CONSUMER CREDIT DEPENDENCY: AN EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH TO MEASURING POVERTY AND THE IMPACTS OF WELFARE POLICY A Thesis Presented to the faculty of the Department of Economics California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in Economics by Stephanie N. Monjaraz FALL 2013 © 2013 Stephanie N. Monjaraz ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii CONSUMER CREDIT DEPENDENCY: AN EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH TO MEASURING POVERTY AND THE IMPACTS OF WELFARE POLICY A Thesis by Stephanie N. Monjaraz Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Terri Sexton, Ph.D. __________________________________, Second Reader Suzanne O’Keefe, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date iii Student: Stephanie N. Monjaraz I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator ___________________ Kristin Kiesel, Ph.D. Date Department of Economics iv Abstract of CONSUMER CREDIT DEPENDENCY: AN EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH TO MEASURING POVERTY AND THE IMPACTS OF WELFARE POLICY by Stephanie N. Monjaraz Consumer debt has risen at an average annual rate of 4.1 percent over the last 20 years and while that is not in itself shocking, when compared to the average annual growth of the family household income which has only grown by an annual average rate of 0.6 percent over the same time period the width of the gap between consumer debt and income growth is. Given this large outweigh, this study argues that the official poverty threshold should be revised and account for this modern debt conundrum. This study uses longitudinal data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and estimates the effect specific welfare policies have on alternative poverty measures. We contribute to the literature by statistically evaluating a new experimental poverty measure, debt poor, which accounts for the negative impact interest payments, on non-mortgage debt, have on a household’s disposable income. The 17 welfare policies analyzed in this study directly impact poverty and are grouped into three categories: eligibility requirements, financial incentives to work, and time limits. State-level, household-level and women specific entity and time fixed effects were specified for over 7,000 households residing in 48 v different states during 2001-2009. The results indicate that financial incentives to work and time limits have significant and robust effects on alternative poverty measures. States with stricter time limit policies reduce poverty by 0.06-0.9 percentage points. While states with time limit exemptions for ill/incapacitated individuals increases poverty 0.07 percentage points. Suggesting that the existing welfare programs actually encourage individuals to remain on welfare Overall, the results are mixed. Nonetheless, the concept of welfare policies impacting debt poor households should not be ignored. Future studies should reevaluate an experimental poverty measure that considers interest payments on consumer debt. _______________________, Committee Chair Terri Sexton, Ph.D. _______________________ Date vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS There are a few people who I would like to thank and recognize for all of their efforts in helping me succeed. First I would like to thank Dr. Sexton and Dr. O’Keefe for all their support and dedication during the progression of this thesis. I am very privileged to have had these professors commit their summer to my research and grateful for all their feedback. Throughout my coursework at Sacramento State, these professors taught me the fundamentals of microeconomic theory, the empirical process and applications of econometric techniques. Not only have these two professors shaped my economic framework but so have my previous professors. Thanks to them, I have been able to successfully apply my education in the workforce and my personal life. Secondly, I would like to thank my friends and family for their immeasurable love and support. Being 300-500 miles away, their routine phone calls and various packages have helped me focus on reaching my goals. I would also like to personally thank my friend Jessi for extending her time and impeccable English grammar onto this thesis. Lastly I would like to thank my boyfriend Jake for believing in me, and all of his unimaginable support and commitment. My professors provided me with the fundamentals and Jake pushed me towards publishing my research, without them, I would still be writing…From the bottom of my heart, thank you. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................... vii List of Tables ................................................................................................................ x List of Figures ............................................................................................................. xi Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................1 2. LITERATURE .........................................................................................................8 2.1 Poverty Literature: Specific Welfare Policies............................................10 2.2 Experimental Poverty Measures ................................................................13 3. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................18 3.1 Methodology for Calculating an Experimental Poverty Measure .............19 3.2 Dependent Variables ..................................................................................21 3.3 Independent Variables ...............................................................................23 4. DATA ....................................................................................................................26 4.1 PSID Individual Level Data .......................................................................26 4.2 Urban Institute Welfare Policies ................................................................27 4.3 Explanatory Variables: Welfare Policy Variables .....................................27 4.3.1 Eligibility Requirements ...................................................................28 4.3.2 Financial Incentives to Work ............................................................30 4.3.3 Time Limits.......................................................................................35 4.4 Explanatory Variables: Macroeconomic Controls .....................................36 viii 4.5 Household Demographic Variables ...........................................................40 5. EMPIRICAL MODEL..........................................................................................41 5.1 Fixed Effects Model ...................................................................................42 5.2 Probability Models: Logit and Probit ........................................................43 5.3 Fixed Effects Logit Model .........................................................................44 5.4 Ensuring Robust Estimates ........................................................................45 6. RESULTS .............................................................................................................47 6.1 Poverty Rates: Fixed Effects Models .........................................................47 6.2 Experimental Measures: Two-way Fixed Effects Logit Model .................55 7. CONCLUSION.....................................................................................................64 Appendix A. State-Level Entity Effects ....................................................................69 Appendix B. Additional Tables .................................................................................70 References ....................................................................................................................73 ix LIST OF TABLES Tables Page 1. 2001-2009 Average State Poverty Rates and Measures ................................... 23 2. Datasets and Sources Summary ........................................................................ 26 3. Brief Description of Time Limit Policies ......................................................... 35 4. Inflation Adjusted Explanatory Variables, 2009 Dollars .................................. 36 5. Two-way State-level Random Effects Models ................................................. 54 6. Household-Level Fixed Effects Logit Model ................................................... 60 7. Household-Level Fixed Effects Odds Ratios .................................................... 61 x LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page 1. Total Consumer Credit in U.S., A Two Decade Outlook, Seasonally Adjusted 2 2. Commercial Bank Interest Rate on Credit Card Plans........................................ 8 3. Percentage Change in the U.S. Official Poverty Thresholds by Family Size ... 20 4. U.S. Total Number of TANF Recipient Caseloads per Year, in Thousands .... 24 5. State Average Number of Returns Receiving the Earned Income Tax Credit . 34 6. Average Annual Unemployment Rate .............................................................. 37 7. 2001-2009 Gross State Product Per Capita by State ......................................... 37 8. Fair Market Rents Growth Rate, 2001-2009..................................................... 38 9. 2001-2009 Gini Coefficient per State ............................................................... 39 10. Logit and Probit Predicted Residuals ................................................................ 43 xi 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Orshansky (1969) once said, “Poverty, like beauty, lies in the eyes of the beholder”. Indeed, this seemingly harsh and judgmental statement is bounded with truth. Poverty is an unfortunate burden that many American families face. Yet, the working definition of what defines poverty is archaic and really does not accurately reflect the struggles of low-income households who do not meet these guidelines. In fact, the definition of poverty dates back to the 1960s and in the recent literature has been challenged (HHS, 2012). According to the 1995 National Academy of Sciences’ (NAS) poverty recommendations, the official poverty threshold is ineffective at capturing true poverty in this new century and must be redefined. Every year the poverty threshold is adjusted for inflation using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). However, societal changes cannot solely be captured by changes in baskets of consumer goods. Changes that directly affect disposable income should be considered when measuring poverty. According to the Federal Reserve Bank G 19 report, in 2011 the average U.S household credit card debt was $15,580; and approximately 46.7 percent of households had credit card debt (FRB, 2012). In 1960 Americans’ personal debt amounted to roughly 55 percent of national income and by 2007 it elevated to 133 percent (Brooks, 2009). Given this rise in consumer debt, the U.S. poverty threshold should reflect the prevalence of debt in American society. Consequently, this study argues that the official poverty threshold should be revised and applies an experimental approach to defining and 2 measuring poverty. Figure 1 demonstrates the time path revolving and non-revolving consumer debt has taken over the past twenty-three years. Figure 1: Total Consumer Credit in U.S., A Two Decade Outlook, Seasonally Adjusted 2,500,000 Revolving Non-Revolving Dollars 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 1990-01 1990-12 1991-11 1992-10 1993-09 1994-08 1995-07 1996-06 1997-05 1998-04 1999-03 2000-02 2001-01 2001-12 2002-11 2003-10 2004-09 2005-08 2006-07 2007-06 2008-05 2009-04 2010-03 2011-02 2012-01 2012-12 0 Year Source: FRB G19, 2012 The poverty threshold is estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau, and is still calculated using Orshansky’s1963 method. In essence, Orshansky derived food budgets for families under economic stress. Using food consumption and expenditure data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, minimum food intake/costs were then estimated, and framed the poverty threshold (Short, 2012). Today this method is still used to estimate poverty, the CPI is used to account for inflation and different thresholds are now calculated that vary by family size and age. In order to determine who is in poverty, the U.S. Census Bureau compares families’ total (before tax) income to specific thresholds, if a household’s total income is less than the family specific thresholds then they are considered poor. 3 There are numerous limitations with how the poverty threshold is defined; most of these limitations are problematic as they lack the consideration of expenses that directly impact consumers’ total disposable income. These limitations include: taxes, capital gains, social security, and noncash benefits (i.e. public housing, and transfer payments). However, a major limitation is that the thresholds do not vary geographically. Differences across counties’ and states’ cost of living are not considered. For instance, in 2012 a single member household in San Francisco and Sacramento CA, with the same total income, would be considered poor under the same threshold (income less than $11,170). Clearly, the cost of living in San Francisco is significantly higher than in Sacramento. As a result, geographic differences such as cost-of-living standards should be considered when estimating a poverty threshold. This study uses the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Fair Market Rents (FMR) as a proxy for estimating how cost of living differences across states, impact various poverty measures. This thesis contributes to the literature by developing an experimental approach to poverty and examining how specific welfare policies affect alternative poverty measures. The experimental approach involves analyzing a poverty rate that considers interest payments on non-mortgage debt. Additionally, in order to relate the findings in this study to the literature, the official U.S Census poverty rate was also examined. Seventeen comprehensive and specific welfare policies are evaluated and are based on McKernan and Ratcliffe’s (2006) conceptual framework. All seventeen welfare policies were grouped into three categories: eligibility requirements, financial incentives to work, and time limits. Most of these policy variables are indicator variables. However a few are 4 measured in real dollars, percentages and as categorical variables. Moreover, examining how specific welfare policies affect alternative poverty outcomes is extremely important as the variation in welfare policies over time, and within states, can capture the uncertain relationship between policy and poverty. Annual household data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamic (PSID) was used for deriving the experimental poverty measures. The data extends from 2001-2009 and uses various economic variables to control for the 2008 housing crisis. As welfare policies impact households and states differently, household-level entity effects and statelevel entity effects were used to outline two main model specifications. These model specifications estimate five different poverty outcomes which are grouped as rates or binary variables. In particular, the first specification uses a fixed effects model, with state-level entity and time effects, to examine how specific welfare policies affect five poverty rates. While the second uses a fixed effect logit model, with household-level entity and time effects, to examine how specific welfare policies affect five