Chapter 8 Portfolio Selection

Chapter 8
Portfolio Selection
Learning Objectives
State three steps involved in building a portfolio.
Apply the Markowitz efficient portfolio selection model.
Describe the effect of risk-free borrowing and lending on the
efficient frontier.
Discuss the separation theorem and its importance to
modern investment theory.
Separate total risk into systematic and non-systematic risk.
Portfolio Selection
Diversification is key to optimal risk management
Analysis required because of the infinite number of
portfolios of risky assets
How should investors select the best risky portfolio?
How could riskless assets be used?
Building a Portfolio
Step 1: Use the Markowitz portfolio selection model to
identify optimal combinations
Step 2: Consider borrowing and lending possibilities
Step 3: Choose the final portfolio based on your
preferences for return relative to risk
Portfolio Theory
Optimal diversification takes into account all available
Assumptions in portfolio theory
A single investment period (one year)
 Liquid position (no transaction costs)
 Preferences based only on a portfolio’s expected return and
An Efficient Portfolio
Smallest portfolio risk for a given level of expected return
Largest expected return for a given level of portfolio risk
From the set of all possible portfolios
Only locate and analyze the subset known as the efficient set
Lowest risk for given level of return
An Efficient Portfolio
All other portfolios in attainable set are dominated by
efficient set
Global minimum variance portfolio
Smallest risk of the efficient set of portfolios
Efficient set
Segment of the minimum variance frontier above the global
minimum variance portfolio
Efficient Portfolios
E(R) A
Risk = 
• Efficient frontier or Efficient set
(curved line from A to B)
• Global minimum variance portfolio
(represented by point A)
Selecting an Optimal Portfolio of
Risky Assets
Assume investors are risk averse
Indifference curves help select from efficient set
Description of preferences for risk and return
 Portfolio combinations which are equally desirable
 Greater slope implies greater risk aversion
Selecting an Optimal Portfolio of
Risky Assets
Markowitz portfolio selection model
Generates a frontier of efficient portfolios which are equally
 Does not address the issue of riskless borrowing or lending
 Different investors will estimate the efficient frontier
Element of uncertainty in application
Selecting Optimal Asset Classes
Another way to use the Markowitz model is with asset
Allocation of portfolio assets to broad asset categories
Asset class rather than individual security decisions most important
for investors
Different asset classes offers various returns and levels of risk
Correlation coefficients may be quite low
Optimal Risky Portfolios
Investor Utility Function
E (R)
Efficient Frontier
Borrowing and Lending Possibilities
Risk-free assets
Certain-to-be-earned expected return, zero variance
 No correlation with risky assets
 Usually proxied by a Treasury Bill
Amount to be received at maturity is free of default risk, known with
Adding a risk-free asset extends and changes the efficient
Risk-Free Lending
Riskless assets can be
combined with any portfolio in
the efficient set AB
Z implies lending
Set of portfolios on line RF to T
dominates all portfolios below
Impact of Risk-Free Lending
If wRF placed in a risk-free asset:
Expected portfolio return
E(R p )  w RFRF  (1 - w RF )E(R X )
▪ Risk of the portfolio
 p  (1 - w RF ) X
• Expected return and risk of the portfolio with lending is a weighted average
Borrowing Possibilities
Investor no longer restricted to own wealth
Interest paid on borrowed money
Higher returns sought to cover expense
 Assume borrowing at RF
Risk will increase as the amount of borrowing increases
Financial leverage
The New Efficient Set
Risk-free investing and borrowing creates a new set of
expected return-risk possibilities
Addition of risk-free asset results in
A change in the efficient set from an arc to a straight line
tangent to the feasible set without the riskless asset
 Chosen portfolio depends on investor’s risk-return
Portfolio Choice
The more conservative the investor, the more that is
placed in risk-free lending and the less in borrowing
The more aggressive the investor, the less that is placed in
risk-free lending and the more in borrowing
Most aggressive investors would use leverage to invest more in
portfolio T
The Separation Theorem
Investors use their preferences (reflected in an indifference
curve) to determine their optimal portfolio
Separation Theorem
The investment decision regarding which risky portfolio to hold is
separate from the financing decision
 Allocation between risk-free asset and risky portfolio separate from
choice of risky portfolio, T
Separation Theorem
All investors
Invest in the same portfolio
 Attain any point on the straight line RF-T-L by either
borrowing or lending at the rate RF, depending on their
Risky portfolios are not tailored to each individual’s taste
Implications of Portfolio Selection
Investors should focus on risk that cannot be managed by
Total risk =
Systematic (non-diversifiable) risk
Non-systematic (diversifiable) risk
Systematic risk
Systematic risk
Variability in a security’s total returns directly associated with
economy-wide events
Common to virtually all securities
Non-Systematic Risk
Non-Systematic Risk
Variability of a security’s total return not related to general
market variability
 Diversification decreases this risk
The relevant risk of an individual stock is its
contribution to the riskiness of a well-diversified
Portfolios rather than individual assets most important
Portfolio Risk and Diversification
p %
Total risk
Systematic Risk
Number of securities in portfolio