (LS) optimization is a technique used to fit mathematical models into observations. It is mostly used to solve unconstrained optimization problems [13]. It is also applicable to polynomial functions of the form shown in equations (1) and (2) [14]. Application of LS optimization for solving active power load model parameters of equation (1) can be realized by minimizing (5). A similar approach can be used for derivation of reactive power coefficients. For ‘n’ number of measurements, (5) represents the objective function for the load model of equation (1): π= ∑ππ=1 (ππ 2 ππ 2 ππ ππ 0 0 (π ) + πΌπ (π ) + ππ − (π )) 0 (5) where ππ and ππ are the π π‘β measured line to neutral voltage magnitude and the single phase active power at the bus of interest, assuming balanced operation. In load modeling, the objective is to find the coefficients ππ , πΌπ and ππ which minimize π. This can be achieved by setting the partial derivatives of equation (5) with respect to each of the coefficient variables to zero as shown in equations (6) to (8). ππ πππ ππ ππΌπ ππ ππΌπ 2 π 2 π π π = ∑ππ=1 2 (ππ ) × (ππ (ππ ) + πΌπ (ππ ) + ππ − (π π )) = 0 0 0 π π 0 2 0 π π = ∑ππ=1 2 × ππ × (ππ (ππ ) + πΌπ (ππ ) + ππ − (π π )) = 0 0 0 π 2 0 π 0 π = ∑ππ=1 2 × (ππ (ππ ) + πΌπ (ππ ) + ππ − (ππ )) = 0 0 0 0 (6) (7) (8) 9 Equations (6) through (8) can be rearranged and simplified in a matrix form of (9): ∑ππ=1 2ππ 4 [∑ππ=1 2ππ 3 ∑ππ=1 2ππ 2 ∑ππ=1 2ππ 3 ∑ππ=1 2ππ 2 ∑ππ=1 ππ ∑ππ=1 2ππ 2 ππ ∑ππ=1 2ππ ππ 2 ∑ππ=1 ππ ] × [ πΌπ ] = [ ∑ππ=1 2ππ ππ ] ππ ∑ππ=1 2ππ 2π (9) From (9), values of load model parameters ππ , πΌπ and ππ can be determined. Similar equations can be derived for reactive power load model parameters as shown in (10): ∑ππ=1 2ππ 4 [∑ππ=1 2ππ 3 ∑ππ=1 2ππ 2 ∑ππ=1 2ππ 3 ∑ππ=1 2ππ 2 ∑ππ=1 ππ ∑ππ=1 2ππ 2 ππ ∑ππ=1 2ππ ππ 2 ∑ππ=1 ππ ] × [ πΌπ ] = [ ∑ππ=1 2ππ ππ ] (10) ππ ∑ππ=1 2ππ 2π 10 4. CVR EFFECTS BASED ON π πΊ⁄π π½ In previous works done on CVR, the quantification of the benefits of CVR in terms of energy savings is calculated using the ratio of percentage reduction in energy to 1% reduction in voltage. In this paper we use the parameters of the load model found in equations (9) and (10) to solve CVR factor as the ratio of change in total apparent power to change in voltage. This approach for evaluation of CVR factor helps to estimate the power consumption at an arbitrary voltage level given the initial voltage and power values. At a given instant of time, the complex power of a bus is determined from its active and reactive powers by: πΜ = π + ππ (11) The magnitude of the complex power known as apparent power is given by: π = √π2 + π 2 (12) It is clearly seen in equation (12) that the apparent power at the bus is a function of voltage, as both active and reactive powers of the bus are functions of voltage described by equations (1) and (2). Using the principle of derivatives, the change in total power due to change in voltage can be solved by differentiating equation (12) with respect to the variable voltage. This differentiation is represented in equation (13): ππ ππ = ππ ππ +π ππ ππ √π2 +π2 π (13) 11 Where ππ ππ is the derivative of apparent power with respect to voltage, and ππ ππ and ππ ππ are the derivatives of active power and reactive power with respect to voltage, respectively. The expression for the derivatives ππ ππ and ππ ππ are evaluated from equations (1) and (2) and are shown in equations (14) and (15) as: ππ = π0 ( ππ ππ ππ 2ππ π = π0 ( π0 2ππ π π0 πΌπ + ) π (14) 0 πΌπ + ) π (15) 0 By substitution of equations (3), (4), (14) and (15) into equation (13), the expression of CVR factor can be found as shown in equation (16). In this equation, the CVR factor ππ⁄ππ is expressed by the ZIP load model parameters: π 2 ππ ππ = 2ππ π π πΌπ π 2 π 2ππ π πΌπ (π0 2 ×(ππ (π ) +πΌπ (π )+ππ )×( π +π ))+(π0 2 ×(ππ (π ) +πΌπ (π )+ππ )×( π +π )) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 √(π0 (ππ ( π ) +πΌπ ( π )+ππ )) +(π0 (ππ ( π ) +πΌπ ( π )+ππ )) π0 π0 π0 π0 (16) Similarly the derivative (ππ⁄ππ) of the total apparent power (S) with respect to the variable voltage (V) found in equation (16) can be evaluated as the ratio of change of total power (βπ) to change in voltage (βπ) as shown in equation (17) : ππ ππ = π2 −π1 π2 −π1 (17) 12 Equating (16) and (17) and solving for π2 as shown in (18), an estimation of the total consumed apparent power at a new voltage level can be found using existing voltage and power values: ππ π2 = π1 + ππ (π2 − π1 ) (18) In the experiments conducted in this paper equation (18) is used to estimate the effect of CVR (implemented through transformer tap changer) in reducing the total power consumed at the secondary bus of the substation transformer. 