THE EFFECTS OF INCOME SHOCKS AND LIQUIDITY CONSTRAINTS ON THE HOUSEHOLD SAVINGS RESPONSE A Thesis Presented to the faculty of the Department of Economics California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in Economics by John Dalton FALL 2013 THE EFFECTS OF INCOME SHOCKS AND LIQUIDITY CONSTRAINTS ON THE HOUSEHOLD SAVINGS RESPONSE A Thesis by John Dalton Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Suzanne O’Keefe, Ph.D. __________________________________, Second Reader Stephen Perez, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date ii Student: John Dalton I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator ___________________ Kristin Kiesel, Ph.D. Date Department of Economics iii Abstract of THE EFFECTS OF INCOME SHOCKS AND LIQUIDITY CONSTRAINTS ON THE HOUSEHOLD SAVINGS RESPONSE by John Dalton This thesis explores household savings responses to income shocks in the context of liquidity constraints. Using log and linear specifications, we implement a two stage least squares state and time fixed effect model. The first stage estimates unexpected shocks to household income. The second stage estimates the effects of the income residual on the change in household liquidity. Using the 1996 wave of the Panel Survey of Income Dynamics to split households according to a measure of creditworthiness, we incorporate household-level biennial wealth, income, and demographic measures from the PSID during the period of 1999 to 2009. Three primary findings emerge: 1) we find the savings response of unconstrained and constrained households to be statistically indistinguishable, 2) presumably constrained households dissave in a negative shock environment, and 3) unconstrained households exhibit statistically significant, but muted savings responses in a positive shock environment. _______________________, Committee Chair Suzanne O’Keefe _______________________ Date iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, I would like to acknowledge the entire faculty of the CSUS Economics Department. Professors Chalmers, Dowell, Dube, Ford, Gallet, Kelly, Schwarm, Sexton, and Wang all played a role in helping me stay focused and excited about consistently attending lecture. All of you kept it challenging and inspiring. Second, I would specifically like to acknowledge the two men that provided letters of recommendation for my admission into the CSUS Economics Graduate Program. Professor George Jouganatos, of all the courses I completed, the Money and Banking course you facilitated was by far the most challenging in terms of teaching me how to sit back and listen to opposing viewpoints without judgment. I gained a lot of respect for your character over the course of the semester. I am very proud of the A I earned in your course and was equally thrilled when you obliged and drafted a letter of recommendation. Professor Mark Siegler, you know my beginnings about as much as any professor. Early in my economics path, your guidance as Economics Department Chair proved to be foundation building. I truly appreciate the open ear you consistently offered to me early on. Thank you. Third, I would be remiss without pointing out that Professor Kaplan’s Cost Benefit Analysis course has proven to be the most pragmatic in my day-to-day career. v Professor Kaplan’s guidance and energy during my advancement to candidacy kept me motivated. Fourth, I must acknowledge the patience and guidance of Professors O’Keefe and Perez. During the past 18 months, both of you have graciously tolerated out-of-the-blue phone calls from me that can be considered nothing other than verbally expressed streams of consciousness rather than coherent print. I am truly blessed that both of you obliged me and served dutifully as members of my graduate committee. Considering what I know of both of you, I can only hope that over the next five to ten years of my life, my family is positioned the same. Both of you are an inspiration in more ways than you may realize. Finally, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the efforts of my Wife, Yana. Over the past 18 months, she has tolerated my defiance in refusing to accede to her demands of signing a “Finish my thesis by this date” contract. Especially over the past three months, she has taken up slack during the early hours of the weekends after I have pulled all-nighters to take advantage of those precious hours in which our 9 month old son and 3 ½ year old daughter were sound asleep. It is my hope that these efforts will set the precedent for our children such that they complete their graduate programs in a manner far more disciplined, efficiently, and graciously than I did. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................v List of Tables ................................................................................................................. ix Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................... 4 3. DATA SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 8 3.1. Data Overview ..................................................................................................... 8 3.2. Categorical Demographic .................................................................................... 8 3.3. Binary Indicator Controls .................................................................................. 10 3.4. Wealth ................................................................................................................ 11 3.5. Constrained Indicator ......................................................................................... 13 3.6. Income Measures ............................................................................................... 17 4. METHODOLOGY AND MODEL .......................................................................... 19 4.1. Hypothesis A ...................................................................................................... 19 4.2. Hypothesis B ...................................................................................................... 21 4.3. Overview of Reduced Form ............................................................................... 23 4.4. Component 1: Elements of the Dependent Variable.......................................... 23 4.5. Component 2: Sample Splitting ......................................................................... 25 vii 4.6. Component 3: Income Residual Instrument ...................................................... 27 4.7. Component 4: Primary Model for Hypotheses Testing ..................................... 28 4.8. Interpretation of Coefficients ............................................................................. 30 5. EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ........................................................... 33 5.1. Income Residual Estimation .............................................................................. 33 5.2. Hypothesis A & B Restated – Real Dollar Specification .................................. 35 5.3. Hypothesis A & B Restated – Logarithmic Dollar Specification ...................... 42 6. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 48 6.1. Summary of Research and Findings .................................................................. 48 6.2. Caveats to the Analysis ...................................................................................... 49 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 52 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3.1 Frequency and Percentage of Several Categorical Demographics……….……….9 3.2 Binary Indicator Controls by PSID Panel Wave ……………...……….………..11 3.3 Summary Statistics of Assets, Debt, and Equities - Level and First Difference...12 3.4 Summary Statistics of Home Equity, Wealth, and Household Head Age.………13 3.5 Tabulation of Observations Experiencing Bankruptcy vs. Financial Distress......15 3.6 Observations Experiencing Bankruptcy, Financial Distress, and Net Worth……16 3.7 Tabulation of Observations – Bankruptcy vs. Constrained……………………...16 3.8 Constrained and Unconstrained Households 1999 – 2009……………………... 17 3.9 Summary Statistics of Several Measures of Consumption and Income………... 18 4.1 Controls Matrices for Various Regression Models……………………………....32 5.1 Income Estimation Process – Linear and Natural Log…….………...…………..34 5.2 Effects of Income Residuals on Changes in Liquidity………………………...…39 5.3 Sum of Effects of Income Residuals on Changes in Liquidity………..…........... 40 5.4 Effects of Logged Income Residuals on Logged Changes in Liquidity….....