Rockhurst University Helzberg School of Management AC/FN6430 Contemporary Issues in Financial Management Spring 2008 Instructor: Time: Office: Office hours: Telephone: E-mail: Fax: Anthony L. Tocco, Ph.D. Tuesday 6:00-8:40 pm Conway 325 By appointment 816-501-4083 816-501-4650 Text: Current reading from Business Periodicals, specifically the Wall Street Journal and the CFO. There really isn’t a text book for the course. Each student is expected to read the WSJ on a daily basis. We will begin each class with a discussion of the prior weeks events. Besides the WSJ, I will be giving out articles that students will be required to read and will be responsible for on exams. Also each student will be required to get the CFO magazine and daily updates. Apply online at Course Description: This course will examine the modern practices and methods used in accounting and finance. Topics would include cash and working capital management, key financial metrics, making a business case, capital acquisition, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, risk assessment and management, and new valuation models and financial products. Learning Objectives: As students work toward the following learning outcomes, they will do so from a managerial perspective. Students will: Demonstrate an understanding of financial concepts and terminology and be able to make better use of financial information Compare the interaction of finance and strategy Analyze relevant accounting/finance principles in business articles Apply business and financial risk evaluation and the implications for value creation Illustrate an understanding of the competitive forces dictating the dynamics of Merger & Acquisitions Students will discover how important ethical behavior by executives is in relation to the financial markets. Students will communicate effectively in both orally and written work. This course should allow the student to practice Critical as well as creative thinking & problem solving skills Listening & sharing skills Writing & presentation skills Appreciation of the finance and accounting Literature Course Requirements: Reading and Researching Topics Discussions in class Writing of papers to form a portfolio of work Presentation of year end projects Evaluation: Student’s grade will be based off three activities: 1. Portfolio: Starting with the January 23rd class and going through the remainder of the semester each student will be required to create a portfolio. The portfolio will be a set of reflection papers regarding the previous weeks topics. The reflection papers should contain references to articles that assisted the students understanding of the topics. Each week’s paper should not exceed 3 pages. First set of three papers is due March 6th. The next set of three papers is due April 17th. 2. Test: There will be a final exam given in May. The test will cover the material discussed in class and any articles related to the material. 3. Attendance: You are expected to attend every class. If you miss two classes you will lose 10 points off your score. If you miss three classes you will be asked to drop the course. Total Point: Reflection Papers Test Total Points 200 points 100 points 300 points Policies: This class will adhere to all school policies listed in the catalog. ADA Statement: Rockhurst University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Please contact Sandy Waddell in Access Services (Massman Hall, Room 7, 501.4689, to provide documentation and request accommodations. If accommodations have already been approved by the Access Office, please communicate with the instructor(s) of this course regarding these arrangements by the second week of class in order to coordinate receipt of services. Student Contact Information: RU official policy: “Student contact information must be kept current in order to receive important notices from Rockhurst University. Your contact information is online via your BannerWeb account. Please check your local address, local phone number, and emergency contact information on BannerWeb and revise as needed. All important University notices will be sent only to your RU email address. Please check your RU email account in addition to any other email accounts you may have. Accounts are activated at the Computer Services Help Desk (Conway 413).” Academic Honesty Policy: Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. The Rockhurst University Catalog provides examples of academic dishonesty and outlines the procedures, penalties, and due process accorded students involved in academic dishonesty. All infractions will be immediately referred to the Dean's office. In your research paper, make sure you provide citations for all ideas and information that are not your own. Topical Outline Reading Assignments and Activities Schedule Spring 2008 AC/FN6430 Class Dates January 29 Assignments & Speakers February 5 February 12 February 19 Don LoIacono, Mergers and Acquisitions February 26 March 4 First set of papers due March 11 NO CLASS March 18 Dr. Sudhakar Raju, Professor of Finance, Rockhurst University March 25 Jeff Buhr and John Meyer on International Acct. Standards SPRING BREAK WEEK April 1 April 8 7:00 to 8:30 PM at Convocation Center – Cynthia Cooper, former Vice President of WorldCom and author of the soon to be released book – Extraordinary Times – The Journey of a Corporate Whistleblower. April 15 Carol DeRaimo, Applebee’s International April 22 April 29 Second set of papers due May 6 May 13 FINAL EXAM