binary poverty outcomes. State and household entity effects are specified, in order to estimate how specific welfare policies affect alternative entity-groups and poverty outcomes. The application of using an experimental poverty measure that considers the cost of serving non-mortgage debt as an outcome, when analyzing specific welfare policies, is a new contribution to the literature. The experimental poverty measures derived in this study adjust the head of household’s total (before-tax) annual income by the cost of servicing non-mortgage debt, denoted as debt poor. If the debt-adjusted income levels are below the corresponding 5 family size poverty threshold then the household is considered debt poor. Additionally, the sample was restricted to specifically capture how single female head of households with dependents were affected by this debt poor measure. This study uses four outcome variables that are specific to female households and various demographics (i.e. education and race). The experimental poverty measure examined in this study is conservative because it is based on survey data and participants are more likely to underestimate their total non-mortgage debt. Alternative poverty specifications are thoroughly analyzed in this study in order to statistically estimate how specific welfare policies affect various poverty outcomes. Unlike the bulk of the literature, this study examines individual welfare policies. Prior studies have examined the overall effect welfare reform (i.e. total caseloads) have on poverty, employment, and income. However, the results indicate no significant effect and in many cases, have contradicting results. When evaluating panel data, fixed effects are preferable to random effects as they control for all omitted time-invariant differences across states. One popular approach for testing the validity of the fixed effects is the Hausman test. According to the Hausman test all of the derived poverty rates with state-level entity effects were collinear, except the U.S. Census poverty rates. This indicates that the sample does not have enough within variation across state entities. Moreover, when state-level entity and time effects are specified, the random effects strongly explain the variation in these experimental poverty rates. Contrary, when evaluating individual-level entity effects in the logit models, the 6 Hausman test suggests that the fixed effects are valid and explain 35 percent of the variation within entities. The results suggest that financial incentives to work and time limit welfare policies are large determinants of poverty and are statistically significant in explaining the variation in poverty rates. For instance, when considering how state-level entity and time effects impact the official poverty rates, the results suggest that states with intermittent time limit policies decrease poverty by 0.06-0.9 percentage points, (p<0.01). This suggests that states with stricter time limit requirements decrease poverty, as limiting welfare benefits makes a recipient more inclined to enter the labor force. These results are intuitive and are consistent with McKernan and Ratcliffe’s (2006) study. After examining the state-level and household-level fixed effects estimated models, the overall results did not appear robust or consistent. However, when examining each model specification group individually, robustness was apparent, indicating that when controlling for state and household-level fixed effects, welfare policies have varying and inconclusive impacts on poverty. Prior studies that have examined overall welfare reform (i.e. TANF caseloads) effects on poverty have also found contradicting results. Thus, to a limited extent, these results shed some light on the fact that welfare might have a direct impact on poverty when state-level and individual-level entity effects are specified. By examining specific welfare policies, this study illustrates how different policies have varying effects on poverty. Moreover if researchers simply estimate overall welfare caseloads, the actual impact may be dismissed. 7 The remaining sections are as follows; chapter two discusses the literature on the modern debt conundrum, welfare reform studies, and the literature on experimental poverty measures. Chapter three follows with the experimental poverty methodology, providing an extensive discussion of how the experimental poverty measure was derived. Chapter four describes the data and focuses primarily on defining the welfare policies and control variables. Chapter five follows by defining two empirical models analyzed in this study and includes an overview on the steps taken in order to ensure efficient estimators. Lastly, chapter six present the results, and chapter seven ends discussing the conclusions, caveats, and future extensions. 8 Chapter 2 LITERATURE Borrowing and credit have become an integral part of society, according to the Federal Reserve Board, “the percentage of families holding credit cards issued by banks has risen from about 16 percent in 1970 to about 71 percent in 2004” (FBR, 2006). Overall, the previous research concerning consumer debt is extensive and primarily focused on why credit has become a modern phenomenon. Figure 2 illustrates the trend of commercial bank interest rate on consumer credit cards. Prior research suggests that the rise in consumer credit dependency is a result of telecommunications, data processing (FRB, 2006; Clemmitt, 2008; and Ruben, 2009), deregulation of interest rates (Christen and Morgan, 2005; FRB, 2006), and income inequality (Rajan, 2010; Azzimonti, et al (2012); Pressman and Scott, 2009). Figure 2 : Commercial Bank Interest Rate on Credit Card Plans Percent 15% 13% 1995-02 1995-11 1996-08 1997-05 1998-02 1998-11 1999-08 2000-05 2001-02 2001-11 2002-08 2003-05 2004-02 2004-11 2005-08 2006-05 2007-02 2007-11 2008-08 2009-05 2010-02 2010-11 2011-08 2012-05 2013-02 11% Year Source: FRB G.19 Report, 2013 9 Pressman and Scott (2009), motivated by the current rise in consumer debt, develop a new strategy for measuring poverty and income inequality in the United States. Unlike previous studies, Pressman and Scott consider the effect interest payments have on consumer welfare. Using 1983-2007 data from the Federal Reserve Board’s Survey of Consumer Finances, Pressman and Scott use household total revolving debt to estimate how servicing debt impacts the household’s total annual income. In particular, by subtracting household’s annual interest payments on revolving/non-revolving debt from total income, a debt poor measure was derived. A household is then considered ‘debt poor’ if they lie below the official poverty threshold. Additionally, using this same interest payment adjusted income measure, Pressman and Scott estimate income inequality by deriving a new Gini Coefficient1. Their results indicate that during 1983-2007, roughly 4 million US citizens were ‘debt poor’ but not officially considered poor since they lied above the poverty threshold. Furthermore, Pressman and Scott argue that the current poverty and income inequality measures are faulty and must be redefined. However, because Pressman and Scott did not apply statistical methods to their debt poor measure, policy implications are difficult to motivate. This study attempts to add support and statistical validity to Pressman and Scott’s claim. In particular, this study applies Pressman and Scott’s debt poor methodology and specifies a fixed effects logit model to identify the factors that influence the probability of being debt poor. Moreover, this study derives a debt poor 1 The Gini Coefficient is the ratio of income received by the top 10 percent of household earners relative to the bottom and the ratio of the standard deviation of log income. 10 experimental poverty measure that is supported with economic significance and is compared to the official poverty rate to estimate the marginal effects of debt. Overall, the literature surrounding this modern debt conundrum is extensive (Schooley and Worden (2009); Christen and Morgan (2005); Lee et al. (2007); FRB, (2006)). However, the direct impact that debt has on poverty rates in America is minimal at best. Consequently, this thesis argues that interest payments from total non-mortgage debt should be considered when measuring U.S poverty, as interest payments directly impact a household’s disposable income. Additionally, studies that consider poverty as an outcome are rare. Instead, the literature focuses on welfare caseloads as an outcome. This study contributes to the literature by considering the direct impact that consumer debt has on disposable income and specifies alternative poverty outcomes. Future policy implications can be assessed as this study estimates the effect of 17 specific welfare policies on a debt-adjusted poverty measure and the official poverty rate. 2.1 – Poverty Literature: Specific Welfare Policies The literature examining poverty as an outcome is limited and in many cases insignificant. According to McKernan and Ratcliffe (2006), the bulk of poverty research tends to focus on the impact of welfare reform on earnings, total caseloads (i.e. aid and filings), employment, but not poverty (Ziliak, Gundersen, & David, 2000; Zedlewski, 2001; & Moffitt, 1999). Most of these studies provide mixed and insignificant results as they tend to focus on comprehensive state and federal welfare reform measures, and not specific policies. Examining specific welfare policies is optimal as some policies may 11 have inverse effects on poverty and analyzing a comprehensive measure may not disclose the individual policy effects. McKernan and Ratcliffe (2006), examine the effect of 19 specific welfare policies on deep poverty and poverty for never married mothers and children of never married mothers. These 19 selected policies are measured on a monthly basis from 1986-2000, and are grounded in a conceptual framework that is based on how policies can influence poverty. Welfare reform and social/economic demographic data are primarily aggregated from the Survey of Income Program Participation (SIPP) and the 1996-2010 Urban Institute’s Welfare Rules database. McKernan and Ratcliffe (2006) use a weighted least squares model and apply state-specific and time fixed effects when analyzing welfare policies. Including time and entity fixed effects allows the variation over time and across states to capture the relationship between policy and poverty. Their results coincide with their hypotheses and are robust. Their results suggest that more generous financial incentives to work and lenient eligibility requirements for welfare recipients reduce deep poverty. Their results are intuitive as more lenient eligibility requirements should lower the poverty rate because families can supplement earnings with welfare payments. This thesis considers the same welfare policies as the McKernan and Ratcliffe (2006) study. However, unlike McKernan and Ratcliffe, this study contributes to the literature by investigating how specific welfare policies affect both the traditional U.S poverty rate and a debt poor experimental poverty rate. 12 Similar to the bulk of the literature, Blank (1997) examines various determinates that led to the growth in public assistance caseloads during 1977-1997, and primarily focuses on the participation in Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program. Blank analyzes the effect that eligibility requirements had on total caseload benefits. According to Blank, caseloads are measured as the product of the number of eligible participants and the take-up rate2. Two approaches are used for measuring takeup rates and are defined as administrative and Current Population Survey (CPS) take-up rates. The administrative take-up rate is measured by dividing actual caseload data by eligibility estimates. The CPS take-up rate is measured by taking the CPS-determined AFDC usage data and dividing it by eligibility. Blank derived four main logged dependent variables: AFDC for two parent families (AFDC-Basic), AFDC for unemployed parents (AFDC-Up), AFDC-Total, and AFDC for child only cases as a share of the female population (AFDC-Child Only). Utilizing an OLS weighted regression with weights contingent on state population. Her study includes various control variables (i.e. state specific minimum wage, and unemployment rate) that help better predict the underlying trend in rising caseloads. State specific explanatory variables such as the percentage of immigrant population, average household demographics, unemployment, and private/public health insurance are also evaluated. The results indicate that during 1984-1995, increases in caseload benefits were due to changes in eligibility requirements. However, overall, Blank’s study fails to reveal 2 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, take-up rates measure employer-provided Medicare plans. Take-up rates are a subset of the participation rate, which is the percentage of workers who are covered by the plan. Unlike the participation rate, take-up rates narrowly identify only those workers who have access to the plan (Kronson, 2009). 13 statistically significant results, indicating that perhaps her specification was inadequate in explaining the drastic changes in public assistance caseloads. The main limitations of Blank’s study rest on the data and methodology. According to Blank (1996) the data used to examine the changes in caseloads over time consist of multiple sources that were pooled together. For instance, one aggregated measure of AFDC caseloads consists of annual state data from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (1969-1980), the Department of Health, and Human Services (1982-1993), and the Urban Institute 1981-1996 dataset. These multiple data sources impose bias into Blank’s study due to systematic differences in methodologies and measurement error. Panel techniques, such as fixed effects, were integrated into Blank’s study yet the data were pooled from various cross-sectional and time series sources. Unlike Blank’s study, this thesis mitigates measurement bias by using one strongly balanced panel dataset from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) when measuring key outcome variables. 