An Applied Sabbatical Lecture VII Basics of Crop Insurance Nelson, Carl H. “The Influence of Distributional Assumptions on the Calculation of Crop Insurance Premia.” North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics 12(1)(Jan 1990): 71–8. In the past, farmers received assistance during disasters (i.e., draught or floods) through access to concessionary credit. Increasingly during the last 10 years of the 20th century agricultural policy in the United States shifted toward market-based crop insurance. This insurance was supposed to be actuarially sound so that producers would make decisions that were consistent with maximizing economic surplus. Following Nelson’s discussion, the loss of a crop insurance event could be parameterized as L AC AR Where C is the level of coverage (i.e., the number of bushels guaranteed under the insurance policy, typically 10, 20, or 40 percent of some expected level of yield). A is the probability that level of yield. R is the expected value of the yield given that an insured event has occurred. L is the insurance indemnity or actuarially fair value of the insurance. Given these definitions the insurance indemnity becomes C L C y dF y This loss is in yield space, it ignores the price of the output. Apart from the question of prices a critical part of the puzzle is the distribution function dF y f y dy Estimating Distribution Functions of Crop Yields A. Moss, Charles B. and J.S. Shonkwiler “Estimating Yield Distributions with a Stochastic Trend and Nonnormal Errors.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 75(4)(Nov 1993): 1056-62. From Nelson, differences in the functional form of the distribution function imply different insurance premium for producers. The goal of the selection of a distribution function is for the distribution function to match the actual distribution function of crop yields. Differences between the actual distribution function and empirical form used to estimate the premium leads to an economic loss: If a distribution systematically understates the probability of lower return, farmers could make an arbitrage gain by buying crop insurance. If a distribution systematically overstates the probability of a lower return, farmers would not buy the insurance (it is not a viable instrument). The divergence between the relative probabilities is functions of the flexibility of the distributions moments. Expected value: First moment 1 x f x dx Variance: Second central moment C 2 x f x dx 2 1 Skewness: Third central moment C 3 x f x dx 3 1 Kurtosis: Fourth central moment 4C x f x dx 1 Each distribution implies a certain level of flexibility between moments. For the normal distribution all odd central moments are equal to zero, which implies that the distribution function is symmetric. In addition, all even moments are a function of the second central moment (i.e., the variance). Moss and Shonkwiler propose a distribution function that has greater flexibility based on the normal (specifically in the third and fourth moments). This new distribution is accomplished by parametric transformation to normality. The distribution is called an inverse hyperbolic sine transformation 1 2 2 ln t t 1 et t zt The transformed random variable is then hypothesized to be distributed normally with a given mean and variance et ~ f et , 2 2 1 1 et 2 2 exp e , 1 t 2 2 2 0.45 0.4 0.35 Probability 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Detrended Corn Yield 20 25 30 35 40 Comparing Distribution Functions Out-Of-Sample Norwood, Bailey, Matthew C. Roberts, and Jayson L. Lusk. “Ranking Crop Yield Models Using Out-of-Sample Likelihood Functions.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86(4)(Nov 2004): 1032–43. The basic concept was to evaluate the goodness of yield distribution using a variant of Kullback and Leibler’s information criteria: f X I f ln f X g X 0 f g Like most informational indices, this index reaches a minimum of zero if the two distribution functions are identical everywhere. Otherwise, a positive number reflects the magnitude of the divergence. The NRL model then suggests that a variety of models can be tested against each other by comparing their out-of-sample measure. This measure is actually constructed by letting the probability of an out-of-sample forecast equal 1/N where N is the number of out-of-sample draws. Iˆ l N ln l N N i 1 ln g X g l N ln l N N l i 1 l N l ln N N N ˆI I~ l N ln g X g N ln g X N g i 1 ln g X N i 1 g Ignoring the constants, the measure of goodness becomes negative. The more negative the number, the less good is the distributional function fit. NRL then constructs a number of out-of-sample measures of I.