13 5. SIMULATION PARAMETERS AND RESULTS 5.1 Simulation Parameters The IEEE 34-bus, 24.9 kV test feeder of Figure 1 with single-phase and three-phase laterals feeding different spot and distributed loads was used for simulations using the utility grade computer program CYMEDIST. The “balanced voltage drop” feature of CYMEDIST which divides the total load equally between the three phases was adopted for simulations. 32 31 15 28 14 1 22 10 2 3 4 6 7 8 11 24 12 26 23 21 25 9 29 34 20 27 33 5 30 19 16 13 18 17 Figure 1. IEEE 34-bus, 69/24.9 kV distribution test feeder. The system consists of 6 spot and 19 distributed loads of different values with a total of 1769KW at nominal voltage. Each load in the system is represented by a ZIP model. Other than the 2500KVA, 69/24.9 kV main substation transformer, there is a 500KVA, 24.9/4.16 kV step down connected between buses 20 and 33. The tap changer on the primary side of the substation transformer is used as a means of voltage control at the secondary bus of the substation where the load modeling data is collected. There are two 14 capacitors of rating 150kVAr/phase and 100kVAr/phase installed in the system at buses 32 and 28, respectively. There are also two voltage regulators of terminal voltage output value of 122V on a base of 120V connected between buses 7 and 8 and buses 19 and 20. For modeling and estimation of the CVR effects, three distinct scenarios have been conducted. In each scenario, the model of each load is changed to constant impedance (Z), constant current (I) and constant power (PQ) components based on the following compositions: 1. 70% of the total active power in the system (1238KW) represented by constant impedance loads (Z), 20% of the total active power (354KW) by constant power loads (PQ) and the rest 10% (177KW) by constant current loads (I). 2. 70% of the total active power demand in the system (1238KW) represented by constant power loads (PQ), 20% of the total active power demand (354KW) by constant current loads (I) and the rest 10% (177KW) by constant impedance loads (Z). 3. 70% of the total active power in the system (1238KW) represented by constant current loads (I), 20% of the total active power demand (354KW) by constant impedance loads (Z) and the rest 10% of the total demand (177KW) by constant power loads (PQ). In each experiment, it is assumed that the load and its model will remain unchanged, representing a period in which load profiles have little variations. Each of the above scenarios is simulated twice, with and without the presence of capacitors and voltage 15 regulators in order to observe the effect of voltage regulating devices on the load modeling practice and CVR effect. In the load modeling practice, data needed for determination of load parameters are collected by simulating the system at various substation primary voltages changing from 72.45KV (1.05pu) to 65.55KV (0.95pu) in steps of 0.69KV (0.01pu). At each primary voltage, a balanced load flow analysis is performed, and line to neutral voltage and single phase active and reactive powers at the secondary bus of the substation are gathered. The collected data are then fed to a MATLAB code to find ZIP load model parameters using LS approach. In order to estimate the change in total power consumption at the secondary of the substation due to controlled voltage change, the tap setting of the substation transformer is manually changed while the primary bus voltage is kept at 69kV (1pu). By considering the results of load flow at 100% tap as initial values, power consumption in each test is estimated at a different tap setting using equation (18) and the result is compared with the actual measured value using percentage error which is defined as the percentage of deviation of apparent power over its actual measured value as seen in equation (19). πΈπ π‘ππππ‘ππ ππππ’π−ππππ π’πππ ππππ’π πππππππ‘ πΈππππ(%) = ( ππππ π’πππ ππππ’π ) × 100 (19) In this paper, measured value refers to the power flow simulation results and estimated value refers to the value obtained from equation (18) after substitution of parametric values. 