…...44 5.5 Sum of Effects of Logged Income Residuals on Logged Changes in Liquidity...46 ix 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This thesis tests for the effects of unexpected shocks to household income on measures of household liquidity. Within the context of positive and negative incomeshock restrictions, we observe the household’s savings response otherwise referred to as changes in liquidity. Manipulating household cash asset levels and unsecured debt balances serve as the primary channels a household can alter liquidity. However, households with limited cash asset levels lack capacity to smooth consumption in a negative shock environment. Additionally, a low asset household may be consuming at levels less than preferable according to the household’s tastes. The minimal capacity of a low asset household relies upon a primary assumption – access to unsecured debt asserts a minimal effect on a household’s ability to smooth consumption in the face of negative income shocks. Ultimately, revelations regarding the household’s savings response, in part, answer three questions. First, do liquidity-constrained households exhibit a savings response that differs from otherwise unconstrained households? Second, does a liquidity constrained household exhibit a capacity to smooth consumption in the context of negative shocks to income? Third, do unconstrained households exhibit excess sensitivity in the context of positive shocks to income? The final question posed arises from suggestions in previous research on permanent income life cycle (PI/LC) models. Namely, excess sensitivity to transitory income often arises in tests of the Permanent Income Hypothesis. The alleged existence 2 of liquidity constraints often serves as the likely rationale for this excess sensitivity. Without the justification of liquidity constraints, we must accept violation of PI/LC model implications. Specifically, rather than being consumed, theory predicts transitory shocks to household income are saved to be consumed smoothly over a lifetime. As will be pointed out in Chapter 2, many studies have found an implied consumption of transitory shocks. However, this implied consumption may be due to prior research models not accounting for a household’s capacity to access unsecured debt channels. Previous studies of PI/LC implications focus on changes in consumption as the dependent variable with a lagged measure of transitory income as the primary explanatory variable. This thesis differs from many attempts, in large part, by utilizing changes in liquidity as the dependent variable and an endogenous estimation of the income residual as the primary explanatory variable. Another differing aspect of this thesis is this thesis adds to the small body of PI/LC work using longitudinal microdata. Empirical findings of this analysis soundly reject the notion that constrained households face difficulty in reducing liquidity in times of negative income shocks. This implies constrained households, as defined with minimal cash assets, have access to the unsecured credit channel as a means of smoothing consumption in a negative shock environment. Also pertinent, a household alters liquidity asymmetrically, dependent on the sign orientation of the shock. In other words, we find that the unconstrained household exhibits a muted savings response for positive income shocks. This asymmetry is such that a positive shock increases liquidity less than an equal but opposite negative shock decreases liquidity. 3 This empirical analysis suggests both the constrained and unconstrained household exhibits an ability to dissave in a negative environment. In other words, they decrease liquidity. Since the presumably unconstrained households does not appear to increase liquidity as aggressively in positive shock environments as it decreases liquidity in negative shock environments, we can only assume this household is actually consuming, to some degree, transitory shocks to income. The two primary findings taken together suggest households are not liquidity constrained as is evidenced in the negative shock environment. However, households may exhibit symptoms of being liquidity constrained in the positive shock environment only because of underlying immeasurable desires to consume good news. In short, using liquidity constraints as the likely explanation for why excess income sensitivity exists when testing the Permanent Income Hypothesis may not be valid. This thesis continues in the following manner. Chapter 2 offers an overview of the extensive body of literature addressing topics like the permanent income hypothesis, life cycle models, personal bankruptcy, and idiosyncratic risk. Chapter 3 explores the longitudinal data utilized in our analysis. Chapter 4 elaborates upon the strategy and methodology of the employed model. Chapter 5 analyzes the findings of the model. Chapter 6 concludes this thesis with a summary of the findings and caveats to the analysis. 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This thesis integrates literature spanning the Permanent Income/Life Cycle (PI/LC) genre of consumer theory. The evolution of literature follows the sophistication of technology and data collecting techniques. Prior to 1990, micro data was difficult and expensive to gather and maintain. The data collected was typically unsatisfactory for testing an evolving expectations theory. Furthermore, because of the costs of conducting large longitudinal studies, large gaps between waves, sometime as much as five years, rendered much of the micro data unreliable because of potential measurement error. Consequently, much of the work involving PI/LC models used aggregate level macro data collected by federal and state agencies with a frequency as short as monthly, but typically quarterly. Into the late 1990’s, the introduction of powerful computer software enabled economists to create and test micro-foundational models involving high order calculus and the constant relative risk aversion specification of the consumption function. This led to a solid body of literature that lays the framework for further surveys of appropriate variables. Of special note, Deaton (1992) serves as the seminal text for this paper. In short, Deaton summarizes the pioneering work of Friedman (1957), Modigliani (1966), Hall (1978), and others in a comprehensive treatment of consumption at the macro and micro level. Recall the three questions posed in the introduction. First, do liquidity-constrained households exhibit a savings response that differs from an otherwise unconstrained household? Second, does a liquidity constrained household exhibit the capacity to smooth 5 consumption in the context of negative shocks to income? Third, do unconstrained households exhibit excess sensitivity in the context of positive shocks to income? To address these three questions as well as the forthcoming two hypotheses, we researched the literature according to specific characteristics. First, we identified four recent studies that used household level panel data in the context of PI/LC implications. Bartzsch (2008), Filer & Fischer (2007), Japelli & Pistaferri (2011), and Carroll (2001) serve as the four most recent guideposts for this analysis. All four utilized a unique set of panel data. First, Bartzsch explored German household panel data testing implications of precautionary savings and buffer stock models. His primary finding related changes in consumption to the ratio of a household’s wealth to permanent income. From his paper, the idea of utilizing a measure of wealth or liquidity as a dependent variable arose. Second, Japelli took advantage of the Italian Survey of Household Income and Wealth to test for consumption smoothing under the monetary regime implementation of the Euro. His primary finding notes consumption remained sensitive to income shocks after the integration of the Euro. From Japelli, the first-stage income estimation process employed by this paper was born. Third, Filer utilized the Panel Survey of Income Dynamics testing for excess sensitivity in the context of restricted credit according to bankruptcy declaration and asset levels. Filer did find evidence of excess sensitivity for households still within10 years of their most recent bankruptcy. Pertinent to this paper, Filer’s method of identifying constrained household by using the 1996 PSID wave gave rise to this paper’s sample splitting technique. Fisher (2010) augmented his work with Filer 6 (2007) by delving further into the PSID and meshing these households with broader Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) data. The point was to incorporate the PSID’s 1996 Bankruptcy Flag wave with SCF data to identify the probabilities associated with debt channel access for households with bankruptcy flags on their credit reports. Their primary findings supported validity of the PSID’s 1996 bankruptcy flag as an appropriate and effective sample-splitting tool for this thesis. Fourth, similar to Filer, Carroll utilized the PSID data to test a generated stochastic consumption model in which parameters were built in to simulate the effects of impatient consumers facing uninsurable labor-income risk. This thesis incorporates Carroll’s establishment of utilizing net household income including all transfer payments at various lag lengths to estimate current period income expectation of a household. Subsequent to Carroll (2001), Carroll (2009) augments the treatment of income shocks in the context of precautionary savings motives and impatient consumers. The final set of literature focuses on previous credit supply research. The second question posed seeks to investigate if households that are presumably constrained can indeed dissave in the face of negative shocks – implying access to unsecured debt channels is