Kolb Chat

Kolb Chat
Goal: to share some lessons gained from experience and encourage
others to try some of the techniques in their teaching.
1. Some background on interest in trying out technology in classes
and office hours.
2. Overview of issues with closed captioning for hearing impaired
which is required by Federal regulations but which is an obstacle to
using videos.
3. Steps to add closed captioning to YouTube videos making use of
the machine transcription.
4. Steps to add closed captioning to YouTube videos through use of
a transcript.
5. Suggestion to use ViewPure in presenting YouTube videos.
6. Comments about the usefulness of screen capture software, and
Camtasia in particular.
7. Basic Camtasia information.
8. Brief explanation of the examples which follow of using Camtasia
9. Some examples of uses of Camtasia.
10. Brief section on Bamboo Tablet and Twiddla online whiteboard.
11. Some final thoughts.