Review for Essay questions 1.Truman’s decision to use the bomb

Review for Essay questions
1.Truman’s decision to use the bomb
- Historical circumstances – US had entered the
war as a result of the bombing of Pearl
Harbor. Decision to focus in Europe first then
deal with the Japanese. US was concerned
that the Japanese would never surrender.
- Manhattan Project – scientists from allied
powers worked together to create a bomb.
- Truman had a choice about using bomb –
threaten Japan, no warning, demand surrender,
or invite Japan to witness the bomb in action.
- Impact of the bomb – Killed many Japanese,
took out 2 cities. Created long lasting impact
– destruction, death.
2.Japanese Americans –
a. Historical circumstances – Many Americans
believed that Japanese Americans might be
spies – Roosevelt issues Executive Order 9066 –
forces Japanese Americans to relocate to
internment camps. Camps were located in
desert areas. National safety precaution. They
had to sell all of their belongings, no pets, only
bring what they could carry.
b.Camps – conditions were poor, barbed wire
fences, troops watching, live in barrack style
housing, sometimes horse stalls, curfew, lines
for food, no latrines after 9.
c. Short term and long term impact? Long term –
had to start over – no belongings, short term –
faced discrimination, no civil liberties.
d.Court case – Fred Korematsu – stood up for his
civil liberties – Supreme Court said too bad National security is more important than
individual liberties.