apparent. In order to invoke the latter implication, we must identify the nature of unsecured debt market supply. First, Krueger & Perri (2005) utilized Consumer Expenditure Survey data to parametrically test consumption smoothing within the context of perfect, limited, and autarchic credit markets faced by the household. Their major finding is that the credit market faced by consumers are somewhere between perfect and 7 limited. In other words, households were able to smooth consumption when entrance to the unsecured debt market served as an option. Second, two papers by Song Han, et al allow us to confidently assume during the range of our analysis (1999 to 2009), the supply of credit to unconstrained and constrained households alike was unfettered. Han (2011a) measures the supply of unsecured debt. They separate the data into pools of bankruptcy filers and non-filers and utilize the variable of time since filing. The primary finding notes bankruptcy filers are not excluded from unsecured debt channels after filing but do face less favorable terms than non-filers. In fact, during the three-year period immediately following a bankruptcy filing, filers received more credit offers than those that did not file for bankruptcy. Augmenting this work, Han (2011b) takes SCF data and estimates accessibility, demand, and cost of debt for bankruptcy filers during the post-bankruptcy period. They find bankruptcy filers have restricted access to unsecured credit but borrow more debt after bankruptcy than comparable non-filers. Han does segregate debt into three categories; 1) credit card charges, 2) first mortgages, and 3) auto loan debt. This Thesis however, focuses solely on the unsecured debt measure provided by the PSID. 8 CHAPTER 3 DATA SUMMARY 3.1. Data Overview The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) serves as the source for this data. Commissioned by the University of Michigan in 1968, the PSID features measurements of demographics, wealth, income, and consumption at the individual and household level. Specific to the timeframe encompassing this analysis, the PSID offers longitudinal data across biennial waves beginning in 1997 and ending in 2009. Additionally, the 1996 wave incorporates a line of questioning that pertains to the creditworthiness and degree of financial distress the individual household experienced during the period 1991 to 1996. Further embellishment of this specific line of questioning is forthcoming. This chapter parses the data into five segments: 1) categorical measurements of demographic distributions, 2) binary indicator controls, 3) wealth measures, and the components of the dependent variable – liquid assets, unsecured debt and stock equities, 4) indicator variables that define the constrained cohort, and 5) an overview of income data. 3.2. Categorical Demographic Categorical demographic controls utilized include marital status, employment status, education level, gender, race, region, and number of children under age 18. Table 3.1 presents each demographic measure along with the subcategories according to frequency and percentage of total observations. 9 Focusing attention first on the distribution of households across regions; immediately we can visually detect overrepresentation of southern states. This likely leads to a clearly skewed race distribution that underrepresents Latino, Asian, and other races (e.g. 2.3% of this data set are not white or black). Using inverse probability weighting – provided by the administrators of the PSID – addresses this feature of overselection bias. Such weighting is unique to each individual household. While the weighting feature does aid in external validity of this analysis, underrepresentation of certain demographics still occurs. Unfortunately, this is an unavoidable consequence of the choice of implemented waves. To the point, we do not 10 incorporate households that entered the PSID in 1997 and subsequent waves because they did not participate in the 1996 wave supplying the financial distress responses. Further reliance on the provided weights will ideally minimize this under-sampling effect so the results of this analysis have at least some external validity. Another potential skew exists in the form of gender bias. In order to take advantage of the panel nature of the data, we incorporate into this analysis only individuals that are heads of their household for all waves from 1996 to 2009. This means, the only women followed are those identified as head of household in 1996. Consider that the 13 years between 1996 and 2009 have seen marked shifts in labor force participation and earning potential of women relative to men. Accordingly, women may actually be head of household more than the indicated 23.2% above. Therefore, the results of this analysis may not be externally valid for female-led households. 3.3. Binary Indicator Controls Binary indicator controls include business ownership, home purchase transactions, mortgage refinances, and the birth of a child. These indicators are not static and so turn on and off across panel waves. Table 3.2 presents these indicators according to their distribution for each PSID panel wave. 11 3.4. Wealth The term wealth refers to a broad range of measures such as very liquid assets (VLA), unsecured debt (UD), stock equities (SE), home equity, net worth sans home equity, and average wealth. Various combinations and transformations of VLA, UD, and SE make up the components of the dependent variable. The other measures mentioned incorporate as explanatory variables. Summary statistics are adjusted to real 1997 dollars. 12 3.4.1. Dependent Variables The first differences of various combinations of VLA, UD, and SE comprise the dependent variables analyzed. We will conduct an examination of both specifications – linear and log. As such, Table 3.3 presents the summary statistics in both raw dollars and natural logarithm form; we positively code values for VLA, UD, and SE. This facilitates the ability to perform the logarithmic specification. Accordingly, a mental note exists to interpret positive changes in unsecured debt as an increase in debt, not an increase in liquidity. We present these measures in terms of level measurements and first differences of the level measurement. 13 3.4.2. Explanatory Variables Table 3.4 reports summary statistics of head of household age, level and differenced home equity, net worth with and without home equity, and a measure of average wealth. When practical, we carry out and display the natural log transformation. The Average Wealth variable is itself a single constant unique to the individual household. The purpose of the variable is to serve as a long run anchor for household savings time preferences and risk aversion. Time preference and risk aversion are difficult to instrument. The intent is for the Average Wealth variable interacted with the age and age-squared of the household to do just that. 3.5. Constrained Indicator For this analysis, the goal is to group households that are likely constrained while minimizing the imposition of arbitrary criteria. Fortunately, the PSID’s 1996 wave 14 provides the footwork for this grouping affect through a series of questions that allows the household to self-reveal the nature of their constraints. The first question of interest identifies households that have filed for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection prior to 1996. Households that answered in the affirmative earned an indicator variable assignment of one if their bankruptcy filing took place between the years of 1989 and 1996. The second question of interest, which is actually more of a line of questioning, identifies households that were unable to repay debt and/ or service obligations according to contractual agreements. To paraphrase, the questions ask of the household, “How many years between 1991 and 1996 did you find yourself unable to pay bills on time.” Responses fell within the range of zero to six years. Households that answered four years or more also earned an indicator variable value of one. In all likelihood, the PSID bankruptcy measurements understate the nature of constraints in the broader pool. Carroll (2001) points out that the PSID exhibits bankruptcy frequency about half that of the national average. Moving forward, we want to construct a “constrained” variable that incorporates households with experience in bankruptcy filings and/ or being unable to pay bills on time for four out of six years – with the latter referred to as “financially distressed”. Table 3.5 presents the tabulation of observations according to bankruptcy experience and financial distress. The three unshaded cells represent the number of observations that have experienced bankruptcy and/or financial distress during the period including 1991 to 1996. 