Classical Location Theory Based on: Alfred Weber, Über den Standort der Industrien 1909 Minimum cost location I vant to bite you on zee neck! Source: The Lethbridge Herald January 27, 2003: A1 Weberian Location Theory A deductive and normative theory to explain industrial location Normative theory: to explain where industrial activity should be located “The question of the best location is far more dignified than determination of the actual one” (August Losch, The Economics of Location 1954) Weberian Industrial Location Theory The best location of production is determined by minimizing transportation costs, assuming fixed locations for: – Markets – Raw materials – Labour Raw Materials and Weber’s Material Index Ubiquitous raw materials Localized raw materials • Pure • Gross weight of localized raw material Material index weight of finished product If MI > 1, raw material orientation If MI < 1, market orientation Weber’s Assumptions Perfect competition: each producer supplies a market of unlimited size with no possibility of monopolistic advantages arising from the chosen location Fixed locations for raw materials, labour and markets Isotropic surface One localized pure raw material Located at RM site RM procurement cost increases away from raw material site But FP distribution cost decreases away from raw material site and reaches a minimum at the market itself. With a pure raw material and a constant freight rate, total transportation costs are constant. Thus we should be indifferent about industrial location, costs are same everywhere. One localized pure raw material plus ubiquities – Ubiquities add to the weight of the FP – But they are as available at the market as everywhere else. Market oriented industrial location Soft drinks bottling plants: classic examples of market orientation Source: F.P. Stutz and A.R. de Souza The World Economy 3rd edition 1998 Prentice Hall One localized gross raw material – Location at RM site eliminates cost of transporting waste materials Processing of gross raw materials tends to be oriented to raw material locations Copper ore processing Source: F.P. Stutz and A.R. de Souza The World Economy 3rd edition 1998 Prentice Hall Orange grove, Florida Gulf Coast Orange processing, Dade City FL In the real world… Freight rates for finished products are higher than for raw materials. Terminal costs act as a fixed cost discouraging industrial location at intermediate locations. But intermodal transfers may require a break-in-bulk which may favour an intermediate location feasible. Freights are stepped by zones rather than a smooth function of distance So this kind of Weberian analysis is only the beginning of a much more complex situation. And it assumes only one raw material is required! What if there is more than one input to an industrial process? Weber’s Varignon frame A mechanical solution Imagine a board with holes located at their relative locations. Tie strings together and thread through the holes. From each string we suspend weights proportional to the quantity of localized raw materials required for the product. Mathematical solutions are also possible! Varignon Frame Source: F.P. Stutz and A.R. de Souza The World Economy 3rd edition 1998 Prentice Hall Another Varignon Frame Source: P. Dicken and P.E. Lloyd Location in Space 3rd edition 1990 Harper&Row The Variable Cost Model To expand on Weber’s model and avoid his preoccupation with transportation costs, we develop a new model focusing on total costs. Based on David Smith’s Industrial Location 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley 1981 Imaginary data Input Cheapest source Basic cost Locational Locational of cost per $- pull Quantity unit/mile ($/mile) required Distance between cost isolines Material A 30.00 0.0333 1.00 5.00 Labor B 30.00 0.0333 1.00 5.00 Power C 30.00 0.0333 1.00 5.00 Land None 5.00 Nil Nil -- Marketing None 5.00 Nil Nil -- Based on David Smith’s Industrial Location 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley 1981 Understanding the data Basic cost is for the required quantity to produce one unit of output at its cheapest source. It will cost an additional 3.33 cents per mile to move each of the raw material, power and labour inputs away from their minimum cost locations. Land marketing are treated as ubiquities or spatial constants. This may be shown graphically… Imaginary surface A locational triangle A, B, C represent cheapest source for inputs, material, labour and power, respectively-. Let’s add isocost lines to point B One supply funnel centred on B Basic cost at point B is $30. Beyond B, the locational cost includes transportation, increasing at a fixed rate away from B creating a supply funnel Three supply funnels Add isocost lines to points A and C Note that locational pull is the same for all three inputs These isocost lines are known as isotims, they rise away from points A,B,and C (note that the direction of slope is indicated by the orientation of isotim labels) Towards a total cost surface We may plot the total cost (basic cost + locational cost) for any point. If we do this for every point in space, we create a total cost surface. We could then show the shape of this three dimensional surface with a family of isocost lines which are known as…. Isodapanes I A line joining equal total cost locations drawn around the minimum total cost location Note that as a specific form of generic isolines, these isodapane labels are upside down! Isodapanes II To give a two dimensional impression of this three dimensional cost surface, we may draw a profile along line PQ We may then project a line downwards from each point of intersection between an isodapane and line PQ. We may now plot a “space cost curve” as a profile of the total cost surface Price is spatially fixed, hence revenues are represented as a straight line. Ma and Mb indicate the spatial margins to profitability Price is spatially fixed, hence revenues are represented as a straight line. Ma and Mb indicate the spatial margins to profitability Point O indicates the minimum cost location! Adding Complexity to the Model Allow basic costs to vary Allow locational costs to vary A new family of isodapanes is created which yields, a new space-cost curve! Classical Location Theory Data needs are huge Cost, revenue and profit surface for each industry is complex and different Some industries have a flat “profit topography,” others are more rugged, and still more face mountain and canyon-like features. But classical theory pays little heed to strategic behaviour by multilocational firms.