16 5.2 Simulations of Different Scenarios and Results Scenario 1: System with load composition of constant Z = 70%, constant PQ = 20% and constant I = 10%. A- Without capacitors and voltage regulators (with no downstream compensation) In this case, capacitors and voltage regulators are disconnected from the system. Data measured at the secondary bus of the substation transformer for different voltage values at the primary side is shown in Table 1 below. Substation primary voltage (pu) 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 Line to line Voltage (kV) 72.45 71.76 71.07 70.38 69.69 69.00 68.31 67.62 66.93 66.24 65.65 Substation secondary bus data Line to neutral Voltage (kV) 14.649 14.509 14.369 14.228 14.088 13.948 13.807 13.667 13.526 13.386 13.245 Single-phase active power (kW) 580.440 570.236 560.128 550.116 540.199 530.380 520.656 511.028 501.497 492.061 482.722 Single-phase reactive power (kVAr) 242.854 238.707 234.599 230.531 226.501 222.509 218.557 214.644 210.769 206.934 203.138 Table 1. Simulation Data, Scenario 1, without downstream compensation. When the data in columns 3 to 5 of Table 1 are fed into MATLAB code shown in the appendix to evaluate aggregated load parameters based on equations (9) and (10), it 17 results in the following active and reactive aggregated load parameters at the secondary bus of the substation: ππ = 0.903424, πΌπ = 0.031806, ππ = 0.06477 ππ = 0.873248, πΌπ = 0.037573, ππ = 0.089179 When the load model parameters are substituted in equation (16), a CVR effect of 75.170587 kVA/kV is obtained. Estimated power from equation (18) and simulated power at the secondary bus of the substation transformer for this scenario is shown in Figure 2. As seen, voltage reduction has resulted in reduced power demand. In this case, maximum estimated error using equation (19) is around 0.23% which shows a good approximation. 640 630 Max Error = -0.228341% 620 S(KVA) 610 600 590 580 570 560 550 0.95 Measured KVA Estimated KVA 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 V(pu) 1 1.01 1.02 1.03 Figure 2. CVR impacts for Scenario 1 without downstream compensation. 18 Voltage profile of the system shown in Figure 3 for this case is monotonically decreasing from the substation since no reactive power compensation has been implemented. 1.04 1.02 1 V-bus(pu) 0.98 0.96 0.94 tap-102 tap-101 tap-100 tap-99 tap-98 tap-97 tap-96 tap-95 0.92 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.84 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 bus 21 23 25 27 29 31 3334 Figure 3. Voltage profile for Scenario 1 with no downstream compensation. B- With capacitors and voltage regulators included (with downstream compensation) In this case, capacitors and voltage regulators are included in simulations to determine how their operation may impact ZIP load parameters and CVR effect. Results of the simulation with different substation primary voltages are shown in Table 2: 19 Substation primary voltage Line to line (pu) voltage (kV) 1.05 72.45 1.04 71.76 1.03 71.07 1.02 70.38 1.01 69.69 1.00 69.00 0.99 68.31 0.98 67.62 0.97 66.93 0.96 66.24 0.95 65.65 Line to neutral Voltage (kV) 14.917 14.768 14.619 14.471 14.323 14.174 14.025 13.877 13.728 13.579 13.432 Substation secondary bus data Single-phase Single-phase reactive active power (kW) power (kVAr) 602.052 43.012 603.040 44.659 603.852 46.277 605.658 47.807 607.196 49.298 607.429 50.819 608.487 52.232 609.269 53.600 609.773 54.924 609.999 56.203 609.979 56.523 Table 2. Simulation Data, Scenario 1, with downstream compensation. The aggregated ZIP load model parameters in this case are calculated as: ππ = -1.332001, πΌπ = 2.502586, ππ = -0.176076 ππ = -5.312904, πΌπ = 7.676377, ππ = -1.376265 When the load model parameters are substituted in equation (16), a CVR factor of 6.04619 kVA/kV is found. Estimated and simulated voltages for this scenario are shown in Figure 4. As seen, reduced voltage has not resulted in reduced power demand. Voltage profile of the system in this case is not monotonically decreasing, because of the effect of voltage regulators and capacitors. This case clearly shows that voltage reduction may not result in demand reduction at all times. Careful attention must be paid when compensator action is considered on a distribution feeder. Results also show a good estimation of power demand with a maximum error of 0.18%. 