The Geography of Biological Diversity


The Geography of

Biological Diversity

Species-Area Curves


 cA


S = species richness

A = size of the sampling plot

(eg. m 2 ) c and z are fitting parameters

c is higher in biodiverse areas

z is higher where species richness rises quickly with area log S

(log c )

 z (log A )

Why does species number increase with area?

•Small sampling plots miss some species that happen not to be there

•Such plots may only represent a small subset of all microhabitats

Does it make sense to plot species richness within political units?

Shrub Biodiversity in the United States

Species area curves tell us nothing about species evenness

Are species found with similar frequency, or are some dominant while most are rare?

The Shannon Index

A mathematical index of diversity that accounts for both species richness and evenness


'   i

S 

1 p i ln p i

The Shannon Index is generally expressed as e

H '

Calculating the Shannon Index

Species evenness

A mathematical index of diversity that accounts for both species richness and evenness


H ln S



H max

 ln S

SUM e H’

Proportional Distribution of Known Species

Known Knowns

There are about 1.7 million known species

Known unknowns

• Other species exist

Unknown unknowns

• The total number is highly uncertain (4 to 20 million species may exist)

• ‘Unknown’ knowns

Indigenous knowledge of other species in remote areas

• In addition to species diversity, we are also learning more about

genetic diversity within species

Plants & Algae

Other Invertebrates






Other Insects




Butterflies & Moths

World Conservation Monitoring Centre (1992)

•The number of species increases toward the equator, with exceptions for some groups of organisms

•Peninsulas have lower diversity than adjacent mainland areas, especially toward the tip of the peninsula

•Species diversity tends to decrease with elevation, except in arid regions




Notice the reverse gradient of species diversity in Florida and the Yucatan

Species Richness in the Himalayas

Why is biodiversity higher in the tropics?

I. Historical theories of biodiversity

• Assumes that patterns of biodiversity are not in true equilibrium with modern environmental conditions

• Repeated glacial events of the Pleistocene caused mass extinctions at higher latitudes

• Evolution is far too slow to rebuild species richness between events

• Stability-time Hypothesis

Long periods of environmental stability enhance species richness (time for speciation to occur)

Problem: much of tropical rainforest may have been taken over by savanna during glaciation events

Evidence of Historical Theory of Biodiversity

Two lakes: Lake Baikal (Russia) and Great Slave Lake (Canada)

Both are deep, cold water bodies

Lake Baikal was never glaciated

Great Slave Lake appeared 10,000 years ago (postglacially)

Lake Baikal

580 species of deep water benthic invertebrates, many endemic

Great Slave Lake

4 species of deep water benthic invertebrates

II. Equilibrium theories of biodiversity

• Larger resource gradients in warm, moist areas (1)

• More specialized niches can be occupied in high resource areas (2)

• If interspecific competition is a factor, high resource availability may allow more specialist niches to be sustained (3a)

• Areas of high biodiversity occur where there is high resource availability: relaxation of competitive pressure enables more generalist species to co-occur (3b)











III. Habitat Diversity as a Control on Biodiversity

• Complex topography

Hydrological gradients

Variable solar radiation and microclimate

Mountains cause climatic variation

Greater surface area

• Vegetation structure

Each stratum differs in terms of vegetation structure, plant composition and microclimate

Problems : (i) It is largely the higher diversity in vegetation that causes the stratification. There are exceptions (eg. high mammal diversity in savanna)

IV. Environmental Stability as a Control on Biodiversity

• Stable climate enables species to become finely-adapted and to develop the most efficient forms of behaviour to take advantage of resources without trade-offs

• Species then become increasingly specialized and occupy more and more niches

• High latitude species may be forced into certain elements of generalization (eg. temperature tolerance)

V. Competition

Adaptation to interspecific competition instead of climate

VI. Predation

High numbers of predators and parasites keep prey populations low, thereby avoiding competitive exclusion



Autotrophs of high productivity environments produce more energy that can be used to support a larger number of species at higher trophic levels

Island Biogeography

Species richness tends to increase with potential habitat area





Each are ‘insular’

See lab notes for more details

Less unoccupied niche space

Higher chance of extinction

(lower resource availability, more competition)