2.2 – Experimental Poverty Measures Historically, experimental poverty measures attempt to capture the underestimated poor population that the official U.S poverty rate fails to evaluate. Many of these experimental measures include examining after tax income, impacts of the Earned Income Tax Credit (Grogger, 2004b), child support expenditures (Wong and Wong, 2004), and various transfer payments. All such measures try to incorporate the impact they have on household total annual income. However, interest payments on nonmortgage debt also reduce a household’s disposable income. This study contributes to 14 the literature by considering a new experimental poverty measure, debt poor, which has not been statistically evaluated. Iceland et al. (2001) examine the effects of welfare reform on poverty using an alternative experimental measure that is based on the 1995 National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recommendations. These recommendations include adjusting the U.S. official poverty rate by noncash government benefits, taxes, out-of pocket medical expenditures, job-related expenses, and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Since poverty measurements are based on family income and size thresholds, not on work status, Iceland et al. contributes to the literature by constructing an experimental poverty measure that estimates a ‘family-based’ work status threshold. Accordingly, a full-time working family is defined as working at least 1,750 hours per year, whereas a part-time working family works 50-1,750 hours annually. Moreover, Iceland et al. focus on working families with children and examine the effect welfare policies have on both the official and experimental poverty rates. Similarly, this thesis considers the NAS poverty recommendations, when developing the debt poor framework, particularly examining how the EITC impacts debt poor households. Iceland et al. (2001) use the 1998 Current Population Survey to derive a new poverty rate and to analyze the official poverty rate and welfare policies. Their findings suggest that the official poverty rate underestimates poverty. In particular, in 1997 the U.S poverty rate was 13.3 percent, while their alternative measure was 16.1 percent. Iceland et al. argue that child care costs greatly outweigh food stamps and other noncash 15 benefits. Indeed, the U.S poverty threshold does a poor job of accounting for the many struggling families. Short and Garner (2002) estimate an experimental poverty measure that considers how medical expenditures for different households (i.e. grouped by size, race, and age) impact income. Short & Garner examine two experimental measures that consider medical out-of-pocket expenditures (MOOP) and compare them to the official poverty rate3. Moreover these two measures consider medical out-of-pocket expenses subtracted from income (MSI), and medical out-of-pocket expenses added to the threshold (MIT). Their results indicate that in 2000 the poverty rate in the U.S. would have been 0.5-0.9 percentage points higher if out-of-pocket medical expenses were considered4. When considering medical out-of-pocket costs for different demographic groups, Short and Gardner find that, relative to the official poverty rate, the experimental poverty rate for the elderly is higher, whereas children and African Americans experience lower poverty rates. Some of these results are intuitive, however most are unclear, hence further research needs to explore alternative poverty measures. Similarly, this thesis attempts to measure how health insurance (private versus public) explains the variation in the number of debt poor households and considers various household characteristics when examining the prevalence of debt and poverty. However, due to data restrictions and a lack of variation, the effect private/public insurance has on poverty could not be examined. In 3 Medical out-of-pocket expenditures include health insurance premiums, medical services, drugs, and medical supplies. According to Short and Garner, the method for deriving MOOP is complex and involves using the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey. 4 In 2000 the U.S. poverty rate was 11.3 percent, MSI and MIT experimental poverty measures were 12.2 and 12.7. 16 particular, less than one percent of the population provided data on health insurance. Therefore, health insurance could not be evaluated. According to the U.S Census, in 2004 the national poverty rate for single female head of households with dependent children (30.5%) was nearly three times larger than the overall aggregate (12.7%). As a consequence, in some specifications, I will restrict the sample to single female heads of households with at least two children and derive four additional debt poor measures that examine how education and race impact poverty. The restricted single female household sample will be used to capture the marginal effect that debt has on single women with more than one child relative to the entire sample. Furthermore, given the rise in consumer debt, it is imperative to analyze an experimental measure of poverty that considers the impact that debt has on household disposable income. In order to forecast and gauge the potential future spending in welfare programs, a poverty rate that considers interest payments from non-mortgage debt must be considered. This study considers the debt conundrum and evaluates how state and household fixed effects contribute to the variation in an experimental poverty measure. By examining the empirical effect specific welfare policies have on debt poor households this thesis contributes a new poverty approach to the literature. Using two different model specifications ten poverty outcomes are considered: five poverty rates and five binary poverty measures. The poverty rates outcomes use a fixed effects model with state-level entity effects while the binary poverty measures specify a fixed effects logit model with individual-level entity effects. Because poverty is highest amongst women, the binary 17 poverty outcomes were restricted to a women-specific sample and used for evaluating an unrestricted sample. 18 Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY Poverty in the United States is calculated by comparing a household’s total (before tax) income to a specific poverty threshold. According to the Department of Health and Human Services the Census calculates various poverty thresholds that vary by family size and age. The methodology for deriving these thresholds coincides with Orshansky’s 1963 poverty definition and is adjusted annually by the CPI (HHS, 2013). This study uses two official poverty rates from the U.S. Census, calculates five binary experimental poverty measures and three experimental poverty rates. These measures are used for estimating the effect specific welfare policies have on alternative poverty outcomes. This study primarily focuses on how robust the attained results are with McKernan and Ratcliffe’s (2006) study and understanding how these results change when the prevalence of interest payments on non-mortgage debt is considered. Unlike the official poverty rate, prior to comparing a household’s total annual income to the specific poverty threshold, annual interest payments from total nonmortgage debt were subtracted from the head of household’s total annual income. If this annual adjusted income variable is below the specific poverty threshold then the household is considered debt poor. The following sections describe how the debt poor dependent variable was derived. Because an experimental poverty measure that considers interest payments from debt has never been evaluated, the proceeding sections are extensive. 19 3.1– Methodology for Calculating an Experimental Poverty Measure According to Pressman and Scott (2009) the annual interest payment on credit card debt can be calculated by multiplying the individual’s annual debt by its associated interest rate. Following this approach, average interest rates from commercial banks were obtained from the Federal Reserve Board’s (FRB) G19 consumer report. Moreover, by using family level data from the PSID and the FRB interest rates, the total head of households’ annual interest payments from total non-mortgage, ‘other’, debt was estimated. In order to estimate a poverty measure, the household’s total annual interest payments on other debt was subtracted from their total annual income, see Equation 1. Orshansky’s 1963 poverty thresholds vary from one-member family sizes to nine and are subdivided by age. Evaluating only households younger than 65 with dependents under 18, this thesis was able to estimate the number of households that were below the specific poverty threshold. Figure 3 illustrates how the family size poverty thresholds have changed during 2001-2009. If the ist household in state ‘s’ at time ‘t’ has an interest payment adjusted income less than the specific poverty threshold then the household is considered debt poor, see Equation 2. Equation 1: ๐ด๐๐๐ข๐ ๐ก๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ก = [(๐ก๐๐ก๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ข๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ก ) − (๐๐กโ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ก๐๐ ๐ก ∗ ๐๐๐ก๐๐๐๐ ๐ก ๐๐๐ก๐๐ข.๐ . )] Equation 2: ๐ท๐๐๐ก ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ก = 1 ๐๐ ๐๐๐. ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ก ๐๐ < ๐๐๐ฃ๐๐๐ก๐ฆ ๐กโ๐๐๐ โ๐๐๐๐ ; 0 ๐๐กโ๐๐๐ค๐๐ ๐ 20 Figure 3: Percentage Change in the U.S. Official Poverty Thresholds by Family Size 4.0% 3.5% 2001-02 Percent Change 3.0% 2002-03 2.5% 2003-04 2.0% 2003-04 1.5% 2005-06 1.0% 2006-07 0.5% 2007-08 2008-09 0.0% -0.5% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Family Size Source: U.S. Census, ACS 2013 In order to properly estimate valid experimental poverty measures, a few household characteristics need to be considered. These characteristics include family size, educational attainment, unemployment and marital status. Each household characteristic was grouped and analyzed one at a time. In particular, ‘family size’ is a summation variable that aggregates the number of kids and marital status of the individual household. The number of kids ranges from zero to nine and marital status is described with either a one for not married, or a two for married households. Each poverty threshold varies by year and family size. Consequently, identification variables were generated to match each household’s family size to its corresponding threshold value and year. Moreover, ‘family size’ is used for identifying the households with annual adjusted income that falls below the corresponding poverty threshold. 21 3.2– Dependent Variables The dependent variables in this study consist of rates and binary variables. Five different poverty rates per state are considered, two of which were not derived in this study but collected from the U.S. Census American Community Survey (ACS). The motivation behind including the Census poverty rate is to facilitate an assessment of results attained in McKernan and Ratcliffe’s (2006) study. The remaining three poverty rates were derived using the PSID dataset. These poverty rates include, a PSID state poverty rate that calculates poverty using the same approach as the U.S. Census, an experimental poverty rate that applies the debt poor methodology discussed in section 3.1, and a poverty rate that calculates the marginal effect of serving debt (i.e. the difference between the experimental poverty rate and PSID poverty rate). These PSID poverty rates were estimated by aggregating the total number of households per state and counting the number of households whose income levels (adjusted or unadjusted for interest payments) fell below the specific threshold. Lastly, the remaining dependent variables are binary, and only consider debt poor outcomes. In particular, five binary experimental poverty measures are examined including an overall measure of debt poor households and four women-specific debt poor measures. All four women-specific measures examine a restricted sample of single female households with at least two children. The purpose for these women-specific measures is geared towards capturing the individuals within the sample who are most likely to be truly poor. In particular, according to the literature, single women with children are more likely to be poor, (Fitzgerald and Ribar (2004); Schoeni and Blank 22 (2000); Weber, Edwards, and Duncan’s (2003)). According to the U.S Census, in 2004, the U.S. poverty rate was 12.7 percent. However, when considering only single female heads of households with dependents the poverty rate more than doubled to 30.5 percent (U.S. Census Bureau 2004a, 2004b). As a result, the sample for four binary dependent variables was restricted to single-female households with at least two dependents. All four women-specific dependent variables consider household demographic characteristics, with the exception of the first. Using the same methodology as 3.1, if the interest payment adjusted income levels for single women with at least two children is below the family size threshold, then they are considered debt poor, denoted single1. The second and third poverty measures both consider the base case (single1), education and race. In particular, ‘single2’ considers only non-white females and ‘single3’ evaluates females with education levels less than or equal to 14 years. If a household has less than 14 years of education, ‘single3’ indicates that the individual may have some college experience but no post high school degree. Moreover,‘single3’ will help describe whether a person with only a high school degree, or equivalent, may be more prone to poverty as they would have a harder time competing in the labor force. The last female poverty measure evaluates race and education levels simultaneously, denoted single4. Moreover, ‘single4’ is a combination of the prior measures. Table 1 summarizes the descriptive statistics for all of the experimental poverty measures evaluated in this study. According to Table 1, during 2001-2010, on average, approximately two percent of households were not considered poor when in fact interest payments from non-mortgage debt put them below the poverty line. The mean 23 values for the poverty measures that consider single women are all very similar and range between 2.6 and 3.3 percent. Table 1: 2001-2009 Average State Poverty Rates and Measures Variables Obs. Mean Std. dev Min Max Census Official Poverty Rate 432 0.105 0.031 0.046 0.189 Census Female Poverty Rate 432 0.158 0.036 0.076 0.276 State Poverty Rate 432 0.095 0.067 0.000 0.231 Experimental Poverty Rate 432 0.102 0.072 0.000 0.255 Debt Poor Marginal Effect 432 0.007 0.028 0.000 0.140 Experimental Poverty Measure: All Thresholds Considered Debt Poor (Unrestricted) 76,914 0.130 0.336 0 1 25,164 Debt Poor (Restricted) 0.262 0.440 0 1 Experimental Poverty Measures: Single Women with ≥ Two Dependents* Single1 (Debt Poor Restricted) 25,164 0.262 0.440 0 1 Single2 (non-white) 20,640 0.298 0.457 0 1 Single3 (edu ≤ 14) 22,374 0.289 0.453 0 1 Single4 (non-white & edu≤ 14) 16,281 0.325 0.468 0 1 * Each experimental measure observes single women with at least two kids however; additional characteristics are included and are specified in parentheses. 3.3–Independent Variables Macroeconomic measures and specific welfare policies are important explanatory variables used for analyzing the variation in poverty outcomes over time and within states. Identifying the key determinants of poverty is crucial, especially when poverty is the outcome as economic shocks impact poverty differently. This study uses various macroeconomic variables for examining how income inequality, cost-of-living, state income per capita, unemployment, and a tax credit affect alternative poverty outcomes during 2001-2009. Additionally, examining the effect seventeen specific welfare policies have on poverty is the focus of this study. These policy variables were selected in the 24 analysis because they all impact poverty directly. Furthermore, these key determinants of poverty are characterized along two dimensions, economic controls and welfare policy variables. Details pertaining to these two dimensions are discussed further in chapter 4. However, their motivation and overall hypothesized relationships with poverty are briefly discussed below. According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, during the 1970s, total welfare caseloads began to quickly rise. From 1970 to 1995, welfare caseloads grew at an annual rate of 13 percent. Such drastic growth led to reform, replacing Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Many public policy critics argued that the rising trend illustrated a failure of alleviating poverty. Instead, the AFDC program appeared to be encouraging matriarchy and discouraging work. In any case, TANF generated a welfare reform policy and, in most cases, is believed to be the leading cause of the decrease in total recipient caseloads (see Figure 4). Figure 4: U.S. Total Number of TANF Recipient Caseloads per Year, in Thousands Total Number of Caseloads 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 Source: ACF, HHS Year 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 0 25 This study investigates how welfare policies impact debt poor states and households. Since TANF allows states to implement stricter/looser eligibility requirements for welfare recipients, the policies examined are geared towards reflecting the differences in policies across states. Seventeen welfare policies are examined and were selected using McKernan and Ratcliffe (2006) typologies from the Department of Health and Human Services. Theses typologies were applied in this study because they are known to directly affect poverty. Additionally, economic control variables are important determinants of poverty as fluctuations in income inequality, cost-of-living, Gross State Product (GSP) per capita, and unemployment rate directly impact poverty levels. Improvements in the conditions of the economy are hypothesized to reduce poverty through positive effects on wages and employment. Chapter four discusses these variables more thoroughly. 