CORNERSTONE Hiring Managers

Hiring Managers
Revision Date 7/30/15
Hiring Manager training guide for using the new Cornerstone Applicant Tracking to submit a job
requisition request, review applications, interview applicants and make an offer of employment.
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Table of Contents
Logging in to Cornerstone 2
Completing the Requisition Request Form 4
Job Title 5
Division 5
Employment Type 6
G/L Code and Percentage 8
Hiring Manager 10
Reviewer 10
Applicant Interviewer 10
View Submitted Requisition Requests 12
Review Applicants 13
Actions 14
Send Email 15
Change Status 16
Application Flag 17
Applicant Profile 18
Interview Applicants 22
Schedule Interview 22
Add Interviewer(s) 22
Interviewer Recommendations 23
Extend Offer to Selected Candidate 26
Reference Checks 26
Change Status of Applicants 26
Notify Human Resources 26
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Step 1: Login into Cornerstone by accessing the following URL:
Step 2: On the login page pick the option of “Sign in to one of the following sites:” and select
“Cornerstone Production” from the drop down.
Step 3: Type in your CSCC network login information when prompted (i.e., network
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Step 4: When the user is logged in, a Welcome message appears below the banner. Navigate to the
desired menu item within Cornerstone. The options in the menu bar are based on your level of access.
Helpful Hints:
 If you do not see information on screens that you would expect to be there,
try going out of the screen and re-entering it, or hitting control F5 to
refresh the page.
 For best results, use Chrome or Firefox instead of Internet Explorer to open
 Use navigation tools within Cornerstone instead of the “back” button
within the browser.
NOTE: The Cornerstone system automatically logs users off when it sits idle for 60
minutes. A pop-up box appears five minutes before the time limit is reached
indicating the user will be logged off unless there is activity within that five
minutes. Any work that has not been saved within the past 60 minutes cannot
be recovered once the user is logged out.
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To begin the Requisition Request process, select the RECRUIT tab and click on Requisition Requests.
Click on Create New Request
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Job Title: click on the dropdown icon in the box to enter the title or select from a list of titles. You have
the option of selecting the title as listed or clicking on the “+” icon to the left of the title for additional
options within that category. Once selected, information will populate other fields in the form.
Requisition Template: click on the dropdown icon to see template options associated with that job
title. Once selected, information will populate other fields in the form; however, information may be
manually changed.
Display Job Title: This title is displayed to potential applicants in the job ad.
Division: NOTE: In Cornerstone, Division refers to the Department. A box will open listing various
options. Click on the “+” next to “Columbus St Community College.” A new box opens listing the
available divisions. Click on the “+” next to the appropriate division.
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Select the appropriate department from the list:
Location: Default of “Columbus Campus MN” is populated. To edit the location of the position, select
the dropdown and locate the correct location in the list.
Employment Type: Select the appropriate employment type. Options include:
Adjunct/Non-credit Instructor
Annually Contracted Faculty
Externally Funded
Student Employment
Select Full Time or Part Time: Full-time is 30+ hours per week; Part-time is up to 29 hours per week.
Compensation: Select the appropriate compensation type for the position. Options include:
Two Semester
The starting compensation will default based on the title that was selected.
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New Position/Replacement: Select “New” if position does not currently exist. Select “Replacement” if
position is vacant.
If Replacement, for Whom: Enter first and last name of current/previous employee in the position, if
applicable. If this is not a replacement position, enter “N/A.”
PCN/Slot/Head Count ID: Enter the PCN for the position. If the position does not have a PCN, enter
Position Justification: Enter the reason requisition is being requested in the text box.
Alternate Manager: Generally, the alternate manager is of the name of the Hiring Manager’s
Supervisor. (This is the alternate approver for Web Time Entry.)
Bargaining/Non-Bargaining Unit: Indicate whether the position will be non-bargaining or included in
one of the bargaining units. Non-Bargaining unit is the default. Options include:
Non-Bargaining Unit
FOP (Police)
CSEA (Faculty)
Teamsters (Facilities)
Employment Status: Select employment status from the dropdown list. Options include:
Board Approved
Externally Funded
Part-Time Professional
Student Employment
Adjunct/Non-Credit Instructor
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FLSA: Indicate whether position is Exempt (will not be compensated for overtime) or Non-Exempt (will
be compensated for overtime hours.)