15 Further accentuating the differences between the constrained and unconstrained grouping, we levy an additional intuitive imposition against all households. Namely, we want to take the results of table 3.5 and identify which households face current period liquidity issues while exhibiting a bankruptcy or episode of financial distress in their past. Accordingly, a restriction is place upon the results of Table 3.5 such that only households with net worth less than $4,817 (the 20th percentile of the wealth distribution) during a specific wave will populate Table 3.6. For Table 3.6, the unshaded areas represent the observations have net worth less than $4,817 while having either experienced a bankruptcy or an episode of financial distress. The main point of Table 3.6 is to expose the 1,810 observations that do not have a bankruptcy under their belt but do have an episode of financial distress in their past coupled with a current period net worth of less than $4,817. 16 The observations in the unshaded areas of Table 3.7 represent the “Constrained” pool of observations and will be central to testing hypotheses A & B. Table 3.7 identifies that 5.5% of all observations have a bankruptcy flag and 8.5% of all observations fall into the category of financially distressed but not exhibiting a bankruptcy flag. In all, 14.0% of all observations fall into the “constrained” pool. 17 Finally, Table 3.8 displays the number of constrained households across panel years 1999 to 2009. A steady number of households ranging from 480 to 518 households per year span the panel. 3.6. Income Measures The income data are comprised of several components referred to as permanent, transitory and inheritance. First, permanent income is represented with predictable hourly and salaried compensation along with fixed transfer payments such as social security or long-term disability. Second, transitory income is comprised of items such as overtime, bonuses, and tips. Finally, inheritance income makes its own category. All income data are represented in the PSID as net after tax household income for all members of the household. Table 3.9 presents the raw and log transforms of the survey data. Pertinent to our model is the net income measures that represent the household income from which we derive our income estimation process. 18 19 CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY AND MODEL This chapter explores two related hypotheses and the model employed to test them. Specifically, in the context of three separate restrictions, hypotheses A and B investigate the presence of household liquidity constraints and savings response symmetry by observing the household’s savings response to unexpected budgetary variances. First, we test the household’s response to budgetary variances otherwise referred πππ πππ’ππ to as forecast error or π¦π,π‘ with the assumption that a symmetrical response exists. πππ πππ’ππ Here, the idea is that whether π¦π,π‘ is positive or negative matters not to the magnitude of the estimated coefficient. In other words, we assume a one-dollar shock to catalyze an equal but opposite reaction regardless of the sign orientation of the shock itself. For the second restriction, we relax the symmetrical savings assumption and observe liquidity decisions in the context of positive-only shocks (i.e. good news). Finally, and again with the symmetrical savings assumption relaxed, the same households are exposed to a negative-only shock environment (i.e. bad news). While the second and third restrictions directly reflect the testable hypotheses, we analyze the validity of the symmetrical savings assumption anecdotally throughout this analysis. 4.1. Hypothesis A A household will increase liquidity upon experiencing an unexpected positive shock to income. 20 A positive shock represents unexpected good news for the household in the sense that for the current period, the household earned more income than previously expected πππ πππ’ππ such that π¦π,π‘ is greater than zero. For the unconstrained household, we expect channeling of positive shocks toward a corresponding increase in the level of liquidity. This relies on the assumption that unconstrained households are consuming at preferred πππ πππ’ππ levels and excess liquidity resulting from a positive π¦π,π‘ is channeled to increase the level of very liquid assets (VLA), decrease the level of unsecured debt (UD), or increase the level of stock equities (SE). On the other hand, we expect a liquidity constrained household to exhibit little relation between current period budgetary variances and changes in liquidity. Because we presume liquidity constrained households to be πππ πππ’ππ consuming at less than preferred levels, a positive π¦π,π‘ will simply enable the constrained household to move closer to preferred consumption levels. The liquidity level will increase by the amount of the transitory shock that is in excess of whatever otherwise would be needed to bring the household to a level of current period, preferred consumption. In other words, we expect constrained households to exhibit a muted savings response compared to unconstrained households in the context of a positive πππ πππ’ππ π¦π,π‘ environment. Consequently, if a liquidity-constrained household’s liquidity is not increasing in πππ πππ’ππ the face of positive π¦π,π‘ , we argue that the constrained household is directing current period excess liquidity toward increased consumption. This suggests, for 21 liquidity-constrained households, changes in consumption are indeed, related to positive income shocks. The case of the unconstrained household is easy enough to identify. This household, by definition, is at a level of preferred consumption. As such, a positive πππ πππ’ππ π¦π,π‘ will lead to excess liquidity not channeled toward consumption in the current period. Instead, we expect these households to transfer current period excess liquidity to future periods for later consumption. In other words, we expect these households to increase their level of liquidity in greater proportion to positive shocks when compared to the constrained household. We expect unconstrained households to exhibit a positive relationship between changes in liquidity and positive shocks. In contrast, we expect that the relationship between changes in liquidity and positive income shocks for constrained households will be insignificant or negative. 4.2. Hypothesis B A household will decrease liquidity upon experiencing an unexpected negative shock to income. A negative shock represents unexpected current period bad news for the household in the sense that, for the current period, the household earned less income than πππ πππ’ππ previously expected such that π¦π,π‘ is less than zero. For the unconstrained household, we expect channeling of negative shocks toward a corresponding decrease in the level of liquidity. This reflects the unconstrained household’s sufficient capacity to offset negative shocks through dissaving as a means of maintaining a constant level of 22 preferred consumption. Conversely, we expect a constrained household to exhibit no relation between current period negative shocks and changes in liquidity. By definition, a liquidity constrained household at time t possesses minimal liquid assets relative to the unconstrained household. Additionally, we assume liquidity constrained households lack access to new or increased levels of unsecured debt1. Accordingly, we cannot assume the possibility of easily addressing a negative shock in a manner similar to that of the unconstrained household. This suggests that changes in liquidity for a constrained household should not be sensitive to “bad news” because an increase in unsecured debt or dissaving otherwise cannot occur in the face of the negative income shock. To the point, if a liquidity-constrained household’s liquidity is not changing in the πππ πππ’ππ face of a negative π¦π,π‘ , we argue that liquidity constraints may indeed be present and the assumption regarding limited access to the unsecured debt channel is valid. For constrained households, this suggests given the available resources, dissaving wealth πππ πππ’ππ cannot adequately smooth a current period negative π¦π,π‘ . Should the levels of liquidity for a constrained household actually decrease when exposed to a πππ πππ’ππ negative π¦π,π‘ , we deemed invalid the assumption regarding limited access to the unsecured debt channels for presumably constrained households. All noted, it is expected that liquidity constrained households will not exhibit a statistically significant relationship between changes in liquidity and negative shocks. Although, a statistically significant negative estimate would suggest the constrained 1 If these constrained households indeed have adequate access to unsecured debt markets, then by definition these households would no longer be liquidity constrained and this assumption would be invalid; suggesting liquidity constraints may not be an issue after all. 23 household does exhibit a muted response relative to the unconstrained household. Meanwhile, we expect the unconstrained household to exhibit a positive relationship between changes in liquidity and negative shocks. 