20 614 Max Error = -0.178712% 613 612 S(KVA) 611 610 609 608 607 Measured KVA Estimated KVA 606 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 V(pu) 1 1.01 1.02 Figure 4. CVR impacts for Scenario 1 with downstream compensation. 1.03 1.02 1.01 V-bus(pu) 1 0.99 tap-102 tap-102 tap-101 tap-100 tap-99 tap-98 tap-97 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 3334 bus Figure 5. Voltage profile for Scenario 1 with downstream compensation. 21 Scenario 2: Load composition of constant PQ = 70%, constant I = 20% and constant Z = 10%. A- Without capacitors and voltage regulators In this case, simulation results at the substation secondary bus are shown in Table 3. Substation primary voltage Line to line (pu) Voltage (kV) 1.05 72.45 1.04 71.76 1.03 71.07 1.02 70.38 1.01 69.69 1.00 69.00 0.99 68.31 0.98 67.62 0.97 66.93 0.96 66.24 0.95 65.65 Line to neutral voltage (kV) 14.616 14.463 14.309 14.156 14.002 13.848 13.693 13.538 13.383 13.228 13.072 Substation secondary bus data Single-phase Single-phase reactive active power (kW) power (kVAr) 607.710 262.105 607.360 265.043 607.028 267.989 606.719 270.950 606.432 273.926 606.169 276.921 605.933 279.936 605.724 282.975 605.544 286.042 605.395 289.139 605.279 292.270 Table 3. Simulation Data, Scenario 2, without downstream compensation. ZIP load parameters in this case are evaluated as: ππ = 0.176424, πΌπ = -0.302330, ππ = 1.125891 ππ = 0.198801, πΌπ = -1.435164, ππ = 2.236303. CVR factor in this case has been evaluated as -6.66916 kVA/kV. Estimated and simulated results in Figure 6 show that reducing voltage has resulted in demand increase, 22 since the majority of loads in the system are of constant power type. As seen in Figure 7, voltage profile of the system is monotonically decreasing in this case. 668 Measured KVA Estimated KVA Max Error = -0.086513% 667 S(KVA) 666 665 664 663 662 661 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 V(pu) 1 1.01 1.02 Figure 6. CVR impacts for Scenario 2 without downstream compensation. 23 1.02 1 V-bus(pu) 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 tap-101 tap-100 tap-99 tap-98 tap-97 tap-96 tap-95 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.84 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 3334 bus Figure 7. Voltage profile for Scenario 2 without downstream compensation. B- With capacitors and voltage regulators included Power flow results in this case are shown in Table 4.ZIP load parameters in this case are calculated as: ππ = -0.021134, πΌπ = 0.076626, ππ = 0.944355 ππ = 16.164164, πΌπ = -34.094921, ππ = 18.968708 Based on these results, CVR factor at the secondary bus of the substation is found as 0.911196 kVA/kV. 24 Substation primary voltage Line to line (pu) voltage (kV) 1.05 72.45 1.04 71.76 1.03 71.07 1.02 70.38 1.01 69.69 1.00 69.00 0.99 68.31 0.98 67.62 0.97 66.93 0.96 66.24 0.95 65.65 Line to neutral voltage (kV) 14.912 14.765 14.618 14.472 14.326 14.178 14.031 13.884 13.732 13.584 13.436 Substation secondary bus data Single-phase Single-phase active power (kW) reactive power (kVAr) 606.341 45.946 606.158 46.517 605.981 47.199 605.770 47.181 605.558 47.318 605.392 48.338 605.191 48.767 604.993 49.364 604.638 53.264 604.447 54.215 604.260 55.341 Table 4. Simulation Data, Scenario 2, with downstream compensation. Estimated and simulated results in Figure 8 show that reducing voltage has resulted in demand reduction. System voltage profile in Figure 9 indicates that because of reactive power compensation, voltage reduction at the main substation has resulted in total power demand reduction. 25 608 Max Error = -0.026222% 607.8 607.4 607.2 607 Measured KVA Estimated KVA 606.8 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 V(pu) 1 1.01 1.02 Figure 8. CVR impacts for Scenario 2 with downstream compensation. 