Geography 2240 Project-Based Assignment – Worth 25% Spring 2007

Geography 2240 Project-Based Assignment – Worth 25%
Spring 2007
This innovative mixed media project includes both a conventional essay and alternative
media portion. The main goal of the research project is to apply the main concepts and
theories taught in lectures regarding selected world regions.
Course objectives met:
 To provide students with analytical skills that can be applied to understanding the
everyday cultural landscape in which they live.
 To convey an appreciation for globalizing forces and international diversity and to
have some exposure to exotic landscapes in contrast to the more familiar geography
of our local region.
Project Proposal- Worth 10% due March 15th
This portion is a project proposal to ensure that student research is aligned with the tasks
outlined below. The word range is between 1000-1500 words maximum. The proposal
should highlight the main focus of your research according to the topics outlined and
should also include the media through which you intend to present your project with (see
below). A scoring guideline for the written portion is attached. The paper must use Times
New Roman font, size 12 and 1.5 spacing or double spacing.
Country Study Project- Worth 15% due April 10th
This final project is your chance to put together what you have learned in the course
along with your own research. You have a choice of many different media in which you
will ‘present’ your project. Please note that actual in-class presentations will not occur,
you will hand in your project to the professor.
A list of references (APA, MLA, or any other format is acceptable as long as it real!) is
due when handing in your final country study project.
Work arriving after the deadline will be penalized by 10% each week day it is late.
Media choices:
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Website
 Movie
 Travel Booklet
 Audio Presentation
 Any other ideas? If you have
another media-based idea, please
see the instructor.
Country Study- to be assigned by the instructor
1. Iraq
3. South Korea
2. Nigeria
4. Indonesia
5. Brazil
Task: Utilizing concepts acquired in class, you will research the following topics
regarding your region. Though you need not research each topic in-depth, you must
show evidence of having explored all seven topics. This can be done both in your
proposal and in the final project. After your preliminary exploration of all seven
topics, select a minimum of three topics to investigate in-depth for your country
You will come up with a critical focus for each topic. The following example or lead
questions have been designed to prompt your thinking. Please use these
questions/statements as guidelines in coming up with your own conclusions, but do not
limit yourself! Please do not limit your literature and data search to the internet, do
consider internet sources critically (e.g. Wikipedia), and be sure to consult with reference
librarians and explore the library’s excellent resources.
1. Where in the world?
a. Where in the world is your country? What continent? What countries or
bodies of water border?
2. Population
a. What is the current population distribution structure and growth of your
country? What are the implications of site and situation?
b. What are possible challenges or opportunities?
c. Compare the population of your country to bordering countries. Conclude
3. Nature, technology, and environmental change
a. Describe some of the most significant environmental problems in your
country. Explain how nature, society and technology help us to
examine/analyze these issues.
4. Culture, identity, and globalism
a. What can you determine about the ‘culture’ of your country and how does
it shape the identity? Look at this from multiple perspectives thinking
about the identity from a Western viewpoint as well as the viewpoint of a
citizen of your country.
b. Globalism: Identify globalism in a way that it best fits your country. What
is the role of your country in globalism?
c. Languages: What languages are spoken in your country? What
conclusions can you make about the ‘user-friendliness’ (for visitors) of the
country based on languages spoken?
5. Place Marketing
a. Using the web, assess how your country markets itself, or sub national
regions, as a place to produce or a place to consume. Has place
marketing been successful?
6. Political Geography
a. How is your country structured politically?
b. How does the political structure of your research country differ from your
home country?
c. What challenges or opportunities have resulted from the political
structure of your country?
7. Future Geography
a. Predict the future state of your country taking into account all of above
research conducted.