Source: UNDP HDR 2004, p. 128 Source: UNDP HDR 2004, p. 134 High human development group LE at birth GDP US$ 1 Norway 78.9 36,600 2 Sweden 80.0 26,050 3 Australia 79.1 28,260 4 Canada 79.3 29,480 5 Netherlands 78.3 29,100 6 Belgium 78.7 27,570 7 Iceland 79.7 29,750 8 U.S. 77.0 35,750 9 Japan 81.5 26,940 10 Ireland 76.9 36,360 Life Ed GDP HD Index Index Index Index 0.90 0.92 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.90 0.91 0.87 0.94 0.86 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.96 0.97 0.94 0.96 0.99 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.95 0.98 0.93 0.98 0.956 0.946 0.946 0.943 0.942 0.942 0.941 0.939 0.938 0.936 Agenda ► Questions? Assignment 1? ► Review How do we measure Human Development? ►A composite measure… Life expectancy at birth Adult literacy rate Combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools GDP per capita converted to US$ PPP ► Convert to indices and combine to HDI Today Test 1, October 6 Interdependence in a Global Economy ► ► ► From the Atlantic to the Pacific Trade Core and Periphery in a World System Test 1, October 6 50 minutes, a progress report ► Three sections: ► Multiple Choice 20@2=40 ► Fill in blank 10@2=20 ► One paragraph answer 2/4 @ 20=40 Foreign language dictionary OK Calculator OK Pencil for MC, pen for FiB, OPA ► Global Orientation ► Historic Atlantic Alliance Colonial ties European emigration Trade ties Points of attachment ►US-Canadian contrast NATO, Treaty of Washington, 1949 Global Orientation ► Pacific Rim Recent shift Little consensus on definition An alliance? Trade as a Measure of Global Interdependence ► ► One measure Goods and services 70% of world trade Canada’s International Trade Balance, 2001 ($ 000,000) Commodity Classification Section I Live animals Section II Food, feed, bev. & tobacco Section III Crude materials, inedible Section IV Fabricated materials, inedible Section V End products, inedible Special transactions, trade, exports Other balance of payments adjustments United States United Kingdom Other EEC Japan Other OECD All other countries Exports 2,394 25,723 54,558 109,058 208,566 8,119 6,221 350,908 6,574 15,727 9,482 10,925 21,023 Imports Balance 398 1,996 18,674 7,050 20,939 33,619 69,444 39,614 227,895 (19,329) 6,843 1,275 6,430 (209) 255,028 95,880 11,863 (5,290) 23,225 (7,498) 10,585 (1,104) 18,626 (7,701) 31,295 (10,272) Source: Statistics Canada 2003, Cansim II Table 228 Pacific Rim US “is functioning in the traditional role of a Third World country” with Pacific rim (p. 61) ► Large US deficit with Japan ► NICs, 4 little tigers, and ► One big lion…