Document 16076144


OSP Subrecipient Request Form

The purpose of this form is to request all items necessary to issue a Subrecipient Agreement or a Professional

Services (Consulting) Agreement under with sponsored research funding. Please include the following information along with the request form:

Detailed Statement of Work – Work the Subrecipient or Consultant will perform, including a listing of deliverables and a schedule for completing the tasks. This is not merely a copy of the proposal and should be a listing of tasks that you are asking the Subrecipient to undertake. The SOW will be incorporated and referenced through the Agreement. Please provide the SOW as a Microsoft Word document.

Itemized budget or fixed price payment/milestone schedule.

 Copy of Consultant’s insurance certificate (if requesting a Professional Services Agreement)

A copy of the Source and Price Justification or Bid Summary and Checklist. CMU policy requires this be completed for any Subrecipient Agreement greater than $2,500.

Please ensure that Supplier Forms and W-9’s have been sent to Procurement/Taxation and the vendor has been added to Oracle.

The CMU PI or his/her Research Administrator should complete this form. If desired, the PI may send Section II to the Subrecipient for completion but the Subrecipient should complete only Section II.

Section I. CMU Information

A #

Prime Sponsor

CMU Contact Information

CMU PI Contact Information

Oracle P-T-A ( for Purchase Order setup) _______________________

__________________ Prime Sponsor Award# _______

CMU Business Manager/Research Administrator

Email ______________________________

Section II. Subrecipient Information

Subrecipient’s Legal Name:


Name ____________________

Phone ____________________

Email ____________________

Subrecipient a Foreign Entity?

No Yes If yes, Country: _____________________

Subrecipient Funding (Budget) Period (if different):

From: ____________ To: __________________

Subrecipient Period of Performance:

From: ___________ To: ______________

Subrecipient Agreement Amount (Total Awarded):


Subrecipient Funded Amount: (Total Obligated)


PSA Rate


Subrecipient Cost-Share Amount:

PSA Not-To Exceed Amount



Please Contact OSP Subcontracts at 412-268-9527 or

if you have any questions.

OSP Subrecipient Request Form

Subrecipient PI Contact Information

Name ___________________________________________ Title ____________________________________

Department _________________________________ College __________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________________________

City ____________________________________ State _____ Zip ________________

Phone ____________________________ Fax _____________________ Email ___________________________

Subrecipient Administrative Contact Information

Name __________________________________________ Title _________________________________________

Department ______________________________________ College _______________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________

City ______________________________________ State _____ Zip ______________

Phone _____________________________ Fax ______________________ Email ____________________________

III. Technical Progress Reports or Deliverables to be submitted by Subrecipient PI to CMU PI (CMU PI should check all that apply):





Other (please explain)


Export Control – please answer the questions below:


Yes No Will any equipment, technology or information be provided to the subrecipient entity by the PI/research team?

(If yes, please provide more information on what will be provided):


Yes No Will any equipment, technology or information be provided to a foreign national or shipped/delivered to a location outside of the U.S.?

(If yes, please provide more information on what will be provided):


Yes No Will any funds be given or provided to an entity in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan or Syria

? (If yes, please provide more information on the entity and its location):

V. Other:

The CMU PI attests to the following related to this subrecipient agreement:

The CMU PI has no financial, management or ownership interest in the Subrecipient

No immediate family member of the CMU PI has a financial management, or ownership interest in this Subrecipient

The CMU PI is not a member of a partnership or limited liability company that has a financial, management, or ownership interest in the Subrecipient

If the CMU PI and/or his or her immediate family members have a financial, management or ownership interest in the Subrecipient, or if the

CMU PI is a member of a partnership or limited liability company with a financial, management, or ownership interest in the Subrecipient, a

Please Contact OSP Subcontracts at 412-268-9527 or

if you have any questions.

OSP Subrecipient Request Form relevant Conflict of Interest Management Plan must be in place with the Office of Research Integrity and Compliance and must specifically permit subcontracts from CMU to the Subrecipient . If a plan needs to be developed or amended, please contact

to begin the process. For more information about CMU’s Conflict of Interest policy and process, please see


V . Other (Continued) :

Please describe what confidential information, if any, will be shared and by what party.

CMU PI Signature:_______________________________________ Date:______________________

Typed name: ________________________________________________________________________

Please Contact OSP Subcontracts at 412-268-9527 or

if you have any questions.