4.3. Overview of Reduced Form We analyze panel data through a two stage least squares model incorporating state and time fixed effects. Four primary components uniquely identify this model with elaboration forthcoming. ο· Component 1 – Dependent Variable: Calculated first differences in raw and logarithmic levels of very liquid assets (VLA), stock equities (SE), and unsecured debt (UD) serve as the dependent variable. ο· Component 2 – Sample Splitting: Splitting the pool of households according to net worth and past degrees of financial distress make possible, inferences regarding liquidity constraints ο· Component 3 – Shock Instrument: We utilize a first stage least squares process to estimate unexpected current period variations to income – henceforth referred to as income residuals. ο· πππ πππ’ππ Component 4 – Primary Model: Differenced estimators of the π¦π,π‘ measure interacted with the constrained indicator will test hypothesis A, and hypothesis B. 4.4. Component 1: Elements of the Dependent Variable The model’s dependent variable is referred to as liquidity and is comprised of very liquid assets, unsecured debt, and stock equities. Very liquid assets include accounts 24 such as checking, savings, bonds, certificates of deposit, and treasury bills. Measurement of cash in a coffee can, under the mattress, or in an envelope in the freezer occurs by asking if the household has any cash holding other than the accounts previously identified. Unsecured debt includes balances on credit cards, payday loans, student loans, and legal/medical bills2. Stock equities are investment accounts that are not associated with pensions or employer-based 401k savings plans. We utilize two measures of liquidity in analysis of the data. First, a raw dollar linear specification additively combines VLA, UD, and SE creating a current period measure of liquidity. Recall the positive coding of the UD variable. Accordingly, we define liquidity at time t (πΏπ,π‘ ) as VLA + SE – UD. On the level, the liquidity balance informs very little. For example, hypothetical household A, with a respective $100,000, $50,000, and $150,000 in VLA, SE, and UD appears to be identical to hypothetical household B with $0 in VLA, SE, and UD – both exhibiting liquid balances of $0. Ultimately, established savings and access to unsecured credit markets drive liquidity decisions of both households. In this case, household A may have access to a credit card with a $50,000 limit while household B may have access to a $3,000 credit card if it has established credit. To extract information regarding the household’s liquidity decisions, level values of πΏπ,π‘ are differenced to better express liquidity balances in the context of individual level characteristics such as access to additional liquidity through credit markets. By differencing, the panel nature of the model allows us to effectively subtract 2 The PSID reports household unsecured debt as an inseparable basket of measures including credit card charges, payday loans, student loans, and medical/legal bills. 25 out, without having to measure, individual characteristics that do not change over time such as a strong aversion to borrowing. This leaves the model free to measure the extent to which households that want to increase debt can increase debt so long as they are not precluded from doing so – the extent of which is identified by the constrained indicator that will be discussed later. Second, we utilize a logarithmic specification to analyze liquidity decisions. For our dependent variable, a best-case scenario would allow us to transform πΏπ,π‘ to natural log form and move on to estimation. However, the πΏπ,π‘ variable can take on negative and even zero values that make it impossible to transform πΏπ,π‘ into the natural log of liquidity ππ(πΏπ,π‘ ). The remedy to this situation involves extracting the UD element of πΏπ,π‘ , leaving us with VLA + SE, which we can additively combine prior to taking the natural log. In this case, the natural log of UD will be differenced and play a role as an explanatory variable. 4.5. Component 2: Sample Splitting Hypotheses A & B seek to compare the liquidity decisions of constrained and unconstrained households in the context of positive and negative shocks to current period income variances from previously estimated expectations. To make this comparison, the surveyed households are distilled into two pools using measures unique to the household – the first being a measure of net worth and the second being a binary indicator flagging previous episodes of financial distress. For a survey wave, households with low net worth and a history of financial distress are assumed to be constrained. 26 4.5.1. Net Worth The Panel Survey of Income Dynamics (PSID) directly measures household net worth. For splitting our sample, we establish an arbitrary benchmark at the 20th wealth percentile as a means of identifying households likely constrained due to low asset levels. Adjusting to real 1997 dollars, the benchmark computes to $4,817. This includes measures of assets and liabilities for all households across all biennial waves beginning in 1999 and ending in 2009 and works out to the 20th percentile of the net worth distribution. Because we hold this benchmark static, households with low net worth during one wave can migrate above the benchmark for subsequent waves. 4.5.2 Financial Distress For the purpose of this analysis, financial distress comes in two forms with the first form being inability to pay unsecured debt obligations or household bills in a timely fashion. Repayment history affects credit score that in turn affects the household’s ability to establish new lines of unsecured credit. Specifically, households will face various degrees of financial autarchy subsequent to periods in which out-of-contract payment history catalyzed the reporting of derogatory credit remarks assigned to a household’s credit report. The second form reflects limited access to credit markets subsequent to a bankruptcy filing. Flagging both forms of distress is possible because the 1996 wave of the PSID features a set of questions that invoke self-revealed instances of households with bankruptcy filings in their past. Additionally, households self-reveal if they were unable to pay creditors on time during period 1991 to 1996. 27 Extend an assumption for households that declared bankruptcy and were unable to pay creditors on time during the period 1991 to 1996; these households are assumed likely to continue with various degrees of financial distress through all waves. Additionally, we assume households identified as having low asset levels or as being financially distressed as liquidity constrained. Ultimately, the pool of liquidity constrained households are expected to exhibit different characteristics regarding liquidity decisions made in the context of positive and negative variations to income. A downside does exist within our sample splitting technique. Namely, the PSID line of questioning regarding financial distress and bankruptcy does not crop up again for any waves subsequent to 1996. If the once-unconstrained household experiences financial distress, they will enter the constrained pool undetected by this model. This will lead to a convergence of the results between constrained and unconstrained households. The implication is that this convergence will lead to an underestimation of the coefficients associated with the constrained pool of households. As such, in a worst-case scenario, both pools will appear similar enough to render the sample splitting technique inadequate, but given data constraints, it is our best estimate. 4.6. Component 3: Income Residual Instrument A “shock” variable is created to instrument for income fluctuations across time. This shock variable is comprised of an income component – derived according to an estimation process that calculates the residual that represents the difference between the actual income measurement at time t and the predicted value according to a line of best fit for the entire sample. 28 The process modeling income forecast error is employed such that total household income at time t (π¦π,π‘ ) is regressed against three lags of itself and demographic controls ( Γπ,π‘ ) known to the household at time t – 2 (π. π π¦π,π‘−2 , π¦π,π‘−4 , π¦π,π‘−6 , and Γπ,π‘−2 ). Equation 1 identifies the income forecast error estimation process (1). π¦π,π‘ = π½π,π π¦π,π‘−2π + π½π Γπ,π‘−2 + π½π + π½πΌ,π‘−2 + ππ,π‘ ; π = 1, 2, 3, 4 (1) State and year fixed effects are accounted for such that π½πΌ,π‘−2 identifies the state of residency (πΌ) at time t – 2 while π½π identifies specific wave years. Residuals for both linear and logarithmic dependent variables are predicted from the π = 1, 2, 3, 4 model presented with (1). The linear residual is defined as the difference between actual income at time t and predicted income from the estimation process (2). Equation (3) defines the log-specified residual. πππ πππ’ππ πππ‘π’ππ π¦π,π‘ = π¦π,π‘ − π¦Μπ,π‘ (2) πππ πππ’ππ πππ‘π’ππ πππ¦π,π‘ = πππ¦π,π‘ − πππ¦Μπ,π‘ (3) In practical terms, π¦Μπ,π‘ represents the households budgeted income at future time t; predicted at time t – 2 with information available to the households at time t – 2. 