Nixon #1 Review 1. Describe how US involvement in Vietnam changed over time? 2. How did the war in Vietnam lead to social tension in America? 3. What factors led to the birth of the counterculture? 4. Describe the counterculture? 5. What was significant about 1968? Nixon’s Victory in 1968 Many whites blame liberal Democratic policies for social upheaval of 1960s. Nixon claims to represent the “Silent Majority” “Law & Order” Nixon and the Vietnam War When he’s running for president, Nixon claims to have a secret plan to end the Vietnam war. Says he will get “peace with honor.” Meanwhile, Nixon calls for major bombing of N.Vietnam To force them to negotiate a peace treaty before the U.S. withdraws completely. Nixon’s Plan Once elected, Nixon unveils his plan. Calls it “Vietnamization.” Vietnamization = gradually pulling U.S. troops out and while turning over more responsibility to the South Vietnamese. Nixon’s Bombing Campaign Besides increased bombing of North Viet., Nixon calls for bombing & sending troops into Cambodia to stop supplies going to Viet Cong. Reaction to the Invasion of Cambodia 1970--Nixon ordered the invasion of Cambodia. Led to massive protests across the country. A protest took place at Kent State University in Ohio. Kent State Students pelt ROTC building with rocks & firecrackers and then burn it to the ground. Ohio Gov. James Rhodes calls out the National Guard. On May 3, 600 students were holding a peaceful protest. They were ordered to disperse. The students refused and then began to throw stones at the guardsmen. Nat. Guard responded with tear gas and then some fired into the crowd. 9 students were wounded and 4 killed. Jackson State All-African American college in Mississippi. Outbreak of vandalism had prompted the national guard to be called to the town. May 14—after vandalism downtown, police, highway patrol, and nat. guard go to the campus. A bottle was thrown at an officer. Cops opened fire—12 students wounded & 2 killed. Peace Settlement Nixon’s Sec. of State— Henry Kissinger -finally agrees to a peace treaty with the North in 1973 in Paris. U.S. pledges that it will return to protect the South if necessary. War Powers Act 1973 Congress does not want to ever make the mistake again of allowing a president to send troops somewhere for as long as he likes. Passed the War Powers Act which limits to 60-days the time a president can send troops somewhere without consulting congress. Fall of Saigon In 1975, the North captures the southern capital of Saigon. Communists control the whole country. Final Points on Vietnam. 1st war U.S. lost Greatly divided American society. Helped lead to people having less faith in the leaders. New Federalism Series of programs designed to shift power away from federal government in Washington to the state govts. Revenue Sharing —some federal tax $ goes to states. Reduces federal $ for urban renewal, job training, & education. Abolishes Office of Economic Opportunity (1973) Not a total conservative Creates Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) & Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Accepts Keynesian Economics. 1969--Family Assistance Plan (FAP)— would provide poor families a guaranteed income (passes House but not Senate). Dealing with Radicals and Opposition Uses FBI and Internal Revenue Service FBI uses undercover agents to infiltrate organizations like SDS and the Black Panthers. The Warren Court Viewed by most as liberal (Rulings upset conservatives). Engel v. Vitale (1962)—Outlaws prayer in public Gideon v. Wainright (1963)—everyone entitled Miranda v. Arizona (1966)—criminal suspects schools. to a lawyer. must be informed of their rights. The Issue of Busing 1971 (Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg)— Supreme Court rules that it is ok to use forced busing to achieve racial integration. Causes violent reactions (especially in Boston). Increases “White Flight” The Issue of Affirmative Action Affirmative Action = programs to make-up for past inequalities due to racism and gender biases. Set quotas for hiring minorities (and sometimes women). Also used to try to get more minorities into college. Bakke v. U. of Ca. Regents. Supreme court rules whites can’t be excluded from positions. But race can be one of the factors when choosing students. Election of 1972—The Southern Strategy Nixon wants to appeal directly to white southerners who had voted for George Wallace in 1968. Needs to appeal to their discontent with racial integration, the liberal Supreme Court (Warren Court), Eastern liberals & federal government (vs. states). Opposes Civil Rights Delays desegregation efforts in some Southern states. Urges Congress to prohibit forced busing. Opposes extension of Voting Rights Act (Still passed by Congress). Tries to appoint 2 Southerners who were against Civil Rights to the Supreme Court (does appoint the conservative Warren Burger to replace Earl Warren). Stagflation By the end of 1960s, US economy starts to decline. Deficit spending (social programs and Vietnam War). Foreign Competition in manufacturing (Japan) Dependency of foreign oil. High inflation & unemployment = “Stagflation.” For most of 1970s. Nixon’s Foreign Policy Foreign Affairs were Nixon’s top priority. Top foreign policy advisor was Henry Kissinger. Detente Abandoned cold war policy of confrontation and initiated the policy of détente towards China and Russia. Détente = Relaxing of diplomatic tension. Nixon/Kissinger Philosophy Nixon & Kissinger based their foreign policy decisions on the belief in realpolitik. Realpolitik= A nation should pursue policies and alliances based solely on its interests rather than a particular view of the world. Thus OK to cooperate with communist countries if it is going to benefit the US. Relations with China Since Communists won Chinese civil war in 1949, US had only officially recognized Taiwan. US had trade embargo and would not let join the UN. But by 1970s, there were reasons for opening relations. Reasons for Relations with China A. Help to end war in Vietnam. B. Would help to force Russia to cooperate. Ping Pong Diplomacy 1971 Chinese host US ping Pong team. 1-week later, US ends trade embargo. Nixon then sends Kissinger on secret mission to arrange a visit. US allows China to join United Nations. 1972 Nixon goes to China. More Stuff About Clinton “Slick Willie” “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Nixon & Russia 3-months after his visit to China, Nixon visits Russia. Agrees on trade and technology exchange and to sell Russia grain. Signs landmark arms agreement— Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT). Yom Kippur War 1973—Arab countries try to attack Israel. U.S. gives Israel help. Arab countries (OPEC) stop selling oil to the U.S. and gas prices get really high. U.S. forces Israel to negotiate a peace with Arabs.