Mid-Project Progress Report

Mid-Project Progress Report
(due March 4, 2016)
Directions: This form is to be filled out and signed by the student’s MENTOR. Please fill it out
completely, and be sure a copy of the student’s LOG OF HOURS is attached.
Important: Be sure to provide an email address (preferred) and phone number, so you can be
contacted if needed.
1. Student Name:___________________________________________________________
2. Mentor Name:___________________________________________________________
3. As of this date, what has the mentee accomplished?
4. What remains to be done to complete the project? How many more hours might this
5. Do you have any questions or comments about the project?
If the project is complete, please note that on this form, fill out the final verification sheet
provided with a previous letter to you from your mentee, and return both forms to your
mentee. The final verification form is due on APRIL 29th, 2016.
Mentor’s Signature:_____________________________________________________________
Mentor’s Email:__________________________________________
Mentor’s Phone Number:________________________
Student’s Signature:_____________________________________________________________