Chapter 9 Emerging Trends and Technologies Business, People, and

Chapter 9
Emerging Trends and
Business, People, and
Technology tomorrow
Management Information Systems
for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Presentation Overview
The Need For Information Filtering
The Movement Toward Intellectual Computing
The Changing of Physiological Interaction
Increasing Portability and Mobility
The Digital Frontier
The Rebirth of E-Commerce
The Most Important Considerations
Management Information Systems
for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Opening Case Study
Would You Use an Internet-Enabled Toilet?
Matsushita recently announced its plan to
make Internet-enabled toilets widely
available to the public.
How would an internet-enabled toilet
impact your life and your privacy?
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Management Information Systems
for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Need For Information
Push, Not Pull Technologies
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The Need For Information
Information Supplier Convergence
Information suppliers include businesses
that provide you with magazines, Internet
access, books, etc.
If you receive your newspaper from the
same company that supplies your Internet
access you are experiencing supplier
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The Movement Toward
Intellectual Computing
Automatic Speech Understanding
Automatic speech recognition has come a
long way in the past several years, but it
still has a long way to go.
If we someday create intelligent software,
then speech recognition will become
speech understanding.
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Movement Toward
Intellectual Computing
People Will Still Make The Decisions
Regardless of how
intelligent a computer
system may become, it
will never completely
replace people in all
aspects of decision
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On Your Own
Where Should the
Decision Rest?
(p. 444)
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The Changing Of
Physiological Interaction
Biometrics - the use of your physical
characteristics – such as your fingerprint,
the blood vessels in the retina of your eye,
the sound of your voice, or perhaps even
your breath – to provide identification.
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for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Changing Of
Physiological Interaction
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) –
a system that not only captures spoken
words but also distinguishes word
groupings to form sentences.
Virtual reality – a three-dimensional
computer simulation in which you actively
and physically participate.
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Changing Of
Physiological Interaction
Virtual Reality
Team Work
Finding Applications Of
Virtual Reality
(p. 446)
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Changing Of
Physiological Interaction
Cave Automatic Virtual Environment
CAVE (cave automatic virtual environment) a special 3-D virtual reality room that can
display images of other people and objects
located in other CAVEs all over the world.
Holographic devices – devices that create,
capture, and/or display images in true threedimensional form.
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for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Changing Of
Physiological Interaction
Cave Automatic Virtual Environment
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Increasing Portability and
Portability refers to how easy it is for you
to carry around your technology.
Mobility encompasses what you have the
ability to do with your technology while
carrying it around.
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for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Increasing Portability and
Free Internet Phone Calls
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Increasing Portability and
Micro-Payments and Financial
Micro-payments - techniques to facilitate
the exchange of small amounts of money
for an Internet transaction.
Financial cybermediaries - Internetbased companies that make it easy for
one person to pay another person over the
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for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Increasing Portability and
Wearable Computers
Wearable computer - a
fully-equipped computer
that you wear as a piece
of clothing or attached to
a piece of clothing similar
to way you would carry
your cell phone on your
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for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Increasing Portability and
Implant Chips
Implant chip - a technology-enabled
microchip implanted into the human
body. Implant chips server two functions:
Contains memory which stores important
information about you.
Many of these chips are GPS-enabled.
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for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Increasing Portability and
Implant Chips
Team Work
Global positioning
system (GPS) - a
collection of 24 earthorbiting satellites that
transmit radio signals
Selling the Idea of
to determine longitude,
Implant Chips at
Your School
latitude, speed, and
(p. 451)
direction of movement.
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for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Digital Frontier
Digital economy – marked by the electronic movement
of all types of information, not limited to numbers, words,
graphs, and photos but including physiological
information such as voice recognition and
synthesization, biometrics (your retina scan and breath
for example), and 3-D holograms.
Last-mile bottleneck problem - occurs when
information is traveling on the Internet over a very fast
line for a certain distance and then comes near your
home where it must travel over a slower line.
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for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Digital Frontier
Three-Dimensional Technology
Three-dimensional (3-D) technology presentations of information that give you
the illusion that the object you’re viewing is
actually in the room with you.
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for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Digital Frontier
Digital Cash
Digital cash (also
called electronic
cash or e-cash) an electronic
representation of
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Rebirth of E-Commerce
Broadening of E-Government
Four primary focuses in the e-government arena:
Government-to-Government (G2G) – performing
electronic commerce activities within a single
nation’s government.
Government-to-Business (G2B) – performed
between a government and its business partners.
Government-to-Consumer (G2C) – performed
between a government and its citizens or
International Government-to-Government (IG2G)
– performed between two or more governments.
Management Information Systems
for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Rebirth of E-Commerce
Broadening of E-Government
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The Rebirth of E-Commerce
Explosion of C2C E-Commerce
Of all the types of private-sector ecommerce activities – B2B, B2C, C2C,
and C2B – the least amount of revenue
dollars right now is in the C2C (consumerto-consumer) space.
We expect that to change rather
dramatically in the next several years.
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Most Important
The Necessity of Technology
Technology is a necessity today.
It’s hard to imagine a world without
Just as we need electricity to function on an
everyday basis, we need technology as well.
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Most Important
Closing the Great Digital Divide
The power of technology needs to be
realized on a worldwide scale.
We cannot afford to have any technologychallenged nation or culture (within
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Most Important
Technology for the Betterment of People
and Society
As you approach the development and
use of technological innovations (or
even standard technologies), think in
terms of the betterment of people and
society in general.
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Most Important
Exchanging Privacy for Convenience
You need to consider how much of your
personal privacy you’re giving up in
exchange for convenience.
Everyday you’re giving up just a little more
privacy in exchange for a little more
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Most Important
Ethics, Ethics, Ethics
Ethics guide your
behavior that affects
other people.
On Your Own
It’s quite possible to be
very ethical and very
and Privacy
(p. 458)
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Closing Case Studies
Airtexting: Wave Your Cell Phone Message
In The Air
 Are cell phones a technology of convenience
or necessity?
Stadiums Of The Future
Can you think of any other industries that are
implementing technology-based activities?
Management Information Systems
for the Information Age
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The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Assignments & Exercises
Researching wearable computers
Information supplier convergence in your
Finding a good automatic speech
recognition system
Understanding the relationships between
trends and technological innovations
Making a phone call on the internet
Management Information Systems
for the Information Age
Copyright 2004
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Assignments & Exercises
Learning about financial cybermediaries
Researching intelligent home appliances
Researching e-government services
Management Information Systems
for the Information Age
Copyright 2004
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Visit the Web to Learn More
MBA programs
Specialized MBA programs
Graduate school information and tips
Tele-Education (distance learning)
Speech recognition
Management Information Systems
for the Information Age
Copyright 2004
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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