Schedule Hours: Enter the schedule for the position in the text box.
G/L Code #1: Enter the General Ledger account code that will be charged for salary. If you are not sure
which G/L code to use, please contact your Cost Center Manager to obtain the code before submitting
your requisition request.
G/L Code #1 Percentage: If the total amount of salary will paid from only one G/L Code, enter 100%. If
the salary will be split between two or more G/L Codes, enter the percentage from this code and enter
additional funding sources and percentage in the “G/L Code #2” line below. (If more than two funding
sources will be used, enter the additional G/L Codes and percentages in the Comments box below.)
G/L Code #2 and G/L Code #2 Percentage: (See above if applicable)
Project ID(s) (if applicable): Enter the Project ID(s) in this field, if applicable.
Funding Comments: Enter additional G/L Codes and percentages here if needed.
Position End Date (if applicable): If position is for a specific period of time, enter the position end date.
Building: Use the drop down box to enter the location of the position.
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Room Number: Enter the room number where the position will be located.
Campus Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx): Enter the phone number assigned to this position.
Note: the input of the building, room and campus phone will flow through to other systems, such as 911
and the college’s asset tracking software, so it is very important to capture this information. If you do
not know the information at the time of creating the requisition, please provide it to HR as soon as you
Posting Specific Question (Applicant Disqualifiers): Enter disqualifying questions that will be added to
the application to screen for required qualifications.
Preferred Qualifications: Enter qualifications that are desired (in addition to minimum qualifications
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: KSA’s for the position will be pre-populated based on the Requisition
Template chosen. .
Other Comments to Display on Job Ad: Enter any other information that should be included in the job
ad. NOTE: A cover letter may be required by stating that in the job ad. Hiring managers can mark
application as “incomplete” if they indicated cover letter is required and applicant does not include it.
Internal Candidates Only? Select YES if posting is to be for internal candidates only. Select NO if both
internal and external candidates are invited to apply.
Desired Posting Begin Date: Select the desired date the position is to post to the career sites and job
Desired Posting End Date: Select the desired date the position is to be removed from the career sites
and job boards.
Description: Job description for the position will be populated in both internal and external fields based
on Requisition Template chosen.
Qualifications: Minimum qualifications for the position will be populated based on the Requisition
Template chosen. Note: The ideal qualification is not functionality that is enabled at this time.
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Applicant Reviewers
Hiring Manager: The User listed as the ‘Hiring Manager’ is the primary reviewer and has access to all
submissions, but not management rights for the requisitions. Because this role receives system assigned
automated emails and approval notices, please enter the Hiring Manager’s name, even if the Hiring
Manager and Primary Owner are the same person. Enter the Hiring Manager’s name by clicking on the
dropdown icon, locate the name in the list and select the person.
Reviewer(s): Users listed as ‘Reviewers’ are given access to all submissions, but not management rights
for the requisition. To add names to the list of Reviewers, click +Add Reviewer(s), locate the name in the
list and select the person.
Note: for candidates being reviewed by a search committee, add committee members’ names as
Applicant Interviewer: Users listed as ‘Interviewers’ are only given access to submissions that are
scheduled for interviews. Note: for candidates being interviewed by a search committee, add
committee members’ names as Interviewers.
Use the copy icon to copy Applicant Reviewers into the Applicant Interviewers list. To add additional
names to the list of Interviewers, click +Add Interviewer(s), locate the name in the list and select the
person. (NOTE: Use “copy” feature first; these will replace individual names you’ve added.)
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Attachments: Up to 10 documents can be added to the requisition. The type of attachment you might
want to add here could be an email from your manager approving the position for recruitment. Enter
the title and file name of the document. Click on SAVE. Documents that are uploaded will be listed
Openings: Enter the number of open positions that are to be filled from this requisition. Select ON
GOING if the position will remain open for hard-to-fill or pool positions. Standard staff positions will be
posted for two weeks; hard-to-fill and committee searches will be posted for 30 days, unless an
extension is requested.