26 Chapter 4 DATA In order to estimate a model that demonstrates how differences in state specific welfare policies explain the variation in the probability that a household is debt poor, it is imperative to control for unobservable differences across states and over time. As such, this study uses a variety of datasets to derive five experimental poverty measures including longitudinal data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) and the Urban Institute (see Table 2). Table 2: Datasets and Sources Summary Datasets & Sources Main Family Data, PSID Welfare Rules Database (WRD), Urban Institute Regional Data GSP per capita, BEA Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS), BLS Minimum Wage, DOL EITC Data, Brookings Institute Interest Rate Data, Federal Reserve Board (FRB) G19 Unit of Measure Individual family panel State specific panel State level time-series State level time-series State level time-series State level time-series National average time-series *Time period ranges from 2001-2009 and includes both panel and time series datasets 4.1 – PSID Individual Level Data The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) is a longitudinal survey that has been collecting data since 1968. It samples over 18,000 individuals living in 5,000 families nationwide and collects demographic, health and economic status data for each family member (PSID, 2013). Initially households were surveyed on an annual basis however, as of 2001 households have been surveyed on a biennial basis. In this study, 8,546 heads of households from 48 different states are examined over a nine year period (2001-2009). Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are not included in this sample due to a lack of consistent data. Alaska, Hawaii and Vermont were 27 dropped from the sample because the number of surveyed participants was very low. Additionally, this dataset has demographic and economic characteristics for each head of household (i.e. race, gender, education, income, unemployment status, etc). 4.2 – Urban Institute Welfare Policies The Urban Institute began gathering data about state welfare programs in the mid1990s. Due to welfare reform, states’ flexibility in designing and managing welfare programs largely increased and left many policy makers perplexed (WRD, 2013). As a result, the Urban Institute’s Welfare Rules Database is a panel series that collects data on states’ cash assistance programs. In this study, 48 states are observed over nine periods (2001-2009). 4.3– Explanatory Variables: Welfare Policy Variables McKernan and Ratcliffe (2006) examine 19 specific policy variables that were selected using a specific typology strategy that narrowed down the key state program rules that directly affect poverty. These typologies were developed by McKernan and Ratcliffe’s conceptual framework, assistance from the Department of Health and Human Services, and a technical working group.5 Moreover, these 19 specific policies only include welfare related policies that are hypothesized to directly affect poverty in the short and medium run. This study investigates how specific welfare policies affect the variation in the percentage of debt poor households during years preceding, and shortly after, the 2008 economic recession (2001-2009). Since the TANF legislation allows states to implement 5 See Fender, McKernan, and Bernstein (2002) for a detailed description on how these typologies were derived. 28 different eligibility requirements for welfare recipients (i.e. stricter or looser policies), the policies examined in this study are geared towards capturing the differences across state policies. This study analyzes the same 19 specific policies that McKernan and Ratcliffe (2006) examine however, a few policy variables were analyzed differently, or omitted, due to the complexity of their derivations and data availability.6 Following McKernan and Ratcliffe’s study, each specific welfare policy is grouped into three broad categories: eligibility requirements, financial incentives to work, and time limits. Each category includes policies that help capture the variation in welfare policies across different states. In particular, state-level minimum wage directly impacts financial incentives due to labor supply and demand shocks. Table 3 summaries the welfare variables analyzed in this study and their hypothesized effects on poverty are described in Table 4. 4.3.1 – Eligibility Requirements There are three main policy variables that directly impact a state’s eligibility requirement for welfare recipients; family cap, earned income disregards for eligibility tests, and vehicle asset exemption. According to McKernan and Ratcliffe (2006), more lenient eligibility requirements should lower the poverty rate because families can supplement earnings with welfare payments. 6 Each state has welfare policies that vary in max benefits and work requirements for recipients. The earned income disregards while working during month 12 policy variable was omitted from this analysis because McKernan and Ratcliffe only provide their assumptions and not their derivations. There assumptions suggest that multiple welfare variables were used to derive this variable however the details are omitted. Additionally, due to the time consuming process for collecting data, the percentage of Earned Income Tax Credit (refundable) was not analyzed. 29 (1) Family Cap: States with family cap policies deny eligibility to newborn children of welfare recipients. This is an indicator variable, if a specific state has implemented a family cap policy then ‘wf_famcap’ equals 1, 0 otherwise. Moreover, if a state has a family cap policy, then poverty in that state will be higher because of the monetary burden that a child imposes. (2) Earned Income Disregards for Eligibility Tests: The earned income disregard (EID) is the total percent of an applicant’s earnings that is not included when calculating welfare benefits. According to the Welfare Rules Database, each state specifies the amount of earned income that a recipient is able to disregard for a certain amount of months. Overall there is a large variation in how much a state disregards (McKernan and Ratcliffe, 2006). The data for this policy variable has three parts, dollar values, percentages, and string variables. Moreover, in order to evaluate the EID in this study, three policy variables were generated. The first consists of the maximum earned income that is disregarded from a monthly check during the first three months of aid. The second EID variable calculates the maximum percent of monthly earned income that is disregarded from the remaining months, i.e. month 12. Finally, because some states do not impose explicit net income tests for eligibility purposes, the third EID policy variable is a binary regressor, “if the state either imposes no net income test at application or does impose a net income test, but the calculation of the test and disregards allowed for the test are no different from those used to 30 calculate the benefit, the no explicit net income test variable receives a 1; if not, it receives a 0” (McKernan and Ratcliffe, 2006). Moreover, analyzing these three earned income disregard (EID) policy variables is crucial for this study because they directly impact poverty. In particular, the higher the percent and or dollar value of the earned income that is disregarded, the lower the poverty rate because the income disregarded increases a recipient’s total income. Similarly, if a state does not enforce explicit net income tests for eligibility purposes then, all else equal, the poverty rate is expected to decrease as a household has more earned income at their disposal. (3) Vehicle Asset Exemption for Applicants: Vehicle exemption policies quantify the asset value (i.e. equity or fair market price) of an applicant’s vehicle and are used for calculating the exempt portion of a vehicle’s value. Intuitively, a high state vehicles asset exemption will allow people with better cars to qualify for welfare, making it possible that this exemption leads to more recipients, and lowers the state’s poverty rate. A higher asset exemption value indicates that a vehicle is in good condition and worth more. Moreover, states with high vehicle exemptions are expected to have lower poverty rates because the likelihood that an applicant is able to maintain a job is dependent on a reliable car. 4.3.2 – Financial Incentives to Work Welfare policies that are expected to increase earned or unearned income are considered a financial incentive and/or disincentive to work. Most of these policies generate ambiguous effects on poverty due to substitution and income effects. There are 31 six policies that impact income and directly affect poverty, the following describes each policy in detail. (4) FLSA Federal-level Minimum Wage: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) outlines minimum wage and overtime standards for non-exempt private and public employees in the U.S. Since some states do not mandate businesses to comply with a minimum wage requirement, the FLSA federal measure is analyzed to determine the minimum wage baseline for these states. (5) State-level Minimum Wage: Historical state-level minimum wages are reported in this study. A zero value indicates that the state has no minimum wage policy. These states include AL, LA, MS, SC, and TN. According to economic theory, the effects of a minimum wage on labor market outcomes are ambiguous at best. Changes in the minimum wage depend upon labor supply/demand conditions and the relative magnitude of income and substitution effects. On one hand, an increase in the minimum wage causes a decrease in the number of hours worked due to the income effect, while the substitution effect increases the number of hours worked. Thus, overall the net effect on hours worked and income is ambiguous. When considering labor demand and supply conditions, the market effects on poverty are also ambiguous. For instance, an increase in the minimum wage would increase quantity of labor supplied and decrease quantity of labor demanded. Given the increase in minimum wage, if demand for labor is elastic, fewer workers would be employed with higher wages. 32 If the unemployment rate increases significantly then the poverty rate increases, however the converse can occur and poverty could decline. (6) Most Severe Sanctions for Non-Compliance Amount: This variable summarizes state sanction policies initiated when a recipient fails to comply with work requirements, denoted, wf_sevamount. Depending on if the recipient is rational, severe sanctions for non-compliance may cause total income to increase or decrease. In particular, if the severe sanctions cause welfare recipients to comply, then earned income would increase and poverty would decline. However, if recipients fail to comply then unearned income would decline and cause the poverty rate to increase. Due to inverse fluctuations between earned and unearned income, the impact of ‘wf_sevamount’ on poverty is ambiguous. The Urban Institute reports a state’s maximum amount of benefits lost due to non-compliance with job requirements in dollar values. Each state’s monetary loss in benefits varies by amount and duration. This variable represents the maximum dollar value of lost benefits in a given year. Using the Consumer Price Index, this policy variable was converted to real 2009 dollars. (7) Duration of Most Severe Sanctions for Non-Compliance: This variable indicates the duration of non-compliance penalties and ranges from 0 to 4. If a state does not specify actual sanctions, only provides warnings, then a value equal to zero is indicated. If the non-compliance policy is permanent then a value equal to five is indicated, see below. 0 – warning, no actual sanctions 1 – 1 month 33 2 – 2-5 months, reapply 3 – 6-11 months 4 – 12-36 months (8) Treatment of Child Support Income: The standard AFDC policy disregards $50 for child support costs and is considered pass-through/transfer income. Since welfare reform, TANF now allows states to deviate from the AFDC $50 passthrough allotment. Three categories are specified in this policy variable, 1, 2 and 3. These categorical variables were specified because they follow McKernan and Ratcliffe’s (2006) methodology. In any case, if the pass-through income is less than $50 then a one is indicated, if the pass-through is equal to $50 a two is indicated and, if the pass-through is greater than $50 a three is indicated. According to McKernan and Ratcliffe, the higher pass-through of child support expenditures, the higher total income and thus the lower the poverty rate. (9) State Average Number of Returns Receiving the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): The Brookings Institute reports the total number of returns receiving the EITC for various geographical locations, extending from 1997 to 2010. According to the Brookings Institute, all data are derived from the Internal Revenue Service's Stakeholder Partnerships, Education, and Communication (IRS-SPEC) Return Information Databases. The EITC is a refundable federal income credit that is applicable to working individuals and families with low to moderate earned income levels (IRS, 2013). The EITC allows recipients to keep more of their earned income at the end of each year, thereby reducing poverty. By definition, 34 the official poverty rate is a before tax measure thus including a tax measure allows us to estimate the effects tax credits have on poverty. By definition, the official poverty rate is a before tax measure thus including the EITC was. