STUDY GUIDE: MUSIC IN LATIN AMERICA Music in Latin America is extremely diverse. Centuries of colonial interactions produced a range of hybrid cultures. European (predominantly Spanish, but in Brazil Portuguese) musical traits are incorporated with Native technology and expression. Folk versions of the violin and guitar are widespread, and the musical sound is distinctly mestizo. (Mestizos are Latin American people of mixed European and Native ancestry or culture.) African musical traits also combined with the Native during and after the slave era, and unique African American music forms extend throughout Latin America, primarily on the coasts. Spanish musical influences in Central and South America are very noticeable, and the mestizo and African American musics stand out as music of the people; however, the indigenous Amerindian (American Indian) music is little understood by Westerners. Mestizo - A relative term referring to people and a social identity involving the blending of European and Amerindian beliefs and cultural practices. Although in the past used as a racial category, it now more accurately denotes the variable incorporation of Iberian (Spanish and Portuguese) and indigenous cultural heritages. An Andean Mestizo Festival in Paucartambo, Peru Define the following terms: Cuzco Chunchos Kena Wayno, or huayno Orquesta tipica Sociocultural Heritages Who are the Aztecs, the Mayas and the Incas? What was the affect of Catholicism and colonialism? What is Candomblé Mestizo Musical Values What is a marimba? Where did stringed instruments come from? What are parallel thirds? What is strophic form? What is a copla? What is the relationship of the guitar to Latin America? What is sesquialtera, also known as hemiola? What are some examples of where it can be found in Latin America? What are the marinera, and yaraví? What is a Jarocho ensemble? A Huasteco ensemble? Define the following terms: Son Huapanguera Mariachi Vihuela Guitarrón Conjunto norteños Charango Native American Musical Values Explain the significance of the following: Aymara and Quechua Siku Kena Pinkillu and tarka Pitu Wankara or bombos Caja Suyá Akia Cacophony African American musical values Identify the following terms and definitions: Marimba playing style Berimbau Marímbula Papai benta Orixas Agogó Atabaques Surdo Pandeiro Tamborím Reco-reco Cuíca Cavaquinho Deeper Questions How might we compare hybrid musical cultures in our country to Latin American? Why would different types of flutes be prone for use in Peru? How might we catalogue the guitar variants that developed throughout Latin America from colonial times? What examples of sesquialtera might we find in classical music or the popular music of our culture? In what ways might marimba playing be compared to Shona mbira playing? Panpipes were prevalent in ancient Greek and Roman societies as they have been in Peru. What might be the connection, if there is any? Or, are the two traditions unrelated? If so, why can’t they be related? Why and how did West African religion and music bind with Catholicism in Brazil in the form of candomblé?