Target Hire Date: Enter the anticipated hire date for the position. If multiple positions will be filled
from this requisition, enter the target hire date of the first opening.
CANCEL / SUBMIT REQUEST: When the requisition request form is complete, select SUBMIT REQUEST.
The Cancel button will delete all entered information. Once submitted, you will get an email notification
that the requisition request has been routed to Human Resources. HR will complete the rest of the
requisition, and route the posting to the applicable approvers (budget, VPs, etc.). Once approved, the
requisition will post to the Career Site. The hiring manager will receive an email confirmation when the
job has posted.
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From the Home page, select “RECRUIT” from the menu bar and scroll down to “Requisition Requests.”
At the right side of the list, you can click on View Request, Copy, or Retract Request
Use the “Copy” feature to create a duplicate requisition.
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The Review Applicants page allows designated reviewers (including the Hiring Manager) to see all job
requisitions and access candidates for whom they are a reviewer. To begin the applicant review
process, select the RECRUIT tab and click on Review Applicants.
A list of open positions will be displayed:
Job: The Job title is set in the job requisition. Click on the title for a read-only view of the requisition
Location: The location is set in the job requisition.
Owner: The name of the requisition owner (HR Partner that created the Requisition) is listed.
Date Opened: The date on which the requisition status was changed to Open.
Target Hire Date: The target date by which to hire a candidate was entered in the requisition.
Openings: The number of remaining openings for the requisition. This is calculated as the total number
of openings minus the number of candidates hired for the position.
Applicants: The total number of candidates for the requisitions who have a status other than Hired or
Closed. Click on this number to view all candidates for the requisition.
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Job Details link will provide quick access to the job description and qualifications for the requisition.
Search Bar allows you to search for candidates based on their current status. Click on a box (frame turns
blue) to include candidates with that status in the search. Select All will include all candidates who have
applied for the position.
Actions dropdown allows you to perform a series of actions on all candidates at once or on individual
candidates. It will only display actions for which you have permission to perform and that are relevant
to the functionality enabled in your portal. Possible options are shown below. Additional instruction on
each action can be found in the Actions Dropdown section below.
Candidate’s name is a link to view detailed applicant information for the requisition. To the right of the
candidate’s name are 2 icons linking to the candidate’s application and resume/cv:
Use the scroll bar below list of candidates to see additional information about each candidate.
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Column View: To edit the columns displayed, or change the order of the displayed columns, click on the
EDIT link to the right on the applicant list page. Default setting displays all available options. Deselect
options by clicking on the item and using the left arrow to move it off the Selected list. You can change
your personal column view one time for all future requisitions by clicking on “Edit the Default Layout
Template.” NOTE: Deselecting “Current Status” will remove the Search Bar at the top of the page.
Actions Dropdown allows you to perform a series of actions on all candidates at once or on individual
candidates. It will only display actions for which you have permission to perform and that are relevant
to the functionality enabled in your portal. Options include:
Change Status
Resume/CV Review
Send Email
Invite to Event
Send Email: There may be times when at least one applicant is placed into “Holding” status and the
hiring manager or reviewer(s) want to inform the individual of this. To do so, use the Send Email
function from the Actions drop-down menu.
Select at least one applicant by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the applicant information.
Using the Actions drop-down menu, select Send Email.
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From the Send Email box, select the “Email Applicant – Application On Hold Default” e-mail template
from the drop-down menu.
Once selected, a preview of the e-mail appears. NOTE: If you add anything in the Custom Message field,
it will not show on the e-mail the applicant(s) receive. Please leave this field blank.
Click on Send to send the email to the selected applicant(s).
Change Status: Use the Change Status option to move candidates along in the application process.
