COURSE OUTLINE German 1000a MWF MF : 09:00 – 09:50 : 10:00 – 10:50 W 767 W 518 (lab) Fall 2008 Instructor: Office : Phone : Email : Office hours: Stefan Lambert C552 (403) 329-2561 Monday 15:00 – 16:00 Wednesday: 14:00 – 15:00 Required Materials: Textbuch: Lovik, Guy and Chavez. Vorsprung. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co., 2007. 2nd Ed. Arbeitsbuch: for above Course Organization: Chapters covered By first mid-term By second mid-term By final exam : Chapters 1-5 : : : Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3-4 Chapters 4-5 Distribution of Marks: Mid-term Exam I (Oct 1) Mid-term Exam II (Nov 5) Final Exam (Dec 11) Paper / Presentation (Oct 15–19) Lab Assignments Participation / Attendance Vocab Quizzes; Homework 15% 15% 30% 5% 15% 10% 10% A+ A AB+ B B- 91-100 85-90 80-84 77-79 73-76 70-72 C+ C CD+ D 67-69 63-66 60-62 57-59 50-56 Comments: Willkommen zu Deutsch 1000! Welcome to German 1000! This course assumes no prior knowledge of German, though you may know a few words or phrases. Make sure that you read ahead, keep up and do not let the factual learning pile up until the night before the tests. Memorize vocabulary as you go. By the end of the course we shall have completed almost half of the book. The rest will be covered in German 1100 (offered in Spring 2009), so at that point there will be no further textbooks to buy. As you can imagine, the course will not follow a simple lecture format. Each new language concept will be explained in class, but that will be followed by in-class activities and lab exercises. You will start to use your first German words speaking with your classroom neighbors and the instructor. Pre-recorded audio material as well as listening to your teacher will train listening comprehension. Accuracy in writing is furthered using computer-based exercises. 10-15% of the material on each test will be taken from the workbook and computer lab exercises, so it will pay you to keep up to date in both. Besides the information in the text book there will be more on German history, culture and heritage during classes. Your presence will pay off, since 10-15% of each exam will cover culture studies. There will be a weekly computerlab hand-in and approximately one vocabulary test per chapter. Viel Erfolg und viel Spaß beim Deutschlernen! Was auch immer du lernst, du lernst es für dich. Gaius Petronius, Schelmengeschichten Wer sich fürchtet zu fragen, schämt sich zu lernen. Sprichwort aus Dänemark