0. What is Determinism?

0. What is Determinism?
Consider the state of the universe, fully described,
at some time t. Determinism holds that this state,
together with the laws of nature, fixes the correct
description of the universe at any later time, t'.
1. An inconsistent Triad:
a. Everything I do is causally determined by some
natural process.
b. No-one is responsible for the consequences of
natural causal processes.
c. I am responsible for my actions.
2. Some positions:
a. Hard Determinism: 1 (a), 1 (b), but not 1 (c).
b. Soft Determinism: 1 (a), 1 (c), but not 1 (b).
c. Libertarianism: 1 (b) and 1 (c), but not 1 (a).
d. Compatibilism: Not 1 (b).
3. The Libertarian’s Dilemma:
a. If my actions are causally determined, then I am
not responsible for them.
b. If my actions are undetermined, then they
happen by mere chance, and again I am not
responsible for them.