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), since the early 1990s the EITC has significantly contributed to the increase of women in the workforce, helped encourage education, and reduced poverty (CBPP, 2013). However, the EITC is expected to have an ambiguous effect on poverty given the inverse effects caused by the substitution and income effects. In particular, an increase in EITC can cause the poverty rate to decrease if the substitution effect leads to more hours worked. However, the poverty rate may increase if recipients reduce their total hours worked and replace earned income with their tax credit. Figure 5: State Average Number of Returns Receiving the Earned Income Tax Credit 2,500,000 California 2,000,000 Florida New York 1,500,000 Alabama Arizona 1,000,000 Nevada 500,000 D.C. Delaware Year 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 - 2001 Total Average Number of Returns 3,000,000 35 4.3.3 – Time Limits Time limit policies restrict welfare recipients from receiving benefits for a prolonged period of time. This study considers six different time limit variables because states differ in the length of time during which recipients can receive benefits. According to McKernan and Ratcliffe, all six time limit policy variables are expected to have ambiguous effects on poverty because they have ambiguous effects on income. In particular, long/short duration may increase/decrease unearned income because of welfare benefits however, poverty may increase or decrease depending on earned income and the net effects on income, see Table 2 for details on these time limit variables. Table 3: Brief Description of Time Limit Policies Policy Name No Time Limits Intermittent Time Limits Time Limits for Ill Members Time Limits for Cooperation Duration of Time Limits Time Limit Exemption for Dependents Time Limits (6) Variable Metric Definition tl_notl (0/1) Equals 1 if State does not have time limits tl_interm (0/1) Equals 1 if State has intermittent life time limits tl_ill (0/1) Equals 1 if State has any type of time limit exemption for either ill/ incapacitated recipients or caring for ill/incapacitated individuals tl_coop (0/1) Equals 1 if the state extends time limits for recipients who are unemployed and cooperating with the welfare requirements. tl_months (m) Indicates a state’s maximum number of months tl_child (m) Indicates if the state has time limit exemptions for recipients with dependents under ‘x’ months of age. The months of the dependent are reported, (i.e. if a child is 4 months old then the variable equals 4 for that state. 36 4.4 – Explanatory Variables: Macroeconomic Controls Considering changes in the economy is important because if omitted, the estimates would be biased. Household and state-level fixed effects control only for timeinvariant characteristics. However, because this study analyzes a time period with an economic crisis, time variant regressors that differ across states such as: the state-level unemployment rate, gross state product (GSP) per capita, Gini coefficient, and changes in the cost of living (i.e. the growth rate of Fair Market Rents) must be specified. In particular, the 2008 recession impacted these macroeconomic variables differently thus, including these control variables allows us to estimate the specific effect they had on state-level and household-level poverty outcomes. Lastly, given that a few welfare benefits and economic control variables have monetary values associated with them, the variables were adjusted for inflation using the Consumer Price Index (CPI), see Table 3 for a list of these real valued variables. Table 4: Inflation Adjusted Explanatory Variables, 2009 Dollars Gross State Product (GSP) per capita Fair Market Rate (FMR) State and Federal Minimum Wage Total Income and Non-mortgage Debt Vehicle Asset Exemptions Severe Sanctions for Non-Compliance (1) State-Level Annual Average Unemployment Rate: The Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) collects monthly data for many geographic areas. This study uses LAUS unemployment rates to derive an annual average unemployment rate per state. Figure 5 illustrates the nine year trend of the annual average unemployment rate for a sample of states. 37 Figure 6: Average Annual Unemployment Rate 14 Alaska 12 Alabama Arizona 8 Arkansas 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Florida 2006 0 2005 Delaware 2004 2 2003 Colorado 2002 California 4 2001 6 2000 Percentage 10 Georgia Year (2) Gross State Product (GSP) Per Capita: GSP is the state level equivalence of Gross Domestic Product. It measures a state’s market value of all final goods and services produced within the state in a given year. Gross state product per capita is expected to reduce poverty as income and poverty are directly related. Figure 6 provides a good picture of how GSP per capita varied in various states during 2001-2009. Figure 7: 2001-2009 Gross State Product Per Capita by State 35,000,000 California 30,000,000 NewYork 25,000,000 Florida 20,000,000 Arizona 15,000,000 Alabama Utah 10,000,000 Delaware 5,000,000 D.C. Soource: BEA, 2013 Year 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 - 2001 Millions of Dollars (inflation adj.) 40,000,000 38 (3) –Fair Market Rents: The fair market rents (FMR) for two bedroom housing units is available on the U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) website. The FMR indicates the average cost of housing for a two-bedroom unit in a given state and, is primarily used as a payment standard for the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HUD, 2010). According to HUD, eligible voucher recipients receive a housing subsidy; the total subsidy is determined by the FMR and income (see Equation 3). States with higher FMRs are expected to have lower poverty levels. Equation 3: ๐ป๐๐ข๐ ๐๐๐ ๐๐ข๐๐ ๐๐๐ฆ = 0.30(๐๐๐๐กโ๐๐ฆ ๐๐๐๐๐๐) − ๐น๐๐ Housing is a major factor in many cost-of-living estimates (BLS, Austin Chamber, CSER). In order to analyze a proxy for changes in the cost-of-living over time, this study calculates the FMR growth rate. Figure 7 summarizes the growth rate of state-level FMR during 2001-2009. 7.3 7.2 7.1 7 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.1 6 5.9 D.C. California Delaware New York Arizona Florida Year 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Alabama 2001 Fair Market Rents Growth Rate Figure 8: Fair Market Rents Growth Rate, 2001-2009 39 (4) –Gini Coefficient: This study uses the Current Population Survey (CPS) annual Gini coefficient to measure income inequality for each state. The Gini coefficient is an index measure of income inequality that ranges between zero (perfect equality) and one (perfect inequality).Moreover, the closer the index value is to one, the higher the income inequality in that state. Figure 8 illustrates the nine year average Gini index per state and is ranked by states with high to low income inequality. Figure 9: 2001-2009 Gini Coefficient per State 0.6 Alabama Arizona California Delaware D.C. Florida NewYork Utah Gini Coefficient 0.55 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 Source: U.S. Census, ACS 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 0.3 Year 4.5 – Household Demographic Variables Household demographic variables were also evaluated when the fixed effects were not time-invariant (i.e. random effects model). These variables provide detailed information about the household such as marital status, education attainment, and race. By including these variables, omitted variable bias is reduced because household characteristics are important determinants of poverty. In particular, an additional child is hypothesized to increase poverty due to reduced annual earned income, especially for single parent households, and due to the increase in the poverty threshold. Additionally, 40 according to the U.S. Census, poverty rates differ tremendously for households according to their race, gender, marital status, and/or educational attainment. 41 Chapter 5 EMPIRICAL MODEL This study utilizes two different empirical models, fixed effects and fixed effects logit models, for analyzing state-level and household entity poverty rates. Both models use the same panel however the former aggregates the household-level panel to the state level. Each state has unique weights that correspond to the total number of households residing in each state during the sample period, 2001-2009. The state-level fixed effects model specifies the five poverty measures as an outcome and estimates the effects that specific welfare policies have on the official and experimental poverty rates. On the other hand, household-level entity effects are used when specifying a two-way fixed effects logit model. This model estimates the impact that 17 specific welfare policies have on the probability that the ist head of household, in state ‘s’ at time ‘t’, is debt poor. Fixed effects are valuable when analyzing panel data as they help mitigate omitted variable bias by having individuals serve as their own controls (Allison, 2009). Time effects are preferable for this study as they capture any effects that vary over time but are constant across the entire panel. For instance, welfare recipients residing in the same state would be exposed to identical welfare policies that vary over time. After testing the validity of the time effects in both models, the state-level fixed effects model indicated that the time entities were not fixed. Thus, only time fixed effects are specified in the household-level fixed effects logit model. In any case, estimating entity and/or time fixed effects will help ensure consistent and efficient estimators. 42 5.1 – Fixed Effects Model The fixed effects model has two main assumptions, (1) assumes that unobservable characteristics within an entity (i.e. head of household or State) may impact the dependent variable and (2) each entity is unique and has its own error and constant term. Moreover, if both assumptions hold then the estimates are unbiased because the regressors are uncorrelated with the error term. However, if these assumptions do not hold, and the cross-sections are not independent, then the error and constant terms are correlated and random effects must be applied (Torres-Reyna, 2011). Equation 4 ๐๐ ๐ก = ๐๐ + ๐ฝ′1 ๐๐ ๐ก + ๐ฝ′2 ๐๐ ๐ก + ๐๐ + ๐๐ก + ๐ฃ๐๐ก Equation 4 describes the state-level fixed effects model utilized for analyzing the poverty rate outcomes where ‘Yst ’ represents one of the four poverty rates (i.e. U.S. Census rate, PSID state rate, experimental rate, and the marginal effect rate) in state ‘s’ at time ‘t’ (year) and ‘๐๐ ’ is a unique constant term that allows group-specific estimates to be derived for each state. Additionally, ‘W’ and ‘X’ are the independent variables denoting two different matrices, where ‘W’ corresponds to all of the specific welfare policies and ‘X’ represents the economic control variables, such as, real GSP per capita, FMR, annual average unemployment rate, and the Gini coefficient. Lastly, ‘๐๐ ’ symbolizes the state fixed effects, ‘๐๐ก ’ is the time fixed effects and ‘๐ฃ๐๐ก ’ is the i.i.d stochastic error term. 43 5.2 – Probability Models: Logit and Probit Logistic functions are non-linear models that have useful econometric advantages. They allow researchers to estimate the probability of an event by analyzing a binary dependent variable and restricting the observed values [0, 1], such that: ๐๐ =∈ {0,1} Unlike linear models, such as OLS, logistic models are able to produce probabilities by transforming the binary dependent variable to a continuous variable. In this study, a fixed effects logit model was used to estimate the probability of debt poor. Probit models are similar to logit models in that they are both non-linear functions that estimate probabilities and only differ by their distribution. According to (Agresti, 2013), when estimated, both models produce similar probabilities. However, conditional logit models are preferable when the degrees of freedom in the sample are relatively larger than the number of observations. Figure 8 illustrates the predicted residuals for the logit and probit models. Figure 10: Logit and Probit Predicted Residuals In order to verify that the logistic cumulative distribution is preferable, both models were estimated. After comparing the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and 44 predicted probabilities for both models, the logit model proved to be a stronger model based on a minimized AIC. 5.3 – Fixed Effects Logit Model Fixed effects logit models divide the data into groups, the group estimates are then determined by the unobserved differences across the groups (Gould, 1999). This study uses a fixed effects logit model for modeling the impact that household specific welfare policies have on the probability of the ‘ith’ household being debt poor. A fixed effects logit model is preferable when considering welfare policies as important determinants of debt poor households because the individuals serve as their own controls and the fixed effects control for time invariant factors (i.e. public sentiment towards welfare). Moreover, applying fixed effects to a logit model is useful for estimating the predicted probabilities of an event. Equation 5 summarizes the second empirical model. Where ๐๐๐ก is the probability that the ๐ ๐ ๐ก head of household at time ‘๐ก’ is debt poor and ๐๐ is a unique constant that allows group-specific estimates to be derived for each individual household. Equation 4 suggests that each household has varying intercepts but constant slopes. Similar to Equation 4, ‘W’, ‘X’, ‘๐๐ก ’ and ‘๐ฃ๐๐ก ’ represent the same vectors, time fixed effects and stochastic error term. However, ‘๐๐๐ก ’ describes the probability that the ‘ist’ household in ‘s’ state at time ‘t’ is debt poor and ‘๐๐ ’are the household level fixed effects. Equation 5 ๐๐๐ ๐ก = ๐๐ + ๐ฝ′1 ๐๐๐ ๐ก + ๐ฝ′2 ๐๐๐ ๐ก + ๐๐ + ๐๐ก + ๐ฃ๐๐ก Random effects can also be estimated for both empirical models however, fixed effects are preferred because random effects do not control for omitted variable bias. 45 Another advantage involves the correlation between the individual effects and the regressors. Unlike random effects, the fixed effects estimator allows these measures to be correlated and is consistent. This study uses the Hausman test to verify if the second assumptions of the fixed effects hold for both empirical models. The following equation summarizes the null and alternative hypotheses for the Hausman test. Hausman Test: ๐ป๐ : ๐1 = ๐2 = ๐3 = โฏ = ๐๐ ๐ป1 : ๐๐ก ๐๐๐๐ ๐ก ๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐กโ๐ ๐๐ข๐๐ ′ ๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐ก ๐ก๐๐ข๐ According to the Hausman test, if one of the entities is not unique and does not have its own error and constant term then the fixed effects are not valid. After applying the Hausman test to all five models, the fixed effects proved to be valid. 5.4 – Ensuring Robust Estimates Panel series are often viewed as an efficient analytical method for analyzing econometric data as their unique modeling techniques effectively mitigate omitted variable bias (Asteriou and Hall, 2009). However, panel data estimations suffer from the prevalence of serial correlation, heteroskedasticity and cross-sectional dependence. As a result, proper statistical methods were applied to ensure efficient and consistent estimations. Serial correlation and heteroskedasticity violate two conditions of the classical econometric model, suggesting that regressors are not independently and identically distributed (i.i.d). Serial correlation is very common in panel series because past entity observations are highly likely to be correlated with present observations. Additionally, if there are sub-groups in the sample with differing variances, heteroskedasticity becomes 46 evident. According to econometric theory, in order to evaluate an efficient and consistent estimator, a data series must be identically distributed across all regressors. When this condition holds, the error terms are homoskedastic and do not vary by sub-groups (Stock and Waston, 2011). Consequently, in order to ensure the estimated standard errors are robust to these issues, heteroskedastic auto-correlated consistent (HAC) standard errors were specified. HAC standard errors are critical when conducting statistical analysis with longitudinal data because they are robust to heteroskedastic errors and serial correlation. Without HAC standard errors, the estimated standard errors would be inflated and the coefficients would become insignificant. Moreover HAC standard errors disentangle the serial correlation within each household’s characteristics and ensure that the errors are nonvariant. Cross-sectional dependence (CD) is another common issue in panels, especially if a common shock affects all individuals (Hsiao, Pesaran, and Pick, 2007). Again, classical econometric models assume that cross-sections are independent and if violated, estimators are inconsistent. Given the 2008 financial crisis, the cross-sections may not be independent across the panel. As a result, this study used Pesaran (2004) CD test to evaluate independence across cross-sections. Unfortunately, given the large number of household observations, none of the CD tests could be estimated on the entire sample7. 