When an action is successfully completed, a notification box appears. Available Options:
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In Review – initial status
Reviewed – candidate’s application materials have been reviewed*
Phone Screening – candidate was screened via telephone
Interview 1 – selected for interview
Interview 2 – selected for second interview
Interview 3 – selected for third interview
Offer/Background Check in Progress – candidate has been verbally offered the position
contingent on successful pre-employment activities (e.g., background check, I-9, etc.)
Holding – candidate is held pending other action (i.e. another candidate accepts/declines offer)
Closed – candidate will not be offered position; hiring manager must select disposition reason
Hired (HR Use Only) – pre-employment activities are completed and the candidate is ready to
start work. This status is to be used by HR only.
*Hiring Managers and/or reviewers can also add an application flag to indicate a candidate’s application
materials have been reviewed. This flag is called Reviewed.
To add a Reviewed application flag to an applicant’s profile, click on the applicant’s name from the
Manage Applicant’s page.
On the Applicant Profile page, under the Summary tab, click on
section. Click on the “+” to the left of the flag, then click Done.
to the right of the Application Flag
The Reviewed application flag appears to the right of Application Flag section.
The application flag can also be viewed on the Manage Applicants page by adding/selecting Application
Flags to your column view (see Column View on pg. 15 for more information).
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Select the candidate for the action by clicking on the checkmark to the left of the name.
To apply the same action to multiple candidates (batch process), click on the checkmark to the left of
each included candidate. To select all candidates, click on the checkmark at the top of the column next
the “Applicants”.
Click on Actions and select “Change Status”. Change Current Status to the New Status using the
dropdown box. Click on Submit.
NOTE: When changing applicant status from “In Review” you must check the “Mark Complete” box in
the bottom left corner prior to clicking on Submit.
Resume/CV Review: This action allows you to see the resume/cv of each candidate.
For instructions on how to view the resumes of multiple applicants, please use the Cornerstone Quick
Guide – Reviewing Applicants.
Applicant Profile
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From the applicant listing page, click on the applicant name to view detailed applicant information for
the requisition.
Candidate’s name and contact information displays at the top of the screen. In the left column, the
current position is listed, as well as previous applications submitted by this candidate.
The Applicant Profile has six tabs: Summary, Statuses, Application, Comments, Documents, and
The Summary section displays the current status, links to resume/CV and application, source the
applicant used to apply for the job, the date on which the application was received, flags applied to the
application (if applicable), and job details and requisition owner.
The candidate’s status can be changed by clicking on the Current Status on the Summary page. From the
dropdown menu, select the new status and click on Submit.
NOTE: When changing applicant status from “In Review” you must check the “Mark Complete”
box in the bottom left corner prior to clicking on Submit.
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Managers are encouraged to dispose of non-qualified candidates as applications are reviewed. All
applicants must be closed out prior to the final offer to the successful finalist. Select “Closed” from the
dropdown options. You will need to indicate the reason for not moving the candidate forward in the
The Status section displays information about an applicant’s completed and current status. The
information that is displayed in this section is dependent upon the applicant’s status.
Reviewers can also indicate that he/she has reviewed an applicant by checking the box to the right of
his/her name under the Reviewed column. This is under the “In Review” tab.
The Application tab displays the responses to the online application allowing you to quickly access and
analyze each section in the application workflow. The sections that display on this tab depend upon
how the application workflow was configured. All sections of the Application tab are collapsed by
default and reflect the title of the section as defined the application workflow. Sections that are 100%
complete display a checkmark to the left of the section title.
The applicant’s Work/Supervisory References are listed in the Application section.
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The Comments tab displays posted comments regarding the candidate.
The Documents tab is used to manage and review all attachments uploaded by the applicant during the
application process. If there are documents that the applicant did not upload during the application
process, with the appropriate permissions, you can upload documents on their behalf. The Attachments
section will display any documents uploaded by reviewers or requisition owners during the review
The History tab is used to track and review events that take place throughout the application and review
process. Some events display as links to associated data, while others appear as date/time/user name
stamps. Details about the event are included to provide context and/or content for the event. Events
are sorted with the newest event displaying first.