4.7. Component 4: Primary Model for Hypotheses Testing 4.7.1 Linear-Specified Equation (8) represents the general regression model employed by our analysis. πππ πππ’ππ πππ πππ’ππ βπΏπ,π‘ = π½π,π π¦π,π‘−2π + π½π,π π¦π,π‘−2π πΏππππ π‘πππππππ,π‘−2π + π½π,π ππππ π‘πππππππ,π‘−2π + π½π Θπ,π‘ + π½π + π½πΌ,π‘−2 + ππ,π‘ ; π = 0, 1, 2 (8) 29 πππ πππ’ππ We represent the derivative explanatory variable π¦π,π‘ by itself along with πππ πππ’ππ several biennially lagged measurements. Additionally, π¦π,π‘ and pertinent lags are interacted with a constrained indicator of time t – 2k where k signifies a specific panel wave. The control matrix Θπ,π‘ consists of measures including the common demographics contained in the income matrices and Γπ,π‘ . Also incorporated are indicators that account for the birth of a child and home refinance events. Table 4.1 summarizes the components of the three control matrices mentioned thus far as well as a fourth matrix yet presented. πππ πππ’ππ In the context of the π¦π,π‘ variable, hypotheses A & B suggest positively πππ πππ’ππ correlated changes in liquidity with the π¦π,π‘ variable from (3). A leading question is whether the expression of the estimated effect of the income residual is symmetrical regarding changes in the liquidity measure. In the context of the linear dollar model, a perfectly symmetrical relationship suggests a one-unit increase in the residual will be associated with an equivalent increase in liquidity for both positive and negative shocks. For positive shocks, one-for-one means complete saving of the excess shock. For negative shocks, one-for-one means completely absorbing the negative income shock by a one-for-one dissaving of assets or accumulation of unsecured debt. With this discussion in hand we propose to test (8) under three assumptions. First, πππ πππ’ππ symmetrical response will be assumed, so the orientation of the π¦π,π‘ will not be restricted. To test hypothesis A, the symmetric response assumption is relaxed and replace with a positive-only shock restriction. Likewise, hypothesis B imposes a negative-only shock orientation. 30 4.7.2. Log-Specified The previously discussed linearly specified general regression model forces all households, regardless of wealth dynamics, to adopt a constant savings profile, which may not be a valid assumption. For robustness of interpretation, exploring the relationship between liquidity decisions and budget fluctuations in terms of logarithmic specification is prudent with the goal being to estimate household decisions in terms of elasticities. Equation (9) identifies the log specified model. πππ πππ’ππ πππ πππ’ππ βπππΏππΏπ΄+ππΈ = π½π,π πππ¦π,π‘−2π + π½π,π πππ¦π,π‘−2π πΏππππ π‘πππππππ,π‘−2π π,π‘ + π½π,π ππππ π‘πππππππ,π‘−2π + π½π Ππ,π‘ + π½π + π½πΌ,π‘−2 + ππ,π‘ ; π = 0, 1, 2 (9) A fundamental difference between the linear and logarithmic specification exists. Specifically, there is no way to interpret, with economic sense, combinations of VLA, SE, and UD as a single dependent variable. To deal with this, we pull UD out of the dependent variable and move it to the explanatory side of the equation – taking its place in the Ππ,π‘ matrix unique to (9). 4.8. Interpretation of Coefficients We state the hypotheses in a manner that relates the orientation of the πππ πππ’ππ π¦π,π‘−2π variable to changes in liquidity. Because we utilize lagged estimators of residual residual residual residual residual yi,t−2k in the form of βj,0 yi,t , βj,1 yi,t−2 , βj,2 yi,t−4 , and βj,3 yi,t−6 , it is acceptable to sum any statistically significant π½π,π coefficients to present as a net effect of πππ πππ’ππ π¦π,π‘ on the dependent βπΏπ,π‘ variable (13). 31 πΔπΏπ,π‘ πππ πππ’ππ ππ¦π,π‘ = (π½π,1 + π½π,2 + β― + π½π,π ) (13) The ultimate interpretation of the coefficients depends upon the specification of the model. The linear model dictates we read (π½π,1 + π½π,2 + β― + π½π,π ) as the number of cents the ΔπΏπ,π‘ measure increases per shock-dollar. Here “shock-dollar” reflects a one dollar forecast error from the sum of the predicted income residuals. The log-specified model, on the other hand, yields coefficients interpreted as elasticities such that a change πππ πππ’ππ of one percent in π¦π,π‘ leads to a net (π½π,1 + π½π,2 + β― + π½π,π ) percent change in ΔπΏπ,π‘ . 32 33 CHAPTER 5 EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS We present analysis of the results in two stages. The first stage involves the exploration of the endogenous nature of income in the context of characteristics and experience unique to the individual households over time. The resulting estimations yield an income forecast error that instruments for biennial unexpected variation. The second stage applies information contained within the residuals toward analysis of changes in various combinations of VLA, UD, and SE. This application of residuals along with their interactions with the constrained pool of households will inform the status of hypotheses A & B. We present and interpret results in the context of both linear specification and logarithmic elasticity. 5.1. Income Residual Estimation The process modeling income forecast error is employed such that net household income at time t (π¦π,π‘ ) is regressed against three lags of itself and demographic controls ( Γπ,π‘ ) known to the household at time t – 2 (π. π π¦π,π‘−2 , π¦π,π‘−4 , π¦π,π‘−6 , and Γπ,π‘−2 ). Equation (1) identifies the income forecast error estimation process (1). State and year fixed effects are included such that (π½πΌ,π‘−2 ) identifies the state of residency (πΌ) at time t – 2 while (π½π ) identifies specific wave years. Moving forward, there are many references to a lag where k represents the number of lags and specific wave of the PSID. For example, π = 1, 2, 3 represents the 2007, 2005, πππ 2003 wave. π¦π,π‘ = π½π,π π¦π,π‘−2π + π½π Γπ,π‘−2 + π½πΌ,π‘−2 + π½π + ππ,π‘ ; π = 1, 2, … , 4 (1) 34 35 Table 5.1 presents the results for equation (1). To boot, the three rightmost columns of Table 5.1 present the logarithmic specification results equivalent to equation (1) – in which case, the dependent variable is denoted (π¦π,π‘ ). Inspection of the results suggests the three-lag income estimation model offers a balance of explanatory power while keeping a relatively large number of observations. This is important because choosing a lag length to estimate residuals at this point will hamper further analysis as available observations decrease with each lagged variable due to missing observations or even the fact that some wealth variables are not present in waves prior to 2003. Accordingly, we select the π = 1, 2, 3 model to estimate the income residuals for the second stage. Moving on, the π = 1, 2, 3 model presented with (1) predicts the residuals for both linear and logarithmic dependent variables. Define the residual as the difference between actual income at time t and predicted income from the equation (1) estimation process (2) and (3). Ultimately, generated residuals span the 2009, 2007, and 2005 waves. πππ πππ’ππ πππ‘π’ππ π¦π,π‘ = π¦π,π‘ − π¦Μπ,π‘ (2) πππ πππ’ππ πππ‘π’ππ πππ¦π,π‘ = πππ¦π,π‘ − πππ¦Μπ,π‘ (3) 5.2. Hypothesis A & B Restated – Real Dollar Specification With the creation and analysis of the income residual, we can move on to test hypotheses A & B. Recall hypotheses A & B as described in the modeling section: Hypothesis A: A household will increase liquidity upon experiencing an unexpected positive shock to income. 36 Hypothesis B: A household will decrease liquidity upon experiencing an unexpected negative shock to income. A leading question is whether expression of the estimated effect of the income variable on changes in the liquidity measure is symmetric. A perfectly symmetrical relationship suggests that a one unit increase in the income residual leads to an equivalent increase in liquidity for both positive and negative shocks. For positive shocks, one-forone implies completely saving excess shocks. For negative shocks, one-for-one implies completely absorbing negative shocks by dissaving of assets or unsecured debt accumulation. The following analysis will focus on two separate specifications. First, we employ a strictly linear specification utilizing only raw dollars for dependent and explanatory income and wealth variables. Second, we present a strictly logarithmic specification determined to identify elasticities between variables. The two specifications taken together will inform the robustness of the results. 