The peoples of the Caribbean Islands share a colonial history, the region born in slavery,
indentured laborers, European laws, languages, religions, and economies. Descendants, over the
course of several centuries, became Creoles and Caribbean nationals. Creole experiences are
audible in the region’s musical instruments and styles. Combined African and European musical
practices, aesthetics, and instruments combine to become syncretic. Rhythmic concepts such as
timelines, clave, call-and-response, syncopation, interlocking parts, 3+3+2 patterns, are Africanderived.
Creole - a person of mixed African and European ancestry, who speaks a Creolized
language, based on French, Spanish, or English, and an African language
Syncretism - the result of a fusion, or reconciliation, of differing cultures, mixing belief
systems, religion, and music, the success of which is the result of the heterogeneity
Rake-n-Scrape Music in the Bahamas
 What are Rake-n-scrape, Junkanoo and a Quadrille?
Calypso and Steelbands in Trinidad
 What is Calypso music? What are its characteristics?
 What is Tamboo bamboo?
 What is a Steelband?
 How are political issues reflected in the music?
Rumba in Cuba and Other Drum Styles
 What are Rumba, Bèlè and Bomba?
Punta of the Garinagu
Who are the Garinagu?
What is a Punta? Who performs it? What does it symbolize? What is its basic technique?
Indo-Trinidadian Chutney-Soca
What are Chutney, Soca and Chutney-soca?
Merengue in the Dominican Republic
What is the Merengue? Where does it come from? What are its characteristics?
Travel and Tourism
How are globalization, tourism and travel affecting music cultures?
Religion and Syncretism
What is syncretism?
Who or what are the Orisha?
What is Gospelypso?
Deeper Questions
With which globalized forms of Caribbean music are you most familiar, and how have
you had access to them?
Can we think of any other music and cultural syncretisms than those found in the
Where are they? What were their influencing cultures?
Do we regard any form of music as a symbol of our national identity as Caribbean
nationals do?
What forms of political protest music exist in cultures outside of the Caribbean,
especially in The United States, China, Africa, or Latin America?