Report Preparation

Report Preparation
Write to the audience
Who is the audience
What are its
objectives and
When there are two
or more audiences use
the appendix
General Format
1. Cover letter (loose)
2. Cover Page
3. Table of Contents
4. Executive Summary
5. Introduction
6. Methodology
7. Results
8. Limitations and Caveats
9. Conclusions and Recommendations
Cover Letter
Provide details of the enclosed materials i.e. the
Who was responsible for the report
Who is receiving copies of the report
Identify any need for further action
Also communicate that you will be happy to
answer any questions arising from the report.
Cover Page
 Title of the report
 Information about the researchers or organization
conducting the report
 Name of the person prepared for
 Date
Table of Contents
 Topics covered (headings and subheadings)
 List of tables
 List of graphs
 List of appendices/Exhibits
Try to keep it under one Page
Executive Summary
Define the Problem concisely
Describe approach briefly
 Major findings
 Conclusions
 Recommendations
No more than one page single spaced
Management decision Problem definition
Background to the problem
Marketing Research problem definition
Discussion of any secondary research
 Specific details of approach taken to the problem
 Results of any exploratory research that helped refine the
Information needed
Research questions and hypotheses
Questionnaire development and pre-testing (if any)
Sampling techniques, data collection, sample size
Data analysis: methods used and justification for using
•Dependent and independent variables
Keep it simple (remember your audience)
Technical details in an appendix
Aggregate results
Market segment, geographic area etc.
Results geared to research problem and
information needs
Details in tables and graphs with main findings
discussed in text
Limitations and Caveats
Budget and time constraints
Any other organization constraints
Sources of error (e.g. sampling non-sampling)
Any limitations (eg applicable to what population)
Conclusions and Recommendations
Summary of statistical results
Interpretation of the results in light of the research
problem and hypotheses
What have we learned
Recommendations relating to management decision
 Bibliography of any references used
 Sample Survey Questionnaire
 Moderator’s guide for any focus group
 Code book
 Statistical output