CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT 3210Y Personal Consumption Journal Assignment Assignment

Personal Consumption Journal Assignment
We are all consumers and there is no better way to begin to understand why others purchase things
than to become aware of the influences on our own buying behaviour. During the first few weeks
of the course you are required to keep a journal of your own purchasing decisions and hand in a
short (4-5 page) summary of the decisions made and insights gained from them. The paper is due
February 25th. Late papers will be deducted 33% per day that they are late. The assignment is
worth 10% of the final grade.
1. To reinforce concepts learned in class through an analysis of real world behaviour
2. To understand and heighten your awareness of the influences behind your own purchasing
3. To provide insights on how to be a knowledgeable consumer and effective marketer by
assessing your own purchasing patterns.
You may use any format for recording your purchases you wish, but at a minimum should include:
 Description of product or services purchased.
 Date of purchase:
 Place of purchase:
 Brand Name: (for each item)
 Price: (for each item)
 Reason for purchase
 Thoughts and feelings associated with the purchase/or while shopping.
 Notes on anything that influenced your purchasing behaviour e.g. Salesperson, advertising,
packaging, friends, store ambience etc.
 Other Descriptive Information:
Types of questions you may want to ask yourself might include:
 Why did I buy a particular product instead of a competing one?
 Did any advertising or promotion influence me?
 Why did I buy from this particular vendor?
 What were the cultural, family, peer, lifestyle, situational, and personality influences that led
me to this purchase?
 Was the packaging an influence?
 What were my feelings before, during and after the purchase?
 Did the method of payment have an influence on my buying decision?
It is not necessary to record everything you buy but you should make a minimum of 3 entries per
week. In addition to purchases made at stores don't forget ongoing purchases such as cable,
telephone, power etc or online purchases. Also, don’t forget minor purchases such as a pack of
gum, chocolate bar, coffee etc.
The paper
The paper should analyse at least five of your purchases during this period, and the influences that
led you to their purchase in relation to consumer behaviour concepts presented in class and in the
text. You should note any patterns in your buying behaviour and also consider the implications as
to how knowledge of your buying behaviour could be useful to marketers. The paper should
include an introduction and concluding or summary statement. Format should be 4-5 pages
double-spaced. Cover pages are OK but please no binders or folders, or the journal entries
Print Ad Assignment
This assignment requires you to find a print ad that illustrates the effective use of
some theories or concepts discussed in class and submit a brief (2-3 page) discussion
of the underlying principles that make it an effective ad. A copy or photocopy of the
print ad must also be submitted. The assignment is worth 10% of the final grade and
is due March 18th.
Your discussion must include:
 A statement of the theory(ies) or ideas that is/are illustrated.
 A brief discussion of what the theory is and how it works
 A discussion of how the ad illustrates the use of the theory/theories
 A discussion of how it is intended to affect consumer behaviour.
Failure to discuss theory in a substantive way will result in a failing grade. For
example, providing an explanation that “this ad got my attention” is not substantive,
even though “attention” is a concept discussed in class. No knowledge of consumer
behaviour is required to merely identify an ad as attention-getting, and a grade
corresponding to this lack of knowledge would be assigned to such a submission.
Some things to consider
 The product being advertised
 The target audience
 The appropriateness of the medium
 The appropriateness of the location
 Any emotions, instincts or desires being appealed to
 Who (if anyone) is represented in the advertisement and what they are doing
 What things are in the ad and why and their positioning
 The colour scheme
 The text (if any) and its relation to the image
 Semiotics
As an alternative to submitting a hard copy of the ad and description, the ad may be
scanned in and the assignment sent to me electronically. I will create a web page for
each of the ads, which will then be made available to the rest of the class.