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After reviewing all applications, select the candidates for interview. Hiring Manager (or designee) will:
Contact the applicant at the phone number listed on the applicant profile and invite them to
Determine a mutually convenient time and location for the interview.
Change Current Status to “Interview 1” on the Summary tab of the Applicant Profile (See
previous section).
On the Applicant Profile page, click on the Status tab and select Schedule Interview.
Add Interviewers: This will include any CSCC employees who will be invited to interview the candidates
for the position. Available Interviewers (if entered on the job requisition) will be listed in the column on
the right; left click to drag selected available interviewers into the Interview Scheduler section. You
may also manually add the names of Interviewers by selecting the “Click to add Interviewer(s)”
Search for Interviewers using last name/first name or advance through the list using the page numbers.
Select the Interview name and click on Add.
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Add date/time of Interview: Once all Interviewers have been added to the list, enter the type (in
person or phone), date, start and end time, and location (enter exact location in comments box) of the
interview. When complete, you can click on Preview in Outlook to see the invitation (Outlook must be
open to preview invitation; webmail version will preview invitation) or Save and Send to Interviewer.
The invitation will be sent to the Interviewers’ email box. Once accepted, the invitation will be added to
their Outlook calendar. (Note: if Interviewer(s) has/have not previously agreed to interview date/time,
please confirm their acceptance of Outlook invitation before sending interview to the candidate.)
Note: Interview Guide (candidate evaluation) functionality is not enabled at this time.
Click on Send Notification to Applicant. The Applicant will receive an email confirmation of the
interview, as well as a confirmation in their Career Site Portal. The email will include directions, a
campus map, and a parking pass.
Interviewer Recommendations: Once an interview invite is sent to an interviewer, he/she will be able
to access the Interviewer Manager under the Recruit tab.
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There, interviewers can see interviews that are scheduled, as well as completed interview results. Click
on Options (right side of screen) to access applicants profile, cover letter and resume/cv.
Note: If you are a requisition owner, you can also click to view the schedules of interviewers for which
you are the owner but not the interviewer.
Following the interview, click on the Options arrow and select Record Recommendations. The
interviewers will be able to either Advance (green check) or Pass (red circle) on the candidate, with the
ability to record a general comment. The hiring manager will receive an email letting him/her know that
an interview evaluation has been recorded.
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Once interviews are complete and the interviewer has written down the candidate’s answers to the
interview questions, interviewers need to scan and attach their documentation in the Documents
section of the Applicant’s Profile.
If an interviewee is not being selected to move forward in the hiring process, the hiring manager should
dispose of the application by changing the candidate’s status to “Closed” and selecting the reason for
not moving the candidate forward. Note: alternatively, the top few candidates can be put in a status of
“Hold” for future consideration until such time another candidate is hired.
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At the conclusion of the interview process, select the candidate for hire. Hiring Manager (or designee)
Contact at least three professional references using the Telephone Reference Check form
(located in the Help Resource Tab) to obtain and document information regarding candidate’s
previous work history.
Contact the selected candidate and make a verbal offer of contingent employment and starting
Change the candidate’s current status to Offer/Background Check in Progress.
o Upload the three completed Telephone Reference Check forms and interview notes
(including questions asked and answers provided) by using the “Documents” tab on the
Applicant Profile page.
o Dispose of other candidates by selecting “Closed” and select the reason for non-hire.
The second/third best candidates may be placed in “Holding” status pending the
selected candidate’s acceptance of the offer and completion of background check.
o NOTE: All candidates must be in Closed, Holding or Offer status before Human
Resources will extend the written offer to the candidate.
Send an email to your Human Resources Partner with name of candidate, starting salary/rate
and start date (1st or 16th of month unless weekend or holiday). .
HR will generate the contingent offer letter and initiate the workflow for approvals. Upon
approval, Cornerstone sends an electronic offer letter and instructions to the candidate.
The candidate should accept electronically as well.
HR will notify the Hiring Manager when the hiring process has been completed and the new
employee is available to start work.
HR will dispose of any held applicants and will close the requisition
Closing the requisition removes the position from the Career Site unless the expiration date had
already passed, then the posting comes down automatically