7 See Pesaran (2004) and Friedman (1997) for more details on CD test 47 Chapter 6 RESULTS After ensuring that the two-way fixed effects (i.e. entity and time) were valid, and controlling for HAC standard errors, fixed effects models and fixed effects logit specifications were estimated. Five two-way fixed effects models were estimated to evaluate the effects that specific welfare policies had on different poverty rates: U.S. Census official rate, experimental rate, a marginal poverty rate that estimates the percent increase interest payments on non-mortgage debt have on poverty, and the U.S. Census women-specific poverty rate8. Additionally, five two-way fixed effects logit models were used to estimate the probability of debt poor households for a restricted/unrestricted women sample. 6.1 – Poverty Rates: Fixed Effects Models First, I estimate the state-level fixed effects and analyze the impact specific welfare policies have on three different poverty rates. Fixed and random effects were specified for the purpose of validation. The purpose of this study is two folds and consists of comparing my results with McKernan and Ratcliffe’s (2006) study and estimating experimental measures. As a result, Table 5 summarizes the random effects results of five different models, please see appendix A for the fixed effect results. As a quick reference, Table 5, column 2, contains the results from McKernan and Ratcliffe’s study9. 8 After estimating the PSID derived poverty rate that mimics the same methodology used by the U.S. Census revealed near zero coefficients and was omitted from the analysis. 9 Note, the results in Table 5 Column 2 were not re-estimated, they were taken from McKernan and Ratcliffe’s (2006) study. 48 All five models underwent a validation procedure, in particular a Hausman test was conducted to ensure that the entity fixed effects were efficient, AIC scores were estimated to see which model had that strongest specification and the within group Rsquares were compared. These procedures indicated that only the U.S. Census official and women specific poverty rates had valid state-level fixed effects. However, all of the derived experimental poverty measures (i.e. debt poor experimental poverty rate, and the marginal effect poverty rate) did not. This indicates that the state-level effects are collinear and a random effects specification is more efficient. These results are not surprising; many studies specify random effects models when estimating welfare policy effects. In particular, McKernan and Ratcliffe’s study uses a weighted least squares model when estimating the effect specific welfare policies have on poverty. Given McKernan and Ratcliffe’s specification, this study overlooked the Hausman test and considered the effect specific welfare policies have on various poverty rates using random effects. Since the fixed effects were efficient estimators for the U.S. Census poverty rates, Appendix A provides the summarized results for the state-level fixed effects model. This section primarily focuses on discussing Table 5 by comparing columns one and two. These results reveal the robustness of the random effects models and allows the results of this thesis to be extended towards the literature. Since McKernan and Ratcliffe estimated a women-specific poverty rate, column one summarizes the results for the U.S. Census American Consumer Survey (ACS) official poverty rate for female heads of households. Again, column two summarizes the results from McKernan and Ratcliffe’s 49 (2006) study. Due to data restrictions, these two poverty rates differ by data source, survey duration, and population size. McKernan and Ratcliffe acquired a monthly female head of household poverty rate from the U.S. Census Survey of Income Program Participants (SIPP). Their study observed households on a monthly basis from 19882002, which allowed them to have a sample size 95 percent larger than this thesis. However, in order to see how robust McKernan and Ratcliffe’s results were, this thesis compares their findings with alternative poverty measures (i.e. columns 1 and 3-5). Table 5 summarizes the state random effects results for five different poverty outcomes. The U.S. Census official poverty rates are summarized in columns 1 and 3. Column 2 summarizes McKernan and Ratcliffe (2006) results, column 4 describes the results for the derived debt poor experimental poverty rate, and column 5 summarizes the marginal effect interest payments on credit card debt have on poverty. In general, when analyzing the poverty rate outcomes, the majority of the specific welfare policies were statistically insignificant. However, relative to McKernan and Ratcliffe’s results, columns one and three findings are fairly similar. Nearly all of the welfare policies had the same hypothesized signs as McKernan and Ratcliffe. For instance, if the unemployment rate increases by one percent in a given year, the poverty rate for female head of households with dependents increases by 0.009-0.5 percentage points. While the overall poverty rate (i.e. U.S. Census official poverty rate) increases by 0.3 percentage points (Table 5, Column 3). Both of these estimated coefficients in columns 1 and 3 are statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence level. 50 Contrary, when interpreting the percentage of earned income disregarded during month 12, even though the results are statistically significant, the estimated coefficients are not as expected. For instance, a one percent increase in a state’s earned income disregards during month 12 would increase poverty for female headed households by 0.60.8 percentage points (columns 1 and 3). All five models had inconsistent estimated coefficient. Intuitively, a higher percentage of income that is disregarded should decrease poverty because households have more earned income at their disposal (assuming the substitution effect dominates). However, given these results, the income effect dominates for both the U.S. Census poverty rates (Table 5 Column 1 and 3) causing poverty to decrease as the percentage of disregards increases. There were some limitations present when comparing the results of this thesis with McKernan and Ratcliffe’s study. In particular, McKernan and Ratcliffe’s data varied by month, not annually. They specified a few models varying by month, 12-months and 24-month durations10. They concluded that most of these welfare policies analyzed became significant the larger the time frame. In particular, a 24-month estimated model was more likely to have more statistically significant results than a 12-month model. This indicates that, the lack of monthly variation could be contributing to the lack of significant welfare policy estimates. When examining the specific welfare policy variables individually, the majority of them were statistically insignificant. However, because most welfare policies often have related components, statistical significance for individual policies is not anticipated 10 Table 5 presents McKernan and Ratcliffe’s results for their t=12 months model. 51 (McKernan and Ratcliffe, 2006). Thus, I examined the joint significance of the welfare policy variables using a Wald test. Overall, financial incentive to work and time limit variables revealed consistent joint significant results (one-percent significance level). In contrast, eligibility requirements (i.e. family cap, earned income disregards and vehicle exemptions) failed to reveal joint significance in most cases. According to McKernan and Ratcliffe (2006), their results were very robust to different time lags and specifications. Family cap in particular is statistically significant relative to the other models estimated in Table 5. In McKernan and Ratcliffe’s study, family cap was very robust, with a positive coefficient and statistical significance. Contrary, in this study, family cap is positive however, not statistically significant. Intuitively, states with a family cap policy would have a positive effect on poverty because a family cap policy does not raise family benefits when a new child is born. Moreover, a welfare dependent household would be financially worse off. Similarly, the remaining eligibility requirement welfare policies have the same expected signs as the literature (Table 5, column 2) yet are statistically insignificant. Given these results and after conducting a Wald test, it became apparent that there is not enough between and within variation in these eligibility requirement welfare policies to impact poverty. When examining the financial incentives to work related policies, six out of the seven policy variables had the same expected signs but only two were statistically significant. In particular, treatment of child support income is a categorical variable and it is highly significant (P<0.01). Focusing on columns 1-2 only, the magnitude of treatment of child support income suggests that going from a state where the pass-through of child 52 support income is below the AFDC limit (i.e. less than $50) to a state where the pass through is above $50 decrease poverty for women heads of households by 0.63-3.2 percentage points, whereas, the overall official poverty rate (Table 5, Column 3) increases by 0.95 percentage points. These initial results make sense for women-specific poverty rates as more pass through income is alleviating women out of poverty. However, the impact the pass-through policies have on poverty has a positive effect when gender is not specified, indicating that the importance of pass-through child support income policies may be washed away and ignored if gender is not considered from a policy analyst perspective. The state-specific minimum wage was not statistically significant in explaining the women-specific poverty rates, columns 1 and 3 however, these results are consistent with Gundersen and Ziliak (2000) and McKernana and Ratcliffe (2006), who find that a higher state minimum wage increases poverty. In any case, both outcomes, a higher/lower poverty rate are possible because of the labor market and consumer interactions. For instance, the minimum wage depends on the price elasticity of demand for labor. If demand is elastic then an increase in the wage will decrease the quantity demanded of labor by a larger percentage, causing employment and income to fall. However, if demand is inelastic then a decrease in employment will be more than offset by the increased wage and poverty would decline as income increases. In these results it is hard to identify which effect dominates because none of the coefficients are consistent or significant. 53 Lastly, roughly half of the time limit policy variables were consistent with McKernan and Ratcliffe’s results. Only the intermittent time limits and time limits exemptions for ill or disadvantaged recipients were significant at the one-percent level (Table 5, Column 3). According to McKernan and Ratcliffe, they are the only researchers that have analyzed time limit policies and found statistically significant results. The hypothesized effects for all of the time limit explanatory variables were ambiguous. However, both columns two and three indicate that states with intermittent time limit policies decrease poverty by 0.93-1.4 percentage points, with one percent significance. This suggests that states with stricter time limit requirements decrease poverty. These results make sense as, stricter policies that restrict the amount and/or time of welfare benefits would motivate recipients to enter the labor force. Overall these results indicate that specific policies have varying impacts on poverty. Prior studies have mostly looked at overall welfare reform (i.e. TANF caseloads) and have found contradicting results. Thus, these results shed some light on the fact that welfare might have a direct impact on poverty. By examining specific welfare policies, this study illustrates how different policies have varying effects on poverty. Moreover if researchers simply estimate overall welfare caseloads, the actual impact may be dismissed. Although the majority of the welfare policies examined did not reveal significance when examined individually, a Wald test indicated that financial incentives to work and time limit policies were consistently highly significant (p<0.0000). When examining McKernan and Ratcliffe’s (2006) results, the largest limitation was contingent on their 14 year sample and monthly varying dataset. Contrary, this study analyzed 54 annual data for nine years and appeared to have contradicting results due to insufficient time-series data and the lack of time lags. Table 5: Two-way State-level Random Effects Models Random Effects Control Variables RGSP per capita (in $1,000s) Unemployment rate Eligibility Requirements Family cap (0/1) Vehicle exemption (in $1,000s) EID (in $100s) No explicit EID test Financial Incentives to Work Max monthly benefits (in $100s) EID during month 12 (percent)11 State-level minimum wage Most severe sanction amount ($) Most severe sanction duration (0-5) Treatment of child support (0-2 scale) State average EITC (in $100s) Time Limits (Binary Variables) Duration of lifetime time limits (12m) No time limits Intermittent time limit Time limit exemption for illness Time limit exemption for child (m) Time limit extension if cooperating Time Years 11 Women Poverty Rate (1) -0.0551 (0.041) 0.479** (0.221) McKernan & Ratcliffe (2) -0.001 (0.000) 0.5000 (0.388) Official Poverty Rate (3) -0.0569** (0.0263) 0.340*** (0.0644) Experimental Poverty Rate (4) 0.0117 (0.010) 0.00863 (0.0188) Marginal Effect Rate (5) 0.016 (0.012) 0.00724 (0.0188) 0.431 (0.625) -0.0654 (0.067) 0.118 (0.082) 0.701 (0.784) 1.300** (0.422) -0.0310 (0.044) 0.1830 (0.372) 0.8510 (0.540) 0.227 (0.443) 0.0135 (0.023) 0.148* (0.077) 0.105 (0.559) -0.0927 (0.118) -0.0012 (0.008) 0.120 (0.129) -0.833 (1.548) -0.0971 (0.125) -0.0005 (0.008) 0.626 (0.581) -1.455* (0.764) -0.127 (0.132) -6.338* (3.694) 0.216 (0.196) -0.238 (1.609) 0.109 (0.104) -3.176*** (0.439) 0.186 (0.301) -0.4200 (0.409) 0.1800 (0.222) 0.6220 (0.366) -0.004* (0.002) 0.3270 (0.1740) -0.628* (0.239) 0.1270* (0.0680) 0.0288 (0.061) -7.833** (3.268) -0.0485 (0.0445) -2.872 (2.052) 0.0301 (0.0399) 0.945*** (0.0911) -0.0105 (0.194) -0.0923 (0.089) 8.263 (7.100) -0.00575 (0.0183) 1.575 (2.669) 0.0181 (0.0132) 0.0442 (0.0410) 0.446* (0.252) -0.0886 (0.0857) 1.692 (3.641) -0.00552 (0.0190) 2.606 (1.653) 0.0177 (0.0134) 0.0488 (0.0391) 0.493* (0.29) 0.0541 (0.034) 2.617 (2.139) -0.690 (0.908) 0.176 (0.120) 0.0144 (0.025) 0.406 (0.941) Annual 2001-09 0.006 (0.0200) -2.199 (1.411) -1.431* (0.589) 1.297* (0.512) 0.02 (0.023) -0.066 (0.571) Monthly 1988-02 -0.00109 (0.0085) -0.821 (0.685) -0.930** (0.453) -0.0746** (0.0291) 0.00101 (0.0043) 0.307 (0.429) Annual 2001-09 0.00243 (0.0023) -0.0710 (0.123) -0.0221 (0.0860) 0.0673*** (0.0115) 8.16e-05 (0.0012) -0.0370 (0.125) Annual 2001-09 0.00267 (0.0022) 0.0151 (0.123) -0.0254 (0.0937) 0.0665*** (0.0123) 0.00057 (0.0001) -0.0202 (0.111) Annual 2001-09 McKernan & Ratcliffe (2006) were able to derive a non-percent value for this policy variable; however their methodology was not fully disclosed. 