Earth Science Course Syllabus Mr. Hoch - 2014 I. Introduction: This year we will study the many wonders that encompass our earth as well as our universe. We will seek to answer many questions such as: -How old is the earth? “It is easier to build strong -What causes earthquakes? children than to repair broken -How do volcanoes form? men” -What kind of galaxy do we live in? --Frederick Douglas -What fuels our sun? II. Textbook Required: Holt Earth Science. Supplemental materials will be used throughout the year. III. Basic Materials Needed: Pencil/Pen, Binder for organization, paper, textbook and your thinking caps. Please, come to class prepared. Most of your work is graded from your binder. Your binder is where you will also records classroom notes. Note taking should be included for all work. IV. Grading Scale: Students will expected to take class notes, report information on tests, think critically, act appropriately, arrive on time, participate in class topics, perform truthfully(no cheating or copying of work). Assignments are due at the beginning of the class. Late work is accepted with reduced scores if competed in ASSETs with a teacher’s signature. After a chapter or unit is completed and tested on no more late work will be accepted. No work will be accepted after a grading period or during Finals week. Grades are as follows: 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% >59% V. A B C D F Homework Classwork Labs Activities Quizzes Final Exam 25% 10% 15% 30% 20% Coarse Outline: Unit One, Fall Semester, Grading Period one: In our first unit, the class will learn to use the metric system and some basic science and physical principles. This covers California State Standards IE.1a-n, investigation and experimentation, 4a, b, Earth Systems, and 7a-c, Earths cycles. This is covered in HOLT chapters 1,2,4. Unit Two, Grading Period Two: Our next course of study will involve rocks and minerals, how they are formed and how they can change over time. Some Earth chemistry will also be covered. This will include dynamic earth processes, some of which occur in California. This covers California Earth State Standards 3a-e, Dynamic Earth Processes and 9a, Earth chemistry. This is covered in HOLT chapter 4-6 and 1013. Unit Three, Grading Period Three: Next, we will first examine the solar system and the great wonders and curiosities of our universe. This covers California Earth State Standards1a-f and 2a-d, Earth’s place in the Universe. This is covered in HOLT chapter 26-30. Unit Four, Spring Semester, Grading Period Four: The next unit covers climate and weather. This includes much study of the atmosphere surrounding our planet and changes it goes through. This covers California Earth State Standards 4a-c, 5a-e, 6a-c,8a-c, Energy in Earth Systems. This is covered in HOLT chapters 22-25. Unit Five, Grading Period Five: This unit covers Natural Resources. How they are formed. How we use them. And, how this use can become more sustainable. This covers California Earth State Standards 7a-c, 9a-c, Biogeochemical Cycles and California Geology. This is covered in HOLT chapter 7, 14-16. Unit Six, Grading Period Six: This unit normally occurs after the round of state testing. We study more of the local area in a California and Oceanography section. This is found in the HOLT 19-21. We also use supplemental materials for our own state.