MGT3850A FALL 2007 TERM PAPER QUESTIONS Answer any ONE of the following questions. 1. As creations of the law of Canada, and many other jurisdictions, corporations may be assumed to be intended as beneficial to the general public good in Canada. Authors such as Adam Smith, David Korten, Harry Glasbeek, and Jerry Mander contend that corporations, in particular large global corporations, fail to provide sufficient benefit to society to justify their existence in law. Such authors are critical of both the actions of corporations seen as contrary to the public good, and the underlying theoretical justification of corporations in a market economy. Discuss critically such criticisms of both the theory and the practice of corporations, with particular, but not necessarily exclusive, focus on Canada. 2. Both Canada and the U.S.A. protect constitutionally the freedom of speech and expression of all persons within the respective countries. Such protection includes “commercial speech” popularly described as advertising. With reference to case law and the commercial advertising practices of corporations in Canada, or beyond, discuss critically whether the nature and extent of constitutional protection of commercial speech are justified. What changes, if any, would you recommend in the protection of commercial free speech in Canada? Provide support for your position on this question. 3. In his book “The Post-Corporate World,” David Korten contends that, for human societies to effectively counter what he sees as the dangerous ill-effects of corporate economic activity, there must occur a “paradigm shift” in human perception of the nature and purpose of life, including human life. Examine and discuss critically Korten’s reasons for urging such a paradigm shift. Consider too the changes in social and economic activity that Korten anticipates would flow from his recommended paradigm shift. Consider the potential advantages and disadvantages of Korten’s recommended changes and the potential impact of such changes on the operation and existence of global corporations. 1 4. Corporate governance arrangements influence the efficient use of society’s resources and the ability of firms to create new wealth. In 1932, authors Berle and Means in “The Modern Corporation and Private Property” identified what they saw as (i) inefficiency and insufficient accountability flowing from the separation of ownership from control within the corporation. In “The corporation as government: Challenges and dilemmas,” [(1975) Polity, 8(1), 5-37], David Vogel notes that (ii) corporations have increasingly assumed public or quasi-public functions. Examine critically some of the evidence supporting or opposing observations (i) and (ii). Discuss also changes in corporate governance that you consider might improve the performance of corporations in the matters raised by points (i) and (ii). 5. Glasbeek echoes the views of some commentators that contemporary corporations, in particular large corporations, undermine the values and institutions of democracy in liberal democratic societies such as Canada. Examine critically the evidence and argument that corporations undermine important aspects of democratic society. Whether you consider that change or no change in corporate structures, culture, or actions is necessary to better serve democracy in Canada, discuss critically the evidence, argument, and form your own opinions. 6. The Criminal Code of Canada has been amended recently to avoid some obstacles that prevented prosecutors from obtaining convictions upon charges laid against corporations, including Westray Mining and related corporations. Examine and discuss critically the respective underlying theories of both the old law, and the new law brought in by Bill C-45 and Bill C-46. On the basis of the little evidence publicly available, assess the impact of the changes in the criminal law, on corporate crime. You may consider it useful to conduct a small survey of corporate directors and managers, and trade union officers and members for possible evidence of greater corporate attention to corporate crime. Consider too whether there is any actual or potential benefit to society flowing from the concept and the prosecution of corporate crime. 2 7. Examine critically the debate over whether there is net benefit to society flowing from incorporation of small single-owner businesses. 8. Defenders of “the corporation” contend that the negative aspects and consequences to society of corporate actions are more than compensated for by the great success of corporations in creation of wealth. Some critics of corporations (such as Halstead and Cobb) suggest that contemporary measurements of “wealth” are misleading and greatly exaggerate the wealth-creating properties of corporations. Examine and discuss critically the accuracy of existing measurements of “wealth” and whether it is necessary or feasible to implement more reliable measurements. 9. Consider critically any form of economic enterprise that you consider may serve society’s needs as well as or better than the corporate form. 10.Examine critically any issue of your own choosing on the topic of the law and corporations, directly or indirectly relating to Canada. PLEASE NOTE THAT IN YOUR OWN INTEREST YOUR ENTIRE GROUP MUST DISCUSS WITH ME YOUR INTENDED PROJECT TO ENSURE THAT IT IS FEASIBLE. TO FACILITATE OUR DISCUSSION, YOU SHOULD PROVIDE POTENTIAL, SOURCES OF DATA, SCHOLARLY ARTICLES ETC. DISCUSSION WITH ME IS ALSO ADVISED FOR THOSE WRITING INDIVIDUAL PAPERS PAPERS ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER 21, 2006. Groups of THREE 3,400-3,600 words. Groups of TWO 2,900-3,100 words. Individual papers 2,000-2,300 words. 3 You will be assessed on the quality and quantity of your research and evidence, references to academic and legal authorities, the logic, clarity and persuasiveness of your thesis, ideas and argument, and the quality of the organization of your group members’ various contributions. I shall also take into account the unanswered questions that you raise in the paper as a result of your work. For your consideration, I shall distribute by e-mail and on the class website a template for structuring your paper. I SHALL BE AVAILABLE TO DISCUSS WITH GROUPS YOUR IDEAS, DIFFICULTIES, CONCERNS OR QUESTIONS. IF DIFFICULTIES ARISE ABOUT THE APPROPRIATE LEVEL OF PARTICIPATION OF GROUP MEMBERS, IT IS NECESSARY THAT I BE INFORMED. IT IS DIFFICULT FOR ME TO PROVIDE A REMEDY IF I HEAR OF SUCH DIFFICULTIES AFTER THE FACT, OR NOT AT ALL. I CALL UPON YOU TO EVALUATE YOUR GROUP MEMBERS’ CONTRIBUTION TO THE PAPER AS WELL AS YOUR OWN CONTRIBUTION. PLEASE ASSIGN A GRADE TO EACH MEMBER AND YOURSELF AND EXPLAIN YOUR RATIONALE FOR THE GRADE. PERFORMANCE AS A GROUP MEMBER RESTS NOT ONLY ON THE QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF THE INFORMATION, IDEAS, AND QUESTIONS YOU PROVIDE, BUT ON ACCESSIBILITY TO OTHER GROUP MEMBERS, CONTRIBUTION TO EDITING THE PAPER, COMMUNICATING REGULARLY WITH GROUP MEMBERS, ETC. 4