5.2.1 Dependent Variable – Liquid Assets, Stock Equities, & Unsecured Debt Equation 4 represents the general regression model employed. πππ πππ’ππ πππ πππ’ππ βπΏπππ’π + π½π,π π¦π,π‘−2π πππππ,π‘−2π + π½π,π ππππ π‘πππππππ,π‘−2π + π½π,π Θπ,π‘ π,π‘ = π½π,π π¦π,π‘−2π + π½πΌ,π‘−2π + π½π + ππ,π‘ ; π = 0, 1, 2 (4) The primary explanatory variable is represented by the previously discussed πππ πππ’ππ endogenous π¦π,π‘−2π for various values of k. along with two separately differenced measurements. In pragmatic terms, imagine a father identifying a current 37 πππ πππ’ππ period π¦π,0 . The father then refers to previous experiences such as πππ πππ’ππ πππ πππ’ππ πππ πππ’ππ π¦π,π‘−2 and π¦π,π‘−4 . Now informed with the knowledge of this period’s π¦π,π‘ as πππ πππ’ππ well as the previous period’s π¦π,π‘−2π ; the father can proceed to “calculate” the πππ πππ’ππ appropriate amount of π¦π,π‘ to channel toward VLA, UD, SE, or consumption. The control matrix Θπ,π‘ consists of measures including the common demographics contained in the income matrix Γπ,π‘ . Also incorporated are indicators that account for the birth of a child and home refinance events. Table 5.2 presents the results of six regressions run under three separate shock restrictions. Three primary columns organize the six regressions. First, the “No yRESi,t” column imposes the assumption regarding symmetric savings responses to equal but opposite values of the shock variable, houses regressions (a) and (b). Second, the “Hypothesis A (π¦π πΈππ,π‘ > 0)” column relaxes the symmetric savings assumption and instead imposes a restriction that values of the shock variable be greater than zero, organizes regressions (c) and (d). Finally, the “Hypothesis B (π¦π πΈππ,π‘ < 0)” column relaxes the symmetric savings assumption and instead imposes a restriction that values of the shock variable be less than zero, shows regressions (e) and (f). Ultimately, we are interested in the summed coefficients unique to the income residual and the interaction involving the income residual and the constrained binary indicator. Table 5.3 presents such a summary. Before interpreting the summarized estimates presented in Table 5.3, we must point out a few facts regarding the nature of the estimates presented. First, the 38 coefficients are in terms of real 1997 US dollars. Second, the specification of equation 4 presents a linear raw dollar model. Accordingly, all coefficients are linear estimates. Accordingly, do not construe them as elasticities. A treatment involving elasticities commences later in this analysis. Table 5.3 is organized in line with Table 5.2 such that regressions (a) and (b) are labeled under the “No yRESi,t”, regressions (c) and (d) are presented under the “Hypothesis A (π¦π πΈππ,π‘ > 0)” column, regressions (e) and (f) are presented under the “Hypothesis B (π¦π πΈππ,π‘ < 0)” column. Columns (a), (c), and (e) refer to the π = 0, 1, 2 identification while columns (b), (d), and (f) refer to the π = 0, 1 identification. Joint significance is determined according to the associated p-value corresponding to the f-statistic testing for joint significance. 39 40 5.2.2 Real Dollar – Unconstrained Pool Estimates Referring to Table 5.2, the symmetrical assumption regressions (a) and (b) exhibit πππ πππ’ππ strong statistical significance for each measure of π¦π,π‘−2π . In the case of regression (a), all three measures are significant to the one percent level. With the exception of the π = 0 measure of the income residual, the same is true for regression (c) under the positiveonly restriction. This is important to point out because a wildly divergent result appears in Table 5.3. Namely, the summed effects for the unconstrained pool amount to a jointly significant value of -0.964 and 2.132 under regressions (d) and (f). This is definitely counterintuitive at first glance. However, once the (c) and (e) regressions involving the t – 4 lag of the income residual are incorporated, the (d) and (f) regressions render the t – 4 lag as irrelevant. If anything, this result brings into question the breadth of the data – such as, is the timeframe of the data sufficient to capture all statistically significant lags of the income residual. Unfortunately, the nature of the data limits the income residual to the t – 41 4 lag, which leaves us wondering as to what the results would suggest, had a t – 6 lag been available. Understanding the π = 0, 1, 2 identification likely offers the most pertinent information regarding the data set, the remainder of this analysis of the raw dollar specification will focus on the estimates associated with that specification. Referring to Table 5.3, joint significance cannot be rejected for the estimates associated specifically to the unconstrained household (i.e. constrained = 0) for regressions (a), (c), and (e). The positive-only (c), negative-only (e), and symmetric (b) restrictions yield estimates of 0.403, 0.148, and 0.814 respectively. The symmetrical assumption essentially resembles a weighted average of the positive and negative restriction regressions. Looking at the summed estimates for the positive and negative restriction regressions, we can perhaps make a statement that the unconstrained pool does not exhibit symmetrical savings behavior. Namely, the unconstrained pool appears to increase savings in the face of positive shocks to a larger extent than dissaving occurs in a negative shock environment. The summed estimates of regressions (c) and (e) suggest the unconstrained household is quick to consume positive shocks and has the ability to smooth negative shocks. This is interesting because we assumed the unconstrained household was consuming at a preferred level. The fact that the summed estimates suggest the unconstrained household dissaves 81.4 cents per negative shock-dollar suggest if it wanted to, the unconstrained household could certainly increase consumption. However, for whatever reason, this same household only increases liquidity by 14.8 cents per positive shock-dollar. Where are the other 85.2 cents going? If not under the mattress or 42 some other unmeasured channel, this unaccounted for portion of each positive shockdollar must be going toward increased consumption. Does that mean our presumed unconstrained household is actually liquidity constrained? A more likely explanation likely resides in buffer-stock models that suggest households prefer to maintain a set proportion of VLA to permanent income and only when this ratio exceed an intrinsically defined level does a household turn and consume what are otherwise income shocks in excess of expected amounts. 5.2.3. Real Dollar – Constrained Pool Estimates πππ πππ’ππ Shifting focus to the interaction term involving π¦π,π‘−2π and ππππ π‘πππππππ,π‘−2π , we observe in Table 5.2 only the t – 2 lag in the negative shock environment exhibits statistical significance and even that is only at the 10 percent level of significance. As presented with Table 5.3, across the board in rejection of joint significance, it is not a surprise. This alone offers enough information to argue that constrained households are actually not constrained according to our definition at least. It can also mean the constrained indicator is not necessarily operating as intended. Without bankruptcy data more recent than 1996, it is difficult to argue one way or the other. 5.3. Hypothesis A & B Restated – Logarithmic Dollar Specification The real dollar regression model estimates a model of savings that is linear in income regardless of wealth dynamics. This may not be a valid assumption. For robustness of interpretation, exploring the relationship between liquidity decisions and budget fluctuations in terms of logarithmic specification will estimate household 43 decisions in terms of elasticities. As we shift to a logarithmic specification, we briefly restate the hypotheses prior to presentation of results. Hypothesis A: A household will increase liquidity upon experiencing an unexpected positive shock to income. Hypothesis B: A household will decrease liquidity upon experiencing an unexpected negative shock to income. 5.3.1. Dependent Variable – Very Liquid Assets & Stock Equities Equation (9), revisited from the Modeling section, identifies the log specified model of the change in liquidity. πππ πππ’ππ πππ πππ’ππ βπππΏππΏπ΄+ππΈ = π½π,π πππ¦π,π‘−2π + π½π,π πππ¦π,π‘−2π πΏππππ π‘πππππππ,π‘−2π π,π‘ + π½π,π ππππ π‘πππππππ,π‘−2π + π½π Ππ,π‘ + π½π + π½πΌ,π‘−2 + ππ,π‘ ; π = 0, 1, 2 (9) There are fundamental differences between the linear and logarithmic specification. First, there is no way to rationally combine VLA, SE, and UD into a single dependent variable and expect it to describe some sort of economic behavior. To deal with this, we pull unsecured debt (UD) out of the dependent variable and move it to the explanatory side of the equation within the Ππ,π‘ matrix unique of (9). Second, log specification according to equations (1) and (3) derives the primary explanatory variables involving the income residual. 