55 Overall With-in 0.296 0.449 0.579 0.327 0.418 0.719 0.145 0.146 Robust standard errors in parentheses, *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 N=384 (McKernan & Ratcliffe (2006) sampled 51 states, N=7,533), 48 states, models include time effects. Time-specific effects are included. 6.2 – Experimental Measures: Two-way Fixed Effects Logit Model This next section focuses on the probability of a household being debt poor. Five experimental poverty logit models with household entity fixed and random effects were estimated. Table 6 (columns 1-4) provide the results for the women-restricted poverty outcomes (i.e. single, non-white, head of household women with an education level less than a college degree and at least two dependents). Table 6, column 5 summarizes the results for the unrestricted household fixed effect logit model (i.e. not women-specific). This model, denoted as experimental poverty measure in Table 5 is the experimental debt poor measure for the entire sample. When estimating the same debt poor measure in the unrestricted sample (Column 4, Table 5) the estimated coefficients were very robust relative to the restricted model (Column 5, Table 6). Overall the unrestricted and restricted fixed effect models are similar. However, ‘Single1’ appears to be a stronger specification contrary to the remaining four specifications and, real gross state product (RGSP), unemployment, Gini Coefficient and all of the welfare policy variables estimated coefficients are consistent with theory. The estimated coefficients of the logit model require transformation because they are not intuitive. In particular, the coefficients represent changes in the logit for each unit change in the predictor. Accordingly, the odds ratios (OR) were estimated, Table 7 summarizes the odds ratios for each explanatory variable described in Table 6. An odds 56 ratio is the odds of an outcome in one group relative to the odds of an outcome in another group and it is derived by taking the expediential value of the estimated logit coefficients. Unlike probabilities, the odds ratio can be greater than one because it is a ratio (i.e. varies between zero and infinity). According to Table 7, overall, the majority of the odds ratios were at or below one, indicating that the odds of poverty with exposure to most outcomes are slightly lower or relatively the same. Moreover, only 3 out of the 16 explanatory variables had an odds ratio greater than one. When considering Table 6, only columns 1 (single female heads of households) and 3 (single female heads of households with at least some) had robust results that were consistent with theory. When considering race and the unrestricted debt poor sample, columns 2 and 5, the results were not intuitive. In particular, the unemployment rate had a negative relationship with poverty suggesting that, a one percent increase in the unemployment rate causes poverty to decrease. Even though the results in columns 2 and 5 were not statistically significant, the estimated coefficient poses endogeneity issues. Lastly, column 4 also had results that paralleled columns 2 and 5 however; it had a lot more statistically significant coefficients. Column 4 combines all of the single female head of household characteristics, i.e. single non-white female heads of households with some college and at least two children, single 4. Given these mixed and contradicting results, this section focuses on column 3 because it is the most robust model. Similarly to the state-level entity effect poverty rate models, an F-test was estimated. All of the control variables, financial incentives to work and time limit policy variables had a strong joint significant (p<0.000). However, the eligibility requirement 57 policy variables were not. Unlike the random effect model, estimated in section 6.1 and summarized in Table 5, the fixed effect model drops collinear variables. As a result, half of the eligibility requirement variables were dropped from all five logit fixed effects models. Roughly half of the estimated coefficients in Table 6 column 3 were statistically significant with 95 percent confidence intervals. The remaining half had the same expected signs as McKernan and Ratcliffe’s (2006) study, with the exception of time limits for children under ‘x’ amount of months. Referencing the statistically significant odds ratios on Table 7, the Gini coefficient was the strongest control variable observed in these results. Given the magnitude of the Gini coefficient odds ratio, (exponential value of 43.57= 8.36E18), a different approach was taken in order to better interpret the impact that the Gini coefficient had on the probability of single female heads of households with some college and at least two children being debt poor, single 3. Moreover, in order to better interpret the effect that the Gini coefficient has on debt poor single female households with at least two dependents predictors, the Gini coefficient was standardized. Standardizing the Gini coefficient (mean= 0, standard deviation =1) provides a means for comparing the effect of variables measured in different metrics (Long and Freese, 1997). In this case, the Gini coefficient is a fraction between zero and one. Generally speaking, the Gini coefficient varies per year and by state. Moreover, the results in Table 7 indicate that a one standard 58 deviation increase in the Gini Coefficient, on average, is three times a standard deviation in the odds ratio of being debt poor12. According to Szklo and Nieto (2007) the higher the confidence intervals, the more likely the odds ratios are estimated poorly as confounding variables are highly likely to be affiliated. Given these results and the results from section 6.1, there is definitely an endogeneity problem in this analysis. Whether it is a confounding variable or strong seam bias, measurement error, or other external sampling issues, future studies need to consider the various confounding variables associated with empirical analyses that investigate poverty as an outcome. In any case, this section will briefly discuss the results of Single1 only, because it is the only specification with results consistent with theory. There were six statistically significant welfare policies and economic control variables where exposure did not affect the outcome. These include RGSP per capita, vehicle exemption assets, maximum monthly benefits, average annual EITC filings, duration of time limits, time limit exemptions for children under ‘x’ months, and time limit extensions for co-operating recipients. According to the correlation matrix all of the explanatory variables had moderate to low correlations. Time limit policies and economic control variables, in particular, had the largest correlation coefficients (i.e. 0. 46). Additionally, there were no obvious implications of multicollinearity as the largest correlation coefficient was 0.699 (i.e. annual average unemployment rate and the minimum wage). Overall the Gini coefficient and family cap policies had exposures associated with higher odds of being in poverty (i.e. debt poor). 12 To put it another way, a one-percentage point increase in the Gini coefficient, on average, leads to a 27 standard deviation increase in debt poor single-female households with at least two dependents. 59 When considering most severe duration of time limits, going from a state with no actual sanctions, just warnings, to a state where the sanctions are permanent (i.e. over 36 months) nearly doubles odds of a single female head of household with at least two dependents being debt poor. Additionally, a state where the pass-through of child support income is less than $50, to a state where the pass through is above $50 is 20 percent more likely to be debt poor. However, this odds ratio is not statistically significant and has an estimated sign that is against intuition. More money should reduce the probability of a household from being debt poor. Lastly, the time limit variables had results that were fairly consistent overall with the literature. Columns two through five in Table 6 have similar coefficients with the same estimate signs across all variables. Additionally, these results have the same estimated signs as the state-level random effect model (i.e. Table 5, column one). States with time limits exemptions for ill and/or disadvantaged households barely increases the odds of being debt poor (OR=1.01). Whereas women households within states with time limit exemption for children under a certain amount of months have lower odds of being debt poor, with marginal impacts. Moreover, the odds of exposure to debt poor decreases as a child become older. For instance, a female headed household with a child that is one month relative to a six month child decreases the odds of being debt poor by nearly 20 percentage points (i.e. 0.94 odds ratio to 0.75). Intuitively this makes sense as a child ages, because a single female head of household can return to the workforce and increase their earned income. 60 Table 6: Household-Level Fixed Effects Logit Model Household Fixed Effects Control Variables Gini Coefficient (σ) Fair Market Rents, (g) RGSP per capita ($1k) Unemployment rate (%) Eligibility Requirements Family cap (0/1) Vehicle exemption ($1k) Financial Incentives to Work Max monthly benefits Minimum wage Most severe sanction duration (0-5) Treatment of child support (0-2) State Average EITC (1) Single 1 (2) Single 2 (3) Single 3 (4) Single 4 (5) Debt Poor 52.27*** (19.69) -0.00191 (0.00178) -1.98e-04*** (6.00e-05) 0.00815 (0.0366) 59.91*** (22.23) 0.000299 (0.00209) -1.77e-04** (7.18e-05) -0.00902 (0.0411) 43.57** (20.20) -0.00167 (0.00180) -1.92e-04*** (6.10e-05) 0.00507 (0.0373) 47.62** (20.73) -0.00773*** (0.00213) -3.37e-04*** (7.34e-05) -0.0854* (0.0486) 61.98*** -16.55 -0.0029** -0.00139 9.69e-1** (4.07e-05) -0.0134 (0.0279) 0.420** (0.168) -4.84e-05** (2.25e-05) 0.126 (0.190) -1.99e-05 (2.56e-05) 0.336* (0.173) -5.40e-05** (2.32e-05) -0.203 (0.203) -3.47e-05 (2.80e-05) 0.230* -0.125 -2.52E-05 -1.76E-05 -0.00131*** (0.00046) 0.0223 (0.0430) 0.0161 (0.0140) 0.194 (0.166) -0.00174 (0.00195) -0.00116** (0.00056) -0.0385 (0.0597) 0.0471*** (0.0157) 0.177 (0.193) 0.000783 (0.00223) -0.00129*** (0.00047) 0.0107 (0.0432) 0.0195 (0.0142) 0.192 (0.167) -0.00334* (0.00199) -0.00291*** (0.00064) -0.186*** (0.0613) 0.0633*** (0.0162) 0.414** (0.174) 0.00143 (0.00241) -0.000433 -0.000341 -0.0419 -0.0351 -0.0165 -0.0109 0.344** -0.149 0.00124 -0.00149 Time Limits (Binary Variables) Duration of lifetime time limits (m) 0.00690** 0.00640* 0.00761** 0.00269 (0.00345) (0.00382) (0.00366) (0.00425) Intermittent time limit -0.0550 -0.198 -0.169 -0.212 (0.232) (0.260) (0.241) (0.281) Time limit exemption for illness 0.0376 -0.0933 0.0895 -0.727*** (0.173) (0.227) (0.176) (0.240) Time limit exemption for child (m) -0.0292*** -0.0180 -0.0577*** -2.44e-05 (0.0107) (0.0110) (0.0142) (0.0213) Time limit extension coop -0.450* -0.434 -0.463** -1.059*** (0.231) (0.270) (0.236) (0.315) Observations 9,808 7,334 9,344 7,096 Number of id 1,226 1,008 1,168 887 Pseudo R-Squared 0.0382 0.0155 0.0372 0.0389 Chi-Squared 303.9 93.22 283.9 229.3 Standard errors in parentheses, *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 0.00322 -0.00264 0.0569 -0.183 0.340*** -0.116 -0.0180*** -0.00551 -0.335* -0.178 17,648 2,206 0.0365 498.4 61 Table 7: Household-Level Fixed Effects Odds Ratios Household Fixed Effects Odds Ratios Control Variables Gini Coefficient (σ) Fair Market Rents, (g) RGSP per capita ($1k) Unemployment rate (%) Eligibility Requirements Family cap (0/1) Vehicle exemption ($1k) Financial Incentives to Work Max monthly benefits Minimum wage Most severe sanction duration (0-5) Treatment of child support (0-2) State average EITC Time Limits (Binary Variables) Duration of lifetime time limits (m) Intermittent time limit Time limit exemption for illness Time limit exemption for child (m) Time limit extension coop (1) Single 1 (2) Single 2 (3) Single 3 (4) Single 4 (5) Debt Poor 3.760 0.998 1.000 1.008 4.220 1.000 1.000 0.990 3.080 0.998 1.000 1.005 3.360 0.992 1.000 1.089 4.740 0.370 1.000 0.987 1.522 1.000 1.13 1.000 1.399 1.000 0.816 1.000 1.259 1.000 0.999 1.023 1.016 1.214 0.998 1.000 0.96 1.05 1.19 1.000 0.999 1.011 1.02 1.212 0.997 0.997 0.83 1.065 1.513 1.001 1.000 0.959 0.984 1.411 1.001 1.007 0.946 1.038 0.971 0.638 1.01 0.82 0.91 0.98 0.65 1.008 0.845 1.094 0.944 0.629 1.003 0.809 0.483 1.000 0.347 1.003 1.059 1.405 0.982 0.715 Using household level fixed effects to estimate the probability that a household is debt poor did not reveal statistically sound results. Although most of the estimated effects that the welfare policy variables had on the predictor were consistent with the literature, the impacts were marginal and not robust. When considering a female restricted predictor, the results were intuitive and consistent with theory however, debt poor as a predictor, revealed strong endogeneity issues. After consideration of the random effects and fixed effects for both state and household-level entities, the fixed effects appear to be stronger as the estimated coefficients have signs consistent with theory. Overall the derived poverty rates had smaller within and between variations than the U.S. Census poverty rates however, they produced estimates that were consistent with theory (i.e. RGSP). Although, many of the welfare policy estimated coefficients changed signs when the U.S. Census poverty rate 62 was the dependent variable, both of the state-level entity effects and household-level experimental models had nearly identical coefficients. The biggest limitations in these results are contingent on the average annual unemployment rate for the household-level entity fixed effects logit models. All of the unemployment rates were negatively related to poverty. These results are outlandish and strongly suggest that endogeneity issues impact the results. Omitted variable bias, confounding variables, seam bias and measurement error are highly likely culprits of the wrong estimated signs. Because this study used survey data, seam bias is hard to control for. Moreover, considering ways to overcome sampling issues like measuring seam bias and researching possible confounding factors affiliated with poverty are needed in order to estimate a robust experimental model. Even though these results are very limited, future studies need to consider the effect specific welfare policies have on alternative poverty measures. Additionally, estimating specific welfare policies revealed to have mixed effects on poverty. These effects, in most cases, differed between the poverty outcome specifications suggesting that prior literature that strictly examined the overall effect of welfare reform was inconsistent. This study went beyond the scope of the literature and examined the effect specific welfare policies had on alternative poverty measures using state-level, household-level, and women-specific random effects and fixed effects entities. In many cases, type two error was present as estimated coefficients were sought out to be highly statistically significant but with the wrong sign. In particular, in Table 7, the annual average unemployment rate was statistically significant at the one-percent level however; 63 the results indicated that a one-percentage point increase in the state’s average annual unemployment rate consistently lowers the odds of households (gender/non-gender specific) being debt poor. The odds ratios were between 0.88 -1.00. Moreover, these contradicting results suggest that model misspecification and confounding factors are distorting the actual effects. 