MGMT 3080 14 Stress vs Pressure Key Points

MGMT 3080
Stress vs Pressure
Key Points
Stress = Pressure – Control
stress is bad – according to wikipedia, “in medical terms, stress is a physical or psychological
stimulus that can produce mental or physiological reactions that may lead to illness.”
pressure is situational and is good. pressure can motivate us to get things done.
stress results when we are under pressure and we lose control
when feeling stressed it is natural to discuss the situation (the pressure).
instead focus on the “lack of control”
loss of control can be a PHYSICAL condition (ex. poor health, diet, sleep)
or a PSCHYOLOGICAL condition (lack of confidence, or self-depreciating talk)
don’t focus on the situation focus on the control aspect.
add your own notes/details below – go beyond simple recall KNOWLEDGE.
ask yourself do you COMPREHEND the theory above? can you APPLY the theory in another situation.
can you break the theory down (ANALYSIS) or even combine it with other theories (SYNTHESIS).