1.03 1.02 1.01 1 V-bus(pu) S(KVA) 607.6 0.99 tap-103 tap-102 tap-101 tap-100 tap-99 tap-98 tap-97 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 3334 bus Figure 9. Voltage profile for Scenario 2 with downstream compensation. 26 Scenario 3: Load composition of constant I = 70%, constant Z = 20% and constant PQ = 10% A- Without capacitors and voltage regulators In this case, simulation results are shown in Table 5. Substation primary voltage Line to line (pu) voltage (kV) 1.05 72.45 1.04 71.76 1.03 71.07 1.02 70.38 1.01 69.69 1.00 69.00 0.99 68.31 0.98 67.62 0.97 66.93 0.96 66.24 0.95 65.65 Line to neutral voltage (kV) 14.63628 14.49071 14.34512 14.19953 14.05392 13.90831 13.76268 13.61704 13.47139 13.32572 13.18005 Substation secondary bus data Single-phase Single-phase active power (kW) reactive power (kVAr) 590.9956 250.4176 584.836 249.1753 578.6835 247.9126 572.5381 246.6294 566.3997 245.3258 560.2684 244.0018 554.1441 242.6572 548.0268 241.2922 541.9165 239.9068 535.8132 238.5008 529.7169 237.0743 Table 5. Simulation Data, Scenario 3, without downstream compensation. The aggregate load model parameters using equations (7) and (8) are found as: ππ = 0.063112, πΌπ = 0.920919, ππ = 0.015968 ππ = -0.399800, πΌπ =1.304311, ππ =0.095489 Equation (12) together with the above load model parameters results in a CVR effect of 42.238887 kVA/kV. Estimated and measured powers shown in Figure 10 indicate that voltage reduction results in load reduction in this case. 27 645 Max Error = -0.0028% 640 635 S(KVA) 630 625 620 615 610 605 0.95 Measured KVA Estimated KVA 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 V(pu) 1 1.01 1.02 1.03 Figure 10. CVR impacts for Scenario 3 without downstream compensation. The voltage profile of the system in this case decreases monotonically starting from the substation as shown in Figure 11, since no reactive power compensation has been implemented. 28 1.05 1.03 1.01 V-bus(pu) 0.99 0.97 0.95 0.93 tap-101 tap-100 tap-99 tap-98 tap-97 tap-96 tap-95 0.91 0.89 0.87 0.85 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 3334 bus Figure 11. Voltage profile for Scenario 3 without downstream compensation. B- With capacitors and voltage regulators included Power flow results in this case are shown in Table 6. 29 Substation primary voltage Line to line (pu) voltage (kV) 1.05 72.45 1.04 71.76 1.03 71.07 1.02 70.38 1.01 69.69 1.00 69.00 0.99 68.31 0.98 67.62 0.97 66.93 0.96 66.24 0.95 65.65 Line to neutral voltage (kV) 14.915 14.767 14.619 14.471 14.323 14.175 14.027 13.878 13.729 13.581 13.432 Substation secondary bus data Single-phase Single-phase active power (kW) reactive power (kVAr) 603.106 43.759 603.987 45.167 604.757 46.597 606.029 47.653 607.136 48.748 607.557 50.259 608.377 51.426 609.029 52.636 609.515 53.889 609.832 55.184 609.979 56.523 Table 6. Simulation Data, Scenario 3, with downstream compensation. The load model parameters evaluated from the above data are: ππ = -0.896215, πΌπ = 1.658901, ππ = 0.233997 ππ = -0.108687, πΌπ = -2.349386, ππ = 3.466025 CVR effect in this case is -5.276863KVA/KV. Figure 12 shows estimated and measured powers at different secondary voltage values. As seen in Figure 12, power consumption increases with the reduction of voltage. 30 613 Measured KVA Estimated KVA Max Error = -0.178712% 612 S(KVA) 611 610 609 608 607 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 V(pu) 1 1.01 1.02 Figure 12. CVR impacts for Scenario 3 with downstream compensation. The voltage profile of the system as seen in figure 13 is not monotonically decreasing, because of the effect of voltage regulators and capacitors in the system. 31 1.03 1.02 1.01 V-bus(pu) 1 0.99 tap-103 tap-102 tap-101 tap-100 tap-99 tap-97 tap-96 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 3334 bus Figure 13. Voltage profile for Scenario 3 with downstream compensation. 32 6. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS Utility companies supply power to the end use customer with a voltage level defined by the ANSI C84.1 standards. The standard voltage defined for the end use voltage level is 120 ± 5% V (114 to 120 V on a 120 volts base) in USA. Utilities practice principle of CVR to conserve energy and minimize losses by operating the end-user load on the lower half of the ANSI standard without exposing customers to unacceptable under-voltage conditions. Reduction of voltage may reduce or increase total power consumption depending on the end-user load type and local reactive power compensation. In this paper, it has been shown that effectiveness of CVR in reducing total power demand can be approximated using an aggregated load model viewed from a point of interest, such as the main substation. This paper has discussed the estimation of the total power consumption by finding the ZIP load model parameters using the least square optimization approach. The IEEE 34bus distribution test feeder has been used to conduct various experiments for different loading conditions. For each load composition in the system, two distinct scenarios have been simulated, with and without the presence of capacitors and voltage regulators in the system, to see the effect of voltage regulating devices in the load modeling and power demand estimation. As can be seen from the results, total power demand can be accurately estimated using CVR effect. It has been shown that when composition of the aggregated load is dominated by constant impedance or constant current loads, CVR is most effective. However, an important observation is that using local reactive power compensation downstream of the main substation can reverse the effect of CVR in these 33 cases. On the other hand, it was observed that when aggregated load is dominated by constant power loads, voltage reduction may not result in demand reduction. However, with local reactive power compensation in such cases, it is possible to reduce total demand using CVR. The approach of identification of aggregated load model parameters and estimation of power consumption explained in this paper is based on manual changes of voltage at the main substation using tap-changing transformer. Moreover, it has been assumed that during each experiment, the load in the system remains unchanged. In practice, however, loads change continuously with changes in temperature, wind speed, cloud cover, humidity and human action [15]. For improvement of this work in the future, it is recommended to incorporate more sophisticated load modeling approaches, which include natural variations of the load in the process of identification. Moreover, impacts of distributed generations such as renewable energy sources in the CVR effect need to be investigated. 34 Appendix MatLab Code clear all clc %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LData = 'Book1.xls'; %%excel sheet which holds data from power flow result. A = 1; fprintf('--------------------------------------------------------\n'); P = xlsread(LData,a); V1 = (P(:,3))'; P1 = (P(:,4))'; Q1 = (P(:,5))'; %%% input the nominal values (V,P and Q) at bus 1 from the measured data V01 = input(prompt); %% nominal voltage in the system P01 = input(NomialPower); %% nominal real power in the system Q01 = input(NomianlReaPower); %%% nominal reactive power in the system Vmat1 = [sum(2*((V1/V01).^4)) sum(2*((V1/V01).^3)) sum(2*((V1/V01).^2)) 35 sum(2*((V1/V01).^3)) sum(2*((V1/V01).^2)) sum(2*(V1/V01)) sum(2*((V1/V01).^2)) sum(2*(V1/V01)) 2*length(V1)]; % V matrix for the %% least sqr method Pmat1 = [sum(2*(P1/P01).*((V1/V01).^2)) sum(2*(P1/P01).*(V1/V01)) sum(2*(P1/P01))]; % P matrix for the least sqr method Qmat1 = [sum(2*(Q1/Q01).*((V1/V01).^2)) sum(2*(Q1/Q01).*(V1/V01)) sum(2*(Q1/Q01))]; ZIP1p = (Vmat1^-1)*Pmat1; % Q matrix for the least sqr method %ZIP load components for real power consumption %%% from equation 9 ZIP1q = (Vmat1^-1)*Qmat1; %% ZIP load components for reactive power %%consumption from equation 10 fprintf('\nZp1 = %f Ip1 = %f Pp1 = %f \n',ZIP1p(1),ZIP1p(2),ZIP1p(3)); fprintf('Zq1 = %f Iq1 = %f Pq1 = %f\n',ZIP1q(1),ZIP1q(2),ZIP1q(3)); 36 References [1] Triplett, J.M.; Kufel, S.A., "Implementing CVR through voltage regulator LDC settings," Rural Electric Power Conference (REPC), 2012 IEEE , vol., no., pp.B21,B2-5, 15-17 April 2012 [2] Wilson, T.L., "Energy conservation with voltage reduction-fact or fantasy," Rural Electric Power Conference, 2002. 2002 IEEE , vol., no., pp.C3,C3_6, 2002 [3] De Steese, J. 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