Honors Special Topics - Epidemiology 4905.390.03 Dr. Christopher J. Lacke

Honors Special Topics - Epidemiology
Dr. Christopher J. Lacke
Spring(?), 2005
MW 9:25 - 10:40 Savitz 217
How to reach me: Office - Robinson 333 Phone - (856) 256-4500 x 3897
E-mail - lacke@rowan.edu
Web Page - http://www.rowan.edu/mars/depts/math/lacke/lacke1.html
Office Hours: M - W 2:00 - 3:00, R 8:30-9:00, or by appointment.
Required Text: Epidemiology Kept Simple: An Introduction to Traditional and Modern Epidemiology. 2nd
edition by Gerstman. Wiley-Liss, Hoboken, NJ, 2003.
Grading: Homework/Short Papers
Epidemic Portfolio and Presentation
Exams (3)
Grading scale:
I use the standard cutoffs of 90, 80, 70, and 60.
Homework problems will be assigned as we go through the course. Due dates (typically 1 – 1.5 weeks) will be given
when the assignment is made. You will be able to drop your lowest homework grade. Homework may be done in
groups. If you do the work together, please submit one paper for your group.
The short papers (1-2 pages) will involve various topics related to epidemiology. They will extend/enhance the material
in the text, giving you the opportunity to examine the field outside of a textbook environment.
The portfolio will allow you to become well-versed in an epidemic of your choosing and to utilize some of the methods
we will cover in this class. The assignment will be handed out during the third week of class. Presentations will take
place on the last two days of class.
On the Midterms and Final Exam the lowest of your three exams will count 15%, the others will count 20% apiece.
A strong effort and attendance record can provide the "benefit of the doubt" for those with borderline grades.
Attendance/Make-up - State requirements mandate that attendance is be taken in this class. If you are unable to take
an exam for any reason (including mild illness), you must notify me in advance! This can be done by speaking with
me in person, over the phone, or leaving me a phone-mail message. If your excuse is reasonable something will be
worked out. If you do not speak with me until after the quiz/exam, a make-up will be given only in the case of an extreme
Academic Honesty: The work on the exams must be your own. The minimum penalty for the first offense is a 0 on
what you cheated on. A second offense will result in an F in the course and a report to the Provost’s Office. I will also
reserve the right to begin expulsion procedures. By the way, each exam has multiple versions, so copying from a
neighbor will be an obvious infraction.
Office Hours/Questions/Extra Help – I will be glad to help you if you need it. Office hours are on a first-come/firstserve basis. When a number of students show up, I may move to the table in the middle of the math office (you’ll see
me), or possibly into the math conference room (where you wouldn’t see me). Make sure that you check with in the
conference room or with the secretary if I am not available during office hours. If you can’t come during office hours,
please set up an appointment with me or send me your question via e-mail. Most importantly, do not wait until you
have been in trouble for three or four weeks to come see me. By that time, most people are so far behind that they
can’t catch up.
Students With Disabilities and Special Needs: Please speak with me as early in the semester as possible so that we can
make appropriate accomodations for you. If necessary, you can also contact the Office of Special Services in Memorial
Hall (x4233).