44 45 Table 5.4 reports the estimated coefficients of the logarithmic specification. This exhibit is oriented similar to Tables 5.2 and 5.3. Columns are grouped in pairs with (h) and (i) corresponding to the assumed symmetric environment, columns (j) and (k) reflecting the positive-only shock environment, and (l) and (m) signifying the negativeonly shock environment. Accordingly, the three regressions labeled (h), (j), and (l) are identified with π = 0, 1, 2 while regressions (i), (k), and (m) fall into the π = 0, 1 identification. As we move into interpretation of Table 5.4, we are keeping in mind the presented coefficients are representative of elasticities – exceptions being indicator variables such as ππππ π‘πππππππ,π‘ and π΅π’π ππππ π ππ€ππ,π‘ as well as the age of head – average wealth interaction term. 5.3.3. Log Specified – Unconstrained Pool Similar to Table 5.2, Table 5.4 allows us to examine the individual lags of πππ πππ’ππ πππ¦π,π‘−2π in the context of the three restricted environments. Unlike the linear model, the logarithmic model shows very little significance with regard to natural log of the πππ πππ’ππ residual πππ¦π,π‘−2π . What we see is statistical significance for the current period income residual for regressions (h) through (l) with regression (m) yielding statistically insignificant results. For all regressions, the t – 2 and t – 4 estimators on the income residual indicate statistically insignificant results. The apparent insignificance of the t – 2 and t – 4 estimators led to the estimation of the π = 0 identification for all three restriction environments. However, the results did not offer any new information on top of already presented results from the π = 0, 1 identification. Also, while the calculated R2 46 for the linear model are not necessarily remarkable, the log-specified R2 appear woeful – maxing out at 0.13 for the negative-only shock π = 0, 1, 2 identification. Table 5.5 follows the form of Table 5.3 in presenting the summed estimates of income residual lags and the interaction coefficients for the income residual and constrained indicator. We observe joint significance for the unconstrained pool with all three π = 0, 1, 2 identifications. Similar to the linear results, the negative shock environment yields a larger π = 0, 1, 2 summed effect relative to the same summed effect for the positive-only shock environment – 0.649 and 0.863 respectively. We interpret these summed effects such that in a positive-only shock environment, a one percent positive shock to the income residual increases liquidity by 0.65 percent. While a negative-only shock environment exhibits dissaving of 0.86 percent per one percent decrease in negative shock. Peculiar is the estimate associated with the no shock restriction π = 0, 1, 2 identification. We have come to expect that number to reflect a 47 weighted average of the Hypotheses A & B results. However, in the case of the logspecification, the no restriction estimate comes in at 0.151. Nonetheless, the results as presented in Table 5.5 offer a similar carte blanche conclusion to that of Table 5.3 – that, considering individual lag significance, joint significance of all lags, and R2, the π = 0, 1, 2 identification offers the best estimates for the effects of income residual on changes in liquidity. 5.3.4. Log Specified – Constrained Pool – Discussion Shifting focus to the constrained household, we first examine the estimates for the income residual interaction term with the unconstrained cohort. We observe not a single constrained interaction coefficient is statistically significant. Accordingly, it is no surprise that lags of the income residual interacted with the constrained indicator are not jointly significant. This suggests, similar to the linear model, that the constrained household behaves similar to the unconstrained household. However, these results can also be an indication that the constrained indicator itself is flawed. Alternatively, the apparent similarity between the unconstrained and so-called constrained households may exist because the constrained indicator cannot identify households that filed for bankruptcy subsequent to 1996. Without a more recent measurement similar to the 1996 wave of the PSID, we must tolerate this feature of the data set. 48 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION 6.1. Summary of Research and Findings This thesis tests for the effects of unexpected variations in household income on measures of household liquidity. In particular, we seek to answer three questions. One, do liquidity constrained households exhibit a savings response that differs from otherwise unconstrained households? Two, do liquidity-constrained households exhibit the capacity to smooth consumption in the context of negative shocks to income? Three, do unconstrained households exhibit excess sensitivity in the context of positive shocks to income? Using longitudinal panel data provided by the University of Michigan’s Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, we analyze household savings response between the years 2005 and 2009. First, we implement a first-stage income estimation process allowing us to treat income residuals as endogenous to the liquidity decision. This income estimation process incorporates income measures spanning the years 1997 to 2009. Second, we split the pool of households according to net worth and credit history – creating a constrained and unconstrained pool. Third, we created an interaction term between the endogenous income residual with the constrained indicator. Fourth, we employed regressions of the changes in liquidity levels against the income residual, its constrained interaction term, state and year fixed effects, and a host of demographic controls. The results answer the three aforementioned questions. First, the constrained pool of households does not exhibit a statistically different savings response from the 49 unconstrained pool. Specifically, the six linear and six logarithmically specified regressions yield results that allow us to reject joint significance of the income residual interaction term. Second, both constrained and unconstrained household exhibit the capacity to dissave in the context of negative income shocks. Namely, the linearly specified π = 0, 1, 2 model suggests, at the 1% level, a jointly significant dissaving response occurs to the order of 81.4 cents per negative shock dollar. In addition, the logspecified π = 0, 1, 2 model indicates, at the 5% level, a jointly significant dissaving response occurs to the order of 0.863% per 1% increase in negative shock. Third, unconstrained households exhibit a statistically significant, but muted savings response to positive shocks to income when compared to an equal but opposite negative income shock. For the linearly specified π = 0, 1, 2 model, observation identifies, at the 1% level, the absolute value savings response to be a jointly significant 14.8 and 81.4 cents per respective positive and negative shock-dollar. Supporting the linear model, we find for the logarithmically specified π = 0, 1, 2 model, observation identifies, at the 5% level, the absolute value savings response to be a jointly significant 0.649% and 0.863% per respective positive and negative 1% increase in shock-dollar. 6.2. Caveats to the Analysis Whether the constrained household exhibits a savings response similar to the unconstrained household does entail one caveat. Namely, the data does not allow the model to identify summary shifts in credit history subsequent to 1996. This is certainly important, as unconstrained households may have experienced bankruptcy or worse between 1999 and 2009. To boot, the constrained household may have experienced a 50 positive boost in credit remarks during the same timeframe. The effect of these scenarios forces us to assume the divergence of estimates for the constrained and unconstrained households is likely understated. As such, while this analysis reports no statistical difference between the two households; in actuality the analysis may be implying an understated difference in savings response between the constrained and unconstrained household. Future variations of this analysis should entail incorporation of the recently released 2011 wave of the PSID – released too near the completion of this thesis to incorporate the data. Also pertinent would be identifying a data set that allows for the measurement of FICO credit score or debt-to-credit ratio. The presumption being that some sort of measure interacting the income residual with credit score or debt to credit ratio will likely have explanatory power over changes in liquidity. Along the lines of data preference, while the PSID offers robust income and wealth measures, the frequency of the biennial waves may minimize or average out affects we are trying to test. An ideal data set would have a higher frequency of measurement – preferably annually, if not monthly. The final caveat pertains to the debt basket itself. Namely, the PSID’s debt basket is an inseparable measure of unsecured debt, student loans, payday loans, and medical & legal bills. Ideally, having the debt bundle broken down into specific granular components would enable a narrower analysis of a household’s ability to access the unsecured debt channel. As of yet, the data requirements these caveats evoke have not been met by a publically accessible source. However, while public data sets of this nature are not 51 necessarily available, private sector financial firms certainly have access to banks of data that fit the bill. Albeit, these firms likely lack the demographic controls available within the PSID. In all likelihood, the perfect data set would integrate measurements from several sources of public, private, and governmental habitat. 52 REFERENCES Bartzsch, N. (2008). Precautionary Saving and Income Uncertainty in Germany--New Evidence from Microdata. Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, 228(1), 5-24. Carroll, C. D. (2001). A Theory of the Consumption Function, with and without Liquidity Constraints. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 15(3), 23-45. Carroll, C. D. (2009). Precautionary Saving and the Marginal Propensity to Consume Out of Permanent Income. Journal of Monetary Economics, 56(6), 780-790. Deaton, A. (1992). Understanding consumption: Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press. Filer, L., & Fisher, J. D. (2007). 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