University Safety Office Checklists Safety Office Updated September 2008 This general health and safety checklist is not exhaustive – and is provided as a general guide only for Schools / Services to follow during their own internal inspections of facilities. If you want a specific list to be generated for any given area of activity please contact the University Safety Office and let us know what you want. Health and Safety Check List Topic Issues Management Section University Safety Policy and School Safety Policy; Local Rules. Has a School Safety Policy been documented and does this link in with the University Safety Policy? Are the policies suitably up to date? Are they available to all staff? Are responsibilities identified for controlling of significant hazards and risks? Are arrangements to control risks been identified and documented? Commitment. Is there a commitment to allocating adequate resources for health and safety? Do senior managers support health and safety initiatives? Have School Safety Officers School Safety Officer been identified, trained and School Biological Safety Supervisor where required are active? School Radiation Safety Supervisor School GM Chair Inspection and Improvements. Is there evidence of action being taken to make improvements to health and safety and are plans based on previous safety audits and inspections? Are the programmes on schedule? Communication. Are employees consulted and informed about health and safety issues that affect them? Comments Health and Safety Check List Topic Is there a health and safety training programme? Risk Assessment: Have risk assessments been carried out and implemented for your school activities? Safe Systems of work, protocols and review existing procedures. Health, safety and control of contractors. Issues Are employees inducted and informed about reporting systems, defects, concerns, accidents, etc? Do employees have access to health and safety information, e.g. risk assessments and safe methods of work? Is there cooperation between your and other departments to identify and resolve specific problems? Is there suitable training for all School / Service Managers? Is there suitable training for all School / Service Supervisors? Is there suitable training for all other School / Service staff? Is there suitable training for all School Students where specific Safety training is required beyond that provided in their courses of study? General Activities COSHH BIOCOSHH GM Are standard operating procedures identified and available where required? Are safe systems distributed and communicated to all in the School / Service that need to use them? Are safe systems actually followed by people in the School / Service and how do you demonstrate this? Are more safe systems of work required in the School / Service? Are suitable controls in place for the management of contractors in the School / Service? Are the controls observed and functioning properly and how do you demonstrate this? Comments Health and Safety Check List Topic Issues General Section Accidents, Ill Health and Dangerous Occurrences. Are arrangements in place to record, report, investigate and implement any corrective actions following an accident? Are arrangements in place to proactively monitor accident trends over time and take appropriate actions? Display Screen Equipment. Are arrangement in place to ensure that regular DSE users receive instruction on the safe set up / use and assessment of their workstation, and that the information required by the USO website are met? Control of Substances Are arrangements in place to ensure Hazardous to Health. that any hazardous substance is identified and assessed and any necessary controls are put in place, including emergency information, e.g. first aid, where necessary? Are their arrangements in place to ensure that hazardous substances are used, transported and stored correctly? Are the stores suitable and are the controls employed adequate? Manual Handling. Are arrangements in place to assess Lifting, carrying and supporting significant manual handling activities of loads. and implement measures to eliminate or minimise the risk? Wherever possible is equipment provided, e.g. trolleys, to minimise the risks? Are arrangements in place to train and instruct employees involved in carrying out significant manual handling? First Aid. Are sufficient First Aiders identified Not every School has to have a for the School / Service activities? trained first-aider, but there Include field trips and out of hours should be ready access to activities. equipment and trained staff – Is there suitable first aid equipment in see the "Emergency place in the School / Service? Comments Health and Safety Check List Topic Arrangements posters. Issues Is the first aid equipment in date and maintained in an accessible form? Welfare Facilities. Are there a sufficient number of clean toilets and washbasins in addition to hot and cold running water, hand drying facilities, sanitary disposal facilities and accessible facilities where required? Are drinking water and hot water facilities available? Are changing rooms provided where necessary where employees can change into their special clothing for work? In labs are the hand wash sinks separate from the lab process sinks? Is their provision for eating meals? This could be desks in clean offices. Personal Protective Equipment Are arrangements in place to ensure (P.P.E.) that the correct type and standard of PPE is selected? Are there arrangements in place to ensure that employees know which type of PPE to use and how to use it? Are arrangements in place to ensure that PPE is cleaned by the School and kept in good condition? Vehicles and Pedestrians: Are traffic and pedestrian routes Arrangements for complying separated as far as possible? with the Transportation policy. Are they arrangements for ensuring transport of students and others safely? Do you have a list of all employees using their own cars for work and have you ensured they have completed the Care Drivers Assurance Form? Have you ensured employees using University owned / hired vehicles have completed Insurances assurance forms? Violence and Aggression: Are there arrangements for safe Have procedures been visitor access? Comments Health and Safety Check List Topic Issues implemented to control risks of violence and aggression at work, including community work? Do meeting rooms / receptions have controls installed and can interviewers call for assistance immediately? Are external parts of the premises secure and access routes well lit? Are appropriate actions / reactions identified to control risks with those who work in the community? Workshops: Who has access to the workshops, Does the School / Service have and who is restricted? workshops? Are people with permission to use the workshops identified and trained? Are