World History

World History
What was the name of the last German
offensive in WWII?
A = battle of the Bulge
What was the cross-channel invasion by the US
and England that attacked the Germans in
France at the beaches of Normandy called?
A = D-Day
The Japanese take over most of East Asia.
The Japanese claim that they are liberating
these countries from European colonialism.
Really they are just replacing Europeans as the
Call their new empire the Greater East-Asian
Co-Prosperity Sphere.
This included the Philippines where 12,000 U.S.
soldiers under the command of Douglass
MacArthur were forced to surrender.
MacArthur left for Australia to avoid capture
but vowed, “I shall Return.”
US Prisoners captured in the
Philippines (along with captured
Filipinos) are forced to march 65-miles
to a prison camp.
Known as the Bataan Death march.
Japanese are unusually cruel during
They beat, kick, bayonet, and shoot
600 US soldiers and over 6,000 Filipinos
Their culture—believed one should fight to the
death. It was dishonorable to surrender.
Therefore did not respect those that did
Rape of Nanking —kill 300,000 and rape 20,000
and pillage.
Bomb Chinese civilians in cities.
Conduct medical experiments on prisoners.
Force women in the countries they conquer to
be “comfort women” (i.e.-forced sex slaves).
Island Hopping —taking
strategic islands but bypassing
(skipping) others.
As the US gets closer, they use
captured islands as airbases to
bomb Japan.
Douglas MacArthur is
commander of US forces in the
Gen. MacArthur led his
forces toward the
Large Naval battle at
Leyte Gulf (largest in
history)—Japanese navy
is crippled.
Japanese resort to
Kamikaze attacks.
Kamikaze = suicide
pilots. They crash their
planes into U.S. ships.
What was the name for US pacific strategy?
A = Island Hopping
What was name of forced march of US and Filipino prisoners in
which many were killed by the Japanese?
A = Bataan Death March
What were Japanese suicide pilots called?
A = Kamikazes
What did the Japanese call their Pacific empire?
A = Great East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere
What were the women that the Japanese forced to be sex slaves
A = Comfort Women
Battles in the pacific result in far more deaths
than those in Europe.
A =Japanese think that it is dishonorable to
Therefore their soldiers either die fighting or
kill themselves.
1945- America bombers
drop Napalm bombs over
120,000 Japanese dead
250,000 buildings destroyed
Japan refuses to surrender
Even though they have no navy and air force left
and are surrounded by the U.S., most Japanese
do not want to surrender.
They want to make a deal with the U.S. to not get
punished too hard after the war.
They want to make sure they can keep their
USA won’t make a deal.
Manhattan Project: The
U.S. program to build
a nuclear bomb.
Chief scientist was J.
Robert Oppenheimer
Some advisors did not want to use the bomb.
They thought it was morally wrong.
They also felt that Japan’s defeat was
Some wanted to demonstrate the bomb.
Others –like US President Harry Truman--felt it was a
military weapon that should be used to end the war.
They felt that it could end the war without the US
having to invade Japan (it was estimated that it might
take up to 1-million lives).
Also, some felt that dropping the bomb would
demonstrate to the Russians America’s capabilities so
they would listen to the US after the war.
America warns Japan of
new weapon
U.S. promises, “Prompt and
utter Destruction”
Japan refused to surrender
Aug. 6, 1945: the B-29, Enola
Gay dropped the “Little
Boy” Bomb on Hiroshima,
80,000-120,000 killed
Thousands die later
76,000 buildings
Japan still refuses to
America plans to
drop the second
bomb on Kokura,
This target was
clouded over, so the
bomber turned
toward the next city
on the list
August 9th B-29
Bocks Car drops the
Fatman bomb over
74,000 dead
After the 2nd A-bomb,
the Japanese
Surrender signed on
USS Missouri.
August 15, 1945
What was the name for the project to develop the atomic bomb?
A = Manhattan Project
Who was the chief scientist of the Manhattan Project?
A = J. Robert Oppenheimer
What were the 2 cities that had atomic bombs dropped on them?
A = Hiroshima and Nagasaki
What was the name of the plane that dropped the first atomic
A = Enola Gay