Sacramento City College Strategic Planning System Title: Planning year: 2016-17 Plan Type: Program Plan OPR: Collaborative Group(s): Reference documents: Plan Author: SECTION I: Overview & Strategic Information A. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Briefly describe your program and state the overall mission of the program and its role(s) across the college. B. ENVIRONMENTAL SCAN Provide an overview of the major factors affecting the work of the Program. You may choose to describe the internal (within the college) and external (e.g. outside of the college) environment as they affect the program. Alternatively, you may organize the information by discussing the Program’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. C. MULTI-YEAR DIRECTIONS AND STATEGIES Describe the general directions in which you see the Program moving over the next 3 years. Include any multi-year initiatives in your Program Plans. Describe how these directions and initiatives align with the College Goals. This information will be considered by the CSPC when they review the College Goals & Strategies each year and may lead to the development of new or revised college strategies. 1 SECTION II: Annual Review and Plan A: REVIEW OF ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR’S WORK Briefly state the objectives you worked on last year and the progress you have made on those objectives. Include a brief statement of progress on multi-year initiatives. You may wish to use a table like that below: Outcome (AUO/SLO) (formerly called objectives) Expected results Progress to date B. UNIT OBJECTIVES: ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT OUTCOMES (AUOs) or STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLOs) FOR THE PLANNING YEAR List the AUOs and/or SLOs for the planning year. These objectives should align with and support the College Goals. Some Program Plans will have only AUOs. Others will have a mix of AUOs and SLOs. The planning year is the year you are currently planning for (i.e. the coming academic year). Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUOs) are the objectives of the unit that affect the experiences of the students at SCC. They complete one of the following the sentences: As the result of the work of this unit, the students will experience… OR In order to support student achievement, the program will…. Examples: Students will access multi-disciplinary tutoring through the various tutoring programs in the college. (Tutoring Program Plan) Students will have online tutoring available (Tutoring Program Plan) Students will experience improved communication regarding the importance of creating an educational plan, meeting with a counselor/advisor, preparing for the future semester, planning ahead, and getting financial aid. (Marketing Program Plan) Students will have adequate wireless access to Internet resources. (IT Program Plan) The program will institutionalize funding for BSI Math supplemental instruction tutoring The program will help improve and enhance internal communication to support organizational effectiveness using an integrated approach to marketing and alignment with all department marketing activities and associated resources. (Marketing Program Plan) The program will provide DE certification and training opportunities for faculty. (DE Program Plan) The program will create student accounts for accessing college technology resources and storing data. (IT Program Plan) Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are objectives of the unit that state the major skills and abilities that students will gain as a result of their work with the program. They complete the sentence: As the result of the work of the unit, the student will be able to… Examples: o Students will become active participants in their learning (Tutoring Program Plan) 2 o Students will increase their technology competency (DE Program Plan) o The students in BSI-related learning communities and DWAP will have higher course retention and success rates for these students will be higher than the average for students in the same classes overall. (BSI Program Plan) C. PROCEDURES AND RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PLANNING YEAR: Procedures are the detailed day-to-day tasks that are conducted as part of achieving the unit’s outcomes. Explain the overall procedures that the program uses to fill its purpose and implement its objectives. In some cases, a given procedure may support more than one objective. Include resource information: State the resources (financial, facilities, and IT) that are needed to implement program objectives. State the sources of funds that are applicable to your program. You may wish to use a table to present this information; two suggested table formats are shown on the next page. 3 Examples of ways to use tables for the information for section C are shown below: Program Name A table like this works well when each objective includes distinct procedures AUO/SLO Procedure Timeline Responsible persons AUO 1: Resource Requirements IT, Staff, Faculties, etc. Show total cost for each item Procedure 1a: Procedure 1b: AUO 2: Procedure 2a Procedure 2b: Procedure 2c: SLO 1: Procedure 3a: Grand Total Cost: OR Program Name A table like this works well when a given procedure is used for more than one objective Procedure Timeline Responsible persons Resource Requirements IT, Staff, Faculties, etc. Show total cost for each item Procedure 1 (AUO 1) Procedure 2 (AUO 1) Procedure 3 (SLOs 2 and 3) Procedure 4 (AUOs 1 and 4) Grand Total Cost: 4 Funding Source(s) Funding Source(s) APPENDICES: Include appendices as needed. Some possible appendices are suggested below: Detailed Program Data Details of External Requirements Affecting the Program Details of Funding Sources Measurement Tools/Procedures to Assess Objectives DATE: Plan updated Original plan REVIEW CYCLE: Annual 5