restrictions enforced? Are checks carried out to see if they are observed? Machinery and Equipment: Are they maintained? Are arrangements in place to Are safety guards in place and are ensure that potentially they inspected regularly and hazardous machinery and documented? equipment is safe? Are operatives trained? Have you assessed the risk of hand and arm vibration and implemented appropriate controls to mitigate the risk? Have you assessed the noise produced and implemented appropriate controls to mitigate? Are arrangements in place to ensure students are adequately supervised while using hazardous equipment? Fire Safety Fire Action. Is there a written Fire Action Plan for the building? A generic fire plan is available from the USO. Are ALL occupiers, including visitors, aware of the actions to take in the event of fire? Are there adequate Fire Wardens? This includes covering lunches, sickness and leave. Is there someone overall in-charge – A Fire Marshal? Comments Health and Safety Check List Topic Issues Comments Are all Fire Wardens & Marshals trained? Training is available from the USO. Fire Alarms. Are the fire alarms audible? Are they tested WEEKLY by Portering / University Staff? Means of Escape: Are the routes available at ALL Includes all corridors, stairways times? and external escape routes. Are ALL doors on escape routes unlocked at the start of the working day? This includes double-leaf doors held in place by drop-down bolts. Are escape routes clear of ALL . storage materials? Are fire doors closing properly? Are fire doors being wedged open? Are electronic door mechanisms (mag-locks) linked to the fire alarm to fail-safe in the open / unlocked position? Are procedures, Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans – PEEP’s, in place for assisting disabled staff / students out of the building? Are Evac Chairs available and are staff trained in their use? Fire Drills: Has an annual fire drill been carried Should be at least annual – See out and has it been recorded? University Safety Policy for Have staff received Basic Fire general rules and Fire Safety: Training? Guidance for Staff. Training can be provided by the USO. Do all new staff receive Induction Training, which includes: location of fire equipment, escape routes, raising the alarm and calling the fire brigade? Is all fire training recorded? Statutory Inspections Are the necessary specific Fixed and mobile lifting equipment, statutory inspections / test e.g. passenger lifts, mechanical arrangements to be carried out hoists? Health and Safety Check List Topic Issues by specialist contractors in place for the following equipment where installed / used in the premises? Pressure Systems, e.g. steam heating systems, autoclaves, compressed air systems / air receivers? Have these been notified to the University Engineer for inclusion in the insurance surveyor's programme? Has all Local Exhaust Ventilation (specialist ventilation systems to remove hazardous substances such as gases or dusts) been tested? Has any fixed specialist fall protection equipment fitted to a building, e.g. running lines, fixed anchor points for harnesses been inspected and tested? Premises Asbestos. Asbestos was extensively used in building fabrics until 1999 where the use of all asbestos containing materials became illegal to be used. Notices and Signs. Lighting. Heating. Ventilation. Is the Asbestos survey available for viewing? Do you provide information to contractors where the school have carried out work itself? Have employees been informed about areas where asbestos is located and the necessary controls to maintain safety? Is all work on asbestos planned and organised by Estates? Are they clear and unambiguous? Are Fire Action Notices located at all break-glass call points? Are suitable signs located adjacent to green break-glass boxes explaining actions how to open in an emergency? Is it subjectively acceptable? Note DSE assessments also include notes on the quality as well as quantity of lighting. Is it a subjectively acceptable and a "reasonable" temperature? Is it subjectively acceptable? In some areas there is a need for quantitative testing of ventilation as a risk management precaution. Comments Health and Safety Check List Topic Issues Housekeeping. Is the area suitably clean, free of obstructions, damaged carpets and other tripping hazards? Are the flooring surfaces suitably non-slip for the activities (bearing in mind the foresee ability of spills and wet surfaces etc)? Is storage an issue leading to safety problems? (Overhead, obstructing routes, causing clutter under desks, etc.) Are the means of access in a suitable condition for the workplace concerned? In the case of temporary workplaces (such as scaffolds) or places accessed by ladder etc, are the means of access clearly identified with labels and ID numbers for inspection purposes? Are stepladders / ladders of industrial specification and not for domestic use? Are the means of access subject to an inspection programme which is documented and available? Is there use limited to authorised staff having received appropriate instruction and / or training? Is out-of-hours use being controlled? If so how and is it working? Are arrangements in place to ensure that gas appliances and associated equipment such as flues are maintained according to the manufacturer instructions? Are arrangements in place to ensure a competent person maintains the equipment? Are gas cylinders identified on your fire plan? Have you, where possible, removed the need for cylinders in your premise or installed appropriate testing and alarm arrangements? Means of Access: Especially Floors, Passages, Stairs, Ladders/Scaffolds. Gas and Gas Cylinders. Comments Health and Safety Check List Topic Issues Are manufacturers instructions used for the day to day use of gas appliances and cylinders? Pressure Systems. Are pressure systems being examined as part of the insurance surveyors programme / scheme, and is their current condition satisfactory? Are manufacturer instructions used for the day to day use of pressure systems? Electricity. What are the arrangements for checking and testing portable equipment? Are the arrangements being observed? How do you demonstrate this? Are suitable records being kept? Are they up to date, updated and examined for changes at the subsequent PAT inspection? Emergency Procedures. Have the worst reasonably Do you need additional foreseeable contingencies been Emergency Procedures beyond identified? those operating at the Are plans in existence for such University level? contingencies? (e.g. Specific Chemical or Is the unattended experiments Biological Hazards, specific procedure being observed? fire / explosion risks.)? Other Health and Safety Risks Are arrangements in place to manage other significant health and safety risks not covered in this checklist? Comments