iPad Project, Fall 2014 iPad Project Overview

iPad Project, Fall 2014
iPad Project Overview
IT Services will continue our iPad program for the fall 2014 semester. For each course selected for the
program, the College will provide an iPad (generation 3) to the instructor and each student in the course
to keep for the entire semester. We’re looking to support courses in which students use iPads to
enhance learning, both in and out of class. The goal of the program will be to assess the value and
effectiveness of iPads in the classroom, and for student use.
Faculty and students who participate in the program will be asked to participate in online surveys and
other assessment of the use and effectiveness of the iPads.
Number of Courses and Students Involved
We anticipate supporting three courses each semester, utilizing 60 iPads total. We’ve not set a
maximum course enrollment for the program, but given these limits, it is unlikely that we could support
a course with an enrollment much above 20 students.
Submitting a Proposal: Deadline May 30, 2014
To submit a proposal for a Fall 2014 course, complete the attached proposal form and return to Jamie
Ross at rossja@wabash.edu by May 30, 2014. If you would like to discuss your proposal or talk about
how you might most effectively use iPads in your course, or if you would like to borrow an iPad to help
with preparing your proposal, please contact Kitty Rutledge at rutledgk@wabash.edu, x6174.
Proposal Review and Selection
Proposals will be reviewed by IT Services, the Technology Advisory Committee, the Dean, and Division
Chairs. We will notify the faculty of which proposals have been selected by the end of November.
Project Coordinator
Kitty Rutledge, IT Services Client Services Manager, will coordinate the iPad project. Please direct any
questions about the project to Kitty at rutledgk@wabash.edu, x6174.
Program Web Site
See www.wabash.edu/technology/ipad for more information and ongoing updates about the iPad
program. In addition to information about our own program, the site has links to iPad programs at
other institutions.
iPad Project Proposal, Fall 2014
Course Number and Name
Student Enrollment
For your proposal, please answer the following questions. Feel free to include any additional
information or materials that you believe would be helpful in assessing your proposal. If you would like
to discuss your proposal or talk about how you might most effectively use iPads in your course, or if you
would like to borrow an iPad to help with preparing your proposal, please contact Kitty Rutledge at
rutledgk@wabash.edu, x6174.
Send your completed proposal to Jamie Ross at rossja@wabash.edu by May 30, 2014.
1. Describe your course. Please include subject matter focus, learning goals, and sample course
2. How will you use iPads in this course to enhance student engagement and learning?
3. What iPad “apps” will be required for this course? If you’re not sure of which specific apps would
work best for your needs, describe the functionality you need, and IT Services can help you evaluate
available apps.