64 Chapter 7 CONCLUSION According to Pressman and Scott (2009), over the past 20 years total consumer debt has risen at an annual rate of 4.1 percent, which is much higher than the annual growth rate of median household income, 0.6 percent. Given this large rise in consumer debt the official poverty threshold must be revised. Merely adjusting the poverty threshold by changes in inflation does not justify the true number of people struggling with debt, and hovering right above the threshold to make ends meet. Policy analyst should be forward looking and consider the growing trend of consumer debt as it may impose a larger welfare dependent society. This study calculates an experimental poverty measure, debt poor, which accounts for interest payments on non-mortgage debt and estimates the effect 17 specific welfare policies have on the probability of debt poor households. Although the results of this thesis are not robust or statistically sound, welfare analyst should strongly consider the acceleration of consumer debt and its impacts on society. This analysis uses the Panel Study of Income Dynamics family-level data and the Federal Reserve Board G. 19 interest rates to estimate state specific experimental poverty measures that vary by household demographics. Data for specific welfare policies and economic predictors were acquired from the Urban Institute’s Welfare Rules Database, the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The bulk of the literature examines the overall impact that welfare reform has on total caseloads. However, this study contributes to the literature by considering the 65 effect 17 specific welfare policies have on a non-traditional poverty outcome that considers interest payments on total non-mortgage debt. State-level entity and household-level fixed and random effects models were estimated to control for unobserved differences across groups. When examining the statelevel entity and household-level entity effects for the experimental poverty measures, the Hausman test had mixed results. Consequently, a robust fixed effects logit model with clustered standard errors was estimated. On one hand, the fixed effects for the individualentity specifications were efficient. Contrary, the fixed effects for the state-level entity specification were inefficient. Such finding were also found in the literature, as a result, the state-level entity effect model used random effects to explain the variation specific welfare policies had on five different poverty rates. On the other hand, the logit model used fixed effects to estimate the probability of being debt poor for female specific and non-gender specific households. The results suggest that most of the individual welfare policy variables were statistically insignificant for both state-level and household-level entity effects. However, after examining the Wald test, financial incentives to work and time limit welfare policies had large joint statistical significance. The overall examined welfare policies were consistent with McKernan and Ratcliffe’s (2006) study. Only a couple time limit policy variables had contracting results. Given that estimating the effect time limit policies have on poverty; these results indicate that future studies need to examine time limits more thoroughly. 66 In order to interpret past monetary values, in current terms, all monetary variables were adjusted for inflation using the CPI. However, most of the policy variables were binary, and lack sufficient variation across time. Moreover, given the lack of variation, the fixed effects model might be inappropriate for estimating the effect welfare policies have on debt poor and could potentially lead to insignificant results. For robustness checks, a few fixed effects models were estimated with only caseloads (TANF) and economic control variables, omitting the specific welfare policy variables. Overall the change in ๐ 2 was negligible and the coefficients were robust across specifications. However, even though the results were robust, the experimental poverty measures that considered individual-level entity effects revealed the most specification errors. The occurrence of endogeneity was obvious as the coefficient on annual unemployment rate was consistently negative and in some cases statistically significant. Moreover, estimated coefficients with the wrong hypothesized signs suggest endogeneity issues, such as measurement errors and omitted variable bias. Perhaps including valid instrumental variables would help alleviate the observable issues with the results. According to economic theory, good instruments are natural occurring shocks, since this sample captures the 2008 housing crisis, introducing shock variables that accounts for the crisis might serve valid instruments (i.e. changes in predatory lending, house foreclosures, and mortgage debt). Prior literature examining welfare reform and the prevalence of poverty is very limited and in many cases the consensus is mixed. According to McKernan and Ratcliffe (2006), the effect that specific welfare policies have on the poverty rate is not extensive. 67 The bulk of the literature focuses on analyzing caseloads (e.g., Council of Economic Advisers 1999; Danielson and Klerman 2004; Grogger 2004a-b, Moffitt 1999; & Zedlewski 2001) and the effect welfare reform has on employment, earnings, income and other outcomes. After the 1995 National Academy of Sciences published their report on measuring poverty, the literature on estimating experimental poverty measures significantly increased, yet poverty as an outcome is not commonly seen in the literature. Moreover, this study contributes to the literature by calculating a new experimental poverty measure that adjusts a household’s total annual income by the interest payments made on non-mortgage debt. There were many limitations to this analysis hence, from a policy perspective; the results should be taken lightly. In short, it may appear that this study argues that households with a tremendous amount of consumer debt should be considered poor and thus receive government aid. However, consumer debt is sometimes acquired by individuals who purchase big ticket items and are not struggling to make ends meet. Consumer debt is used for establishing credit in most cases; hence people rack up debt in hopes to increase their credit scores. Furthermore, because I was not able to decipher between the households that were debt dependent with those who were purchasing big ticket items and increasing their credit accessibility, this debt poor measure is not ideal. In any case, the purpose of this study serves to motivate the discussion of the accumulation of consumer debt and the inclining associated interest rates. When considering welfare policy, analyst should be wary of the modern debt conundrum that this thesis analyzes. 68 ‘Buying on credit’ has grown tremendously this decade. Given this change in society and the negative impact it poses on consumer’s disposable income, the cost of serving non-mortgage debt should be considered when the U.S. Census estimates poverty in America. Even though this study was unable to statistically demonstrate the effect specific welfare policies have on debt poor households, this experimental approach to poverty should not be ignored. Given the growth in consumer debt, the poverty definition needs to consider all of the factors that reduce an individual’s disposable income. Additionally, understanding how the continuous growth in consumer debt will impact future welfare policies is critical for preventing the growth of welfare dependent states. From a policy perspective managing consumer debt is vastly important as consumers maybe more likely to file for bankruptcy and apply for welfare benefits. Future studies should modify and expand this experimental approach to poverty and considering interest payments on non-mortgage debt has large future implications. 69 Appendix A: State-Level Entity Effects State-level Fixed Effects Model Control Variables RGSP per capita (in thousands) Unemployment rate Average years of education Gini coefficient Fair market rents (%) Eligibility Requirements Family cap (0/1) Vehicle exemption (in $1,000s) EID (in $100s) No explicit EID test Financial Incentives to Work Max monthly benefits (in $100s) EID during month 12 State-level minimum wage Most severe sanction amount ($) Most severe sanction duration (0-5 scale) Treatment of child support income (0-2) State Average EITC (in $100s) Time Limits (Binary Variables) Duration of lifetime time limits (months) No time limits Intermittent time limit Time limit exemption for illness Time limit exemption for child (months) Time limit extension if cooperating Overall With-in Women Official Poverty Rate Official Poverty Rate Experimental Poverty Rate Marginal Effect Poverty Rate -0.0524 (0.04) 0.483** (0.221) -0.290 (0.302) 1.345 (2.848) -0.0112* (0.00590) -0.0652 (0.043) 0.329*** (0.0689) 0.252 (0.502) -0.00107 (0.00302) 0.020* (0.011) 0.0125 (0.0188) -0.414 (0.429) 0.0008* (0.0005) 0.0143 (0.013) 0.00607 (0.0188) -0.104 (0.212) -0.434 (0.427) 0.00078 (0.0005) 0.483 (0.627) -0.066 (0.068) 0.0108 (0.008) 0.673 (0.800) 0.0581 (0.426) 0.020 (0.025) - -0.110 (0.121) -0.048 (0.076) - -0.0977 (0.125) -0.0070 (0.007) 0.0087 (0.007) -1.523* (0.790) -0.00140 (0.0013) -5.908* (3.525) 0.198 (0.194) -0.324 (1.545) 0.102 (0.101) -3.18*** (0.425) 0.0025 (0.0025) 0.00023 (0.0007) -0.0216 (0.0526) 0.0620* (0.0318) 0.935*** (0.103) -0.0029 (0.0037) -0.0009 (0.0009) -0.00702 (0.0202) 0.0193 (0.0130) 0.0539 (0.0412) 0.0047* (0.0028) -0.0009 (0.0009) 1.266 (3.821) -0.00434 (0.0181) 3.003* (1.758) 0.0172 (0.0133) 0.0480 (0.0387) 0.0049* (0.0029) 0.0540 (0.0336) 2.609 (2.116) -0.662 (0.919) 0.176 (0.121) 0.0110 (0.0250) 0.386 (0.935) 0.299 0.415 -0.00266 (0.0087) -1.065** (0.485) -0.907** (0.439) -0.0820** (0.0309) 0.00025 (0.0048) 0.238 (0.453) 0.0529 0.721 0.00250 (0.0023) -0.0120 (0.123) -0.0241 (0.0892) 0.0674*** (0.0119) 0.00051 (0.0012) -0.0345 (0.123) 0.0332 0.146 0.00265 (0.0025) 0.0114 (0.124) -0.0249 (0.0939) 0.0661*** (0.0124) 0.0006 (0.001) -0.0223 (0.110) 0.284 0.145 70 Appendix B: Additional Tables Eligibility Requirements (4) Variable Metric Definition wf_famcap (0/1) Equals 1 if State has family cap provision. wf_veh ($) Indicates the portion of a recipient’s vehicle fair market value that is excluded from welfare benefit requirements. Earned Income wf_eid ($) Indicates the three month maximum Disregards (EID) amount of total monthly earned income disregarded EID Remainder wf_eidr (%) Indicates the nine month maximum percent of earned income disregarded from earned income (i.e. after disregarding a portion of earned income, wf_eid, a percentage of total monthly earnings is disregarded for the remaining 9 months). No Explicit EID Tests wf_eidtest Equals 1 if the state does not have any explicit EID test for eligibility purposes. Financial Incentives to Work (7) Policy Name Variable Metric Definition Most Severe Sanctions wf_sevamou ($) Indicates the max monetary loss of for Non-Compliance nt benefits due to non-compliance. Most Serve Sanctions for wf_sevmont (#) Indicates the duration of severe sanctions Non-Compliance, hs for non-compliance. Values are Duration categorical and range between 0-36 months. If value equals, 0 – Indicates a warning, state has no sanctions 1 – Indicates 1 month sanctions 2 – Indicates 2-5 month sanctions, reapply 3 – Indicates 6-11 month sanctions 4 – Indicates 12-36 month sanctions Treatment of Child wf_childsinc (0-2) 1: if wf_childsinc < $50 Support Income 2: if wf_childsinc = $50 3: if wf_childsinc > $50 Maximum Monthly wf_maxben ($) Indicates the states maximum monthly Benefits benefits for welfare recipients. Average Earned Income Aveitc ($) Indicates the state average EITC benefits Tax Credit (EITC) State-Level Minimum min_wage ($) State specific minimum wage, all states Wage without a minimum wage are set equal zero FLSA Minimum Wage fedFLSA ($) Federal level minimum wage Policy Name Family Cap Vehicle Asset Exemption 71 Policy Name No Time Limits Intermittent Time Limits Time Limits for Ill Members Time Limits for Cooperation Duration of Time Limits Time Limit Exemption for Dependents Fair Market Rents (FMR) Gini Coefficient State Average Annual Unemployment Rate Time Limits (6) Variable Metric Definition tl_notl (0/1) Equals 1 if State does not have time limits tl_interm (0/1) Equals 1 if State has intermittent life time limits tl_ill (0/1) Equals 1 if State has any type of time limit exemption for either ill/ incapacitated recipients or caring for ill/incapacitated individuals tl_coop (0/1) Equals 1 if the state extends time limits for recipients who are unemployed and cooperating with the welfare requirements. tl_months (m) Indicates a state’s maximum number of months tl_child (m) Indicates if the state has time limit exemptions for recipients with dependents under ‘x’ months of age. The months of the dependent are reported, (i.e. if a child is 4 months old then the variable equals 4 for that state. Controls (3) fmr ($) Indicates the growth rate in a state’s FMR for a two-bedroom house, and is used as a proxy for cost-of-living over time. gini (#) Indicates the income inequality level in each state. It is an index ranging from [01], perfect inequality denoted, 1. aaunemp_r (#) Annual average state unemployment rate. *Metric indicates binary variables (0/1), dollar values ($), percents (%), &numerical values (#) i.e. index, range, duration **Unit of measure: ith head of household Variables Real Total Income Real Total Debt Interest Payments Adjusted Income Race: Non-white Gender: Female Average years of Edu Average Age Obs. 76,914 76,914 76,914 76,914 76,914 76,914 76,914 76,914 Mean 74,158.6 9,246.6 1,292.3 72,866.4 0.4 0.3 12.4 44.0 Std. dev 85,804.6 27,989.9 3,942.8 85,449.7 0.5 0.5 3.1 9.0 Min -115,731.6 0 0 -115,731.6 0 0 0 21 Max 2,392,281 2,200,000 314,820 2,392,281 1 1 17 91 72 Variables Gini Coefficient FMRs ln(FMR) Average EITC ln(EITC) Annual Average Unemployment Rate ln(RGSP) Variables Obs. Mean 76,914 0.45 76,914 605.74 76,914 6.37 76,914 315.65 76,914 5.52 Std. dev 0.04 168.91 0.25 228.66 0.69 Min 0.01 370.26 5.91 39.60 3.68 Max 0.54 1324.00 7.19 1819.16 7.51 76,914 5.28 1.63 2.59 13.42 76,914 11.93 0.94 10.03 14.48 Metric* Obs. Mean Std. dev Min Max Eligibility Requirements (4) Family Cap (0/1) 76,914 0.43 0.50 0 1 Vehicle Assets Exemptions ($) 76,914 3,631 4,760 0 18,100 EID ($) 76,914 70.87 81 0 330 EID Net Income Tests (0/1) 76,914 0.439 0.496 0 1 Financial Incentives to Work (8) State Minimum Wage ($) 76,914 5.13 1.74 0 8.55 EID During Month 12 (%) 76,914 0.13 0.16 0 0.56 Average Earned Income Tax ($) 76,914 289 210 33 1,505 Credit Severe Sanctions Non($) 76,914 0.86 0.26 0 1 Compliance Duration of Severe Sanctions (m) 76,914 1.91 0.962 0 4 Permanent Sanctions (0/1) 76,914 0.13 0.31 0 1 Treatment of Child Support (#) 76,914 0.03 0.24 0 2 Income Maximum Monthly Benefits ($) 76,914 697 280 205 1,430 Time Limits (6) No Time Limits (0/1) 76,914 0.069 0.253 0 1 Duration of Time Limits (m) 76,914 50 20 0 60 Intermit Time Limits (0/1) 76,914 0.174 0.379 0 1 Time Limits for Co-operating (0/1) 76,914 0.244 0.430 0 1 Time Limits for Ill Members (0/1) 76,914 0.550 0.498 0 1 Time Limits for Dependents <'x' (m) 76,914 4 12 0 60 Months *Metric indicates binary variables (0/1), real 2009 dollars ($), range of numbers (#), number of months (m), & percents (%) 73 References Agresti, A. 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