ILLUSTRATOR: BASICS Raster versus Vector Raster graphics: Vector graphics:

Raster versus Vector
Raster graphics: generally rectangular grid of pixels; colours individually defined
Vector graphics: represent an image through use of geometric objects such as curves and
polygons (resize without distortion)
-similar to canvas size in Photoshop
-imagery can spill over/exceed artboard size
Pen Tool (3rd down on left side of the tools palette)
-create paths and anchor points
-hold shift to create perfect horizontal or vertical lines
-click and drag to generate curves
-click and hold specify beginning point  release
-click and hold to specify end point  release
-adjust curves using direction points
Selection Tool (top left, tools palette)
-use to select/modify/move/transform entire shapes
-use direct selection tool to modify anchor points (top right, tools palette)
Paintbrush Tool
-similar to Photoshop, but plots anchor points to define freehand curves
-modify stroke weight (i.e. line thickness)
-stroke palette: window >> stroke
-modify brush style (i.e. simulation of artistic medium)
-brush palette: window >> brushes
-modify graphic style (i.e. special effects)
-graphic styles palette: window >> graphic styles
Pencil Tool
-allows for immediate editing/adjustment
-same options as paintbrush
-Smooth Tool
-reduces number of anchor points in shape to round out curves
-Erase Tool
-erase portions of a vector object
Warp Tool (7th tool on left, tools palette)
-apply algorithmic processes to objects/paths
Text Tool (3rd down on right, tools palette)
-similar to Photoshop
-adjust character properties
-text size
-line spacing (“leading”)
-space between individual letters (“kerning”)
-overall spacing of letters (“tracking”)
-adjust paragraph properties
-type on a path tool
-draw path
-select tool, type
-adjust type on a path
-type >> type on a path >> (selection)
Clipping paths (add anchor points/delete anchor points: 3rd down on left, layers palette)
-add additional points to an existing object
-subtract points from object
-break up a path by adding a point between two anchors, and then delete the new point
Combine paths
-join anchor points from separate objects to create new shapes
-use direct selection tool to highlight 2 end anchor points
-object >> path >> join: draws a straight line between the 2 anchor points
-object >> path >> average (horiz/vert/both): moves points to a new location
Placing images
-import raster images to use in layouts
-file >> place >> (browse for file)
-numeric or free
-object >> transform >> (selection >> sub-options)
View options
-layout guides, rulers, etc.
-view >> show rulers
-view >> show grid
-view >> guides >> show/hide, lock/unlock
-view >> smart guides: reveal angles, paths, other “hidden” information to aid in layout